Goal 7

Geometry Goal 7 –To Classify Quadrilaterals
Learning Outcomes
4.1 Polygons –
Identify and classify polygons.
Find angle measures of
Chapter Reference 6.1
4.2 Parallelograms –
Use properties of parallelograms
Chapter Reference 6.2
4.3 Rhombuses, Rectangles and
Squares –
Use properties of special types of
Differentiated Instructional Activities
Text Book
Chapter Resource Book
Identify types of polygons in the room,
in nature, around time, etc.
Check students’ understanding of
names for different polygons.
Provide students with various triangles,
a large one on each 8.5 by 11 sheet, and
have them measure the sum of the
angles. Compare answers.
Use the fact that sum of measures of
angles of a triangle is 180 and a
polygon can be divided into triangles, to
determine the sum of angles of any
polygon. Look for pattern.
Pg. 304 – 305
ex: 1 – 7
Pg. 306 – 308
ex: 1 – 42
Ch. 6 Review pg. 78 ex: 27, 29
WT: pg. 35^
HQ: pg. 35^
Draw a basic parallelogram according
to directions on page 309. Have
students work in pairs and share their
measurements with each other.
Talk about the least amount of
information you would need to know to
say that a quadrilateral was definitely a
Pg. 310 – 311 ex: 1 – 4
Pg. 313 ex: 1 – 12
Pg. 314 – 315
ex: 22 – 55
SAT/ACT pg 72 ex: 3 – 4
Identify squares, rectangles, rhombuses
in room, outside, at home, etc.
Make clear the overlap that some
figures have. For example, a square is a
rectangle and a rhombus.
Pg. 325 – 328 ex: 1 – 6
Pg. 328 – 330
ex: 1 – 34
Chapter Test B pg. 71
ex: 16 – 19
SAT/ACT Chapter Test
Pg. 72 ex: 1
WT: pg. 37
HQ: pg. 36 ex: 1- 4
Chapter Test B pg. 70
ex: 12 - 15
SAT/ACT pg 72 ex: 6
Chapter reference 6.4
The examples noted are for reference only. Teacher has the decision to assign number of examples to meet the needs of the different abilities of students in the class.
These references can be found in the Warm-up Transparencies (WT) and Daily Homework Quiz (HQ) booklet.
End of Chapter Assessments as well as periodic quizzes are to be determined by the teacher.
Learning Outcomes
4.4 Trapezoids –
Use properties of trapezoids
Chapter Reference 6.5
4.5 CAPT Practice
Differentiated Instructional Activities
Text Book
Chapter Resource Book
Complete the drawing of the trapezoid
and its midsegment on page 331. Use
measurements to determine special
properties of midsegment ib relation to
the bases.
What makes an isosceles trapezoid
Pg. 333 ex: 1 – 6
Pg. 334 ex: 9 – 46
Ch. 6 Quiz pg. 66
Ch. 6 Review pg. 78 33 – 35
Alternative Assessment and
Math Journal pg. 73 ex: 2
HQ: pg. 39
Street Signs, 303
Plants, 307
Truck Lift, 310
Scissors Lift, 314
Additional CAPT practice can
be found in these materials at the
end of this unit in this
Implementation Guide.
The examples noted are for reference only. Teacher has the decision to assign number of examples to meet the needs of the different abilities of students in the class.
These references can be found in the Warm-up Transparencies (WT) and Daily Homework Quiz (HQ) booklet.
End of Chapter Assessments as well as periodic quizzes are to be determined by the teacher.
4.1 Polygons
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
4.2 Parallelograms
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
4.3 Rhombuses, Rectangles and Squares
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
4.4 Trapezoids
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
4.5 CAPT Practice
Page 14
Page 15