Managing Risk to Business - Y. Stephens Portfolio


Instructional Plan

Managing Risks to Business

Training Curricula Implementation Strategy

CUR 516

Curriculum Theory and Instructional Design

University of Phoenix

Graphic source:




Development of the

Managing Risks to Business training curricula starts with organizational goals as the foundation which are used throughout the design process to establish

objectives, standards, content and assessments.



summative assessment implemented discern competency



instructional topics used to administer objectives required to reach goals



guidance for content accuracy, expectations, best practices and procedures



represent the process for achieving the goal



Represent the purpose of curriculum development

Training Curriculum

Organizational goals

Learning objectives

Target audience

Training description




Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques


1. Manage business risk to

Global Financial Corporation, it’s investors, stakeholders and constituents.

2. Leverage FAS 52 regulations as a means to mitigate risks to foreign exchange transactions.

Target Audience:

Global Financial Corporation new hire employees who are certified public accountants with less than 5 years foreign exchange transaction experience and want to increase business risk management skills.

Risk Management Competency

5 Q & A Wrap Up Session

WORKSHOP (1 hr.)

Cognitive Learning

Designed to address the theory that individuals learn through observation but chose whether or not to participate in the learning


My Role in Managing

Risks to the Business

SEMINAR (3 hrs.)

Contextual Learning

Designed to provide learners with an opportunity to apply professional experiences and content covered in previous modules to manage scenario-based risks.


My Role in Identifying

Risks to the Business

WBT (45 min.)


My Role in Assessing

Risks to the Business

WBT (1.5min.)

Connectionism Learning

Designed to engage learners through the laws of readiness, exercise & effect while identifying and assessing business risks.


My Role in Managing


ILT (2 hrs.)

Fundamental Overview

Designed to welcome and level set all learners.

FAS 52 Regulations



Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques


This 9.0 hour training session aims to enrich risk management competencies, and teach fundamental techniques required to identify, assess and manage business risks in compliance with

FAS 52 regulations. Instruction is provided through a succession of one 2 hour instructor led course, two 45 minute web-based learning modules, one 3 hour seminar with a panel of compliance officers and an optional 1 hour Q&A workshop.

Risk Management Competency

5 Q & A Wrap Up Session

WORKSHOP (1 hr.)

Cognitive Learning

Designed to address the theory that individuals learn through observation but chose whether or not to participate in the learning


My Role in Managing

Risks to the Business

SEMINAR (3 hrs.)

Contextual Learning

Designed to provide learners with an opportunity to apply professional experiences and content covered in previous modules to manage scenario-based risks.


My Role in Identifying

Risks to the Business

WBT (45 min.)


My Role in Assessing

Risks to the Business

WBT (1.5min.)

Connectionism Learning

Designed to engage learners through the laws of readiness, exercise & effect while identifying and assessing business risks.


My Role in Managing


ILT (2 hrs.)

Fundamental Overview

Designed to welcome and level set all learners.

FAS 52 Regulations



Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques


A modular approach is used to segment course lessons by topic and cohort.

Sessions are available bi-weekly and must be completed in succession


Risk Management Competency

5 Q & A Wrap Up Session

WORKSHOP (1 hr.)

Cognitive Learning

Designed to address the theory that individuals learn through observation but chose whether or not to participate in the learning


My Role in Managing

Risks to the Business

SEMINAR (3 hrs.)

Contextual Learning

Designed to provide learners with an opportunity to apply professional experiences and content covered in previous modules to manage scenario-based risks.


My Role in Identifying

Risks to the Business

WBT (45 min.)


My Role in Assessing

Risks to the Business

WBT (1.5min.)

Connectionism Learning

Designed to engage learners through the laws of readiness, exercise & effect while identifying and assessing business risks.


My Role in Managing


ILT (2 hrs.)

Fundamental Overview

Designed to welcome and level set all learners.

FAS 52 Regulations



Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Critical Thinking Skills &

Collaborative Learning

Managing Risks to Business incorporates critical thinking skills through learning activities and quizzes to practice required skills.

Collaborative learning is used to enhance the exchange of diverse problem solving approaches.


1. Learners will identify business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholders and constituents based on FAS 52 standards when administering account transactions.

1. Learners will identify best practices to mitigate business risks when managing foreign exchange accounts based on FAS 52 standards.

2. Learners will assess business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholder and constituents when managing account transactions based of FAS 52 standards.

3. Learners will manage business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholders and constituents when representing Global

Financial Corporation according to corporate policies and standard operating procedures.

2. Learners will execute foreign exchange transactions per client requests according to

FAS 52 standards.

3. Learners will apply FAS 52 standards to guide decisions regarding account approvals, transfers and closure based on corporate policies and standard operating procedures.

GOAL # 1:

To manage business risk to Global Financial

Corporation, it’s investors, stakeholders and constituents.

GOAL #2:

To leverage FAS 52 regulations as a means to mitigate risks to foreign exchange transactions.



Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques


1. Learners will identify business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholders and constituents based on FAS 52 standards when administering account transactions.

1. Learners will identify best practices to mitigate business risks when managing foreign exchange accounts based on FAS 52 standards.

Instructional Technologies

Managing Risks to Business course will incorporate instructional technologies from:

• Adobe Connect to administer distance education

• Articulate to facilitate programmed instruction

• Adobe Captivate to present problem-based learning

2. Learners will assess business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholder and constituents when managing account transactions based of FAS 52 standards.

3. Learners will manage business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholders and constituents when representing Global

Financial Corporation according to corporate policies and standard operating procedures.

2. Learners will execute foreign exchange transactions per client requests according to

FAS 52 standards.

3. Learners will apply FAS 52 standards to guide decisions regarding account approvals, transfers and closure based on corporate policies and standard operating procedures.

GOAL # 1:

To manage business risk to Global Financial

Corporation, it’s investors, stakeholders and constituents.

GOAL #2:

To leverage FAS 52 regulations as a means to mitigate risks to foreign exchange transactions.



Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Instructional Strategies &


Managing Risks to Business is presented through a variety of instructional strategies and activities including:

classroom teaching to facilitate collaborative learning

programmed instruction to present flexibility for independent learning

distance education to accommodate remote learners

problem-based learning to encourage the development of solutions


1. Learners will identify business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholders and constituents based on FAS 52 standards when administering account transactions.

1. Learners will identify best practices to mitigate business risks when managing foreign exchange accounts based on FAS 52 standards.

2. Learners will assess business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholder and constituents when managing account transactions based of FAS 52 standards.

3. Learners will manage business risks to Global

Financial Corporation, its investors, stakeholders and constituents when representing Global

Financial Corporation according to corporate policies and standard operating procedures.

2. Learners will execute foreign exchange transactions per client requests according to

FAS 52 standards.

3. Learners will apply FAS 52 standards to guide decisions regarding account approvals, transfers and closure based on corporate policies and standard operating procedures.

GOAL # 1:

To manage business risk to Global Financial

Corporation, it’s investors, stakeholders and constituents.

GOAL #2:

To leverage FAS 52 regulations as a means to mitigate risks to foreign exchange transactions.

Implementation Plan

Interest and commitment

Existing resources


Learning events

Communication strategy


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Interest & Commitment

To attract interest and gain learner commitment individuals will be given the opportunity to flex time during training sessions and receive recognition a company certified account manager in risk management. Individuals in the first cohort will become coaches for learners in the second cohort and so forth.

Participant Selection

Participants in the Managing Risk to

Business training will be selected based on experience, recommendations from supervisors and expressed interest of the learner.

Hold on there. I’ve got too much work and not enough time to dedicate to this training!


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Existing Resources

The anticipated start date of the training curriculum is May 16th. The course duration will take 9.0 hours spread across a span of 3 days.






• Adobe Captivate

• Audacity

• Intranet

• FAS 52 Regulations

• Account Best Practices

• Managers training guide

• FAS citations

• 4 compliance officers

• 3 training administrators


• QuizMaker

• Learning Management System

• Standard Operating Procedures

• New Hire Training Manual

• Foreign exchange account workflow

• Client surveys

• 4 trainers

• 3 Instructional designers

• 3 SMEs


• 2 Web-based training courses

• Evaluations

• Performance-based Assessments

• Risk Management Training Guide

• Managing Risk Quick Reference


• 3 Instructor led courses

• Rubrics

• 10 Risk Management Coaches


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Project Milestones

• 1/7 - Needs assessment

• 1/2 - Design

• 2/2 - Development

• 4/30 - Training session Implementation

• 5/4 - announce availability of training

• 5//7 - training administrators register learners for sessions

• 5/16 1st learner cohort attend My Role in Managing Risks ILT

• 5/17 - 1st learner cohort complete WBT modules 2 & 3

• 5/18 - 1st learner cohort complete seminar and Q&A session

• 6/7 - 2nd learner cohort attend My Role in Managing Risks ILT






May Jun.



Phase 1

Learning assessment and design

Phase 2

Developmen t

Phase 3


Phase 4

Communication &


First cohort of training

Graphic source:

Phase 5

Evaluations & assessments

Total: 8 MONTHS


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Learning Events

• 5/16 1st learner cohort attend My Role in Managing Risks ILT

• 5/17 - 1st learner cohort complete WBT modules 2 & 3

• 5/18 - 1st learner cohort complete seminar and Q&A session

• 6/7 - 2nd learner cohort attend My Role in Managing Risks ILT

• Repeat process each month for remaining cohorts through December 2015


1 hr.

Module 2

My Role in Identifying

Risks to the Business

(45 min)

Module 5

Q & A Workshop

(1 hr.)

2 hr.

Module 1

My Role in

Managing Risks

(2 hrs.)

3 hr.

Module 4

My Role in

Managing Risks to

Business (3 hrs.)

4 hr.

Total: 9 HOURS


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques


Announcement of training course offerings and schedule will be announced via the corporate event calendar, email, and end of quarter corporate milestone review. Supervisors and respective corporate leads will disseminate information regarding the

Managing Risks to Business training to increase interest using the following plan:

1/1 - announce needs assessment distribution and requests SMEs for project initiation

2/1 - announce design and development phase

5/4 - announce availability of training purpose, target audience and schedule via email to all employees

5/6 - supervisors and leaders communicate training sessions to during department meeting encourage respective employees to register

5/7 -training administrators register learners for session and forward training confirmations to assign learners to respective cohorts

Learning Outcomes

Learner Evaluation

Learner Assessments



Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Learner Evaluation

During curriculum development

Kirkpatrick’s model will bee used to evaluate learning content and improve training.


Level 1:


Level 2:


Level 3:


Level 4:



Kirkpatrick’s Model


measures how well participants like the program measures quantifiable indicators of the learning process addresses on the job results measures the impact on organizational goals and objectives


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Learner Assessments

During instruction learners will complete a series of knowledge assessments and questionnaires at the conclusion of each module to measure competency and attitudes towards risks management.


Type Measurement

Direct testing • Recognize 80% of business risks presented in a work scenario

• Identify 80% of best practices that may be applied to manage business risks in a given scenario

• Execute 95% of foreign exchange transactions according to FAS 52 regulations

Questionnaires Self reporting inventories

Example: I am more confident with managing business risk.

o Somewhat agree o Agree o Somewhat disagree o Disagree


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques

Learner Evaluation

To measure competency and achievement towards goals and objectives the Managing Risks to Business training will incorporate a summative assessments designed to gauge performance involving specific risk management actions as deemed by FAS 52 regulations and direct testing to determine how well learners apply specific skills. This will be administered through:

Performance ratings- used to evaluate learner’s competency towards managing risks


Manage business risk to

Global Financial

Corporation, it’s investors, stakeholders and constituents.



• Increase the amount of business risks diverted by 80%

• 100% of GFC managers recognize 80% of business risks presented on the job

Leverage FAS 52 regulations as a means to mitigate risks to foreign exchange transactions

• Decrease the percentage of FAS

52 fines cited by 80%

• 100% of GFC managers execute 95% of foreign exchange transactions according to FAS 52 regulations


Managing Risks to Business

Applying FAS 52 Best Practices & Techniques


The criteria for determining whether the goals, objectives and overall outcomes of the training session were met will be determined by:

• Results from performance ratings and assessments. Learner who do not obtain a 80 or above are required to repeat the curriculum until competency is achieved.

Direct testing to evaluate manger’s response to risk management on the job for the first three weeks after training session completion

Amount of FAS 52 citations fined compared prior to Managing Risk to Business training and after training implementation


Bates, R. (2005). Kirkpatrick four-level evaluation model. In S. Mathison (Ed.), Encyclopedia of evaluation. (pp. 221-223).

Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi;

Brown, A., & Green, T. (2010). The essentials of instructional design (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Person Education Inc..

Culatta, R. (2013, February 6). Reimagining Learning [Video file]. Retrieved from TED X BEACON STREET website:

Merriam, S.B., Caffarella, R.S., and Baumagartner, L., (2006) Learning in adulthood: a comprehensive guide (3 rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Piyali Ghosh , Jagdamba Prasad Joshi , Rachita Satyawadi , Udita Mukherjee , Rashmi Ranjan , (2011) "Evaluating effectiveness of a training program with trainee reaction", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 43 Iss: 4, pp.247 – 255

Wlodkowki, R., & Ginsberg, M. (2010). Teaching intensive and accelerated courses . San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
