WICOR Lesson Plan Course: All Math Courses September 11, 2015 Instructor: Minott Aim/Instructional Outcome: (The student will be able to): How can we assess our knowledge of mathematics using standards and objectives from the regents? Lesson Target: (I can do this at the end of the lesson): Conduct an individualized baseline assessment As evidenced by the overall score on the common core regents Common Core Learning Standards: A-REI.1 A-REI.3 Vocabulary (for active Word Wall): Linear Equation Property of Equality Instructional Materials/Resources: Regents Algebra I Common Core June 2015, Geometry Common Core June 2015 Do Now: Time Students will enter the classroom quickly and begin the do-now on the smart board. The do-now will be one spiraled question from the previous day lesson, which is derived from previous common core or integrated algebra regent examinations (when applicable). Mini-Lesson with Modeling: (“I do) 5min Instructor will engage students with previous concepts of solving a one-step equation while highlighting the new vocabulary of property of equality. Furthermore, students will be then introduced to solving a two-step equation while using the properties which justify each step in solving an equation. 10min Time Instructional Grouping: Students are grouped heterogeneously during the teacher-modeled portion of the lesson based upon previous behavior and academic performance. During the learning activity, students are selected (in stations) based upon student comprehension of question presented by instructor Differentiation Strategies: Graphic Organizers which includes but not limited to foldables, Frayer models, Venn diagrams, etc. Stations which reflect the daily learning target but specify and highlight student weakness Choice boards which give students multiple entries into the lesson Student Work Period/Learning Activity: Guided Practice (“We do) and Independent Practice (“You do”) Time Under the guidance of the instructor, students will dissect an example independently or with partner. Instructor will walk around room to ensure students are on task and answer misconceptions which may be left unsolved. 25 min Higher Order Questions: (Bloom/Webb) Students will be given a choice board to complete with their group. Group Selection is shown under instructional grouping. Station Protocol (when choice board is not available): As instructor walks around the room, during student work period, instructor will place color coded labels on student’s paper. Student will disperse into correct station based upon color coded label. Station material will focus on the learning targets of the day but will highlight and perfect their conceptual weakness or further expand their conceptual knowledge to exceed standards. Summary Time Students will answer essential question in Cornell Notes and must complete formal assessment. 5 mins Formal Assessment When students are given a choice board as the learning activity, a formal exit slip with attached rubric will be given which highlights the lesson targets. When station protocols are active, students will hand in station material for evaluation Homework See weekly syllabus Reflection on Lesson How will you change this lesson in the future? How will your evaluation of today’s assessment inform future instruction? WICOR Lesson Plan W AVID Method Writing How will students use writing as a tool of learning? I Inquiry What questions will I ask? How will I facilitate students asking questions and encourage higher level thinking? C Collaboration How will I facilitate student collaboration? O Organization How is organization part of the lesson? What tools will students use to ensure organization? R Reading What will students read? What strategies will I use to facilitate critical reading? Strategies Students will Produce…