Strong-field physics revealed through time-domain spectroscopy George N. Gibson Grad student: University of Connecticut Department of Physics Dr. Li Fang – now at LCLS Hui Chen, Vincent Tagliamonti Funding: NSF-AMO November 7, 2011 Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York What can strong-field physics offer chemistry? Time resolution: femtosecond laser pulses can resolve nuclear motion, R Can control both R and Start with: End with: Can look at processes as a function of both Ultimate goal: Quantum tomography as a function of R – united atom to separated atom 2-D 1-electron double-well g wavefunctions: Increasing internuclear separation: Back to Basics: Tunneling ionization of a doublewell potential (All strong field experiments on molecules start here!) Ionization is dominated by an effect called “R-critical ” Basic Tunneling Ionization: 10 5 0 U1 , j0 5 10 This separation is called “Rcritical” (Bandrauk, Seideman, Corkum, Ivanov) Dynamics of 1 electron in field: Unified atom limit Dipole moment Separated atom limit. Intermediate case. Strongly driven gerade ungerade transition creates large dipole moments, compared to atoms or even-charged ground state molecules. Data and calculations for H2+: 5 0.30 2x10 0.25 5 Counts/shot/torr/a.u. 2x10 Ionization fraction 0.20 0.15 0.10 5 1x10 4 5x10 0.05 0 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 Separation (a.u.) 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 R (Atomic Units) Better: Zuo and Bandrauk, PRA (1995), Data: Gibson et al., PRL (1997) End of story? This is from an ion. Also, not pump-probe, so a number of assumptions were made. Simple 1-D 1-e calculation: Dipole moment, Ionization Probability 4.0 Ionization*50 Final Dipole Moment Max Dipole Moment 3.5 3.0 1-photon resonance 2.5 2.0 1.5 3-photon resonance 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Internuclear Separation 12 14 Simple model for Rc Q Q V ( z , R) z R/2 zR/2 I p QI p (neutral ) Find condition where the inner barrier just equals the energy of the ground state: 2Q Q QI p Rc 3 / I p Rc / 2 Rc For H2+, Rc should be 3/(0.5) = 6, which is close. Want to test in the neutral using pump-probe, since most experiments start in the neutral species. Resonant excitation provides a mechanism for studying the neutral 32.0 (2,1) Not to scale 18 31.5 2+ I2 (1,1) 25 12 20 + A u,3/2 10 I2 15 X g,3/2 B u 3 Pump 2 1 X g 31.0 + 10 + 5 I2 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 R (a.u.) 9 10 11 12 2+ Probe (2,0)u 14 + I2, I2 potential energy (eV) 16 I2 potential energy (eV) (2,0)g Using pump-probe techniques, we can control R. Resonant excitation follows a cos()2 pattern, producing a well-aligned and well-defined sample. This gives: <cos()2> = 0.6 at room temperature with one laser pulse. [For unaligned samples <cos()2> = 0.33] Laser System • Ti:Sapphire 800 nm Oscillator with a Multipass • • • Amplifier 750 J pulses @ 1 KHz Transform Limited, 30 fs pulses TOPAS Optical Parametric Amplifer: 490nm – 2000nm Ion Time-of-Flight Spectrometer Parabolic Mirror Drift Tube MCP Conical Anode AMP Laser TDC PC Discriminator Nitrogen TOF Spectrum 60000 50000 3+ N TOF Signal 3+ 2+ N + NN1+ 3+ 1+ N +N 40000 30000 30000 20000 20000 2+ N 3+ N 10000 10000 4+ 00 0 2500 Zero K.E. TOF Counts/(shot torr ns) 50000 40000 N 1000 2600 2000 2700 3000 28004000 Time-of-flight Time-of-flight[ns] [ns] 5000 2900 6000 3000 Vibrational period (fs) Wavepacket motion in the B-state of I2 gives <R>(t) X-B coupling wavelength (nm) Ionization vs. R We know <R(t)> from the motion on the B state. Can convert from time to R(t). B-state wavepacket simulation Wavelength check: Shorter wavelength: larger outer turning point longer vibrational period Ionization probability probability [arb. [arb. units] units] Ionization IpRc = 3.01 1.0 500nm 513nm 500nm 513nm (a) (b) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 -200 5.0 5.5 06.0 200 7.0 400 6.5 7.5 8.06008.5 R [a.u.] Pump-probe delay [fs] 800 9.5 1000 9.0 10.0 Really want to study the ground state! 13 (a) 12 11 + 2 I2 : X g,3/2 10 Probe 9 3 2 3 1 + 2 4 3 1 I2:B u (g u g u ) Dump Pump + Can we return the wavepacket to the X-state? Yes, with a pump-dump scheme: I2, I2 Potential energy [eV] 1 + 2 4 4 I2: X g (g g ) 0 4 5 6 7 R [a.u.] 8 9 10 3900 Depletion of B-state into X-state 3850 (2,1) TOF [ns] 3800 (2,0) 3750 3700 (2,1) (2,1) Signal 3650 3600 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Delay [ps] 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Returning wavefunction in X-state 3900 3900 3850 3850 X-state v=0 "Lochfrass" TOF [ns] 3800 3800 (2,1) (2,0) 3750 3750 X-state v= 33! Returning wavepacket 3700 3700 3650 3650 3600 3600 0 2 0.0 4 6 0.5 8 10 12 1.0 1.5 14 162.0 18 202.522 24 -1 Frequency [ps ] Delay [ps] Single ionization: + I2 0.7 0.6 FFT Signal 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -1 Frequency [ps ] Diatomic molecules in strong fields: N2 N21+ N22+ N1+2++ N1+0+ N + N (15.1 eV) N23+ N1+ + N2+ N24+ N2+3++ N2+1+ N + N (17.8 eV) N25+ N3+ + N2+ N26+ N3+4++ N3+2+ N + N (30.1 eV) N27+ N4+ + N3+ 15 Counts/(1k shots) 12 4+ 2+ Correlation with Early N 2+ Correlation with Late N N 9 6 (4,2) 0 1050 125 100 1075 (4,3) 1100 1125 1150 1175 4+ 2+ Correlation with Early N 4+ Correlation with Late N N (2,2) 75 (2,3) 50 25 (4,2) (4,3) 3 (2,1) (2,2) (2,1) (2,3) (2,4) (2,4) 0 1400 1450 1500 Time of Flight [ns] 1550 Why is the observation of ChargeAsymmtric Dissociation so important? It represents direction excitation of states with energies in the VUV spectral region. (Up to 30eV in N26+). Excitation involves many photons. Have seen everything up to I212+ I5+ + I7+. Optimizing excitation process may lead to amplifiers in the VUV as inversions are likely occurring. May be a new high-harmonic source. CAD is a ubiquitous and robust process: There must be something generic about the structure of homonuclear diatomic molecules. What is so special about (even) charged diatomic molecules? Ground state is a far offresonant covalent state. Above this is a pair of strongly coupled ionic states. Only a weak coupling between them. 3-Level Model System This system can be solved exactly for the n-photon Rabi frequency! 1.0 0.4 11-photon zero field 0.6 Ground Ionic-u Ionic-g Covalent-u Covalent-g Ionization 6-photon zero field Population 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.114 0.116 0.118 0.120 0.122 Photon Energy [a.u.] 0.124 0.126 Three-level systems: “V”: “”: Now the “”: Diatomic Dications How are asymmetric states populated? Is it through multiphoton transitions in the -system? (2,0) must have binding. In fact, it is an excimer-like system, bound in upper state, unbound in lower state. Can we trap population in this state? Can we make a multiphoton pumped excimer laser? We have evidence for bound population. Evidence for 3- excitation – but is it due to the structure??? Need spectroscopic information Namely, there should be (2,0)g and (2,0)u. TOF spectroscopy not sensitive enough to distinguish them. However, coherent 12 fields provide an interesting spectroscopic tool. What are 12 fields? 1.5 Phase = 0 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 50 100 150 1.5 Spatial direction If you add a fundamental laser frequency and its second harmonic, you can break spatial symmetry. -1.5 200 250 300 250 300 Phase = /4 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 0 50 100 150 1.5 200 Phase = /2 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 0 50 100 150 Time 200 250 300 Molecular dissociation Charge-asymmetric dissociation is generally spatially symmetric (with a single frequency pulse). I.e., for I2+ + I, the I2+ goes to the left as much as to the right. However, with a spatially-asymmetric laser field can break the spatial symmetry of the dissociation. Molecular dissociation, with a 12 field Phase = 0 Phase = /2 Eigenstates vs. Observables Observable: I2+ + I (2,0) or (0,2) (left or right) Eigenstates: (2,0)g ~ (2,0) + (0,2) (2,0)u ~ (2,0) – (0,2) Eigenstates must dissociate spatially symmetric. Therefore, a spatial asymmetry requires a coherent superposition of g and u states, which is only possible in a spatially asymmetric field. Simple tunneling model -2.0 Potential energy [a.u.] A2 2+ -2.5 (2,0)up field (2,0)g -3.0 (2,0)u (2,0)down field -3.5 (1,1)g -4.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R [a.u.] 7 8 9 10 g and u states strongly coupled – diagonalize in a dc field. Assuming ionization into the lowest lying (down field) level. Project back onto field-free states and calculate spatial asymmetry. Spatial asymmetry as a function of R We can measure the spatial asymmetry of the (2,0) dissociation channel by populating the B-state of I2. What do we learn from 12 fields? In strong-field ionization, it appears that the field induced states are populated directly through tunneling ionization. It is not the case that ionization populates the ground state and the asymmetric states are then populated through the -system. (Very difficult to reproduce the spatial asymmetry dependence.) Really must consider the field-induced molecular structure to understand strong-field ionization. Also, raises interesting questions about decoherence and dephasing. Conclusions Strong fields offer unprecedented control over t, R, and . We also have considerable control over nuclear wavepackets. Can measure strong field processes as a function of these variables. Can investigate the structure of unusual (highly ionized) molecules.