Storytimes for Newborns to 2-Year Olds Presented by Kiomaris N. Fuller, MLIS, MPH Brain Development: True or False?!? True and False: Kind of a Trick Question . . . At birth the brain is fully developed, just like one’s heart or stomach. The Whole Truth Most of the brain cells are formed before birth, but most of the connections among cells are made during infancy and early childhood. Brain Development: True or False?!? FALSE The brain’s developme nt depends entirely on the genes with which you are born. The Whole Truth Early experience and interaction with the environment are most critical in a child’s brain development. Brain Development: True or False?!? FALSE A toddler’s brain is less active than the brain of a college student. The Whole Truth A three-year-old toddler brain is twice as active as an adult’s brain. Brain Development: True or False?!? FALSE Talking to a baby is not important because he or she can’t understan d what you are saying. The Whole Truth Talking to young children establishes foundations for learning language during early critical periods when learning is easiest for a child. Brain Development: True or False?!? FALSE Children need special help and specific educationa l toys to develop their brainpowe r. The Whole Truth What children need most is loving care and new experiences, not costly toys. Talking, singing, playing, and reading are some of the key activities that build a child’s brain. “ Baby Brain Development “The first years last forever” Developmental Highlights: 1 Month Prefer black and white Focus 8-12 inches away Hear very well Prefer human faces Recognize parents’ Developmental Highlights: 3 Months Watch faces closely Open and shut hands Grab and shake toys Follow many objects with eyes Smile at parents’ voices Babble and imitate sounds Stretch legs out and kick when on tummy or back Raise head and chest when lying on tummy Enjoy playing with other people Developmental Highlights: 7 Months Roll over Sit up Reach for objects with hands Support whole weight on legs when held upright Develop full color vision and mature distance vision Use voice to express joy and displeasure Babble chains (ba-ba-ba-ba) Distinguish emotions by tone of voice Struggle to get objects out of reach Enjoy peek-a-boo Respond to name Explore objects with hands and mouth Show an interest in mirror images Developmental Highlights: 12-24 Months Sit without assistance Respond to “no” and Get into hands and knees position Pull self to stand up Walk Pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger) Say “Dada” and “Mama” Use exclamations such as “Uh Oh!” simple verbal requests Imitate words Use simple gestures like waving and shaking head “no” Explore objects by (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping) Find hidden objects easily Look at a correct picture when an image is named Suggested Breakdown of Age Groups For Storytime Baby – Birth to 18 Months Toddler – 19 Months – 3 years Preschool - 3-5 Years What is early literacy? Early literacy is what children learn about reading and writing before they actually learn to read and write. 6 Pre-Reading Skills Print Motivation Phonological Awareness Vocabulary Narrative Skills Print Awareness Letter Knowledge Print Motivati on What is it? Having interest and enjoyment in books. How to Help: Begin reading books early Make book sharing a special time Let your baby see you reading Visit your public library often Phonologi cal Awareness What is it? The ability to hear and play with the smaller sounds in words. How to Help: Singing songs is a good way to help your child hear syllables in words. Add actions to songs to help break down language into separate words. Make up your own silly nonsense rhymes. How to Help: Vocabula ry What is it? Knowing the names of things. Read together every day. When reading, name pictures as you point to them. Talk with your child about what is going on around you. When your baby babbles or your child talks, listen carefully and answer. Narrativ e Skills What is it? Ability to describe things and events and to tell stories. How to Help: Talk to your child about what you are doing. Tell your child stories. Encourage your child to tell you about things. Read favorite books again and again. Print Awarenes s What is it? Noticing print in the environment, knowing how to handle a book and understanding how to follow words on a page. How to Help: Read aloud everyday. Point to each word on a page as you read it. Use board or cloth books and have your child hold the book. How to Help: Letter Knowled ge Help your child see and feel different shapes as you play. Point out letters on toys, food boxes and on objects around the house. Talk with your child about what is the same and what is different between two things. What is it? Knowing that letters are different from each other. 5 Practices of Early Literacy READ TALK SING WRITE PLAY Remember: Rainbows Take Sun Water Perfection Basic Plan for Storytime 1. Recurring Your Opening Your Closer Your Transitions 2.BOOKS 3. Changeable Songs Fingerplays & Rhymes Action Rhymes Bounce & Stretches Parent Tip Optional: Free Play Activity Your Opening Sets the tone and clearly signifies the beginning of storytime. OPENING IDEA: The More We Get Together The more we get together, Together, together, The more we get together, The happier we’ll be, For your friend are my friends, Great opportunity to add a little sign language into your story time. And my friends are your friends, v=VYJS_xckWY0 The more we get together, The happier we’ll be. OPENING IDEA: Using Names . . . for smaller groups We’re So Glad to See You (tune: Frere Jacques) We Say Hello (tune: Hi Ho the Derry-o) Where is (Childs Name)? We Say Hello Like This (wave) Where is (Childs Name)? We Say Hello Like This (wave) There s/he is. We’re all here for storytime! There s/he is. We say hello like this (wave) We’re so glad to see you, We say hello to (child’s name) We’re so glad to see you. We say hello to (child’s name) Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo. We’re all here for storytime! So say hello to (child’s name) Opening Idea: Open Shut Them Open shut them, Open shut them, Give a little clap, clap, clap! Open Shut them, Open shut them, Put them in your lap, lap, lap, Creep them, Crawl them, Creep them, Crawl them, Right up to your chin, chin, chin! Open wide your little mouth, But do not let them in! Your Closer A song or activity that clearly marks THE END! Closer Idea: Hi Ho Hi, Ho! Hi, Ho! It’s time for us to go. Let’s clap our hands! And Stomp Our Feet! And Wave GoodBye! Bye!Bye!Bye! We’ll See You Here Next Week. Closer Idea: Good-Bye Song (Tune: Goodnight Ladies) Good-bye (child’s name), Good-bye (child’s name), Good-bye (child’s name). I’m glad that you were here. Closer Idea: We Had A Happy Day (Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”) It’s time to go home, We’ll see you again, It’s time to go home. We’ll see you again. Wave good-bye to everyone, Wave good-bye to everyone, It’s time to go home. We had a happy day, We had a happy day. Wave good-bye to everyone, We had a happy day. We’ll see you again. Your Books Not just about finding any book, but about finding the right book and reading it just correctly. How to Choose Your Book? Use Goldilocks as a your guide! Not too long, Not too short, but just right! Not too crazy, Not too boring, but just right! Not what they like or what they like, but what you like! Your Books: Start With Your Theme! Animals Animal Sounds Numbers Opposites Bedtime Body Bugs Colors Food Mother Goose Pets Shapes Songs Things that Go Toys and Games Your Books: What to Consider? What kind of performer are you? Are you the energetic performer? Are you the funny performer? Are you the educational performer? Are you the nurturer performer? Are you the soothing performer? Your Books: Some Book Ideas Baby Happy, Baby Sad by Leslie Patricelli (check out her series) Soup For One by Ethan Long 1-2-3 Peas by Keith Baker What Will Fat Cat Sit On? by Jan Thomas One Two That’s my shoe! by Alison Murray “Children learn more from books when they are actively involved.” Your Books: It’s about how we read them. 1. What is Dialogic Reading? 2. Fundamental reading technique where the audience is actively involved. 4. 3. 5. 6. Ask “what” questions. Follow answers with questions. Repeat what your child says. Help your child as needed. Praise and encourage your child. Follow your child’s interests. The Changeable Elements Songs Fingerplays & Rhymes Action Rhymes Bounces & Stretches Free Play Parent Tip Classics for Baby & Toddler Storytime Pat-a-cake One, Two Buckle My Shoe Where is Thumbkin? If You’re Happy and You Know It This Little Piggy Went to Market Mary Had a Little Lamb The Itsy Bitsy Spider Old MacDonald (Short) The Wheels on the Bus (Short) I’m A Little Teapot Hickory Dickory Dock Twinkle, twinkle, little star Row Your Boat Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes Apple Tree Fun Stretches/Movements Popcorn Popcorn, popcorn, Pour it in a pan. Shake it up, Shake it up, Bam, Bam, Bam! Bubbles – Song and Activity There Are Bubbles There are bubbles in the air, in the air, There are bubbles in the air, in the air, There are bubbles in the air, There are bubbles everywhere, There are bubbles in the air, in the air, There are bubbles way down low, way down low, There are bubbles way down low, way down low, There are bubbles way down low, There are bubbles by your toes, There are bubbles way down low, way down LOW! Fun Laprides Grand Old Duke of York Three Little Monkeys Oh, the grand old Duke of York he had ten thousand men He marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again. When they were up, they were up and when they were down, they were down and when they were only halfway up they were neither up nor down. Three Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed, He marched them to the left, He marched them to the right, He marched them upside down, Oh, what a silly sight. One fell off and bumped her head, Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,” No more Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! Two - - One - - - Go Bananas! Bananas Unite! Bananas Split! Go Bananas! Go, go Bananas! Go Bananas! Go, go Bananas! Bananas to the right! Bananas to the left! Peel your banana and mmmm, take a bite! Changeable: Equipment Puppets Scarves Flannel Rattles Boards Music CDs Coloring Sheets Costumes Board Books Balls Bubbles Puzzles Blocks Changeable: Parent Tips for Reading With Baby A few minutes at a time is O.K. Talk or sing about the pictures. Make the story come alive. Create books together. Make books part of your daily routine. Meal times In the car Grocery store Nap time Bath time Bed Time Resources for Parents Flyer Welcome letter Agenda Evaluation Additional Steps to a Successful Storytime Steps: Planning for Your Program Decide on Registration/ Participant Limits Physical Setting/ Environment (see next slide) Length of Program Strollers Nametags Siblings Agenda/Song Sheet Steps: Physical Setting/Environment Room Temperature Nursing Outlet Station Covers/Safety Easy Access to the Room Easy to Contain Audience Changing Room Tables Set Up The Display Check the Room Steps: Temperature Before the Program Start on Time Review the Rules Announcements Steps: Rules for YOUR Programs!! 1. If at any point during storytime anyone gets louder than me, please take a break – go outside, breath and then come back in. 1. If someone does not want to be in storytime, please don’t make them. We want a positive experience. 2. Everyone who has a song sheet must sing. 3. Please silence all cell phones. Steps: During the Program Parent/Caregiver ParticipationAGENDA Pay Attention to Your Audience Have a Back-Up The Evaluation Infant Additional Baby Programs CPR/first aid Baby signlanguage Baby yoga Baby massage Nutritionist Speech Pathologist Audiologist Outreach Where do we find parents with children under 2 years of age? Child care centers Professional associations Parent education groups Head Start Family support agencies Relocation centers Hospitals, pediatricians Early childhood educators Resources Abby the Librarian Mel’s Desk Reading Rockets Storytime Katie Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy