Accesul la informaţia electronică în Biblioteca Ştiinţifică Centrală a Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei Obiectivul principal al bibliotecii academice este transformarea sa într-o bibliotecă hibrid, care va îmbina atât activităţile specifice bibliotecii tradiţionale cu toată gama de servicii prestate în spaţiul fizic, cât şi misiunile bibliotecii electronice, priorităţile căreia vor fi axate pe accesul la toate tipurile de resurse prin intermediul tehnologiilor utilizate în lumea bibliotecilor digitale. “Biblioteca hibrid este o bibliotecă de tip mixt care serveşte societatea informaţională„ (Comisia UE, DCXIII,1997). Direcţiile de activitate ale bibliotecii academice în domeniul informatizării sunt următoarele: - iniţierea, organizarea şi realizarea implementării tehnologiilor informaţionale moderne; - acumularea, formarea şi utilizarea comună a resurselor informaţionale în sfera cercetare-inovare la nivel departamental şi naţional; - crearea bazelor de date electronice (inclusiv full-text), privind fondul documentar al bibliotecii, cât şi din alte resurse informaţionale naţionale şi internaţionale; - diversificarea tipurilor de materiale şi servicii: CD-ROM, DVD-uri, cărţi electronice, servicii Web, canale virtuale, servicii la distanţă, material sub formă de licenţă, staţii de lucru, comunicare electronică; - crearea consorţiilor bibliotecare în scopul cooperării resurselor financiare pentru completarea colecţiilor, în special, cu baze de date ale documentelor electronice; asigurarea accesului la informaţie, protecţia datelor şi a dreptului de autor. Centrul ştiinţifico metodic Centrul de cunoştinţe Centrul de informare Centrul social Centrul cultural Biblioteca Academică BŞC a AŞM, în viziunea noastră, va întruni mai multe componente: Centru de informare. Centru ştiinţifico-metodic. Centru de cunoştinţe. Centru cultural. Centru social. Completarea fondului de carte şi periodice in anul 2006 După sursele de completare 13% 1,80% 12,80% abonare 1099 7,70% cumpărare 607 schimb 3566 19,70% depozit legal 1553 donaţii 1018 45% alte surse 140 Completarea fondului de carte şi periodice in anul 2006 După genul publicaţiilor 0,50% 13,10% 35,50% cărţi 2802 reviste 4022 broşuri 1034 teze 35 50,90% Completarea fondului de carte şi periodice in anul 2006 După domenii 5,50% 4% St. socioumane şi economice 3665 46,40% St.naturale şi exacte 3483 St. tehnice 430 44,10% St.agricole 315 Completarea fondului de carte şi periodice in anul 2006 După limbi 9,90% 19,90% engleză 1570 33% 2,10% germană 168 2,20% franceză 170 română 2593 rusă 2607 32,90% alte limbi 785 În a. 2007 biblioteca academică urmează a oferi utilizatorilor acces online la următoarele surse electronice din exterior: -“Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory. The Bowker International Serials Database”; “Database Bowker’s Global Books in Print”. - baza de date EBSCO ( cca 3500 titluri de reviste cu informaţie bibliografică şi full-text); - publicaţiile Institutului de Fizică din Marea Britanie; revistele: BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA; CARBON; DISCRETE MATHEMATICS; ECOLOGICAL MODELLING; ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS; GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS; JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY; JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS; JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY; PHYTOCHEMISTRY; PHYTOPATHOLOGY; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ARCHIVE. BIBLIOTECA ŞTIINŢIFICĂ CENTRALĂ A AŞM ANUNŢĂ COLABORATORII INSTITUŢIILOR ACADEMICE DESPRE POSIBILITATEA ACCESĂRII ONLINE A RESURSELOR ELECTRONICE : EBSCO User: s7028566 Password: password American Mathematical Society Blackwell Publishing LTD http://www.blackwell– Institute of Physics (UK) American Phytopathological SOC (Phytopathology-online) Seismological SOC of America (Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America-online) ELSEVIER BV (pentru revistele): Carbon; Discrete Mathematics; Ecological Modelling; Electric Power Systems; International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems; Journal of Biotechnology; Phytochemistry. Telefon pentru informaţii suplimentare: 27-05-65 Pavel Roşca; 73-87-54 Rodica Costaş Resursele electronice interne ale bibliotecii se vor constitui din: Catalogul electronic - Baza generală - Intrări noi - Cărţi - Intrări noi - Periodice - Intrări noi – Surse electronice Bibliografii tematice şi biobibliogafii electronice Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI) Central Scientific Library of Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. Library Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Centre of Information Resources and Networks (CRRI) Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Centre of Plant Genetic Resources Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Institute de Cercetari pentru Mecanizarea si electrificarea Agriculturii Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Institute of Geography Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Institute of History of Arts Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Institutul de Matematica si Informatica) Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Institute of Zoology Centrul National pentru Transparenta si Drepturile Omului ELIRI (Institutul de cercetari stiintifice) Educational Centre Pro Didactica Institute of Interethnical Researches International Free University of Moldova (Universitatea Libera Internationala din Moldova) International Laboratory of Superconductivity and Solid State Electronics (LISES), Academy of Sciences of Moldova Moldovan Research and Development Association National Institute of Ecology (Institutul National de Ecologie) National Library of Republic of Moldova National Scientific and Practical Center of Preventive Medicine (Centrul National Stiintifico-Practic de Medicina Preventiva) Republic Medical Scientific Library Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova Scientific Library of Baltsy State University State Agrarian University of Moldova. Republican Scientific Agrarian Library State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu". Scientific Medical Library State Pedagogical University Ion Creanga State University of Moldova. Library (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. Biblioteca Centrala) Technical University of Moldova. Library The Republican Tehnological and Scientific Library (RTSL) of the National Institute of Economy and Information Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI) On-line Full Text Journals and Databases African Journals OnLine (AJOL) : Tables of Contents and abstracts of over 200 African journals with document delivery. American Astronomical Society : Access to the three scholarly journals published by the Society American Chemical Society : Over 35 journals in chemistry and related fields American Physical Society: Access to the Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) and ten journals produced by the American Physical Society. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE): Three journals as well as textbook materials, monographs, standards and proceedings. American Society of Civil Engineers : 18,500 full-text papers from ASCE Journals and Proceedings Annual Reviews : Analytic reviews in 32 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical and Social Sciences Beech Tree Publications : Three international, peer-reviewed academic journals Bentham Science Publishing: Over 75 leading peer-reviewed biomedical and pharmaceutical journals and 2 e-books. Blackwell Publishing : Over 840 peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of academic disciplines. British Library Direct : provides free table of contents searching from 5 years of data for over 20 000 journals. CABI Publishing CAB Abstracts : Agriculture and Life Sciences, current awareness database containing over 4.3 million records. Global Health : Public Health and Human Medicine, current awareness database containing over 900,000 records. CAB Compendia : Encyclopaedic, multimedia tools in forestry, crop protection, and animal health and production. Cambridge University Press : Over 180 leading titles in Linguistics, Politics, Medicine, Science, Technology, Social Science and Humanities. The Cochrane Library : An internationally acclaimed database of regularly updated evidence-based medicine systematic reviews. DATAD : Database of African Theses and Dissertations The regional database of theses and dissertations currently draws from eleven founding institutions. Duke University Press : More than thirty periodicals that span a stimulating range of disciplines within the humanities and sciences. On-line Full Text Journals and Databases EBSCO : Over 10,000 full text, peer-reviewed journals and over 17,000 abstracted and indexed titles. Access to 8 major databases: Academic Search Premier; Business Source Premier; ERIC; Masterfile Premier; Newspaper Source; Health Source Nursing Academic; Health Source Consumer Edition; Medline. Emerald Group Publishing Limited : Access to the world's widest range of management, and library and information science journals. Gale (Thomson Learning) : General research database that covers subject areas from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Gale Virtual Reference Library : Selected titles from the E-book reference collection. Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) : 11 scholarly journals in the field. IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) provides access to more than 1.2 million full-text documents in electrical engineering and computer science Institute of Physics Publishing : 36 of the world's most prestigious journals in physics and related disciplines. Institution of Chemical Engineers : Full text access to their 6 journals. International Forestry Review : A peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes papers, research notes and book reviews on all aspects of forestry and forest research. It is published four times per year. ISI Journal Citation Reports : Journal Citation Reports® presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. ISI Web of Science : The Web of Science provides seamless access to current and retrospective multidisciplinary information from approximately 8,500 of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world. JSTOR : Access to full-text journal articles available as searchable, scanned page images from over 600 important scholarly journals in 42 disciplines. Mary Ann Liebert Inc. : 55 authoritative publications in the most exciting and promising areas of biomedical research, clinical medicine, surgery, law, and science. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland MinAbs Online: Database containing about 120,000 abstracts relating to the earth sciences, mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, economic geology, gemmology, extraterrestrial mineralogy, environmental science and nano-particle science. Multilingual Matters: one of the world leaders in research on multilingualism and minority language rights, offering access to 17 journals in this specialised field. National Academy Press : Over 2,800 reports, e-newsletters and journals from US National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council. On-line Full Text Journals and Databases NISC : provides access to 6 databases on Africa covering a wide range of information about Africa. These databases include African HealthLine, African Studies, Africa-Wide: NiPAD (NISC information, Publications and African Databases), Fish & Fisheries Worldwide, Water Resources Worldwide and AIDSearch. NRC Research Press Journals Online : Online Journals in a broad range of research areas. OECD : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development provides access to 18 SourceOECD Books, 24 SourceOECD Periodicals, SourceOECD Statistics (large range of topics from Agriculture), IEA Statistics (including Energy Prices and Taxes, World Energy Statistics and Balances etc.) Oxford Journals : Over 170 leading titles in science, technology, medicine, humanities and social sciences. OUP E-books American National Biography : Over 18,300 biographies of deceased, noteworthy Americans Dictionary of National Biography : Biographies of over 55,000 people who have left a mark on British history Grove Art Online : Over 45,000 articles on fine arts, decorative arts, and architecture Grove Music Online : Over 45,000 articles on people and places, instruments and techniques, genres and styles Oxford English Dictionary : An unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection PLUS Western Civilization collection : 130+ subject dictionaries, plus the World Encyclopedia Oxford Scholarship Online (religion, political science, economics and finance modules) : A cross-searchable library containing the full text of over 920 Oxford books in the areas of Economics and Finance, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion. Palgrave MacMillan Journals : Palgrave Macmillan offer a combined portfolio of 30 peer-reviewed e-journals. Royal Society : Four leading international journals from the UK's national academy covering the whole of the biological and physical sciences. Royal Society of Chemistry : 36 full text journals, a range of key databases and a series of specialist periodical reports. Royal Society of Chemistry Archive: Backfile containing all articles published by the RSC (and its forerunner societies) from 1841 to 2004. Sage Publications : Over 200 titles in the humanities Springer : Springer : Over 1030 high quality peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of academic disciplines. Taylor & Francis E-books & References Taylor & Francis E-Journals : Over 1200 titles in a full range of disciplines Партнеры по подписке в Росси и СНГ Партнеры по подписке в Росси и СНГ • • • • • Akademintorg EBSCO Information Services GmbH KONEK MIC Library SWETS ScienceDirect дает Троицкая башня высота 80 метров доступ7,6кмлн. статей = 70 млн. страниц = 35 млн. двусторонних листов = 3,5 километра = 44 Троицких башен E-Books доступные на платформе Science Direct Reference Works энциклопедии Book Series продолжающиеся издания Handbooks справочники 52 наименования 6 пакетов Всего 144 наименования 28 серий Всего 164 томов Vă mulţumesc Întrebări?