Minutes - Las Positas College

The Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
11:38 AM-12:27 PM
1.) Call to order at 11:38 AM
2.) Roll Call
Alpha Gamma Sigma: Present
American Welding Society: Present
Automotive Club: Present
Ballroom Dance Club: Present
Biology Club: Present
Black Student Union: Present
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club: Present
Business Club: Present
Chemistry Club: Present
Chow-Hoon Goshin-Jitsu: Not Present
CSR: Present
Computer Science Club: Present
Engineering Club: Not Present
Fencing Club: Not Present
French: Not Present
Gamerz Lounge: Present
HOTT: Not Present
Improv Hawks: Not Present
Indian Club: Present
International Business Association: Not Present
International Students Club: Not Present
JAMS: Not Present
Journalism Club: Not Present
LPC Table Top: Present
Math Club: Present
Muslim Student Alliance: Not Present
Peace & Social Justice Club: Not Present
Performing Arts Club: Present
Philosophy Club: Present
Physics/ Astronomy Club: Not Present
Poetry Club: Present
Psi Beta/ Psychology Club: Present
Public Safety Club: Present
Puente Club: Present
Queer Straight Alliance: Not Present
Radio Club: Not Present
SEA: Present
Tae Kwon Do Club: Not Present
The Way and the Truth: Present
3.) Adoption of Agenda
-Moved to adopt agenda for 11/06/2015
-Motioned: Biology Club
-Seconded: Performing Arts Club
-Vote: Motion passes unanimously
4.) Adoption of Minutes
-Moved to approve minutes from 11/06/2015
-Motioned: Biology Club
-Seconded: Performing Arts Club
-Vote: Motion passes unanimously
5.) Officer Reports
-ICC Chairperson Heysum Ali
-ICC Dodgeball tonight
.Procured rules that must be followed
-ICC Representatives leaving early
.If you want to leave early you must
1.) Communicate with the Chairperson
2.) State your reason for leaving
-Super Smash Brothers Club is looking to be activated
-Secretary Brian McLard
-Nothing to Report
-Parliamentarian Marlon Bowen
.Keep deliberations from being repetitive so we can keep in time with the timeline
.Don’t repeat points
.Keep content good, but brief
-AS President Michael Kapitanich
-Encourages everyone to come to the dodgeball tournament tonight
-Director of Events Alejandra Garcia
-Prep to Pass
.Food will be provided
.To help students with finals
.Will take place in the tutorial center in the 2400 building
-Director of Student Life Scott Miner
.Text “LPC” to 253788 and reply with ‘Y’
.Emergency Contact Number (925)-424-1699
.Will alert you if anything is happening
.Connected to campus safety
6.) Guest Speakers
7.) Public Forum
8.) Club Reports
-Alpha Gamma Sigma
.Conference tomorrow
.Next Monday they will be going to chilis
-American Welding Society
.Trade Show at Fabtech
.2 advisors and 6 students went
.Made great contacts
.Tomorrow in room 810, there will be a BBQ building party
. On the 3rd, AWS will be showing Birth of Victory
. On Saturday the 5th, the will be going to a Rosie the Riveter Museum in Richmond
-Automotive Club
.Nothing to Report
-Ball Room Dancing Club
.Nothing to Report
-Biology Club
.Pass Events
.Jurassic Park Movie and discussion on the ethics of cloning
.Meteor Shower hike
.Personal Statement Workshop
.On the 23rd there will be a PALS workshop
.Help new students figure out what they need to take in order to transfer
-Black Student Union
.Nothing to Report
-Brazilian Jiujutsu
.Nothing to Report
-Business Club
.Will be meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings next Monday
.Will be setting up a /veterans donation table
.On the 9th, they will sell doughnuts starting at 9:00
-Chemistry Club
.last meeting of semester will be on the 7th
.It will be a game night
.From 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
-Computer Science
.Will be having a guest speaker appear on the 30th
.Will be showing a Stephen Hawking Movie
.Showing at 2:45
.building 749
.Bake Sale next Tuesday
.12:00 PM to 2:30 PM
-Gamerz Lounge
.Nothing to Report
-Indian Club
.Cancelled last event
.Excused to leave
-LPC Table Top
.Guest speaker couldn’t come due to black out
.Set up at a later time
.Prep to Pass will be on the 8th and the 9th all day
.Math JAMS will start a week before school starts
-Math Club
.Nothing to Report
-Performing Arts Club
.Will be hosting the play “The Importance of Being Ernest”
.Showing the 4th-9th
.The members will be building the set and be in the play
.Just recently cast the play Chicago
.Opening March 4th 2016
.Dance performing on the 5th
.Winter concerts are being planned
.Encourages people to check out their Facebook page to get updates on events
-Philosophy Club
.Nothing to Report
-Poetry Club
.Open Mic Night
.Helped BSU to make the event Possible
-Psychology Club
.In February, Brian Copeland is coming back and doing his “Not a Genuine Black Man”
-Public Safety
.Help with a toy drive for the less fortunate after break
.Place bins around campus
.unwrapped toys
-Puente Club
.Will be doing a toy drive from November 20th to December 13th
.Boxes and bins will be placed around campus
.Will be hosting a movie night on the 3rd
.Be in either the new or old café
.Food will be provided
.Nothing to Report
-The Way and the Truth
.Nothing to Report
9.) Old Business
-Club Activation
.Super Smash Brothers Club
.Help build character
.Work Hard to accomplish goals
.Motioned: Black Student Union
.Seconded: American Welding Society
.Vote: Passed unanimously
-ICC Dodgeball Tonight
.If clubs are having difficulties finding members to join, they can make alliances
.The deadline to join was yesterday
.Can still join if you ask Heysum, it is not that hard to put team in the roster
.Only club members can join in the game
.Clubs who can or cannot go
.Philosophy Club is not going
.Brazilian Jiujutsu might get some more members to go
.Math club is teaming up with engineering club
.Biology Club is going
.Ballroom dancing is going
.American Welding Society is going
.Black student union is not sure
.Alpha Gamma Sigma teaming up
.Smash club is going
.CSR might go
.1st place gets $200
.2nd place gets $150
.3rd place gets $100
.No food in gym, only bottled water
.Only gym shoes allowed
.If you don’t have any, contact Heysum
.Non-club members have to go to second floor of gym
.”Be a decent human being”
.There will be a demonstration on how to play
*Time Extenstion
.5 Minutes
.Motioned: Biology Club
.Seconded: Performing Arts Club
-Cabinet Space
.Clean up cabinets
.Clubs need to consolidate space because a lot of new clubs are joining and they need
10.) New Business
.Your chance to be truthful about the senators
.give paper back at the end of the meeting
-Senate has been working with LAFTA
.what can be done to get buses to come by more often
.Encourages club members to participate in the survey
.3 Scenarios were created
.More Coverage
.More timely busses but have to walk a little further
.A combination
.Trying to convince them to get buses by more often
11.) Announcements
-Brandon Byrne
.Las Positas made it to playoffs
.The women’s soccer games will be held tomorrow
.Had a successful tailgate party on Wednesday November 5th
.Textbook Assistant Scholarships
. $500 for the winner of scholarship
.help buy books and help with tuition
.Available on website
.due dates are online
-Heysum Ali
.Setting up dodgeball at 2:30
.would like some assistance in getting set up
.Dodgeball starts at 6 but encourages people to show up earlier
12.) Adjournment
-Adjourned at 12:27 PM
.First: Way and the Truth
.Seconded: Psychology Club
.Vote: Passed unanimously