
• Are the only person who truly knows your
thoughts, your strengths, your power
• Need to have determination and pride- no one
will do it for you
• Never give up- always strive for the best- Do It
for YOU!
“Make It Measurable”
What gets measured gets managed
Learn and understand the benefits of
developing and measuring personal
fitness goals and why fitness is different
and unique for everyone.
Goals and Objectives
1. You will be able to identify and explain the five
components of fitness.
2. You will be able to provide at least one example of a
fitness test for each of the five components of fitness.
3. You will be able to identify a minimum of three methods
of testing for body composition and the pro’s and con’s of
4. You will be able to explain the correlation between body
composition and fitness test scores.
5. You will be able to design an individual fitness chart using
spreadsheet excel or a table from a word document to
chart the progress of personal fitness goals.
5 Components of Fitness
• Cardiovascular
• Examples
Endurance: the ability
– PACER Test
of the heart, lungs and
– 12 minute run
blood vessels to
– Mile run
function efficiently
when a person exercises
the body
5 Components of Fitness
• Muscular Strength:
the amount of force
a muscle can
• Examples
– Bicep Curl
5 Components of Fitness
• Muscular Endurance:
the ability to contract
the muscles many times
without tiring or to hold
one contraction for a
long time
• Examples
– Curl ups
– Push ups
– Pull ups
– Hang
* these may fall into
the muscular
strength category
depending upon the
number done
5 Components of Fitness
• Flexibility: the ability to
move the joints through
a full range of motion; a
part of fitness that
requires long muscles
• Examples
– Sit and Reach
5 Components of Fitness
• Body Composition: the • Examples
make-up of the body
– Tanita Scale
tissue, including muscle,
– Skinfold measurement
bone, fat and all other
body tissue
•The following are
different methods of
measuring body
•Factors to consider
when assessing
- accuracy
- reliability
- cost
- availability
• Height-weight tables
• Body mass index charts
– Body mass in kilograms divided by
(height x height in meters)
• Girth measurements
• Skinfold measurements
• Bioelectrical impedance
analysis (ie. tanita scale)
• Hydrostatic Weighing
Basil Metabolic Rate (BMR)
• Everyone log onto the web and go to
1. Go to #4 “The Fridge”
2. Go to “How Calories Work”
3. Read information on BMR and type in
information from fitness logs to determine
your BMR
REVIEW: 5 Components of Fitness
1. Cardiovascular Endurance: the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels
to function efficiently when a person exercises the body
example: PACER test, 12 minute run, mile run
2. Muscular Strength: the amount of force a muscle can produce
example: bicep curl
3. Muscular Endurance: the ability to contract the muscles many times
without tiring or to hold one contraction for a long time
example: curl ups, push ups, pull ups, hang (*these may fall into the
muscular strength category depending upon number done)
4. Flexibility: the ability to move the joints through a full range of motion; a
part of fitness that requires long muscles
example: sit and reach
5. Body Composition: the make-up of the body tissue, including muscle, bone,
fat and all other body tissue
example: tanita scale
Essential Questions
Your Thoughts . . .
• Ms. Yerkey's Weblog
• Ms. Yerkey's Wiki
Assessing Student Knowledge
• Fitness Chart
- Design an individual
fitness chart using
spreadsheet excel or a table
from a word document. You
must provide a clear written
explanation of your fitness
goals along with reasoning
for each specific target area
at which you are charting
• Grading Rubric
10 points: The chart represents a
clear picture of:
• At least three fitness goals (3
• How the student will track these
goals (3 pnts)
• What components of fitness each
goal covers (1 pnt)
• The chosen method of tracking
body composition and why (2
• what technology will be used to
help assess goals (ie. tri-fit
computer program, heart rate
monitor, pedometer etc) (1 pnt)
Power Point Assignment
• Create a power point that effectively
illustrates and explains your fitness chart, the
reason for the design (ie. easy to follow), the
specific fitness goals being measured, the
target areas being charted (ie. heart rate to
increase cardiovascular endurance) and what
component(s) of fitness are being measured
(ie. using sit and reach to test flexibility
increase or decrease after using conditioning
log for 6 weeks).
Power Point Rubric
15 points possible
Organization of slides and content
No logical sequence of information.
Menus and paths to information do
not function properly.
Some logical sequence of
information. Menus and paths to
additional information are clear and
Logical sequence of information.
Menus and paths to additional
information are clear and direct.
Content Knowledge
Information is lacking, incorrect, and
provides minimal detail connecting
fitness chart to fitness components
Information is clear, and for the most
part correct and appropriate. There is
a good connection between the
fitness chart and selected fitness
Information is correct and
appropriate. This presentation
provides a clear focus and reasoning
for the selected fitness targets.
Power point has multiple errors in
spelling and/or grammar.
Power point has some errors in
spelling and/or grammar.
Power point has no spelling or
grammatical errors.
Pictures and information have not
been cited.
Some pictures and information have
been cited.
All pictures and information have
been cited.
- 5 or fewer slides
- 2 or fewer transitions
- 1 appropriate sound effect
- 1 picture
- no copy of the fitness chart
-1 Internet resource with no working
link or no resource
-6 slides
- 3 transitions
- 2 appropriate sound effects
- 2 pictures
- copy of fitness chart
-1 Internet resource with link
- Minimum 7 slides maximum of 12
- minimum of 5 transitions
-minimum of 3 appropriate sound
- minimum of 3 pictures
- copy of fitness chart
- 1 Internet resource with link
Technical Requirements
Alternative Assignment
• Write a detailed description of your fitness
chart and explain design, fitness goals and
selected targets (fitness components) you are
focusing on
• Give an oral presentation to the class
• Criteria for the paper is the same as that for
designing the fitness chart. Point will be
awarded accordingly. 3 extra points will be
given for proper spelling and grammar.
Remember . . .
• Make it Measurable
– What gets Measured gets Managed
• YOU can do it!