Respiratory System

Respiratory System
By: Kimberli Sanchez, Miriam
Segura and Guadalupe Segura
Major Functions
• The main function of the respiratory system is the
exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the lungs.
• All structures in the respiratory system tray ct
play necessary in the function of the system.
• Several organs of the respiratory system are
responsible for the process of breathing.
• The primary organs of the respiratory system are
lungs, which function to take in oxygen and expel
carbon dioxide as we breathe .
• Trachea is a pipe shaped by rings of cartilage. It divides into two
tubes called brunch.
• Lungs : Your lungs are part of a group of organs and tissues that all
work together to help you breathe
• The diaphragm is the muscle that controls the breathing process
• The larynx sometimes called the voice box is the tube shape organ
in the neck region between the pharynx or throat in the trachea.
• The egilotlis is the essentially a trapdoor in your throat. Its and
elastic cartilage covered with a mucous membrane located at the
• Vocal cords are also called as pica vocalist in the Latin. These are the
folds related to mucous membrane that move further into the
Breathing Process
• We breathe with the help of your diaphragm
other muscles in your chest and abdomen.
Those in your muscles will literally change the
space and pressure inside your body cavity to
accommodate your breathing. The lungs get
bigger with air and pushes the diagram down.
• The body breathes in the air which is sucked
through the nose or mouth and down through
the trachea (windpipe).
How it works with other body systems
• How does the respiratory system work with other
systems in the body?
• The respiratory system work s with almost all the
other body systems in the human body.
• For example: The respiratory works the nervous
system because the brain tells the respiratory
system when to breathe in or out.
• The respiratory system works with the skeletal
system, by allowing the skeletal system to protect
the respiratory organs, like how the ribs protect
the lungs
4 Fun Facts
• Our respiratory system is one of the most
sophisticated biological mechanisms in nature,
designed to enable the most important life proves of
aerobic cellular respiration, which helps your body to
produce energy from food. It achieves this through
the supply of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide
• The breathing rate is faster in children and women
than in man.
• The right lung is slightly larger than the left.
• The highest record sneeze speed is 165 km per hour.
• So we have talked to you about the process of
the respiratory system, now we would like to
demonstrate to you how the diaphragm