Mader 11 ch 14 Biotechnology and Genomics

Chapter 14
Biotechnology and Genomics
Read textbook
Read CliffsAP Book pages 137-138
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
• Topics
– 14.1
– 14.2
– 14.3
– 14.4
Cloning of a gene
Biotechnology products
Gene therapy
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
• Cloning of a Gene
– Two basic ways to clone a gene:
• Recombinant DNA –
– when need very large quantities.
• Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
– When need lesser quantities
– Done in a test tube
– Genomic Library
– Analyzing DNA
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
• Recombinant DNA
– DNA from two different sources is
– Need a vector to get the new
DNA into the organism
• Often use plasmids or bacteriophage
– Need enzymes to get the new
DNA into the vector.
• Restriction enzyme cuts the DNA of
the plasmid.
• DNA ligase seals the new DNA into
the plasmid.
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
• Restriction enzymes
– May occur naturally.
– Bacteria use as a defense against
foreign viruses.
– Hamilton Smith isolated the first
restriction enzyme in 1970, since
then hundreds have been isolated.
Hamilton Smith 19321978 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
• EcoR1
– Example of a restriction enzyme.
– “sticky ends” will bind to “sticky ends” of new DNA, with the
help of DNA ligase to form rDNA.
– Always cuts between the A and the G.
– Recognizes the palindrome GAATTC (CTTAAG).
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
• Cloning of a Gene
– Using restriction
enzymes (cont)
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
• Plasmid Vector
Compared to Viral
(bacteriophage) Vector
• Bacteria cannot deal
with introns – what
problems does that
• How is that fixed?
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
– Can create millions of copies of
a single gene or sequence very
quickly.(PCR usually used to
create more “genes”, gene
cloning usually used to make
more “gene product”)
– Still use rDNA cloning if need
large quantities of gene product.
– Very specific.
– Done in a test tube.
– Needs primers and DNA
– Used to have to keep adding
more enzyme each time the
DNA was heated to separate
strands – found a heat
insensitive enzyme.
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PCR tutorial:..\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology tutorials\pcr .dir
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
• Analyzing DNA- Gel Electrophoresis
– Entire genome of an individual organism
can be categorized.
– Each individual will have a unique “DNA
– Whole genome treated with restriction
enzymes. End up with many different
length DNA fragments
• Different individuals have some
fragments of DNA that are different
lengths than another individuals =
restriction fragment length polymorphisms
– Fragments separated on basis of length
– More commonly, use only certain
fragments (short tandem repeats –
STRs) of interest that have been
amplified by PCR.
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Electrophoresis tutorial on HD.\AP Bio
DNA gel
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
Quagga related to zebra not horse
– Became extinct in 1870
– Used DNA from dried skin
DNA from Sam Sheppard
– forensics
Human mummies
– Determine evolutionary history of human populations
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.1 Cloning of a Gene
Lane 1 and Lane 4 -
– Results from a single
Because locus
these lanes
bands in common,
DNA fingerprint no
for a man
neither lane can contain the
and his four different
children are
DNA of the father. Lane 3 is
shown in the figure.
Which lane
the father.
contains the DNA of the father?
– Each parent contributes
Lane 2 andone
Lane set
5 - of
lanes have
alleles to each child.
no bands in common,
above contains DNA
lane can
contain the
of theEach
father. child
children and one DNA
will share one band (allele) with the
father. You can use the process of
elimination to determine which lane
contains the father's DNA.
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
• Biotechnology
Genetically Modified Bacteria
Genetically Modified Plants
Genetically Modified Animals
Cloning of Transgenic
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Organisms that have
had foreign DNA
inserted are called
transgenic organisms
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
• Transgenic Bacteria
– Genetically altered
bacteria are used to
produce many things,
such as:
• Insulin
• Human growth factor
• Tissue plasminogen
• Hepatitis vaccine
– Genetically altered
bacteria is a big industry.
• Some examples of things
transgenic bacteria can
– Eat oil from oil spills
– Protect plants from
– Remove sulfur from coal
– Act as biofilters for air
– Produce phenylalanine
(used in NutriSweet)
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
• Transgenic Plants
– Many crops have been altered to be
insect and or herbicide resistant
• Cotton, corn, potato, working on wheat
and rice
– Can increase protein or starch content
among other things.
– Plants can be made to produce some
hormones, clotting factors and
– Little chance of contamination with
pathogens that could infect humans.
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Flavr Savr Tomato – first
genetically altered food
approved by FDA in
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
Flavr Savr
tomato must
while it is
still green
and firm so
that it is not
crushed on
the way to
The Flavr
Savr tomato
ripens on
the vine –
resulting in
flavour. It is
modified so
that it
remains firm
Ripe and
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
• Transgenic Animals
– Insert desired gene into
animal’s egg – fertilize in vitro
– implant – see gene’s
effects in the new born
– Can grow bigger animals by
inserting gene for bovine
growth hormone.
– Gene “pharming”
• Use animals to “grow”
• Goats, mice, cows
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Herd of goats exists that
produces Antithrombin
II(anticlotting agent) in
their milk.
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.2 Biotechnology Products
• Cloning
– Best way to
get identical
would lead to
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.3 Gene Therapy
• Gene Therapy
– Genetic Disorders
• Cystic fibrosis
• SCID (severe combined
• Familial
– Cancer treatment
• Make normal cells more
tolerant of the
– Other Illnesses
– Limited success – so far.
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.3 Gene Therapy
• Cancer
– Make bone marrow less
susceptible to the
effects of
– Infect with normal p53
– Who knows what the
future holds?
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.4 Genomics
• Gene therapy involves procedures to give
patients healthy genes to make up for a faulty
• It also includes the use of genes to treat
genetic disorders and various human
• There are ex vivo (outside body) and in vivo
(inside body) methods of gene therapy.
– Ex Vivo
• Children with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
(SCID) lack the enzyme adenosine deaminase
• Bone marrow stem cells are infected with a virus
carrying a normal gene for the ADA enzyme
– In Vivo
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Nasal / Respiratory Spray
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.4 Genomics
• Human Genome Project
– Launched in 1990 by NIH and
DOE (Dept of Energy)
– Two goals
• Construct a genetic map of the
human genome
• Construct a base sequence
map (completed in 2001)
• Took 13 years to sequence
three billion base pairs along
the length of chromosomes.
– Have sequences for fruit fly,
bakers yeast, a roundworm and
about 30 bacteria –and now
– New field called Genomics.
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
– Humans have about 20,500 genes (accounting for only 1.5-2% of all DNA)
• Most code for proteins
• 95% of the average protein-coding gene in humans is introns
• Much of the human genome was formerly described as “junk”
– Does not specify the order of amino acids in a polypeptide
AP Bioeffect
– RNA molecules can haveMills
a regulatory
in cells
– 3 billion bases – would take 200 books each 1000 pages long to hold
• Eukaryotic Gene Structure
– Historically, genes were defined as
discrete units of heredity that corresponded
to a locus on a chromosome.
– Prokaryotes typically possess a single
circular chromosome.
– Eukaryotic chromosomes are much more
• Genes are distributed along the length of a
• Genes are fragmented into exons.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
repetitive and unique DNA
Human Genome
Gene B
Gene A
pre- mRNA
intro n
re mo ve d
Gene A mRNA
Gene B mRNA
• Eukaryotic Gene Structure
– Intergenic sequences are
DNA sequences that occur
between genes
– Repetitive DNA elements
occur when the same
sequence of two or more
nucleotides is repeated many
times along the length of one
or more chromosomes.
– Transposons are specific
DNA sequences that have the
remarkable ability to move
within and between
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013
• Functional Genomics
– Functional genomics aims to understand the role of the genome in
cells or organisms
– DNA microarrays can monitor the expression of thousands of genes
simultaneously and tell us:
• What genes are turned on
• Environmental conditions that turn on the gene
• Functional Genomics
– DNA microarrays contain microscopic amounts of
known DNA fixed onto a small glass slide or
silicon chip in known locations
– mRNAs bind to DNA sequences on the chip
through complementary base pairing
• Allows identification of genes that are active in the cell
– Can be used to identify various mutations in the
genome of an individual
• This is called the person’s genetic profile.
DNA Microarray Technology
tagged DNA did
bind to probe
DNA probe
tagged DNA did not
bind to probe
testing subject's DNA
© Deco/Alamy
• Comparative genomics compares the human genome to the
genomes of other organisms
• Model organisms have genetic mechanisms and cellular
pathways in common with humans
• Comparative genomics offers a way to study changes in the
genome over time
• Proteomics - The study of the structure,
function, and interaction of cellular proteins
• The entire collection of a species’ proteins is
its proteome
• The proteome is larger than the genome
– Mechanisms such as alternative -re-mRNA splicing
increase the number of possible proteins
• Understanding protein function is essential to
the development of better drugs
– Correlate drug treatment to the particular genome
– Increase efficiency and decrease side effects
• Once the primary structure of a protein is
– It should be possible to predict its tertiary structure
– Computer modeling of the tertiary structures of
proteins is an important part of proteomics
• Bioinformatics - the application of computer
technologies, software, and statistical techniques to
the study of biological information
– Genomics and proteomics produce raw data
– These fields depend on computer analysis to find significant
patterns in the data
– Scientists hope to find relationships between genetic profiles and
genetic disorders
• New computational tools will be needed to accomplish
these goals
Chapter 14 Biotechnology and Genomics
14.4 Genomics
• How to sequence DNA (if time)
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The End
Mills AP Bio 2012-2013