Click here - ICS 100 - 3: Computing Literacy and Application

Kaua‘i Community College
ICS 100 - 3: Computing Literacy and Application
Spring 2014 Syllabus
Instructor: Vera Blalock, MHRM
Office: BUS room 113
Phone: 808-245-8311
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursdays 12:30-1:30pm or by Appointment
Credits: 3
Description: An introductory survey of computers and their role in the information world
emphasizing computer terminology, hardware, and software. Opportunities for “hands-on”
experience using applications software may include spreadsheets, word processing,
presentations, communications, and databases. This course is entirely online and asynchronous,
you will NOT be meeting on any specific day. However, you will be responsible to complete the
assignments on a weekly basis before the deadline for submission, and you may be meeting with
your team members via various forms of media.
Computer Concepts 2014,Comprehensive
Author: Parsons
Click here to find the text:
Additionally, the Web will be used extensively as a resource for information, online tutorials and
web based applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, database and other office
technology programs.
1. Utilize the basic features of computer applications to communicate effectively (major
content area).
2. Utilize operating system interfaces to manage computer resources effectively.
3. Utilize online resources for research and communication.
4. Define, explain, and demonstrate proper computer terminology usage in areas such as
hardware, software, and communications.
5. Describe ethical issues involved in the use of computer technology.
Kaua‘i Community College
ICS 100 - 3: Computing Literacy and Application
Spring 2014 Syllabus
Reading assignments, articles, and online tutorials will provide the necessary information on a
particular subject or topic, and stress the underlying concept and theory. Mastery of this content
area will be evaluated by participation, assignments and tests. Online tutorials will also impart
information that will assist in acquiring the necessary skills for a particular application, for
example spreadsheets.
Proficiency and mastery of the skills needed for the various applications, such as word
processing, spreadsheets, database, and file management, will be evaluated by an assignment in
that particular area. For example, to test your application skills in database, your assignment will
be to create a simple database that can store, retrieve, and display information.
Assignments will be given on every Saturday at 8:00am via an announcement from Laulima,
beginning January 18, 2014, and will be due via Laulima Assignment and/or Discussion Board
postings. Assignments will cover an average of 2 chapters a week, postings to discussion boards,
team assignments (team assignments will be spread out over the semester), and/or any outside
activity related to the content. In addition, unit quizzes will be given throughout the semester.
Please see your Calendar for more information.
FINAL Project will consist of a power point presentation on a related topic in the Text and that
achieves the student learning objectives #1-5.
All grading of the assignments, quizzes, and projects will be based on a point system. Total
points will be computed as follows:
150 Points
Unit Quiz #1: (Chapters 1-4) 50 Points
Unit Quiz #2: (Chapters 5-8) 50 Points
Unit Quiz #3: (Chapters 9-12) 50 Points
(6 assignments = 100 points each)
(See Final Project Rubric)
600 Points
150 Points
Power Point Presentation Rough Draft
Final Power Point Presentation
Reply to 2 others students Final Project
25 points
100 points
25 points
Overall Participation: (Team and Individual)
100 Points
1000 Points
Kaua‘i Community College
ICS 100 - 3: Computing Literacy and Application
Spring 2014 Syllabus
Point System: 1000 total possible points
> = 900
> = 800
> = 700
> = 60
All assignments are required and should be submitted on time. Late work can be submitted
ONLY with permission by the Instructor and will be assessed less 25% of your grade. That is, if
the late assignment receives 80 points out of a 100 then the final point score will be 60 points.
Missing assignments vastly reduce the chance of obtaining a good grade. Two or three missing
assignments usually result in a 'D' or 'F' grade.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep the instructor informed on issues relating to the
completion and submission of assignments. There can be flexibility with deadlines if events and
circumstances are known as they occur prior to submission. This situation should be
communicated to the instructor ahead of time via email, telephone, or person-to-person. Events
and circumstances known after the fact is not a valid excuse.
Please be aware of the University of Hawai`i’s policy on Academic Honesty as cited in the
university’s general catalog for "Student Conduct and Discipline." Also note the references to
this matter in KCC’s general catalog under "College Policies & Procedures, Academic
Dishonesty." The "Student Conduct Code" on page 53 of the Kaua'i Community College catalog,
describes the issues of cheating and plagiarism. In the classroom, the ease with which technology
has brought about information exchange makes it imperative that it is used accordingly. Cheating
and plagiarism will not be tolerated and may be grounds for failure and dismissal from the
Pay particular attention to the following:
Commit to your schedule. This course is entirely online and ASYNCHRONOUS. Also,
the course is designed to be completed in 8 Weeks, setting a designated time and place to
complete your assignments is critical to success in this course. There will be NO set date
and time for class meetings, however, coordination with group members via chat rooms,
google docs, skype, phone, or other media will need to be coordinated.
Kaua‘i Community College
ICS 100 - 3: Computing Literacy and Application
Spring 2014 Syllabus
Work habits
Please be prepared to work and study during the 3-hour time allotted to this class per
week. Make good use of this time. You will be working in groups throughout the
semester, it is imperative attention be made to time management. That is, set a specific
day and time (eg: every Saturdays from 2:00pm – 5:00pm) which is best suited for you in
order to complete the assignments on time. Make the commitment to work. Commit
yourself to the semester. Online learning requires more time to complete assignments,
and due diligence is required on your behalf. I understand that life happens as you are
attending college, so please let me know quickly how I can assist you best.
Maintain that edge, you must have access to information. You should have a reliable
internet connection and computer system. I would recommend that you log on to Laulima
via site and click on Laulima on the top of the page. Log into
Laulima via MYUH portal will log you out of the system after a few minutes, and may
log you out of Laulima while you are taking an exam. Laulima will be used to take exams
and 6 Assignments will be submitted via the ASSIGNMENT and/or DISCUSSION
BOARD in Laulima.
Getting off to a good start
The course will be a quick 8 week course.
Week 1 will consist of introductions to ICS and the class.
Weeks 2-7 will be intensive covering an average of 2 chapters a week.
Week 8 will be used for the Final Project Posting.
Your overall participation in the course will be graded by me, you, and your team
5. Please be courteous to others and there will be ZERO tolerance for online bullying or
disrespect to others. See the student conduct policy for more information. Please
remember that the words you use while online may be construed as hostile to others if
used improperly.
6. Keeping your instructor informed of any difficulties and obstacles that you encounter in
advance or before the assignment is due.
Kaua'i Community College is fully ADAAA compliant. If you have needs that require special
accommodations, please contact your home campus Disabilities Office to voluntarily disclose
and provide substantiating evidence. Kaua'i Community College's Disabilities Office can be
reached at 245-8212.
For students whose home campus is NOT Kaua'i Community College, your campus contact
information can be found at the University of Hawai'i Kokua website located at