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Chapter 3 - Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atoms (test bank)
1. What is the capacity to do work and transfer heat?
A. electricity
B. power
C. energy
D. temperature
E. work
2. What is the name of the energy that results from the interaction of charged particles?
A. thermal energy
B. kinetic energy
C. chemical energy
D. electrostatic energy
E. charged energy
3. What is the energy that results from motion?
A. potential energy
B. kinetic energy
C. chemical energy
D. electrostatic energy
E. velocity
4. What is the energy possessed by an object by virtue of its position?
A. potential energy
B. kinetic energy
C. work
D. thermal energy
E. velocity
5. What is defined as the distance between identical points on successive waves?
A. frequency
B. amplitude
C. magnitude
D. wavelength
E. light
6. Visible light, radio waves, microwave radiation, infrared, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma
rays all constitute the electromagnetic spectrum. What similar characteristic do all of these
spectrums share?
A. They all have the ability to generate heat in objects.
B. They all have the same frequencies.
C. They are all the transmission of energy in the form of waves.
D. They have equal energies.
E. They have the same electron spin state.
7. According to scientist James Clerk Maxwell in the year 1873, a(n) ______________ consists of an
electric field component and a magnetic field component.
A. electrostatic wave
B. isoelectric wave
C. atom
D. paramagnetic wave
E. electromagnetic wave
8. What is defined as the number of waves that pass through a particular point in one second?
A. light
B. amplitude
C. magnitude
D. wavelength
E. frequency
9. A(n) _________ is a point at which a standing wave has zero amplitude.
A. crevice
B. node
C. pit
D. burrow
E. orbital
10. When a solid is heated, it emits electromagnetic radiation known as ________________. An
example of such radiation is the element of a stove stop burning bright red.
A. isoelectric radiation
B. visible and ultraviolet radiation
C. blackbody radiation
D. paramagnetic radiation
E. whitebody radiation
11. What physical phenomenon did Albert Einstein apply his theory toward in regards to when
electrons are ejected from the surface of a metal exposed to light of at least a certain minimum
A. Aura Effect
B. Photon Effect
C. Ritzwald Effect
D. Photoelectric Effect
E. None of the answers is correct.
12. What is defined as the vertical distance from the midline of a wave to the top of the peak or the
bottom of the trough?
A. light
B. amplitude
C. magnitude
D. wavelength
E. frequency
13. What is the frequency of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength 532 nm (c = 3.00 ×
10 8 m/s)?
A. 5.64 × 1014 s–1
B. 6.48 × 1012 s–1
C. 4.18 × 1018 s–1
D. 6.23 × 1014 s–1
E. 3.75 × 1015 s–1
14. What is the wavelength of light having a frequency of 4.8 × 1014 s–1 (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s)?
A. 0.0016 nm
B. 1600 m
C. 630 nm
D. 1600 nm
E. 6.3 × 10–7 nm
15. What is the frequency of light having a wavelength of 360 nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s)?
A. 8.3 × 1014 s–1
B. 1.2 × 10–6 s–1
C. 8.3 × 105 s–1
D. 108 s–1
E. 1.2 × 10–15 s–1
16. Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest wavelength
and increases to greatest wavelength.
A. radio, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
B. radio, ultraviolet, infrared, gamma rays
C. gamma rays, radio, ultraviolet, infrared
D. gamma rays, infrared, radio, ultraviolet
E. gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, radio
17. Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest energy and
increases to greatest energy.
A. radio, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
B. radio, ultraviolet, infrared, gamma rays
C. gamma rays, infrared, radio, ultraviolet
D. gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, radio
E. infrared, ultraviolet, radio, gamma rays
18. What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 6.912 × 1014 s–1 (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s)?
A. 1.447 × 10–15 nm
B. 4.337 × 102 nm
C. 2.304 × 106 nm
D. 2.074 × 1023 nm
E. 4.337 × 10–7 nm
19. Calculate the frequency of visible light having a wavelength of 686 nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s).
A. 4.34 × 1014 /s
B. 4.34 × 105 /s
C. 6.17 × 1014 /s
D. 2.29 × 10–15 /s
E. 2.29 × 10–6 /s
20. The FM station KDUL broadcasts music at 99.1 MHz. Find the wavelength of these waves (c =
3.00 × 108 m/s).
A. 1.88 × 10–2 m
B. 0.330 m
C. 3.03 m
D. 5.33 × 102 m
E. > 103 m
21. What is the energy in joules of a mole of photons associated with visible light of wavelength 486
nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s; NA = 6.022 × 1023 moles–1)?
A. 6.46 × 10–16 J
B. 6.46 × 10–25 J
C. 2.46 × 10–4 J
D. 12.4 kJ
E. 246 kJ
22. What is the energy in joules of a mole of photons associated with red light of wavelength 7.00 ×
102 nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s; NA = 6.022 × 1023 /mole)?
A. 256 kJ
B. 1.71 × 105 J
C. 4.72 × 10–43 J
D. 12.4 kJ
E. 2.12 × 1042 J
23. A radio wave has a frequency of 8.6 × 108 Hz. What is the energy of one photon of this radiation
(h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 7.7 × 10–43 J
B. 2.3 × 10–34 J
C. 5.7 × 10–25 J
D. 1.7 × 10–16 J
E. > 10–15 J
24. The solar radiation spectrum peaks at a wavelength of approximately 500 nm. Calculate the
energy of one photon of that radiation (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 4 × 10–10 J
B. 6 × 1014 J
C. 1 × 10–27 J
D. 2 × 10–25 J
E. 4 × 10–19 J
25. If he energy of a photon is 1.32 × 10–18 J, what is its wavelength in nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h =
6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 1.51 × 10–7 nm
B. 151 nm
C. 1.99 × 1015 nm
D. 1.99 × 1024 nm
E. None of these choices is correct.
26. A photon has an energy of 5.53 × 10–17 J. What is its frequency in s–1 (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 3.66 × 10–50 s–1
B. 1.20 × 10–17 s–1
C. 3.59 × 10–9 s–1
D. 2.78 × 108 s–1
E. 8.34 × 1016 s–1
27. Calculate the energy, in joules, required to excite a hydrogen atom by causing an electronic
transition from the n = 1 to the n = 4 principal energy level. Recall that the energy levels of the H
atom are given by En = –2.18 × 10–18 J(1/n2 ).
A. 2.07 × 10–29 J
B. 2.19 × 105 J
C. 2.04 × 10–18 J
D. 3.27 × 10–17 J
E. 2.25 × 10–18 J
28. Calculate the wavelength, in nanometers, of the light emitted by a hydrogen atom when its
electron falls from the n = 7 to the n = 4 principal energy level. Recall that the energy levels of the H
atom are given by En = –2.18 × 10–18 J (1/n2 ) and (c = 3.00 × 108m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 4.45 × 10–20 nm
B. 2.16 × 10–6 nm
C. 9.18 × 10–20 nm
D. 1.38 × 1014 nm
E. 2.16 × 103 nm
29. Calculate the frequency of the light emitted by a hydrogen atom during a transition of its
electron from the n = 4 to the n = 1 principal energy level. Recall that for hydrogen En = –2.18 × 10–
J(1/n2 ) and (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 3.08 × 1015 /s
B. 1.03 × 108 /s
C. 2.06 × 1014 /s
D. 1.35 × 10–51 /s
E. 8.22 × 1014 /s
30. Use the Rydberg equation to calculate the frequency of a photon absorbed when the hydrogen
atom undergoes a transition fromn1 = 2 to n2 = 4. (R = 1.096776 × 107 m–1 ; c = 3.00 × 108 m/s).
A. 2.06 × 106 s–1
B. 2.74 × 106 s–1
C. 6.17 × 1014 s–1
D. 8.23 × 1014 s–1
E. > 1015 s–1
31. Line spectra from all regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, including the Paschen series of
infrared lines for hydrogen, are used by astronomers to identify elements present in the
atmospheres of stars. Calculate the wavelength of the photon emitted when the hydrogen atom
undergoes a transition from n = 5 to n = 3. (R = 1.096776 × 107 m–1 )
A. 205.1 nm
B. 384.6 nm
C. 683.8 nm
D. 1282 nm
E. > 1500 nm
32. Calculate the wavelength associated with a 20Ne+ ion moving at a velocity of 2.0 × 105 m/s. The
atomic mass of Ne–20 is 19.992 amu (1 amu = 1.66 × 10–24 g and h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 1.0 × 10–13 m
B. 1.0 × 10–16 m
C. 1.0 × 10–18 m
D. 9.7 × 1012 m
E. 2.0 × 10–13 cm
33. Calculate the wavelength of a neutron that has a velocity of 200. cm/s. (The mass of a neutron =
1.675 × 10–27 kg and h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 1.98 × 10–9 m
B. 216 nm
C. 1.8 × 1050 m
D. 198 nm
E. 5.05 mm
34. A sprinter must average 24.0 mi/h to win a 100-m dash in 9.30 s. What is his wavelength at this
speed if his mass is 84.5 kg (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 7.29 × 10–37 m
B. 3.26 × 10–37 m
C. 5.08 × 10–30 m
D. 1.34 × 10–30 m
E. None of these choices is correct.
35. The de Broglie equation predicts that the wavelength (in m) of a proton moving at 1000. m/s is
________________. (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s; mass of a proton = 1.673 × 10–24 g)
A. 3.96 × 10–10 m
B. 3.96 × 10–7 m
C. 2.52 × 106 m
D. 2.52 × 109 m
E. > 1010 m
36. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if the uncertainty in the speed of an electron
is 3.5 × 103 m/s, the uncertainty in its position (in m) is at least ___________. (mass of an electron =
9.11 × 10–28 g)
A. 1.7 × 10–8 m
B. 6.6 × 10–8 m
C. 17 m
D. 66 m
E. None of these choices is correct.
37. What is the emission of light at only specific wavelengths?
A. Emission spectra
B. Hydrogen spectrum
C. Wave spectra
D. Limited spectra
E. Line spectra
38. The word _________ is used as an acronym for the amplification of light which is stimulated by
the emission of radiation.
A. beam
B. laser
C. emit
D. brighten
E. light
39. Which scientist proposed that energy of radiation is composed of extremely small indivisible
packages called Quanta? (Quanta being the plural of Quantum.)
A. Max Planck
B. Louis de Broglie
C. Clinton Davisson
D. Sir Isaac Newton
E. Lothan Meyer
40. The size of an atomic orbital is associated with
A. the principal quantum number (n).
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l).
C. the magnetic quantum number (ml).
D. the spin quantum number (ms).
E. the angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers, together.
41. The shape of an atomic orbital is associated with
A. the principal quantum number (n).
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l).
C. the magnetic quantum number (ml).
D. the spin quantum number (ms).
E. the magnetic and spin quantum numbers, together.
42. The orientation in space of an atomic orbital is associated with
A. the principal quantum number (n).
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l).
C. the magnetic quantum number (ml).
D. the spin quantum number (ms).
E. none of these choices is correct.
43. Atomic orbitals developed using quantum mechanics
A. describe regions of space in which one is most likely to find an electron.
B. describe exact paths for electron motion.
C. give a description of the atomic structure which is essentially the same as the Bohr model.
D. allow scientists to calculate an exact volume for the hydrogen atom.
E. are in conflict with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
44. The energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom is determined by
A. the principal quantum number (n) only.
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l) only.
C. the principal and angular momentum quantum numbers (n & l).
D. the principal and magnetic quantum numbers (n & ml).
E. the principal, angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers.
45. Which of the following is a correct set of quantum numbers for an electron in a 3d orbital?
A. n = 3, l = 0, ml = –1
B. n = 3, l = 1, ml = +3
C. n = 3, l = 2, ml = 3
D. n = 3, l = 3, ml = +2
E. n = 3, l = 2, ml = –2
46. Which of the following is a correct set of quantum numbers for an electron in a 5f orbital?
A. n = 5, l = 3, ml = +1
B. n = 5, l = 2, ml = +3
C. n = 4, l = 3, ml = 0
D. n = 4, l = 2, ml = +1
E. n = 5, l = 4, ml = 3.
47. In the quantum mechanical treatment of the hydrogen atom, which one of the following
combinations of quantum numbers is not allowed?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
48. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers can correctly represent a 3p orbital?
ml = 2
ml = 3
ml = 1
ml = –1
ml = 1
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
49. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible?
3 –2 +1/2
0 1
0 0
1 1
0 0
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
50. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible?
3 –2 +1/2
2 –3 –1/2
0 0
1 1
0 0
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
51. What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following set of
quantum numbers? n = 4 l = 3 ml = –2ms = +1/2
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 6
E. 10
52. A possible set of quantum numbers for the last electron added to complete an atom of gallium
(Ga) in its ground state is
ml ms
0 0
1 0
1 0
1 1
2 1
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
53. A possible set of quantum numbers for the last electron added to complete an atom of
germanium in its ground state is
l ml
0 0
0 +1
1 –1
1 +1
2 +2
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
54. Electrons in an orbital with l = 3 are in a/an
A. d orbital.
B. f orbital.
C. g orbital.
D. p orbital.
E. s orbital.
55. The number of orbitals in a d subshell is
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
E. 7
56. The maximum number of electrons that can occupy an energy level described by the principal
quantum number, n, is
A. n
B. n + 1
C. 2n
D. 2n2
E. n2
57. How many orbitals are allowed in a subshell if the angular momentum quantum number for
electrons in that subshell is 3?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
E. 9
58. The Pauli exclusion principle states that no ____ electrons within an atom can have the same
____ quantum numbers.
A. 4; 6
B. 2; 4
C. 3; 6
D. 6; 10
E. 3; 8
59. Hund's rule states that the most stable arrangement of electrons in orbitals of equal energy is
the one in which the number of electrons with parallel spin are ______________.
A. minimized
B. nullified
C. neutral
D. maximized
E. not relevant
60. ___________________ is the wavelength associated with a moving particle.
A. The de Broglie wavelength
B. The Heisenburg wavelength
C. The Hund wavelength
D. The Aufbau wavelength
E. None of the answers is correct.
61. Atomic orbitals that have the same amount of energy are ______________.
A. regenerative
B. negatively charged
C. degenerate
D. positively charged
E. zwitterionic
62. What type of configuration specifies the arrangement of electrons in the orbitals of an atom?
A. Heisenberg configuration
B. Nuclear configuration
C. Atomic configuration
D. Proton configuration
E. Electron configuration
63. "No two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers" is a statement of
A. the Pauli exclusion principle.
B. Bohr's equation.
C. Hund's rule.
D. de Broglie's relation.
E. Dalton's atomic theory.
64. What is the name given to the statement "The most stable arrangement of electrons in orbitals
of equal energy is the one in which the number of electrons with the same spin is maximized"?
A. the Pauli exclusion principle
B. Bohr's equation
C. Hund's rule
D. de Broglie's relation
E. Dalton's atomic theory
65. How many orbitals are there in the n = 4 level of the H-atom?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 16
E. 18
66. The orbital diagram for a ground–state nitrogen atom is
↿. ↿. ↿
↿ . ↿⇂
↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
67. The orbital diagram for a ground–state oxygen atom is
↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
68. The orbital diagram for a ground state carbon atom is
↿. ↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
69. Which ground-state atom has an electron configuration described by the following orbital
[Ar] ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿ ↿
A. phosphorus
B. germanium
C. selenium
D. tellurium
E. potassium
70. Which ground-state atom has an electron configuration described by the following orbital
[Ne] ↿⇂ ↿ ↿ ↿
A. phosphorus
B. nitrogen
C. arsenic
D. vanadium
E. sulphur
71. How many unpaired electrons does a ground–state atom of sulfur have?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
72. Which element has the following ground–state electron configuration?
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
A. Na
B. Mg
C. Al
D. Si
E. Ne
73. Which element has the following ground-state electron configuration?
A. Sn
B. Sb
C. Pb
D. Bi
E. Te
74. Which element has the following ground-state electron configuration?
A. Sn
B. Sb
C. Pb
D. Ge
E. Te
75. The electron configuration of a ground-state Co atom is
A. [Ar]4s23d7
B. 1s22s22p63s23d9
C. [Ne]3s23d7
D. [Ar]4s13d5
E. [Ar]4s24d7
76. The electron configuration of a ground-state vanadium atom is
A. [Ar]4s24d3
B. [Ar]4s24p3
C. [Ar]4s23d3
D. [Ar]3d5
E. [Ar]4s23d7
77. The electron configuration of a ground-state copper atom is
A. [Ar]4s24d4
B. [Ar]4s24p63d3
C. [Ar]4s23d9
D. [Ar]3d9
E. [Ar]4s13d10
78. The ground-state electron configuration for an atom of indium is
A. [Kr]5s24p64d5
B. [Ar]4s23d104p1
C. [Ar]4s24p63d5
D. [Kr]5s25p64d5
E. [Kr]5s24d105p1
79. The ground-state electron configuration of a calcium atom is
A. [Ne]3s2
B. [Ne]3s23p6
C. [Ar]4s13d1
D. [Ar]4s2
E. [Ar]3d2
80. Select the correct electron configuration for sulfur (Z = 16).
A. 1s21p62s22p6
B. 1s22s22p83s23p4
C. 1s22s22p83s23p2
D. 1s22s22p63s23p4
E. 1s22s22p63s23d4
81. Select the correct electron configuration for Cu (Z = 29).
A. [Ar]4s23d9
B. [Ar]4s13d10
C. [Ar]4s24p63d3
D. [Ar]4s24d9
E. [Ar]5s24d9
82. Select the correct electron configuration for Te (Z = 52).
A. [Kr]5s25p64d8
B. [Kr]5s25d105p4
C. [Kr]5s24d105p6
D. [Kr]5s24f14
E. [Kr]5s24d105p4
83. What is the correct electron configuration for germanium (Ge) atom?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s24p2
B. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p2
C. 1s22s22p63s23p2
D. 1s22s23s23p5
E. None of the answers is correct.
84. The electronic structure 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d8 refers to the ground state of
A. Kr
B. Ni
C. Fe
D. Pd
E. None of these choices is correct.
85. How many electrons are in the 4p orbitals of selenium?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
86. How many electrons are in the 4p orbitals of vanadium?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
87. How many electrons are in the 4d orbitals of Tc?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
88. How many electrons are there in the 2nd principal energy level (n = 2) of a phosphorus atom?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
E. 10
89. How many electrons are there in the 3rd principal energy level (n = 3) of a phosphorus atom?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
E. 10
90. What element is represented by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5?
A. Mn
B. Ca
C. K
D. Cr
E. V
91. What element is represented by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p65s14d10?
A. Ag
B. Rb
C. Cd
D. Sr
E. Cu
92. What is the electron configuration for tungsten?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d4
B. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s14f145d5
C. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d4
D. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d4
E. 1s22s22p63s23p54s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d5
93. What is the electron configuration for silicon?
A. 1s22s22p63s13p3
B. 1s22s22p63s23p2
C. 1s22s22p63s4
D. 1s22s22p63p4
E. 1s22s22p63s23p3
94. What is the electron configuration for bromine?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s14d104p6
B. 1s22s22p63s23p64s24d104p5
C. 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d104p6
D. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p4
E. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5
95. Which of the following elements is paramagnetic?
A. O
B. Ne
C. Mg
D. Be
E. More than one of these elements is paramagnetic.
96. Which of the following elements is diamagnetic?
A. Rb
B. Cu
C. Ca
D. Cr
E. More than one of these elements is diamagnetic.
97. Which of the following elements has the largest number of unpaired electrons in the ground
A. K
B. V
C. S
D. Si
E. Cl
98. Which of the following subshells has the highest energy in the element tantalum?
A. 4s
B. 4d
C. 5p
D. 4f
E. 6s
99. A 6.0-gram champagne cork is shot out of an opened champagne bottle and traveled at a speed
of 65 km/hour. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength (in meters) of the cork.
A. 6.1 × 10–33 m
B. 1.7 × 10–36 m
C. 6.1 × 10–36 m
D. 1.7 × 10–33 m
E. 5.5 × 10–20 m
100. List the following types of radiation from least to greatest frequency: microwave, x–ray,
ultraviolet, visible and infrared
A. microwave < infrared < visible < ultraviolet < x–ray
B. x–ray < ultraviolet < visible < infrared < microwave
C. visible < ultraviolet < microwave < x–ray < infrared
D. infrared < x–ray < microwave < ultraviolet < visible
E. infrared < visible < microwave < ultraviolet < x–ray
101. If one s–orbital were combined with one p–orbital (dumbbell shaped), which would best
describe the resulting shape?
A. spherical
B. mostly spherical, slightly dumbbell
C. an equal ratio of spherical and dumbbell
D. slightly spherical, mostly dumbbell
E. mostly dumbbell
102. What wavelength, in nm, can strike a metal surface and eject an electron at 1.89 × 10–19 J if the
binding energy of the metal is 289 kJ/mol?
A. 1.89 × 10–19 nm
B. 2.75 nm
C. 189 nm
D. 290 nm
E. 297 nm
103. Which is the correct electron configuration for gold?
A. [Xe]4f145d96s2
B. [Xe]4f145d106s1
C. [Xe]4f135d106s2
D. [Xe]4f145d106s1
E. None of the above electron configurations is correct.
104. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the wavelength of the radiation.
True False
105. The frequency of a photon is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the radiation.
True False
106. The principal quantum number designates the size of the orbital.
True False
107. The magnetic quantum number designates the shape of the atomic orbital.
True False
108. If n = 2 then l = 0, –1, and 1.
True False
109. An electron in a 3p orbital could have a value of 2 for its angular momentum quantum number
True False
110. Each shell (principal energy level) of quantum number n contains n subshells.
True False
111. For all atoms of the same element, the 2s orbital is larger than the 1s orbital.
True False
112. Electrons will not pair in degenerate orbitals if an empty orbital is available and according to
Hund's rule the degenerate orbitals must all contain one electron before any of them can contain
two electrons.
True False
113. The Aufbau principle describes the most stable arrangement of electrons requiring the
placement of electrons in degenerate orbitals with the same spin.
True False
114. The electron configuration for chlorine is [Ne]3s2 3p5 .
True False
115. The following combination of quantum numbers is not allowed. Correct this set of quantum
numbers by changing only one quantum number, and write in an appropriate corrected value. n =
2 l = 2 ml = 2 Corrected: _____ = _____
116. ___________ is the distance between identical points on successive waves.
117. ___________ is the number of waves passing through a specific point per second.
118. _____________ is directly proportional to the frequency of a wave.
119. ___________ is an attempt to locate a subatomic particle acting as a wave even though it is
impossible to know both the momentum and position of the particle simultaneously.
120. ___________ is the quantum number which describes the size of an orbital.
121. ___________ is the quantum number which describes the shape of an atomic orbital.
122. ___________ is the quantum number which describes the orientation of the orbital is space.
123. ___________ is the number of orbitals in the p subshell.
124. When n = ____1_____ then l = __________
125. When l = ____1_____ then ml can be __________
126. ___________ is the number of subshells in the shell designated as n = 2.
127. ___________ describes the principle that no two electrons in an atom can have the same four
quantum numbers.
128. ___________ is the element represented by the electron configuration [Ne]3s2 3p1 .
129. In the __________ series nf = 1 and you observe the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic
130. What is the difference in the electron configuration between carbon–14 and carbon–12?
131. What is the total number of electrons that can occupy the 4f orbitals?
132. In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum is the wavelength three times that of radiation
where λ = 147.3 nm?
133. If one electron is added to the outer shell of chlorine, to which element would the configuration
be similar?
134. Why do we only see four lines in the emission spectrum of Hydrogen?
135. For the following equations
a. name the scientist to whom the equation is attributed.
b. in not more than three lines, explain clearly what the equation means or represents.
1. E = nhv
2. λ = h/mu
136. In not more than three lines for each answer, briefly outline one important scientific
contribution of each of the following.
a) Planck
b) de Broglie
c) Heisenberg
Chapter 3 - Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atoms (test bank) KEY
1. What is the capacity to do work and transfer heat?
A. electricity
B. power
C. energy
D. temperature
E. work
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: System/Surroundings and Heat/Work Topic:
2. What is the name of the energy that results from the interaction of charged particles?
A. thermal energy
B. kinetic energy
C. chemical energy
D. electrostatic energy
E. charged energy
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Units of Energy Topic: Thermochemistry
3. What is the energy that results from motion?
A. potential energy
B. kinetic energy
C. chemical energy
D. electrostatic energy
E. velocity
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Units of Energy Topic: Thermochemistry
4. What is the energy possessed by an object by virtue of its position?
A. potential energy
B. kinetic energy
C. work
D. thermal energy
E. velocity
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Units of Energy Topic: Thermochemistry
5. What is defined as the distance between identical points on successive waves?
A. frequency
B. amplitude
C. magnitude
D. wavelength
E. light
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
6. Visible light, radio waves, microwave radiation, infrared, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma
rays all constitute the electromagnetic spectrum. What similar characteristic do all of these
spectrums share?
A. They all have the ability to generate heat in objects.
B. They all have the same frequencies.
C. They are all the transmission of energy in the form of waves.
D. They have equal energies.
E. They have the same electron spin state.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
7. According to scientist James Clerk Maxwell in the year 1873, a(n) ______________ consists of an
electric field component and a magnetic field component.
A. electrostatic wave
B. isoelectric wave
C. atom
D. paramagnetic wave
E. electromagnetic wave
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
8. What is defined as the number of waves that pass through a particular point in one second?
A. light
B. amplitude
C. magnitude
D. wavelength
E. frequency
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
9. A(n) _________ is a point at which a standing wave has zero amplitude.
A. crevice
B. node
C. pit
D. burrow
E. orbital
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
10. When a solid is heated, it emits electromagnetic radiation known as ________________. An
example of such radiation is the element of a stove stop burning bright red.
A. isoelectric radiation
B. visible and ultraviolet radiation
C. blackbody radiation
D. paramagnetic radiation
E. whitebody radiation
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties)
Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
11. What physical phenomenon did Albert Einstein apply his theory toward in regards to when
electrons are ejected from the surface of a metal exposed to light of at least a certain minimum
A. Aura Effect
B. Photon Effect
C. Ritzwald Effect
D. Photoelectric Effect
E. None of the answers is correct.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties)
Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
12. What is defined as the vertical distance from the midline of a wave to the top of the peak or the
bottom of the trough?
A. light
B. amplitude
C. magnitude
D. wavelength
E. frequency
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties)
Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
13. What is the frequency of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength 532 nm (c = 3.00 ×
10 8 m/s)?
A. 5.64 × 1014 s–1
B. 6.48 × 1012 s–1
C. 4.18 × 1018 s–1
D. 6.23 × 1014 s–1
E. 3.75 × 1015 s–1
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
14. What is the wavelength of light having a frequency of 4.8 × 1014 s–1 (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s)?
A. 0.0016 nm
B. 1600 m
C. 630 nm
D. 1600 nm
E. 6.3 × 10–7 nm
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and
Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
15. What is the frequency of light having a wavelength of 360 nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s)?
A. 8.3 × 1014 s–1
B. 1.2 × 10–6 s–1
C. 8.3 × 105 s–1
D. 108 s–1
E. 1.2 × 10–15 s–1
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and
Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
16. Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest wavelength
and increases to greatest wavelength.
A. radio, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
B. radio, ultraviolet, infrared, gamma rays
C. gamma rays, radio, ultraviolet, infrared
D. gamma rays, infrared, radio, ultraviolet
E. gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, radio
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub
Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Quantum
Theory and Atomic Structure
17. Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest energy and
increases to greatest energy.
A. radio, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
B. radio, ultraviolet, infrared, gamma rays
C. gamma rays, infrared, radio, ultraviolet
D. gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, radio
E. infrared, ultraviolet, radio, gamma rays
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
18. What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 6.912 × 1014 s–1 (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s)?
A. 1.447 × 10–15 nm
B. 4.337 × 102 nm
C. 2.304 × 106 nm
D. 2.074 × 1023 nm
E. 4.337 × 10–7 nm
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
19. Calculate the frequency of visible light having a wavelength of 686 nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s).
A. 4.34 × 1014 /s
B. 4.34 × 105 /s
C. 6.17 × 1014 /s
D. 2.29 × 10–15 /s
E. 2.29 × 10–6 /s
Blooms: 3. Apply Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave
Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures
Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
20. The FM station KDUL broadcasts music at 99.1 MHz. Find the wavelength of these waves (c =
3.00 × 108 m/s).
A. 1.88 × 10–2 m
B. 0.330 m
C. 3.03 m
D. 5.33 × 102 m
E. > 103 m
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and
Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
21. What is the energy in joules of a mole of photons associated with visible light of wavelength 486
nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s; NA = 6.022 × 1023 moles–1)?
A. 6.46 × 10–16 J
B. 6.46 × 10–25 J
C. 2.46 × 10–4 J
D. 12.4 kJ
E. 246 kJ
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory
and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry Topic: Thermochemistry
22. What is the energy in joules of a mole of photons associated with red light of wavelength 7.00 ×
102 nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s; NA = 6.022 × 1023 /mole)?
A. 256 kJ
B. 1.71 × 105 J
C. 4.72 × 10–43 J
D. 12.4 kJ
E. 2.12 × 1042 J
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory
and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Sub Topic:
Units of Energy Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry Topic:
23. A radio wave has a frequency of 8.6 × 108 Hz. What is the energy of one photon of this radiation
(h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 7.7 × 10–43 J
B. 2.3 × 10–34 J
C. 5.7 × 10–25 J
D. 1.7 × 10–16 J
E. > 10–15 J
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory
and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Sub Topic:
Units of Energy Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry Topic:
24. The solar radiation spectrum peaks at a wavelength of approximately 500 nm. Calculate the
energy of one photon of that radiation (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 4 × 10–10 J
B. 6 × 1014 J
C. 1 × 10–27 J
D. 2 × 10–25 J
E. 4 × 10–19 J
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory
and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Sub Topic:
Units of Energy Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry Topic:
25. If the energy of a photon is 1.32 × 10–18 J, what is its wavelength in nm (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s; h =
6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 1.51 × 10–7 nm
B. 151 nm
C. 1.99 × 1015 nm
D. 1.99 × 1024 nm
E. None of these choices is correct.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory
and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Sub Topic:
Units of Energy Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
26. A photon has an energy of 5.53 × 10–17 J. What is its frequency in s–1 (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 3.66 × 10–50 s–1
B. 1.20 × 10–17 s–1
C. 3.59 × 10–9 s–1
D. 2.78 × 108 s–1
E. 8.34 × 1016 s–1
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory
and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
27. Calculate the energy, in joules, required to excite a hydrogen atom by causing an electronic
transition from the n = 1 to the n = 4 principal energy level. Recall that the energy levels of the H
atom are given by En = –2.18 × 10–18 J(1/n2 ).
A. 2.07 × 10–29 J
B. 2.19 × 105 J
C. 2.04 × 10–18 J
D. 3.27 × 10–17 J
E. 2.25 × 10–18 J
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Sub Topic:
Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic:
Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub
Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic:
Study of Chemistry Topic: Thermochemistry
28. Calculate the wavelength, in nanometers, of the light emitted by a hydrogen atom when its
electron falls from the n = 7 to the n = 4 principal energy level. Recall that the energy levels of the H
atom are given by En = –2.18 × 10–18 J (1/n2 ) and (c = 3.00 × 108m/s; h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 4.45 × 10–20 nm
B. 2.16 × 10–6 nm
C. 9.18 × 10–20 nm
D. 1.38 × 1014 nm
E. 2.16 × 103 nm
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Sub Topic:
Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic:
Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub
Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Sub Topic: Units of Energy Topic: Quantum Theory
and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry Topic: Thermochemistry
29. Calculate the frequency of the light emitted by a hydrogen atom during a transition of its
electron from the n = 4 to the n = 1 principal energy level. Recall that for hydrogen En = –2.18 × 10–
J(1/n2 ) and (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 3.08 × 1015 /s
B. 1.03 × 108 /s
C. 2.06 × 1014 /s
D. 1.35 × 10–51 /s
E. 8.22 × 1014 /s
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Sub Topic:
Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic:
Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub
Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic:
Study of Chemistry
30. Use the Rydberg equation to calculate the frequency of a photon absorbed when the hydrogen
atom undergoes a transition fromn1 = 2 to n2 = 4. (R = 1.096776 × 107 m–1 ; c = 3.00 × 108 m/s).
A. 2.06 × 106 s–1
B. 2.74 × 106 s–1
C. 6.17 × 1014 s–1
D. 8.23 × 1014 s–1
E. > 1015 s–1
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Sub Topic:
Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic:
Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub
Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic:
Study of Chemistry
31. Line spectra from all regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, including the Paschen series of
infrared lines for hydrogen, are used by astronomers to identify elements present in the
atmospheres of stars. Calculate the wavelength of the photon emitted when the hydrogen atom
undergoes a transition from n = 5 to n = 3. (R = 1.096776 × 107 m–1 )
A. 205.1 nm
B. 384.6 nm
C. 683.8 nm
D. 1282 nm
E. > 1500 nm
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Sub Topic:
Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic:
Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub
Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic:
Study of Chemistry
32. Calculate the wavelength associated with a 20Ne+ ion moving at a velocity of 2.0 × 105 m/s. The
atomic mass of Ne–20 is 19.992 amu (1 amu = 1.66 × 10–24 g and h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 1.0 × 10–13 m
B. 1.0 × 10–16 m
C. 1.0 × 10–18 m
D. 9.7 × 1012 m
E. 2.0 × 10–13 cm
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Sub Topic:
Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic:
Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub
Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic:
Study of Chemistry
33. Calculate the wavelength of a neutron that has a velocity of 200. cm/s. (The mass of a neutron =
1.675 × 10–27 kg and h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s).
A. 1.98 × 10–9 m
B. 216 nm
C. 1.8 × 1050 m
D. 198 nm
E. 5.05 mm
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory
and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
34. A sprinter must average 24.0 mi/h to win a 100-m dash in 9.30 s. What is his wavelength at this
speed if his mass is 84.5 kg (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s)?
A. 7.29 × 10–37 m
B. 3.26 × 10–37 m
C. 5.08 × 10–30 m
D. 1.34 × 10–30 m
E. None of these choices is correct.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics
(Wave-Particle Duality and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and
Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
35. The de Broglie equation predicts that the wavelength (in m) of a proton moving at 1000. m/s is
________________. (h = 6.63 × 10–34 J • s; mass of a proton = 1.673 × 10–24 g)
A. 3.96 × 10–10 m
B. 3.96 × 10–7 m
C. 2.52 × 106 m
D. 2.52 × 109 m
E. > 1010 m
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics
(Wave-Particle Duality and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and
Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
36. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if the uncertainty in the speed of an electron
is 3.5 × 103 m/s, the uncertainty in its position (in m) is at least ___________. (mass of an electron =
9.11 × 10–28 g)
A. 1.7 × 10–8 m
B. 6.6 × 10–8 m
C. 17 m
D. 66 m
E. None of these choices is correct.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Electromagnetic
Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics
(Wave-Particle Duality and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and
Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
37. What is the emission of light at only specific wavelengths?
A. Emission spectra
B. Hydrogen spectrum
C. Wave spectra
D. Limited spectra
E. Line spectra
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Sub
Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic:
Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
38. The word _________ is used as an acronym for the amplification of light which is stimulated by
the emission of radiation.
A. beam
B. laser
C. emit
D. brighten
E. light
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
39. Which scientist proposed that energy of radiation is composed of extremely small indivisible
packages called Quanta? (Quanta being the plural of Quantum.)
A. Max Planck
B. Louis de Broglie
C. Clinton Davisson
D. Sir Isaac Newton
E. Lothan Meyer
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub
Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
40. The size of an atomic orbital is associated with
A. the principal quantum number (n).
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l).
C. the magnetic quantum number (ml).
D. the spin quantum number (ms).
E. the angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers, together.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Atomic Theories Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers
Topic: Components of Matter Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
41. The shape of an atomic orbital is associated with
A. the principal quantum number (n).
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l).
C. the magnetic quantum number (ml).
D. the spin quantum number (ms).
E. the magnetic and spin quantum numbers, together.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Theories Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Components of Matter Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
42. The orientation in space of an atomic orbital is associated with
A. the principal quantum number (n).
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l).
C. the magnetic quantum number (ml).
D. the spin quantum number (ms).
E. none of these choices is correct.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Theories Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Components of Matter Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
43. Atomic orbitals developed using quantum mechanics
A. describe regions of space in which one is most likely to find an electron.
B. describe exact paths for electron motion.
C. give a description of the atomic structure which is essentially the same as the Bohr model.
D. allow scientists to calculate an exact volume for the hydrogen atom.
E. are in conflict with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Theories Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Components of Matter Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
44. The energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom is determined by
A. the principal quantum number (n) only.
B. the angular momentum quantum number (l) only.
C. the principal and angular momentum quantum numbers (n & l).
D. the principal and magnetic quantum numbers (n & ml).
E. the principal, angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Atomic Theories Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers
Topic: Components of Matter Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
45. Which of the following is a correct set of quantum numbers for an electron in a 3d orbital?
A. n = 3, l = 0, ml = –1
B. n = 3, l = 1, ml = +3
C. n = 3, l = 2, ml = 3
D. n = 3, l = 3, ml = +2
E. n = 3, l = 2, ml = –2
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
46. Which of the following is a correct set of quantum numbers for an electron in a 5f orbital?
A. n = 5, l = 3, ml = +1
B. n = 5, l = 2, ml = +3
C. n = 4, l = 3, ml = 0
D. n = 4, l = 2, ml = +1
E. n = 5, l = 4, ml = 3.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
47. In the quantum mechanical treatment of the hydrogen atom, which one of the following
combinations of quantum numbers is not allowed?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
48. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers can correctly represent a 3p orbital?
ml = 2
ml = 3
ml = 1
ml = –1
ml = 1
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
49. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible?
3 –2 +1/2
0 1
0 0
1 1
0 0
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
50. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible?
3 –2 +1/2
2 –3 –1/2
0 0
1 1
0 0
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
51. What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following set of
quantum numbers? n = 4 l = 3 ml = –2ms = +1/2
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 6
E. 10
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
52. A possible set of quantum numbers for the last electron added to complete an atom of gallium
(Ga) in its ground state is
ml m s
0 0
1 0
1 0
1 1
2 1
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
53. A possible set of quantum numbers for the last electron added to complete an atom of
germanium in its ground state is
l ml
0 0
0 +1
1 –1
1 +1
2 +2
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
54. Electrons in an orbital with l = 3 are in a/an
A. d orbital.
B. f orbital.
C. g orbital.
D. p orbital.
E. s orbital.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
55. The number of orbitals in a d subshell is
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
E. 7
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
56. The maximum number of electrons that can occupy an energy level described by the principal
quantum number, n, is
A. n
B. n + 1
C. 2n
D. 2n2
E. n2
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
57. How many orbitals are allowed in a subshell if the angular momentum quantum number for
electrons in that subshell is 3?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
E. 9
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
58. The Pauli exclusion principle states that no ____ electrons within an atom can have the same
____ quantum numbers.
A. 4; 6
B. 2; 4
C. 3; 6
D. 6; 10
E. 3; 8
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Pauli Exclusion Principle Sub Topic: Quantum
Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
59. Hund's rule states that the most stable arrangement of electrons in orbitals of equal energy is
the one in which the number of electrons with parallel spin are ______________.
A. minimized
B. nullified
C. neutral
D. maximized
E. not relevant
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
60. ___________________ is the wavelength associated with a moving particle.
A. The de Broglie wavelength
B. The Heisenburg wavelength
C. The Hund wavelength
D. The Aufbau wavelength
E. None of the answers is correct.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics (Wave-Particle Duality
and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
61. Atomic orbitals that have the same amount of energy are ______________.
A. regenerative
B. negatively charged
C. degenerate
D. positively charged
E. zwitterionic
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
62. What type of configuration specifies the arrangement of electrons in the orbitals of an atom?
A. Heisenberg configuration
B. Nuclear configuration
C. Atomic configuration
D. Proton configuration
E. Electron configuration
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
63. "No two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers" is a statement of
A. the Pauli exclusion principle.
B. Bohr's equation.
C. Hund's rule.
D. de Broglie's relation.
E. Dalton's atomic theory.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Pauli Exclusion Principle Sub Topic: Quantum
Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
64. What is the name given to the statement "The most stable arrangement of electrons in orbitals
of equal energy is the one in which the number of electrons with the same spin is maximized"?
A. the Pauli exclusion principle
B. Bohr's equation
C. Hund's rule
D. de Broglie's relation
E. Dalton's atomic theory
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
65. How many orbitals are there in the n = 4 level of the H-atom?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 16
E. 18
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau Principle)
Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic
66. The orbital diagram for a ground–state nitrogen atom is
↿. ↿. ↿
↿ . ↿⇂
↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
67. The orbital diagram for a ground–state oxygen atom is
↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
68. The orbital diagram for a ground state carbon atom is
↿. ↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿. ↿
↿. ↿.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
69. Which ground-state atom has an electron configuration described by the following orbital
[Ar] ↿⇂ ↿⇂
↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿ ↿
A. phosphorus
B. germanium
C. selenium
D. tellurium
E. potassium
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
70. Which ground-state atom has an electron configuration described by the following orbital
[Ne] ↿⇂ ↿ ↿ ↿
A. phosphorus
B. nitrogen
C. arsenic
D. vanadium
E. sulfur
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
71. How many unpaired electrons does a ground–state atom of sulfur have?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Pauli Exclusion Principle Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron
Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
72. Which element has the following ground–state electron configuration?
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
A. Na
B. Mg
C. Al
D. Si
E. Ne
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic:
Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
73. Which element has the following ground-state electron configuration?
A. Sn
B. Sb
C. Pb
D. Bi
E. Te
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
74. Which element has the following ground-state electron configuration?
A. Sn
B. Sb
C. Pb
D. Ge
E. Te
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
75. The electron configuration of a ground-state Co atom is
A. [Ar]4s23d7
B. 1s22s22p63s23d9
C. [Ne]3s23d7
D. [Ar]4s13d5
E. [Ar]4s24d7
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
76. The electron configuration of a ground-state vanadium atom is
A. [Ar]4s24d3
B. [Ar]4s24p3
C. [Ar]4s23d3
D. [Ar]3d5
E. [Ar]4s23d7
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
77. The electron configuration of a ground-state copper atom is
A. [Ar]4s24d4
B. [Ar]4s24p63d3
C. [Ar]4s23d9
D. [Ar]3d9
E. [Ar]4s13d10
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
78. The ground-state electron configuration for an atom of indium is
A. [Kr]5s24p64d5
B. [Ar]4s23d104p1
C. [Ar]4s24p63d5
D. [Kr]5s25p64d5
E. [Kr]5s24d105p1
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
79. The ground-state electron configuration of a calcium atom is
A. [Ne]3s2
B. [Ne]3s23p6
C. [Ar]4s13d1
D. [Ar]4s2
E. [Ar]3d2
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
80. Select the correct electron configuration for sulfur (Z = 16).
A. 1s21p62s22p6
B. 1s22s22p83s23p4
C. 1s22s22p83s23p2
D. 1s22s22p63s23p4
E. 1s22s22p63s23d4
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
81. Select the correct electron configuration for Cu (Z = 29).
A. [Ar]4s23d9
B. [Ar]4s13d10
C. [Ar]4s24p63d3
D. [Ar]4s24d9
E. [Ar]5s24d9
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
82. Select the correct electron configuration for Te (Z = 52).
A. [Kr]5s25p64d8
B. [Kr]5s25d105p4
C. [Kr]5s24d105p6
D. [Kr]5s24f14
E. [Kr]5s24d105p4
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
83. What is the correct electron configuration for germanium (Ge) atom?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s24p2
B. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p2
C. 1s22s22p63s23p2
D. 1s22s23s23p5
E. None of the answers is correct.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
84. The electronic structure 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d8 refers to the ground state of
A. Kr
B. Ni
C. Fe
D. Pd
E. None of these choices is correct.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
85. How many electrons are in the 4p orbitals of selenium?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
86. How many electrons are in the 4p orbitals of vanadium?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
87. How many electrons are in the 4d orbitals of Tc?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
88. How many electrons are there in the 2nd principal energy level (n = 2) of a phosphorus atom?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
E. 10
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
89. How many electrons are there in the 3rd principal energy level (n = 3) of a phosphorus atom?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
E. 10
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
90. What element is represented by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5?
A. Mn
B. Ca
C. K
D. Cr
E. V
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
91. What element is represented by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p65s14d10?
A. Ag
B. Rb
C. Cd
D. Sr
E. Cu
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
92. What is the electron configuration for tungsten?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d4
B. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s14f145d5
C. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d4
D. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d4
E. 1s22s22p63s23p54s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d5
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
93. What is the electron configuration for silicon?
A. 1s22s22p63s13p3
B. 1s22s22p63s23p2
C. 1s22s22p63s4
D. 1s22s22p63p4
E. 1s22s22p63s23p3
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
94. What is the electron configuration for bromine?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s14d104p6
B. 1s22s22p63s23p64s24d104p5
C. 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d104p6
D. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p4
E. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
95. Which of the following elements is paramagnetic?
A. O
B. Ne
C. Mg
D. Be
E. More than one of these elements is paramagnetic.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic:
Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
96. Which of the following elements is diamagnetic?
A. Rb
B. Cu
C. Ca
D. Cr
E. More than one of these elements is diamagnetic.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and
Shielding) Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
97. Which of the following elements has the largest number of unpaired electrons in the ground
A. K
B. V
C. S
D. Si
E. Cl
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and
Shielding) Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
98. Which of the following subshells has the highest energy in the element tantalum?
A. 4s
B. 4d
C. 5p
D. 4f
E. 6s
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic:
Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
99. A 6.0-gram champagne cork is shot out of an opened champagne bottle and traveled at a speed
of 65 km/hour. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength (in meters) of the cork.
A. 6.1 × 10–33 m
B. 1.7 × 10–36 m
C. 6.1 × 10–36 m
D. 1.7 × 10–33 m
E. 5.5 × 10–20 m
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics (Wave-Particle Duality and the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
100. List the following types of radiation from least to greatest frequency: microwave, x–ray,
ultraviolet, visible and infrared
A. microwave < infrared < visible < ultraviolet < x–ray
B. x–ray < ultraviolet < visible < infrared < microwave
C. visible < ultraviolet < microwave < x–ray < infrared
D. infrared < x–ray < microwave < ultraviolet < visible
E. infrared < visible < microwave < ultraviolet < x–ray
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
101. If one s–orbital were combined with one p–orbital (dumbbell shaped), which would best
describe the resulting shape?
A. spherical
B. mostly spherical, slightly dumbbell
C. an equal ratio of spherical and dumbbell
D. slightly spherical, mostly dumbbell
E. mostly dumbbell
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals Sub Topic:
Quantum Numbers Topic: Covalent Bond Theories Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
102. What wavelength, in nm, can strike a metal surface and eject an electron at 1.89 × 10–19 J if the
binding energy of the metal is 289 kJ/mol?
A. 1.89 × 10–19 nm
B. 2.75 nm
C. 189 nm
D. 290 nm
E. 297 nm
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub
Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect
Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of Chemistry
103. Which is the correct electron configuration for gold?
A. [Xe]4f145d96s2
B. [Xe]4f145d106s1
C. [Xe]4f135d106s2
E. None of the above electron configurations is correct.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding) Sub
Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Topic: Electron Configuration
104. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the wavelength of the radiation.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties)
Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
105. The frequency of a photon is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the radiation.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties)
Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
106. The principal quantum number designates the size of the orbital.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
107. The magnetic quantum number designates the shape of the atomic orbital.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
108. If n = 2 then l = 0, –1, and 1.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
109. An electron in a 3p orbital could have a value of 2 for its angular momentum quantum number
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
110. Each shell (principal energy level) of quantum number n contains n subshells.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
111. For all atoms of the same element, the 2s orbital is larger than the 1s orbital.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic
112. Electrons will not pair in degenerate orbitals if an empty orbital is available and according to
Hund's rule the degenerate orbitals must all contain one electron before any of them can contain
two electrons.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
113. The Aufbau principle describes the most stable arrangement of electrons requiring the
placement of electrons in degenerate orbitals with the same spin.
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau Principle)
Sub Topic: Hund's Rule Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum
Theory and Atomic Structure
114. The electron configuration for chlorine is [Ne]3s2 3p5 .
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau Principle)
Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic
115. The following combination of quantum numbers is not allowed. Correct this set of quantum
numbers by changing only one quantum number, and write in an appropriate corrected value.
n = 2 l = 2 ml = 2 Corrected: _____ = _____
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
116. ___________ is the distance between identical points on successive waves.
The wavelength
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
117. ___________ is the number of waves passing through a specific point per second.
The frequency
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
118. _____________ is directly proportional to the frequency of a wave.
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties)
Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
119. ___________ is an attempt to locate a subatomic particle acting as a wave even though it is
impossible to know both the momentum and position of the particle simultaneously.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub
Topic: Quantum Mechanics (Wave-Particle Duality and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
120. ___________ is the quantum number which describes the size of an orbital.
The principal quantum number
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
121. ___________ is the quantum number which describes the shape of an atomic orbital.
The angular momentum quantum number
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
122. ___________ is the quantum number which describes the orientation of the orbital is space.
The magnetic quantum number
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
123. ___________ is the number of orbitals in the p subshell.
3 or Three
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic
124. When n = ____1_____ then l = __________
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
125. When l = ____1_____ then ml can be __________
–1, 0, or +1
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
126. ___________ is the number of subshells in the shell designated as n = 2.
2 or Two
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
127. ___________ describes the principle that no two electrons in an atom can have the same four
quantum numbers.
The Pauli exclusion principle
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Pauli Exclusion Principle Sub Topic: Quantum
Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
128. ___________ is the element represented by the electron configuration [Ne]3s2 3p1 .
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Easy Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
129. In the __________ series nf = 1 and you observe the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic
Blooms: 1. Remember Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
130. What is the difference in the electron configuration between carbon–14 and carbon–12?
There is no difference between the two electron configurations.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
131. What is the total number of electrons that can occupy the 4f orbitals?
Blooms: 3. Apply Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
132. In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum is the wavelength three times that of radiation
where λ = 147.3 nm?
Ultraviolet radiation
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties) Sub
Topic: Measurement (SI Units) Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure Topic: Study of
133. If one electron is added to the outer shell of chlorine, to which element would the configuration
be similar?
Blooms: 5. Evaluate Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau
Principle) Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers Topic: Electron Configuration Topic: Quantum Theory and
Atomic Structure
134. Why do we only see four lines in the emission spectrum of Hydrogen?
Only four of the electronic transitions of Hydrogen correspond to visible wavelengths.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom) Topic:
Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
135. For the following equations
a. name the scientist to whom the equation is attributed.
b. in not more than three lines, explain clearly what the equation means or represents.
1. E = nhv
2. λ = h/mu
1. A. Planck.
b. A black body can only emit or absorb certain amounts of energy, i.e., whole number multiples
of hv. The energy emitted/absorbed is quantized.
2.A. de Broglie.
b. The equation is a quantitative representation of wave-particle duality. A wavelength (wave
property) l corresponds to a momentum (particle property) of mu.
Blooms: 4. Analyze Difficulty: Medium Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's
Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics (Wave-Particle Duality and the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle) Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
136. In not more than three lines for each answer, briefly outline one important scientific
contribution of each of the following.
a) Planck
b) de Broglie
c) Heisenberg
a. Planck is responsible for first proposing that energy is quantized. He proposed that a black body
can emit or absorb electromagnetic energy E only in exact multiples of hv, giving rise to the
equation E = nhn where n is a positive integer.
b. de Broglie proposed that particles can have some wavelike properties, and developed a
relationship which allows the wavelength (a wave property) to be calculated from the momentum of
a particle.
c. Heisenberg is responsible for the uncertainty principle which states that we cannot simultaneously
know both the position (x) and the momentum (mu) of a particle exactly. There is a minimum
uncertainty, h/4 , in their product, which is a fundamental property of matter, not an instrumental
Blooms: 2. Understand Difficulty: Hard Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's
Photoelectric Effect Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics (Wave-Particle Duality and the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle) Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
Chapter 3 - Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atoms (test bank) Summary
# of Questions
Sub Topic: Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals (Aufbau Principle)
Sub Topic: Atomic Spectra (Bohr Model of the Atom)
Sub Topic: Atomic Theories
Sub Topic: Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism
Sub Topic: Dimensional Analysis
Sub Topic: Electromagnetic Radiation (Wave Properties)
Sub Topic: Energy-Level Splitting (Zeff and Shielding)
Sub Topic: Hund's Rule
Sub Topic: Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals
Sub Topic: Measurement (SI Units)
Sub Topic: Pauli Exclusion Principle
Sub Topic: Plank's Quantum Theory and Einstein's Photoelectric Effect
Sub Topic: Quantum Mechanics (Wave-Particle Duality and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)
Sub Topic: Quantum Numbers
Sub Topic: Scientific Notation and Significant Figures
Sub Topic: System/Surroundings and Heat/Work
Sub Topic: Units of Energy
Topic: Components of Matter
Topic: Covalent Bond Theories
Topic: Electron Configuration
Topic: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
Topic: Study of Chemistry
Topic: Thermochemistry