Mean Girls and Bad Boys Dealing with Bullies in the Work Place

Dealing with Bullies in the Workplace
Jodi Schafer, SPHR
Human Resource Management Services
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Mean Girls
and Bad Boys
• Defining bullying
• Identifying bullying
• Harassment verses bullying
• Managing a bully
• Working for a bully
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• Bullying is the intimidation or tormenting of
others in the work place.
• It is generally emotional and includes behaviors
that undermine, intimidate, embarrass, or
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What is a bullying?
Bullying is defined by the Workplace Bullying
Institute as:
• “Repeated, health harming abusive conduct
committed by bosses and co-workers.”
• “Repeated mistreatment: sabotage by others
that prevented work from getting done. Verbal
abuse, threatening conduct, intimidation and
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What is bullying?
Why bully?
• To get people to do what they want
• They want to control the people they bully
• They want to control the people they don’t bully
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It is about power and control!
• Employees who are a threat to their power
• Employees who are not a threat to their power
• Employees who they don’t like
• Employees who they do like
Essentially – bullies bully who ever they want to.
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Who do they bully?
Question: Where do bullies go when they
graduate from high school?
• Bullying is learned behavior that has been
proven successful.
• It starts young, is honed in middle school and
high school and perfected in the work place.
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Learned Behavior
• False accusations
• Shunning a person
• Non-verbal intimidating behaviors
• Staring
• Mocking
• Rolling of eyes
• Hyper-critical
• Withholding of information
Often the behaviors are not openly aggressive.
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Bullying Behaviors
If you want to know the extent of a problem - look at
the statistics.
• A survey conducted by the Workplace Bullying
Institute in 2014:
• 48% of workers are affected by bullying (bullied
and witnessed)
• 69% of bullies are men
• 60% of the workers bullied are women (average
when combining male and female bullies)
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Bullying Statistics
• 68% is female on female bullying
• A survey conducted by Harris revealed that only 34%
of women reported being bullied
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Employers’ Reactions to
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Coworkers’ Reactions to
• A long term employee plays practical jokes on new
employees that are embarrassing and humiliating to
the new employee.
• An employee is responsible for training, but they
conveniently leave out important aspects of the
process, causing the trainee to complete the process
• An employee hoards the best equipment and
threatens anyone who tries to use it.
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Is this bullying?
Bullying vs. Harassment
Harassment is a legal definition that is based
Harassment/Sexual Harassment laws make it
illegal to engage in conduct that substantially
interferes with an individual’s work
performance or creates an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive working environment.
Federal Laws
Michigan Law – Elliott-Larsen
Civil Rights Act
National Origin
Disability (mental and physical)
Veteran Status
Genetic Information
Same as Federal PLUS:
• Height
• Weight
• Marital or Family Status
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Protected Classifications
• Every employer must have a policy that
addresses harassment
• Must include reporting
• Must conduct an investigation
• Easier to address
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• Harassment is bullying that attacks a person on
the basis of their protected classification.
• Gender
• Religion
• National Origin, etc…
• Because typical bullying behavior is not related
to an employee’s protected classification,
essentially employers do not have a legal liability.
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Bullying is ‘Legal Harassment’
• Lost productivity
• Turnover
• High absenteeism of the victims
• Recruiting
• Lost communication
Negative outcomes for targets of bullying vs.
perpetrators is 4:1.
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Bullying impacts the workplace
• They tend to give the illusion that they are the
best performer
• They have created an environment that is toxic
which impacts the productivity of the staff
being bullied
• They control the workers and thus control the
message to leadership
• Bullies tend to have an “entourage” who
protect the bully – lest they be bullied
• Managers are also bullied
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Why do manager keep bullies?
• A policy requiring cooperation, respectful
communication and treatment of others.
• A policy addressing threatening or intimidating
behavior, whether direct of implied.
• A policy addressing use of social media to
communicate to co-workers, not allowing
disparaging or threatening comments to be
made about co-workers, mangers, etc.
• A policy that allows employees options to advise
leadership of the bullying behavior in a manner
that will not result in any retaliation.
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Corporate policy
• Establish standards of conduct for your staff and
require compliance
• Cooperative behavior
• Respectful communication
• Honesty
• Hold employees accountable to uphold these
• Reinforce good behavior
• Address violations
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Managing a bully
• Know that the bullying is happening
• Determine if there is a policy violation
• Is this harassment?
• Is this a threat?
• Direct
• Implied
• What is the impact of the bullying on the health
of the bullied?
• Physical
• Mental
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Managing a bully
• Mangers must first be aware
• Keep yourself accessible
• The behavior is going on right under your nose
• Watch for signs
The bully controls the work environment
The workforce is divided
Some employees say nothing
Turnover of newly hired staff
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Pay Attention
• Take complaints seriously
• Investigate
• Ask questions and corroborate the statements
• Assure protection from retaliation for the:
• Complaining employee
• Co-worker
• Witnesses
Follow through with discipline if retaliation
of any kind occurs
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Pay Attention
Address the behavior – of the bully
Tier one
• From a coaching perspective to initiate a change
in behavior
• Ask the employee
• What do you gain from the SPECIFIC ACT?
• What will you lose from the SPECIFIC ACT?
• Where do you go from here?
• Avoid using the term “bullying”
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Two tiered approach:
Tier two
• From a disciplinary perspective that will result in
consequences for continuing the behavior
• Formal discipline
• Potential for termination
• Start the paper trail – you will need it.
• If anyone is going to sue you it will be the bully.
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Address the behavior – of the bully
• Show support for them
• Let them know you will not tolerate the behavior
of the bully
• Maintain open communication
• Teach them how to stand up to bully
• Remember – they may not be the most assertive
of employees
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Address the behavior – of the
employee being bullied
• Address in the hiring process
• Communicate the policy
• Address violations immediately
• Swiftly and decisively
• Model the behavior you expect
• Be accessible
• Take complaints seriously
• Educate your staff, manager, supervisors
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Prevention Methods
• Michigan‘s anti-stalking law prohibits the
“ willful course of conduct that would cause a reasonable
person to feel terrorized, intimidated, threatened,
harassed or molested, and in that actually causes the
victim to feel terrorized frightened, intimidated,
threatened, harassed or molested.”
• Criminal law vs. Civil law
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Potential Legal Options
Legal remedies
• May increase the liability for companies
• May result in false claims
I prefer to handle from a management perspective
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Future Laws
• It’s about them
• They hold on to
information and
• They take all the
• They don’t want you
to be better than
• It’s about the job
• You gain information
and knowledge
• They don’t care
about credit
• It’s about the job,
they don’t care as
long as the work is
done right
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Bully Boss vs. Demanding Boss
• Are equally hard on everyone
• Do not make it personal
• Focused on getting the job done right
• Focused on profit, growth, customer service, etc.
• Generally acts without malice
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Demanding Bosses
• Document the incident(s)
• Discuss the concerns directly with him or her
• Understand it will do no good!
• Document the response
• Continue to document
• Then take it to higher powers –
• Knowing it may backfire…
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When your boss/manager is a bully
• Do not allow it to control your life
• Know that you are just one in a long list of
bullied employees
• Remember you did nothing to deserve this
• Look for a job elsewhere
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When your boss/manager is a bully
Why do bullies bully?
• Because it works
• Because management allows it
• Because it gives them power
• Because it gives them control
• Treat employees with respect at all times
• Do not allow employees to bully
• Listen and act on complaints
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What can you do?
• Results of the 2014 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying
• Dealing with Workplace Bullies, SHRM,
Publications, Legal Report, July 1, 2011
• Workplace Bullying and Disruptive Behavior:
What Everyone Needs to Know. Safety and
Health Assessment and Research for Prevention.
Washington State Department of Labor and
Industries. April 2011
• Tough Boss or Workplace Bully? Teresa Daniel,
H.R. Magazine, Vol 54. No. 6 June 1, 2009
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