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Chapter 1 Project
For your specific data (of at least 20 pieces), you will need to include the following pieces in
your Exploratory Data Analysis.
1. 3-5 Sentences explaining data and significance
2. What is the range?
3. Find the mean, median, and mode for the data.
4. Construct an ogive for your data.
5. Construct a histogram and describe any skewness or peaks.
6. Find all three interquartiles for the data. What is the interquartile range? What is the semiinterquartile range? Make a box and whisker plot of the test scores. Are there any outliers for
your data set?
7. What is the variance and standard deviation for the data? What do these three numbers tell you
about your data?
8. Use the information from the above calculations and charts to create a summary paragraph of
what you can conclude about your data. Be sure to decide which measures of center and spread
are more appropriate for your data set.
You will be expected to have all of you calculations checked by doing them in the calculator.
You will also need to make your histogram using excel. You can type your report in word or
write it out by hand. Your completed project is due by 2:30 on Wednesday February 8th, 2012
to Mrs. Innerst.
Chapter 1 Project
For your specific data (of at least 20 pieces), you will need to include the following pieces in
your Exploratory Data Analysis.
9. 3-5 Sentences explaining data and significance
10. What is the range?
11. Find the mean, median, and mode for the data.
12. Construct an ogive for your data.
13. Construct a histogram and describe any skewness or peaks.
14. Find all three interquartiles for the data. What is the interquartile range? What is the semiinterquartile range? Make a box and whisker plot of the test scores. Are there any outliers for
your data set?
15. What is the variance and standard deviation for the data? What do these three numbers tell you
about your data?
16. Use the information from the above calculations and charts to create a summary paragraph of
what you can conclude about your data. Be sure to decide which measures of center and spread
are more appropriate for your data set.
You will be expected to have all of you calculations checked by doing them in the calculator.
You will also need to make your histogram using excel. You can type your report in word or
write it out by hand. Your completed project is due by 2:30 on Wednesday February 8th, 2012
to Mrs. Innerst.