BALLOT ISSUE NO. 1A: SHALL PUEBLO COUNTY TAXES BE INCREASED BY APPROXIMATELY $18,000,000.00 ANNUALLY (FIRST FULL FISCAL YEAR DOLLAR INCREASE STARTING IN 2016) TO DIRECTLY FUND THE URGENT PUBLIC SAFETY NEEDS IDENTIFIED BY PUEBLO COUNTY SHERIFF KIRK M. TAYLOR, THE CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL SERVING ALL RESIDENTS OF THE CITIES, TOWNS AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF PUEBLO COUNTY, AS CRITICAL TO PERFORMING HIS STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS TO ALL PUEBLO COUNTY RESIDENTS, BY INCREASING THE COUNTY’S SALES AND USE TAX RATE BY ONE CENT ($0.01) PER DOLLAR; WHICH NEEDS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE AREAS OF PATROL, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, DETENTION FACILITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES WITH ALL REVENUES GENERATED TO BE RESTRICTED TO THE FOLLOWING AND USED FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE: 1. PATROL NEEDS: HIRE, EMPLOY, FUND SALARIES, TRAIN AND EQUIP PATROL DEPUTIES, INVESTIGATORS AND CIVILIAN SUPPORT STAFF ACCORDING TO CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE WITHIN THE STATE OF COLORADO; CONDUCT FIRE AND CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS; REPLACE OBSOLETE AND FAILING EQUIPMENT, PURCHASE AMMUNITION, FUEL AND OTHER OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT; AND 2. CRIMINAL JUSTICE NEEDS: HIRE, EMPLOY, FUND SALARIES, TRAIN AND EQUIP DETENTION DEPUTIES, COURT TRANSPORT PERSONNEL AND CIVILIAN SUPPORT STAFF ACCORDING TO CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE WITHIN THE STATE OF COLORADO; CONDUCT CRIMINAL EXTRADITION; REPLACE OBSOLETE AND ACQUIRE NEW EQUIPMENT TO ADDRESS SECURITY, SAFETY, AND OPERATIONS; AND 3. DETENTION FACILITY NEEDS: REVIEW AND ASSESS NEEDS, DESIGN, ACQUIRE, CONSTRUCT, FUND TRANSITION COSTS, REPURPOSE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN DETENTION FACILITIES; AND 4. EMERGENCY SERVICES NEEDS: HIRE, EMPLOY, FUND SALARIES, TRAIN AND EQUIP EMERGENCY SERVICES BUREAU DEPUTIES AND CIVILIAN SUPPORT STAFF ACCORDING TO CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE WITHIN THE STATE OF COLORADO IN THE AREA OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; REPLACE OBSOLETE AND ACQUIRE NEW EQUIPMENT; WITH THE SHERIFF REQUIRED TO REPORT ANNUALLY TO THE CITIZENS OF PUEBLO COUNTY ALL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES RESULTING FROM SUCH TAX INCREASE; AND A CITIZENS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO REVIEW ALL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES RESULTING FROM SUCH TAX INCREASE; COMMENCING ON JANUARY 1, 2016 AND AUTOMATICALLY ENDING ON DECEMBER 31, 2025 (TEN YEAR SUNSET PROVISION), AND SHALL THE COUNTY BE AUTHORIZED TO COLLECT, RETAIN AND SPEND THE FULL REVENUES FROM SUCH TAX WITHOUT STATUTORY OR CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATION OR CONDITION, INCLUDING ARTICLE X, SECTION 20 OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION, SECTION 29-1-301, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES, OR ANY OTHER LAW? Pueblo County, Colorado Actual Historical and Current Estimated Fiscal Year Spending Information: Year Fiscal Year Spending1 2011 (actual) $78,679,605 2012 (actual) $78,569,213 2013 (actual) $79,698,800 2014 (actual) $83,472,964 2015 (current year estimated) $85,234,969 2016 (estimated) $87,792,018 Overall percentage change in fiscal year spending over the five year period from 2011 through 2015: 8.3% Overall dollar change in fiscal year spending over the five year period from 2011 through 2015: $6,555,364 Estimated 2016 fiscal year spending without taking into account the tax increase authorized by the ballot issue: $87,792,018 Estimated 2016 tax increase authorized by Ballot Issue 1A: $18,000,000 Summary of Written Comments FOR Ballot Issue No. 1A: This community needs a sales tax to replace the jail, allow the purchase of equipment and to allow the sheriff's office to compete for employees and repurpose the current dormitory into a detoxification center. The sheriff serves all constituents in the County of Pueblo including the incorporated (city) and unincorporated (county). The sales tax will hold the sheriff's budget to no more than that budgeted in 2015 for 10 years. All other functions of the office of sheriff above the budget allocated in 2015 w i l l come from revenue generated through the sales tax. One penny is closest to actual costs; the aggregate amount of money collected will pay for the planning, building and paying off the new jail within the allotted 10 year time frame. This money will be identified by the sheriff for use only on the projects listed specifically in the ballot. Re-purposing the existing dormitories into a social detoxification center, to allow for new city arrests, bring back work release and inmate labor programs to areas of non-profit organizations. It is estimated that up to 80% of the tax will be needed over ten years to buy, design, build, and staff the new jail. This tax automatically sunsets in ten years with no other action to make it go away. A citizen's advisory committee will be appointed by the sheriff and board of county commissioners to report on incoming revenues and expenditures and to report to the citizens of Pueblo. Annually, the sheriff has three areas of influence in the office known commonly as bureaus for response directly to the citizens, the law enforcement bureau, the detentions bureau and the emergency services bureau. The sheriff is 1 Fiscal year spending includes amounts expended by the County for bonded debt service. responsible for law enforcement in the unincorporated county, the orderly operation of the county jail which houses people on the aggregate that have addresses in the city of Pueblo and the sheriff is the emergency manager for the entire county. Services that include paper service (restraining orders, divorce papers, evictions and all other forms of civil service) search and rescue, inmate programs and law enforcement investigations and arrests. The sheriff answers directly to the people of Pueblo and he declares that the county jail is unsafe due to overcrowding and jail is more costly to maintain than the cost of building a new jail. This is supported by the assessment completed in December 2014 and common sense. The sheriff states that he has tried all other avenues to repair the jail, reduce the population and otherwise gain more years from this jail. He did receive grants and used money found never before used to make repairs that were essential to security for the inmates and citizens of Pueblo. The sheriff indicates that it is an emergency to replace this jail and equipment used by deputies and the smallest part of the tax would help to make his deputies compensation compete appropriately in the market to keep valuable employees. Summary of Written Comments AGAINST Ballot Issue No. 1A: No comments were filed by the constitutional deadline.