
Manifest Destiny/Westward
John O’Sullivan- quote, Horace Greeley-”go west young man”
Turner Thesis, Zinn-People’s History- racism vs. natives/Mexicans
Emerson/Thoreau- transcendentalism/do it yourself/Scots-Irish
Spread CCD- Christianity, Democracy, and Capitalism
Proclamation of 1763, Pontiac’s Rebellion, Treaty of 1783, Louisiana Purchase,
Convention of 1800, Texas Revolution, California (gold rush), Seward’s
John C. Fremont- “The Pathfinder”, California-”Bear Flag Republic”
Oregon territory, “54 40 of fight”- compromised with Br at 49th parallel.
Indian Removal Act of 1830-expansion into plains after CW. Homestead Act
James K. Polk- Manifest Destiny president
Mexican-American War, Generals Taylor and Scott, Battles of Buena Vista and
Vera Cruz, Chapultapec, Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo-Mexican Cession,
Gadsden Purchase
Wilmot Proviso/ non-expansion of slavery/free soil
John C. Fremont- “The Pathfinder”, California-”Bear Flag Republic”
Market Revolution- transportation/communication revolution…
Manifest Destiny moves toward imperialism (SP-AM war, Hawaii, Cuba,
Southern justificationists/apologisits vs abolitionists/emancipationists-Bible, Aristotle,
economic/social justifications, African slavery, England, I.S., cash crops, Headright system.
Abolitionism- starts with 2nd Great Awakening, underground RR, Harriet Tubman, racial unrest
in the North esp. the Irish. Garrison, The Liberator, Douglas, Truth, Broadcloth Mob, nullifies
fugitive slave law, UTC., Free-Soil Party and Republican Party.
Slavocracy- King Cotton, Whitney- cotton gin, 1 out of 5 actually owned slaves, rest hoped to,
harsher slave codes, Nat Turner’s Rebellion- no more emancipation talk, Impending Crisis of
the South- Helper’s book, South’s #1 defense- its in the Constitution.
Three plans of Reconstruction- Lincoln(10%), Johnson, Radical
Wade-Davis Bill- 50% loyalty
Freedman’s bureau- 1st welfare system
Slave codes/Black codes/Jim Crow laws-segregation in South until 1960s
Redeemer governments-whites back in charge.
13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, Civil Rights Act of 1868
scalawags, carpetbaggers, rise of KKK
Literacy test, poll tax, grandfather clause, sharecropping, crop-lien system……
Andrew Johnson’s impeachment- Tenure of Office Act, Edmund Ross
Strange Life of Jim Crow by Woodward, Up from Slavery by Washington, Zinn, DuBois
Election of 1876 and Compromise of 1877- ends Reconstruction, leads to New South (new
textile industries)
Plessey v Ferguson- separate but equal, Slaughterhouse cases- weaken the 14th amend…
Brown v Board- inherently unequal
CRA, VRA, Civil Rights Movement, MLK, Rosa Parks, Black Panthers, violent vs. non-violent
Civil Rights Movement
• Slave codes/abolitionist movement/Black codes/Jim Crow
• Reconstruction/poll tax/literacy test/grandfather clause.
• NAACP- DuBois, Washington-Tuskegee, Garvey-Back to Africa
• Brown vs. Board -overturns Plessey, Thurgood Marshall- top NAACP
• Montgomery Bus boycott- Rosa Parks
• Greensboro boys- “sit-ins”, non violent resistance.
• MLK and the SCLC, non-violence, boycotts, sit-ins, pray-ins…..
• March on Washington- “I have a dream”, “give us the ballot”
• Forced Integration at Little Rock, Ole Miss, and Alabama
• “Bombingham”, Selma March, Freedom Riders
• CRA ’64, VRA ’65- no more literacy test, 24th amendment- outlaws poll
• Black Power, Malcolm X, SNCC, Stokley Carmichael, Black Panthers
• Freedom Summer- increase black voter registration in Miss in 64.
• Rise of the KKK, increasing murder rates of CR workers in the South.
• Long Hot Summer, 1968, MLK assassinated
Isolationism/Pre WW II
Washington Neutrality proclamation, GW Farewell Address
Embargo of 1807, Monroe Doctrine
“War to end all wars”, “War to save democracy”- W. Wilson
Lodge and the Reservationists- Wilson kills his own treaty
Fourteen points
League of Nations/League Covenant/Article X- US doesn’t join, lacks
“Return to Normacly”- Harding
Washington Naval Conference- 5 Power Treaty- Japan later breaks
Red Scare, part I/Palmer raids
KKK/Sacco and Vanzetti/anti-foreigner sentiments
Kellogg-Briand Pact/Dawes Plan
Appeasement/Munich Conference
London conference/domestic concerns/Great Depression- US stays
Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937/abandonment of Spain and China
Panay Incident/Rape of Nanking,
“Send guns not sons”- FDR
Ended with fall of France and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
Cash-n-carry, destroyers for bases, Lend Lease Act (garden hose),
embargo of Japan.
• Scot-Irish/German in the 1740s- hardworking, frontier, frugal
• 1st wave-1830-40s- Irish- drunks, Catholics, urbanites, escaping famine,
Germans- farmers, hardworking, protestant, rural
• Nativists including Know-Nothing party, Order of the Star Spangled Banner,
Ant-Catholic riots in Phil/Bos, called for restrictions
• 2nd wave-1870-1900- Southern and Eastern Europeans, mainly refugees,
Catholic, no English, $, and skills
• Ellis/Angel Islands. Immigration stations, quarantines….
• Jacob Reis’ How the other half lives- awful living conditions in slums/cities
• Settlement houses/Jane Addams/Hull House, Social Gospel- all attempts to
help the immigrants.
• More nativism- Am. Protection Assoc….Chinese Exclusion Act, no voting
blocs, always fearing loss of jobs
• 1924 Immigration Act- est. quotas, Mexicans deported…KKK
• 3rd wave-1960-70s-Hispanics and Asian-Americans, Great Societyestablished quotas in the 60s.
• Has turned into a major debate today due to NAFTA and failures to secure
Steps to American Unity/Lack of
• Major steps of Colonial unification- New England confederation,
Dominion of New England, 1st Great Awakening, Albany Plan of
• Colonies coming to together when a common goal arises.
• War of 1812- patriotism and nationalism, icons
• Introduction of Nullification and Succession- not just Southern
• North- Embargo, Hartford Con, nullify Fugitive Slave Law,
• South- Va/Ken Resolutions, SC Null. Crisis, Comp of 1850, J.C.
Calhoun, Election of 1860
• Compromises- Constitution, Missouri, Tariff, Compromise of
1850, Crittenden Compromise
• End of unity- Civil War, Reconstruction, 2 Americas, N and So.
• Class warfare- growing difference between rich and poor
• Black and White, Native and non-native, young and old, liberal
and conservative
Articles of Confederation and Constitution
Newburgh Conspiracy failed, a post-war recession, Continental Dollars/state currencies were worthless as
States began to bicker about $ as well as western land claims
England dumped cheap goods on the newly reopened US markets and destroyed US industries
The 2nd Cont. Cong. adopted the first plan of Gov’t for the new US in 1777 the Articles of Confederation:
Weaknesses were it had only one branch, legislature could only ask for donations, states had just one vote, most
votes required a 2/3 majority and to amend the Articles required a unanimous vote…… solutions for the post
war problems
Articles Strengths: The Articles worked fairly well of the common goal to win the war, they held the country
together and allowed for the negotiation of Treaties of Alliance w/France and the Treaty of Paris 1783, were a
stepping stone from the non-importation Association to the Constitution, and a model for a loose confederation.
The Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for the distribution of western lands and the Northwest Ordinance provided
the three step process by which territories could become states
States bickered over commerce laws, donations to the Fed. Gov’t, western lands, currencies
It soon became clear to many that the Articles needed amending at least replaced.
Daniel Shays’ rebellion, the Federal Gov’t was seemingly helpless
Annapolis Conference, need to “amend the Articles”, (Miracle at Phil.)- Bowen
GW- president, JM- “Father of the Constitution, Virginia and New Jersey Plans
Compromises- Great Compromise (representation in the Congress), 3/5 compromise, slave trade, ratification, and
electoral college
Roger Sherman, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton
Constitution- separation of powers, delegated and reserved powers, branches of government, strong central
Federalists- supporters of the Con, Federalist Papers- written by JM, AH, and JM, Madison’s #10- most important
Anti-Federalist- opposed the Con, wanted a Bill of Rights added to protect individual liberties, wanted strong state
governments, believed a strong federal government would be like the British King….
A revolution, this time peaceful and political, engineered by a small group of conservative whites, changed the
course of US History.
Native American Relations and Resistance
Chesapeake (exclusive)
-New England (exclusive)
Jamestown- 1607
-Puritans and Pilgrims
Powhatan Indians/Pocahontas, helps at 1st
-constant expansion onto In. land
Indentured servants
-King Phillip’s War/Metacomet
Looking for gold, imposing on Ind. land
-NE Confederation
Tobacco led to expansion of farms
-25% causalities, highest death % of any US war
“Starving Time”- John Smith
-Indians are devil’s own people…..
Bacon’s Rebellion
-last major N.A. event in N.E.
Spanish in SW US
-Pilgrims- Thanksgiving, got along
Slavery of the Indians
-Mystic massacre
Columbian exchange- trade w/Europe
-Hutchinson/Williams (R.I)
Small pox/diseases
Encomenidas- plantations, land
New York/France
Goes from exclusive to inclusive, intermarriage-fur trade, partners, Inclusive from the start
-intermarriage, diversity, equality under France/Dutch
-Purchase of Manhattan from the Indians by the French
-1st owned by the Dutch, taken over by the Br. in 1666
-good relations with the Indians
Background: Jamestown, King Phillips War, Pontiac’s Rebellion, Tecumseh, Treaty of Greenville, war hawks
Post Civil War Indian Wars 1864-1890, pop. Spreading west in the Plains Indian tribes
Indian Removal Act, Cherokee, Trail of Tears- early forms of removal out west
Turner Thesis, Century of Dishonor- Helen Hunt Jackson
Battle of Little Bighorn, George Armstrong Custer, Battle of Wounded Knee (Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse-Sioux)
Chief Joseph, Geronimo, Gen Philip Sheridan-”The only good Indian is a dead Indian”, Brown’s book, I buried my heart at
Wounded Knee.
Decimation of buffalo, placing Indians on reservations, starvation sets in…
Zinn- treatment of Indians is all about racism by whites
Dawes Act (1888)- assimilation of the Indians, failed
Indian New Deal in 1934- help square things during the Great Depression.
Women’s Rights Movement
• Anne Hutchinson, Halfway Covenant
• Abigail Adams-”don’t forget the ladies”, Stanton, Dix, Susan B. Anthony,
Jane Addams, Mott,
• Seneca Falls Convention- Declaration of Sentiments- “all men and women”,
1st major women's’ movement meeting
• 19th amendment- “Anthony’s amendment”
• Cult of domesticity/Republican Mothers- good wives and mothers
• Abolitionist movement, temperance, reform movements at all times
• Sacrifice during the nations’ wars, teaching 1st profession
• Grimke sister- abolitionism and women’s education
• Margaret Sanger- Birth control, pill
• WWII-Rosie the Riveter, June Cleaverism of the 1950s, ERA Movement of
the 1970s, National Organization for Women……
• Differences between the decades, 1920s- independent, flappers, voting
rights gained, wild, etc…. 1950s- domesticated again, housewives,
subservant…… 1970s- demand for equality, radical, stand on their own,
“burning bras”, ERA, NOW…..
• Zinn, Betty Friedan- The Feminine Mystique-”is that all there is”
New Nationalism
GW- inventing the presidency, precedents (isolation, neutrality, 2 4 year terms,
cabinet, expansion of the executive branch, etc)
AH’s assumption scheme, BUS, elastic clause, caused split into political parties.
Loose and strict constructionism, Feds- loose, Anti-Feds- strict….
Establish fed power- Whiskey Rebellion and defeating the Indians at Fallen
Timbers/Treaty of Greenville…dealt with challenges to fed govt authority…
Jay’s Treaty with Br- bad, Pinckney's Treaty with Spain –good, use Miss. River freely
GW Farewell address- three things
Adams/Alien Sedition Acts/Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions- nullification/succession
Election/Revolution of 1800- TJ elected
1st peaceful transfer of power, TJ turns into a closet federalist
War, La. Purchase, impressment leading to Embargo Act of 1807- “unconstitutional?”
Marbury vs Madison- 1st major SC case, “judicial review”
War of 1812-patriotic and indecisive, Ft. McHenry and New Orleans
President Madison- also a political flip flopper on the interpretation of the Con.
Federalist opposed to it, Hartford Convention- produce amendments to curb federal
power, turn from loose to strict constructionists, unpopular, kills the party
Leads to Era of Good Feelings, Monroe……
• Leader of Federalist who
believed in a strong Central
• Backer of Britain
• Strongly urged mfg.
• Created Bank of US.
• Anti-French Rev.
• Loose constructionist
• Pro tariff on imports.
• Pro “funding at par” of debt •
• Pro excise taxes on whiskey •
Leader of Anti-Feds. Who
believed in strong state
Backer of France
Strongly for agriculture
Anti-Bank of US
Pro French at first.
Strict constructionist
Anti-funding scheme
Anti- whiskey tax.
Post Civil War/Economic/Industrial
Revolution/Market Revolution
Railroads, growth, westward expansion, time zones, schedules, heavy capital
RR moguls- Vanderbilt (Irish paddies) and Stanford (Chinese Coolies)
RR corruption- Credit Mobilier, stock watering, kickbacks, pooling
Rise of the Trusts, monopolies, new rich
Carnegie- Steel, Rockefeller- Standard Oil, Morgan- Banks
Vertical and horizontal integration, eliminate competition….
Thomas Edison- inventions, electricity, lights, phonograph, stock ticker…internal
combustible engine leads to automobile, ford, airplane- Wright Brothers..
US turning into a world economic power and military power
2nd wave of immigrant fuels work force
Imperialism begins to expand US markets, Spanish-American War, Hawaii,
Cuba, Philippines, Mahan’ book- Influence of Sea Power Upon History…
Capital investment- Taft’s dollar diplomacy