Los Angeles Pierce College Nursing 407 Class Schedule and Topics Spring 2016 Unit Week Date 1 1 2/10/16 Content and Key Concepts THE ESSENTIALS OF GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING A. Introduction: Principles of Gerontology and Geriatrics; Nutrition Meet Mr. Kennedy Key Points: 1. Definitions of geriatrics and gerontology. 2. Myths associated with the idea of aging. 3. Common characteristics of centenarians. 4. Historical influences on gerontological nursing. 5. Principles and goals of gerontological nursing. 6. Demographics of the aging population in the United States. 7. Subset of older adults. 8. Characteristics of baby boomers. 9. Accomplishments and resources of the elderly. 10. The effects of chronic disease on the aging process. 11. Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and implications for promoting health in the elderly. 12. Leading causes of and effects of disability in the elderly. 13. Benefits of healthy aging. 14. Definition and goals of Healthy People 2020. 15. Definition of senescence. 16. Homeostasis and homeostenosis. 17. Biological, genetic, psychological, and sociological theories of aging. 18. Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns and care of the elderly adult. 19. Criteria for selecting appropriate nursing interventions for the older adult. 20. Recommended Health Screenings/Interventions for Older Persons. 21. Major physiological changes of aging. 22. Purpose and use of the Katz Index. 23. Major nutrition-related changes associated with aging. Reading Tabloski Chapters 1, 5 Activities Due Due today: Refer to Syllabus Course Objectives 1, 3, 14 Syllabus Acknowledgment form Reading Quiz Due next week: Critical Thinking Homework, Principles of Gerontology; Nutrition 17 2 2/17/16 24. Dehydration risk factors, resulting symptoms and strategies to prevent dehydration in the elderly. 25. Effects on nutrition of common medications and their potential adverse effects. 26. Components of the Tufts Modified MyPlate for Older Adults and its unique characteristics. 27. Recommended dietary adjustments in the care of the older adult. 28. Causes, consequences and treatment of unintentional weight loss. 29. Pertinent nursing diagnoses associated with nutritional concerns. 30. QSEN standards of nutrition. B. Pharmacology; Psychological and Cognitive Function Key Points: 1. Physiological changes affecting pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in the elderly client. 2. Adverse drug effects/reactions specific to the elderly and their common manifestations. 3. Predicting renal function in the elderly. 4. Potential causes of and methods to prevent polypharmacy. 5. Interactions between drugs and common herbal preparations and OTC medications. 6. Drugs that should be used cautiously in the elderly. 7. Goals of medications regimens in the older adult. 8. Purpose of medication reconciliation process. 9. Alternative to medication use in common problems in the elderly. 10. Principles of “gradual dose reduction.” 11. The Beers’ criteria for potentially inappropriate drugs in older adults. 12. OBRA legislation regarding medication use for institutionalized older adults. 13. Guidelines for reviewing the appropriateness of a medication for an older adult. 14. Indications for the use of anxiolytic medications. 15. Guidelines for drug safety at home and in institutions. 16. Strategies for interviewing the older adult about his or her medication usage. 17. Identification of mental health disorders in the older adult. 18. Description of normal or natural changes in cognition in the Tabloski Chapters 6, 7 Reading Quiz 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14 Choose your Gerontological Nursing Case Study Critical Thinking Homework: Gerontology and Nutrition 18 3 2/24/16 2 4 3/2/16 older adult. 19. Suggested methods of coping with age-related changes in cognition. 20. Erikson’s theories of aging personalities. 21. Signs of poor adaptation to stress in the elderly. 22. Prevalence of personality and psychotic disorders in the older adult. 23. Components of well-being in the older adult and how they are affected by life events. 24. Factors that can affect the grieving process. 25. Indications of negative effects of stress in the older adult. 26. Nursing actions for working with the elderly adult with high stress levels. 27. Manifestations of depression in the older adult. 28. Nursing assessment of depression using the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form). 29. Incidence of suicide in the elderly population. 30. Risk factors for alcoholism in the elderly adult. 31. Nursing assessment of alcoholism using the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. 32. Principles for conducting psychological assessment of the older adult. 33. Medications commonly used to treat depression in the elderly adult. 34. Nursing diagnoses related to the nutrition and mental health of the elderly adult. 35. QSEN standards of mental health. Unit 1 Exam PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE CARE OF THE ELDERLY CLIENT: SKIN AND SENSATION, GENITOURINARY AND RENAL SYSTEMS C. Skin, Sensation FHP Nutritional/Metabolic Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Excess/Deficient Fluid Volume; Impaired Skin Integrity; Pressure Ulcer FHP Cognitive/Perceptual Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Acute/Chronic Pain; Disturbed Sensory Perception Critical Thinking Homework: Cognitive Function and Pharmacology Tabloski Chapters 12, 14 Reading Quiz 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 Submit Case Study Diagnoses with Subjective and Objective Behaviors 19 Key Points: 1. Review of structure and function of the following: skin and accessory structures, eye, ear. 2. Normal age related changes in the integumentary system. 3. Risks associated with normal age related changes in the integumentary system. 4. Common medications associated with sun sensitivity. 5. Distinguishing characteristics of: seborrheic keratosis; actinic keratosis; basal cell carcinoma; and, squamous cell carcinoma. 6. Categories of skin tears. 7. Stages and guidelines for nursing management of pressure ulcers. 8. Causes of tissue breakdown, particularly in the elderly adult. 9. Use of the Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk. 10. Laboratory values used to determine risk for pressure ulcers. 11. Identification of cellulitis in the elderly adult. 12. Interventions for the management of cellulitis in the elderly adult. 13. Identification of fingernail and toenail conditions commonly seen in the elderly adult. 14. Nursing diagnoses appropriate to the older adult with disturbances in the skin. 15. Laboratory values useful in determining the elderly client’s risk for pressure ulcer. 16. Teaching guidelines related to skin care in the elderly client. 17. Teaching points for the elderly client in maintaining eye health. 18. Normal age related changes in the eye of the elderly adult. 19. The effect of light sensitivity in the elderly adult’s visual abilities. 20. Visual disturbance side effects of drugs commonly used in the elderly population. 21. Risk factors for and identification of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) in the elderly client. 22. Risk factors for and identification of cataracts in the elderly client. 23. Risk factors for and identification of glaucoma in the elderly client. 24. Potential adverse effects of ophthalmic solutions commonly used by the elderly population. 20 5 3/9/16 25. Nursing diagnoses associated with visual impairment. 26. Normal age-related changes in the ear. 27. Common methods and precautions for removal of cerumen from the ear canal of the elderly adult. 28. Assessing the working condition of a hearing aid. 29. Suggested treatment methods for tinnitus. 30. Potential adverse effects on hearing by medications commonly used by the elderly population. 31. Nursing interventions to use when speaking to a hearing impaired individual. 32. Nursing diagnoses associated with hearing impairment. 33. Medical conditions affecting taste 34. Drugs affecting taste. 35. Potential causes of xerostomia. 36. Medical and nursing management of xerostomia. 37. Implications of a decrease in tactile sensation in the elderly adult. 38. Nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions associated with skin and sensation problems in the elderly client. 39. QSEN standards of the integument. D. Genitourinary and Renal Systems FHP Elimination Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Impaired Urinary Elimination; Urinary Incontinence (Type); Urinary Retention FHP Nutritional/Metabolic Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Imbalance Fluid Volume (Excess, Deficient) Key Points: 1. Review of structure and function of the genitourinary and renal systems. 2. Normal age-related changes affecting the genitourinary and renal systems. 3. Differences between acute and chronic renal failure in older adults. 4. Causes of renal failure in the older adult. 5. Symptoms of renal failure in the older adult. 6. Symptoms of UTI in the older adult. 7. Treatment of UTI in the older adult. 8. Types and causes of urinary incontinence (UI). 9. Potential causes of new onset urinary incontinence. 10. Treatments for specific types of urinary incontinence. Tabloski Chapter 17 Reading Quiz 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 Critical Thinking Homework: Skin and Sensation 21 6 3/16/16 3 7 3/23/26 11. Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in the older adult male. 12. Possible (a) surgical and (b) medical treatments of BPH. 13. Potential risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy. 14. Recommendations for cervical cancer and breast cancer screening in the older adult female. 15. Specific concerns for sexual expression of the older adult residing in long-term care. 16. Potential causes of erectile dysfunction in the older adult male. 17. Potential treatments for erectile dysfunction. 18. Teaching guidelines for the family and elderly client with a genitourinary disorder. 19. Nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions associated with genitourinary problems in the elderly client. 20. QSEN standards of genitourinary and renal systems. 21. Indications, actions, side effects of pertinent medications Unit 2 Exam PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE CARE OF THE ELDERLY CLIENT: CARDIOVASCULAR AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS E. Cardiovascular FHP Activity/Exercise Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Activity Intolerance; Fatigue; SelfCare Deficit (Type); Decreased Cardiac Output; Ineffective Tissue Perfusion Key Points: 1. Review of structure, function, anatomy and of the heart, valves, conduction system, and the circulatory related pathophysiology and pertinent components of function. 2. Components of the normal electrocardiogram and purpose of the electrocardiogram. 3. Normal age related changes in the cardiovascular system in the elderly adult. 4. The concepts of compensation among body systems in cardiovascular function in the elderly client. 5. Lifestyle recommendations for the elderly patient with a cardiovascular problem. 6. The concepts of preload, afterload, and contractility. Critical Thinking Homework: GU/Renal Tabloski Chapter 15 Reading quiz 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 Submit Case Study Desired Outcomes/Goals with Revised Diagnoses 22 7. 8 9 3/30/16 3/314/10/16 10 4/13/16 Atypical presentation of cardiac symptoms in the elderly adult. 8. Classification of blood pressure and screening guidelines. 9. Basic teaching points for the elderly adult prescribed blood pressure medication. 10. Key points of the JNC 8 report. 11. Definitions of primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. 12. Potential causes of hypotension in the elderly adult. 13. Categories of hyperlipidemia. 14. Characteristics of metabolic syndrome and the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. 15. Causes and types of chest pain in the elderly adult. 16. Symptoms of heart disease particular to the elderly adult female. 17. Diagnostic findings consistent with myocardial infarction. 18. Complications of myocardial infarction. 19. Indications for and contraindications to anticoagulation therapy. 20. Categories of common valvular disorders occurring in the older adult. 21. Characteristics of heart failure. 22. Clinical manifestations of left-sided heart failure. 23. Clinical manifestations of right-sided heart failure. 24. Common dysrhythmia and its treatment in the elderly 25. Nursing diagnoses for the elderly adult with disorder(s) of the cardiovascular system. 26. QSEN standards of the cardiovascular system. 27. Indications, actions, side effects of pertinent medications. No Class! Spring Break! F. Respiratory FHP Activity/Exercise Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Activity Intolerance; Fatigue; Self- Tabloski Chapter 16 Reading quiz 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 23 Care Deficit (Type); Impaired Spontaneous Ventilation; Ineffective Airway Clearance; Ineffective Breathing Pattern; Impaired Gas Exchange; Ineffective Tissue Perfusion Key Points: 1. Review of structure and function of components of the respiratory system including bronchi, alveoli, mediastinum, and bronchioles. 2. Normal age-related changes affecting the respiratory system. 3. Age-related changes in other physiological systems that can affect pulmonary function. 4. Lifestyle recommendations for the elderly patient with a respiratory problem. 5. Common methods of assessing the respiratory system. 6. Identification of lung volumes. 7. Use and purpose of peak flow machines. 8. Clinical manifestations of asthma. 9. Comparison of signs and symptoms of asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD, and heart failure. 10. Significance of nocturnal dyspnea occurring in the elderly adult as a diagnostic symptom. 11. Goals of medical therapy for asthma control. 12. System focused medications: inhaled corticosteroid therapy; short acting β2-agonists; long acting β2-agonists. 13. Principles of teaching an elderly adult in using an inhaler and/or a spacer. 14. Medications with increased potential for adverse effects in the older adult with asthma. 15. Pathophysiology of COPD. 16. Manifestations of COPD: chronic bronchitis and emphysema. 17. Risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 18. “Typical” progression of COPD. 19. Treatment goals for managing patients with COPD. 20. Medications used to treat older patients with COPD. 21. Interventions for elderly patients with end-stage COPD. 22. Description and presenting symptoms of the “Pink Puffer” and the “Blue Bloater.” 23. Incidence and treatment of TB in the elderly. 24. Incidence and treatment of lung cancer in the elderly. 25. Atypical presentation of respiratory infections in the older http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wfto1O6vj-U (tracheal suctioning) Critical Thinking Homework: Cardiovascular 24 11 4/20/16 4 12 4/27/16 adult. 26. Risk factors associated with respiratory infection in the older adult. 27. Indications for hospitalization of the older adult with pneumonia. 28. Signs and symptoms of acute bronchitis. 29. Risk factors for formation of pulmonary embolus in the older adult. 30. Signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolus in the older adult. 31. Patient teaching guidelines for the older adult with lung disease including vaccination recommendations. 32. Nursing diagnoses associated with the older adult with respiratory disease/dysfunction. 33. QSEN standards of the respiratory system. 34. Indications, actions, side effects of pertinent medications. Unit 3 Exam PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE CARE OF THE ELDERLY CLIENT: MUSCULOSKELETAL AND NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEMS G. Musculoskeletal System FHP Activity/Exercise Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Impaired Physical Mobility; Impaired Walking; Risk for Disuse Syndrome; Risk for Joint Contracture; Self-Care Deficit (Type) Key Points: 1. Review of structure and function of bones, joints, and muscle. 2. Age related changes affecting the musculoskeletal system. 3. Classification of musculoskeletal illnesses. 4. Characteristics and manifestations of osteoporosis. 5. Diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. 6. Factors associated with greater risk of osteoporosis in elderly women compared to elderly men. 7. Advantages and disadvantages of dosing regimens of specific biphosphonate medications used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. 8. Lifestyle modifications to consider for the elderly adult to prevent or limit problems with the musculoskeletal system. 9. Characteristics and manifestations of osteomalacia. Critical Thinking Homework: Respiratory Tabloski Chapters 18 Reading Quiz 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 Submit Case Study with Nursing Interventions with Rationales and Revisions 25 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 13 5/4/16 Diagnosis and treatment of osteomalacia. Characteristics and manifestations of Paget’s disease. Diagnosis and treatment of Paget’s disease. Characteristics and manifestations of osteoarthritis. Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis. Characteristics and manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Systemic manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Comparison of clinical symptoms and origins of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 19. Characteristics and manifestations of gout. 20. Diagnosis and treatment of gout. 21. Characteristics and manifestations of pseudogout. 22. Diagnosis and treatment of pseudogout. 23. The role of vitamin D in bone health. 24. Goals in the clinical setting for fall prevention in the elderly population. 25. Risk factors to consider when conducting a fall assessment of the older adult. 26. Common diagnostic and surgical procedures for the elderly adult with nondisplaced or displaced fracture of the hip. 27. Nursing considerations in the use of medications commonly used by the elderly adult for musculoskeletal disorders. 28. Nursing diagnoses appropriate to the elderly adult with a musculoskeletal disorder. 29. QSEN standards of the musculoskeletal system. 30. Indications, actions, side effects of pertinent medications. H. Neurological System FHP Cognitive/Perceptual Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Disturbed Sensory Perception; Unilateral Neglect; Disturbed Thought Processes; Acute/Chronic Confusion; Impaired Memory; Cognitive Impairment Key Points: 1. Review of structure and function of the neurologic system. 2. Age related changes affecting the neurologic system. 3. Factors to evaluate when assessing the mental health status of the elderly adult. 4. Comparison of delirium and dementia. 5. Risk factors for dementia. 6. Comparison of mild cognitive impairment to dementia. 7. Diagnosis and stages of dementia. Tabloski Chapter 22 Reading Quiz 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 Critical Thinking Homework: Musculoskeletal 26 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 14 5/11/16 15 5/18/16 5 24. 25. Unit 4 Exam Nursing interventions for the elderly adult associated with each stage of dementia. Pharmacologic agents used to treat cognitive impairment at specific stages. Tasks for family and patient at the time of diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Commonly used medications for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease. Nursing intervention guidelines to maintain physical ability in the older adult with Alzheimer’s disease. Definition and uses of the terms: apraxia; agnosia; anomia. Topics to address in family discussion at later stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Characteristics of Parkinson’s disease. Causes of secondary Parkinsonism. Differences and similarities between stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA). Risk factors for stroke. Immediate treatment of stroke. Indications and contraindications for thrombolytic therapy. Principles of stroke prevention. Key components of documenting a seizure event. Nursing diagnoses appropriate to the older adult with a neurological disorder. QSEN standards of the neurological system. Indications, actions, side effects of pertinent medications. CARE OF THE VULNERABLE AND/OR FRAIL ELDERLY ADULT I. Pain Management; Violence and Elder Mistreatment FHP Cognitive/Perceptual Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Acute/Chronic Pain FHP Health Perception/Health Management Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Risk for Injury; Risk for Trauma; Ineffective Protection FHP Self-Perception/Self-Concept Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Fear; Anxiety; Loneliness; Hopelessness; Powerlessness; Compromised Human Dignity FHP Role/Relationship Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Grieving; Sorrow; Social Isolation; Critical Thinking Homework: Neurological Tabloski Chapter 9, 10 Reading Quiz 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 Submit Case Study Care Plan Draft with Evaluation Plan 27 Caregiver Role Strain; Risk for Other-Directed Violence FHP Coping/Stress Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Stress Overload; Ineffective Coping; Post-Trauma Syndrome; Support System Deficit; Denial; Risk for Suicide Key Points: 1. Potential barriers to effective assessment and pain management in the older adult. 2. Classifications of pain. 3. Conditions associated with pain in older adults. 4. The concept of hyperalgesia. 5. Guidelines for assessing pain in the older adult. 6. Methods for assessing pain in the older adult with dementia. 7. “Rational polypharmacy.” 8. Principles of pain relief in the older adult. 9. Challenges in managing pain in the older adult. 10. Guidelines for maximal dosing of acetaminophen in the older adult population. 11. Risks associated with NSAID use in the older adult population. 12. Risks and benefits of using specific opioids in the older adult population. 13. Strategies for preventing and managing adverse effects of opioid medications. 14. Adjuvant drugs useful in managing pain in the older adult. 15. Pharmacological principles in managing pain in the older adult. 16. Alternative therapies for pain management in the older adult. 17. Patient and family teaching guidelines for managing chronic pain. 18. The Nurse’s obligations in reporting elder mistreatment. 19. Categories of elder mistreatment. 20. Components of health care fraud and abuse. 21. Characteristics of older adults at risk for elder mistreatment. 22. Characteristics of people who commit elder mistreatment. 23. Signs and symptoms of potential elder mistreatment. 24. Principles of interviewing a suspected abuser and the abused. 25. Nursing diagnoses appropriate to patients and families in elder abuse situations. 28 16 5/25/16 J. 26. Guidelines for teaching older adults and their families about elder mistreatment. 27. QSEN standards of pain and violence and elder mistreatment. 28. Indications, actions, side effects of pertinent medicaitons. Multisytem Problems and Care at the End of Life FHP Value/Belief Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Moral Distress; Spiritual Distress FHP Coping/Stress Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Stress Overload; Ineffective Coping; Denial FHP Nutritional/Metabolic Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Failure to Thrive; Imbalanced Nutrition; Impaired Swallowing; Nausea; Risk for Aspiration; Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane; Imbalanced Fluid Volume; Impaired Skin Integrity FHP Elimination Pertinent Nursing Diagnoses: Constipation; Diarrhea; Impaired Urinary Elimination; Incontinence (Type) Key Points: 1. Definition of failure to thrive. 2. Definition of frailty. 3. Risks of frailty in the older adult. 4. Potential pathways to frailty of the older adult. 5. Definition of the “geriatric cascade.” 6. Common diagnoses associated with frailty in the older adult. 7. Strategies to meet special needs of hospitalized frail elderly adults. 8. Factors affecting chronic illness trajectories. 9. Trajectories of functional decline. 10. Considerations for making treatment decisions regarding the frail elderly adult. 11. Levels of care for the hospitalized frail adult and their associated goals. 12. Description of the concept of “treatment burden.” 13. Leading causes of death in the United States. 14. Techniques for improving quality of care at end of life. 15. Stages of the dying process (Kübler-Ross). 16. Common fears and concerns of the dying patient. 17. Principles of effective pain relief for the dying patient. 18. Drugs commonly used to control pain at the end of life. Tabloski Chapters 24, 11 Reading Quiz 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 Critical Thinking Homework: Pain Management, Violence 29 16 17 5/25/16 5/31-6/3/16 19. Selecting the appropriate route of administration of pain medication at end of life. 20. Strategies for the management of common symptoms in older patients at the end of life. 21. Physiological changes anticipated during the dying process. 22. The concepts of “assisted suicide” versus “hastening death.” 23. The Nurse’s role in the death pronouncement. 24. QSEN standards of end of life and frailty. 25. Indications, actions, side effects of pertinent medications. Review—Optional; To follow regularly scheduled classes Final Exam Schedule (TBA) Exam for N407 is comprehensive. Submit Final Case Study Care Plan Critical Thinking Homework: Multi system Problems, End of Life Critique due 30 List of Selected Medications Used in the Care of the Elderly by System Psychological function Citalopram (Celexa) Desipramine (Norpramin) Escitalopram (Lexapro) Fluoxetine (Prozac) Nortriptyline (Pamelor) Sertraline (Zoloft) Paroxetine (Paxil) Zolpidem (Ambien) Sensory concerns Aspirin Betagan Gentamycin Erythromycin Lopidine Pilocarpine Timpotic Trusopt Genitourinary Fluorquinolones Furosemide Nitrofurantoin Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Terazosin Cardiovascular Aspirin Atorvastatin Benazepril Furosemide Heparin Hydrochlorthiazide Losartan Metoprolol NTG Simvastatin Warfarin Respiratory Albuterol Beclomethasone Guaifenesin Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) Isoniazid Mucomyst Serevent Neurological Donezepil Levodopa Memantine Sinemet Musculoskeletal Acetaminophen Alendronate Allopurinol Calcitonin Capsaicin Colchicine Ibandronate Indomethacin Probencid Raloxifene End of Life Care Compazine Marinol Megace Metachlopramide Morphine Risperdal Pain Management and Elder Abuse Acetaminophen Fentanyl Morphine NSAIDs Tramadol 31