Unit 4 Study Guide

CRIJ 103 Introduction to Law and Justice
Unit 4 Study Guide
Chapters 12, 13, & 14
1. Philosophers in ancient Greece and Rome tended to regard women as
2. Philosophers in medieval Europe tended to regard women as
3. Renaissance writers of the fifteenth century tended to regard women as
4. Feminists who believe that women should be treated differently by the law are
5. Rousseau believed the appropriate sphere for women is
6. Mary Wollstonecraft was
7. The author of the chapter argues that
8. The fact that women and girls were regarded as property for much of history has led to
9. Gage, an activist for women’s suffrage in the nineteenth century, asserted that
10. Of all regions of the country, the ______ states were the first to grant women suffrage.
11. The first wave of the feminist movement achieved
12. In the 1800s women were excluded from practicing law because
13. In her study of the perceptions of 424 male and female defense attorneys, Hall found that
14. According to feminist theorists, all of the below are true of a modern patriarchal society
15. The two major debates in feminist jurisprudence are
16. The old common law principle of the “rule of thumb” refers to
17. The Supreme Court case that applied an intermediary standard of review for sex/gender was
18. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women declared
everything below except
19. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was introduced in Congress in the
Under the principle of _______, married people became one.
21. One problem with “the greatest good for the greatest number” principle is that
22. The slaves aboard the Amistad were released by the U.S. Supreme Court on ___ grounds.
23. Scott v. Sandford
24. The _______ legally freed the slaves in the United States.
25. Laws that allowed for the arrest of vagrant ex-slaves and seen as attempts to reestablish
slavery in the South were known as
26. The organization formed by Congress to help and protect ex-slaves was known as
27. The Fifteenth Amendment
28. Smith v. Allwright had to do with
29. We can conclude from the statements made by black economists Glen Loury and Walter
Williams that
30. Physical and cultural genocide was
31. The American document that was the functional equivalent of the British Proclamation
32. The principle that Indians were only occupants, not owners, of the lands they were on was
enunciated in the
33. The Indian Removal Act forced many tribes to move to an area that is now the state of
34. The General Allotment Act (Dawes Act) was part of the ____ period.
35. In United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), the Supreme Court ruled that
36. Asian Americans are often referred to as the model minority because
37. The sentencing literature primarily shows that
38. The period directly after the end of the Civil War designed to reestablish the Southern
39. The U.S. Congress struck back at the Black Codes by passing the
40. The legislation that extended federal criminal jurisdiction over Indians was the
Among the Huron Indians, theft was punished by
The most common legal tradition in the world today is
Common law, as originally devised in England, meant
In the inquisitorial system,
Civil law supporters claim that the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is
necessary in a common law system because
French defendants
The primary function of socialist law is to
Chinese law, although socialist, is heavily influenced by the philosophy of
The Chinese rely heavily on ____ to gain convictions.
In Islamic law, what emerges from the Qur’an, case law, and scholarly commentaries is
known as ____, which means “the path to follow.”
All crimes listed below are Hadd crimes except
Trials in an Islamic law are typically settled by
The legal tradition least in accordance with the rule of law is
New law codes
In a French criminal trial,
Crimes, delicts, and contraventions are tried in _______ courts, respectively.
The Chinese legal code of 1646 is known as the
A Chinese trial is held in front of a jury known as a
A Chinese defense lawyer can be charged with _____ if evidence that he or she relies on
is shown to be false, even if the lawyer was unaware that it was.
The court system in China that hears cases in which Chinese have committed crimes
against foreigners or vice versa is the