

Period 2

Curriculum Night

Description of Course/Content

The Course

PreCalculus is a fast paced, upper level mathematics course intended only for students with a strong desire to learn advance math and problem solving

The Content

Advanced Algebra Topics

A lot of what was covered in Algebra II, just more in depth

Calculus Fundamentals




Homework Completion 25%

Weekly Quizzes 20%

Participation/Preparation 10%

Notebook 10%

Homework Policy

Homework is assigned every night with the exception of Friday.

Homework is accepted for 75% credit on the day following the due date and for 50% credit two days after the due date. After that no late assignments are accepted.

Graded for appropriate completion

Students are asked to work hard and ask questions!

Peer Tutoring/Study Groups

Homework is 25% of a student’s overall grade

Weekly Quizzes

EVERY FRIDAY, which there is not a test

Covers the material given for homework that week

Intended to act as a check for how much the student’s are retaining

Quizzes are 20% of a student’s overall grade


Approximately 2-3 per quarter

Intended to be challenging and fair

Reviews may or may not be provided

Tests are 35% of a student’s overall grade


Each student is REQUIRED to keep a notebook

Notebook checks are done every Friday

Checks included whether or not material is present in the notebook as well as how clean/neat the notebook is

At the end of each quarter a detailed notebook check will take place


Each day students receive 5 Points for being prepared for class. This includes one point for each a calculator, a pencil, his/her book, notebook and assignment notebook

A participation grade is also given at the end of each quarter

This is 10% of the student’s overall grade

Student Expectations

Do his/her work!

Care about learning!

Don’t act up

Ask Questions!

Be accountable for his/her own actions

Come to me for help!

Parent/Student Resources

 www.classroll.com

Grades updated every Friday

Tentative assignments inputted a week prior and updated daily

 www.quia.com/pages/cookprecalculus.html

Course message board

Practice problems/activities

