Unit III Congress, The Presidency, The Beauracracy Qualifications of the President Must be a natural born citizen Must be at least 35 years of age Who’s the youngest President to take office? Must be living in the US for 14 years You can’t live in Europe and then run for President Term limits Washington set the Precedent FDR elected 4 times 22nd Amendment EWWW!!!!! NO HE CAN’T BE PRESIDENT Generally a figure head Carries 2 jobs President of the Senate Immediate stand in if the President becomes incapacitated Who can be impeached? President Vice President Judges Senators/Reps. Cabinet members Who have they tried to impeach in the House? 2 Presidents 12 Federal Judges 1 Senator Several Cabinet Members Numerous district/circuit judges Impeachment requirements Must be found guilty by the House of Representatives of crimes that include treason, bribery, other high crimes or misdemeanors By a majority vote in the house Must be convicted of the crime befitting removal from office (violating the oath of office) By a 2/3 majority in the Senate Vice President cannot preside over impeachment hearings William Blount-Senator Not Guilty John Pickering-Judge Guilty/Removed Samuel Chase-Justice Not guilty James H. Peck-Judge Not guilty West H. Humphreys-Judge Guilty Andrew Johnson-President Not Guilty Mark Delahay-Judge Resigned William Belknap-Sec. of War Not guilty Charles Swayne-Judge Not guilty Robert Archibald-Judge Guilty, removed George English-Judge Resigned/charges dismissed Harold Louderback-Judge Not guilty Halsted Ritter-Judge Guilty/removed from office Harry Claiborne-Judge Guilty/removed from office Alcee Hastings-Judge Guilty/removed from office Walter Nixon-Judge Guilty/removed from office William Clinton-President Not guilty 8 Presidents have died in office William Henry Harrison Zachary Taylor Abraham Lincoln James Garfield William McKinley Warren G. Harding Franklin Roosevelt John F. Kennedy 1947 Congress passed the Presidential Succession Act After the Vice-President Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore of Senate Secretaries of state, treasury, and defense, and other cabinet heads in order of creation of their department Secretary of Homeland Security may be moved to 8th spot, after the attorney general, if the law is changed Never been used Always been a VP Nixon/Ford issue 25th Amendment Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Appointment Power Power to Convene Congress Power to make treaties Cannot ratify them Veto Power Commander in Chief War Powers Act of 1973 Gives the President 60 days of military force prior to asking permission from Congress Gives an additional 30 days if the President formally requests it Pardoning Power Can pardon anyone convicted of a FEDERAL CRIME Nixon-Ford Stanley “Tookie” Williams execution FIVE BEST PRESIDENTS Lincoln (War Time) 2) FDR (War Time) 3) Washington (1st) 4) T. Roosevelt (War Time) 5) Truman (War Time) Almost all of the Best Presidents were leaders who exercised the full power of the Presidential office 1) FIVE WORST PRESIDENTS Buchannan 2) A. Johnson (impeached) 3) Pierce 4) Harding (died in office) 5) W. Henry Harrison (died in office) All were considered weaker Presidents who didn’t exercise Presidential power 1) Jackson Lincoln Extensively used the veto Suspended Habeas power Created the spoils system Created the kitchen cabinet Asserted the supremacy of the national government Corpus Expanded the US army above congress Blockaded the south without the approval of congress Closed the US mail to all Confederate States Franklin D. Roosevelt Creation of more federal government positions Tennessee Valley Authority Expansion of the Works Progress Administration Civil Works Administration Expansion of government into everyday life Expansion of the bureaucracy Made the President a policy maker New Deal Executive Office of the Presidency Advisory board to the Presidency Includes the following members: National Security Council Council of Economic Advisors Office of Management and Budget Office of the Vice President US Trade Representatives Personal Assistants to the President Senior aides Deputies Assistants Clerical aides Administrative aides Clinton cut the staff by 15% Bush carries 435 staff members OH WHERE OUR TAX MONEY GOES!!!!! The period right after an Truman election where the Presidents popularity in the polls is at its highest After re-election it’s not as high as the first election Johnson Nixon Ford Carter The Anomalies Bush Clinton George W. Neustadt presidential power to persuade Going Public Mobilizing public opinion by going directly to the public Going over the heads of congress to the people FDR was the first to give Budgetary Process congress legislation Uses a bully pulpit Head of a political party and can call on support Office of Management of the Budget Plays a role in deciding the budget Congress still has the major power of the purse 1998-Year of the Balanced Budget The Executive Office Made up of policymaking and advisory bodies Three principle groups: NSC, CEA, OMB Executive Orders Presidential Records Act Office of Homeland Blocks the release of Security Congress raised it to a department status presidential documents for 12 years Bush has been criticized for protecting his fathers administration