Final Exam Study Guide General questions (16) Vocabulary (35

Final Exam Study Guide
General questions (16)
Vocabulary (35)
Unit 1 Literature (9)
Unit 2 Literature (10)
Unit 3-4 Literature (10)
Total Questions: 80
-General Questions: There is no way to prepare for these questions in advance; they are
similar to SOL style questions and are mostly plot comprehension.
-Vocabulary: Definition and sentence completion for Units 9-13.
-Unit 1 Literature*: Know basic plot details from Gilgamesh, Ramayana, Sundiata, Oedipus,
and Dante’s Inferno. Review old worksheets to be able to identify antagonists,
protagonists, themes, symbols, characterization/motivation, and dramatic irony. Also
know what it means to have an Oedipus Complex. Also know how the over-reaching
idea (Life, Death, and the Quest for Meaning) is evident and be able to compare and
contrast these pieces of literature to others.
-Unit 2 Literature*: Know basic plot details from Antigone, Witness for the Prosecution,
Princess, and Les Miserables. Review old worksheets to be able to identify antagonists,
protagonists, themes, symbols, characterization/motivation, and dramatic irony. Also
know how the over-reaching idea (Justice for All) is evident and be able to compare and
contrast these pieces of literature to others.
-Unit 3-4 Literature*: Know basic plot details from Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Barbie Doll,
About Love, Lay of the Werewolf, and The Princess Bride, . Review old worksheets to be able
to identify tone, antagonists, protagonists, themes, symbols, metaphors, main conflicts,
characterization/motivation, and dramatic irony. Also know how the over-reaching
idea (Love and Beauty) is evident and be able to compare and contrast these pieces of
literature to others.
*All of these questions you have seen before! They were either on reading checks or on your
previous tests!