The Dark forest paths

By: Trami Nielsen
You're playing hide and seek with your friends in the woods at night. You run and run and
run but cannot find your friends. You try to find your way home but get lost in the dark
forest. You hear the sounds of wolves howling at night and you hear noises of sticks and
leaves crunching up by your footsteps. Owl and bat eyes on tree branches are looking
down on you. In front of you, you see 2 paths that lead to different directions. Which path
would you choose?
Option A:
The road on your left has muddy trail with odd foot prints. The trees are dark with
poisonous snakes on the branches and mushroom growing and sprouting out the ground.
The trees and branches are moving but there's no wind. There might be monstrous
creatures hiding behind trees. You can barely see the rest of the foggy pathway. If you try
your hardest you could see a small light through the fog but its not very clear.
Option B:
The other road to your right is brighter with flowers on the side with trees that curl and
blossoming orchids coming from each tree with bright green leaves. There are bunnies
hopping behind trees curious of who might you be. You look further down the road and
you see a bright light that could lead you anywhere. More animals come by hiding behind
the trees with light shining down the path.
Option A
Option B
You walk in a slow pace towards the path and you find the branches from the trees
reaching out towards you. Your clothes gets caught in the sharp curly branches. The
path gets narrower and narrower as you go. You hear growling from creatures you
never knew of. The wolves are growling for no reason. You see crows flying across the
shining moon. You look ahead of you and you can barely see anything except a strong
light that shines through the night. The strong fog covers up what lies behind. You see
eyes looking at you. RAWR, *GROWL* out jumps a werewolf with bright red eyes and
the sharpest teeth you have ever seen in front of you. It's fur was black with blood stains
around his mouth. Saliva running down it's mouth and it's teeth showing like it's ready to
suck it's teeth into you. You have two choices.
Option A:
Stay still. Don't move a muscle. You will think of rainbows, unicorns, puppies, soft
teddy bears, your bed, and other things that make you feel safe.
Option B:
Option A
Option B
You walk slowly down the path, you try to greet a bunny but it tries to bite your finger
and shows its yellow, sharp, pointy teeth. You're shocked by what you see. You see a
beautiful singing bird later and try to touch its colorful feathers but it makes an alarming
sound and pokes you with its beak. The flowers on the side quickly dies as you pass. As
you go in further you feel hot and you're sweating as you go. The trees are burnt with
black leaves on them. The orchids on the trees falls and hits the ground and disappears
like nothing was ever there. Ashes come falling down above you. You look further into
the path and you see a burning trees and red hot fire destroying the forest and homes of
animals. You are scared by the fire and the burning wood. You can't take the heat of the
fire. You are anxious to get away. You have two choices.
Option A:
You look back and all you see is animals that once threatened you al staring at the fire
and you. You can turn around and go back of where you came from and choose to go
the murky foggy path.
Option B:
You can try to deal with the heat and try to run through the fire and get yourself
burned. You would also try to save animals that you see and run for your life. You don’t
know how long the forest fire is or what is on the other side.
Option A
Option B:
As you close your eyes, you feel the breathe of the monster pressuring on you. It's cold
black nose gently touching you. Since you haven't moved an inch. The werewolf tests
you, it open it's large mouth and……licks your arm. Your sweat and dirt on you made it
think you're something else. The werewolf can't recognize if you’re something to eat or
just a piece of rock. You stand there for 2 more minutes and while you wait, you hear
nothing. All there is, is the wind dancing. You first open your right eye to check that
everything is clear. Then you open the other eye. You don’t see anything except for the
fog in front of you. You turn around to see if it's behind you, but you see nothing. You
are afraid of other creatures that might come your way. Blood thirsty creatures that want
your flesh. So you must decide.
Option A:
Continue walking down the same path.
Option B:
To turn around and go the other path.
Option A
Option B
You are now running. You are thinking of happy thoughts in front
of you. You turn around and sees the were wolf following. The
were wolf is one meter behind you. "AHHHHH!" you scream as
the werewolf scratches you with it's long sharp claws. You fall to the
ground. The last thing you see is it's red and black eyes starring
directly into your soul as it sinks it's teeth into your neck. You die
from internal bleeding after 10 seconds.
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You walk faster to get away from the forest fire but then more animals appear and slowly
blocks you from your journey. The rabbits show their sharp teeth and there fur turns black
and their large cute black eyes are filled with red blood. The deer you see grows large
pointy horns and feet that are scraping the ground, getting ready to charge. The bats come
flying around you and some starts to bite and suck your red, tasty blood. The vicious deer
charges at you and stabs you in the stomach with its horns. The horns came straight
through your body and blood drips out the other side.
The rabbits and bunnies hopped onto your body and you fall. They bite and bite until your
arm falls off. You aren't able to fight back and you can't move at all. You cry and scream
because of the pain. You close your eyes hoping that this wasn’t happening. When you
open your eyes all the animals are gone but you lost a leg and an arm. You are still not able
to move. You can still feel the pain running through you body. You scream for help but
nothing came. You slowly lose blood and slowly die of terrible, horrifying pain. You die
after 2 minutes
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You breathe and you sprint through the forest fire. Your clothes burn slowly but you still
keep running. Your hands touch the fire and your feet burn from the hot ashes of the
burned wood. You hear birds chirping for help and see animals burning and panic from
the fire. You kept running because you can't stand the pain. You cant see where the
forest fire stops. You continue but your burns are agonizing and you can't handle it. You
stop to catch your breath while you stare and look for your burns and bruises and cuts.
The fire overwhelms you and you feel like you are going to be cooked alive. You decide
to go on. More bruises, cuts and burns come along until you feel the fire getting smaller
and smaller the your surrounding temperature colder and colder. The ashes from the fire
fall to the ground like snow in winter. You fall to the ground not able to move. You legs
and arms resist your commands. You lay on the cold, spikey ground. You feel dizzy,
tired, thirsty, pain, sleepy, sad and agonized.
The next day you wake up by the bright sunshine of the morning. You get up but you
feel pain all around your body. You get up slowly and finally you are sitting up and you
look around to see if you can find a path to go. You find a old rusty wooden bridge
about 10 meters away from you. You come towards the bridge. You see a village over
the bridge. You cant find food or water and you desperately want to find help.
(Next page for options)
Option A:
Stay where you are. To wait for someone to come, and to try to scream
for help. Rest your body and voice for the night. Wait in the morning
and all you can do is hope. You aren't able to move because of your
Option B:
Would you cross the bridge and hope there is someone in the village
that will help you get better and bring you home? You have to walk
across the old and unstable looking bridge.
Option A
Option B
You keep walking forward. You see the light getting brighter and
brighter. You finally see where the light is coming from. It's the
fire from the church of the village that you live in. You notice
and figured out you where just in the forbidden forest. You run
to your home. You knock on the door. There you see your
mother with tears down her face. She was so happy to see you
again, she thought you ran away. Your friends are also there, they
found out they were in the forbidden forest and ran back first.
You are at home.
You have finished the adventure story.
You walk back, your foot steps add on sounds of the fallen
leaves crunching. The werewolf hears your foot steps and run
back. Out of nowhere it jumps on to you and bites your neck
so hard that it tears out some of your flesh. You die instantly.
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You die at midnight.
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You crawl slowly and painfully to the bridge. You hear squeaking noise from the wooden
bars that hold the bridge up. SNAP. The old moldy string on the land you were once on
broke off. You decide to crawl back but SNAP the other rope broke off. You grabbed on to
the wooden planks connected to the ropes. The bridge swings towards the edge of the
other side. You are smashed into the wall but you still grab hold of the wooden planks.
Even thought the pain is great, you deicide to continue. Your left hand is what saves your
life. You get your right hand to swing on to the other plank. You start to climbing up like
the bridge was now a ladder. SNAP the rope on top of you brakes off, you start to panic
and climb faster. But the pressure and weight slowly brake the last piece of rope holding
you up. You need three more planks to climb. Out of nowhere you see a hand. The person
says "HOLD MY HAND!" You grab their hand. They pull you up to where the grounds
are safe. SNAP the last piece of rope from the bridge brakes off and the bridge falls to the
dark unknown hole. You are too tired from the action. You pass out.
You wake up with your parents in your sight. Your mother is crying and your father smiles
at you. They were so glad you were back home.
the adventure story.