CP Environmental Science Name: Unit 1A Online Homework

CP Environmental Science
Name: ________________________________________
Unit 1A Online Homework- Paper Edition
1. Identify the major fields of study that contribute to environmental science.
Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Sociology.
2. What is the difference between environmental science and ecology?
Environmental science is the study of how humans interact with their environment while
ecology is the study of how all living organisms interact with each other and their environment.
The difference is the human element.
3. Identify an example of a natural and a man-made source of pollution:
Natural- volcanoes release tons of ash into the atmosphere
Man-made- a dry-cleaning company dumps their toxic solvents in a stream.
4. Explain the law of supply and demand, and give an example of how it relates to the
The Law of Supply and Demands states that the greater the demand for a limited
supply of something, the more that thing is worth. Gasoline, for instance, has had an increasing
demand over the past few years as more people drive cars. The price of gasoline has
increased due to the limited supply and increased demand.
5. Resources that can theoretically last forever are called ________________ resources.
a. eternal
b. nonrenewable
c. renewable
d. infinite
6. How would a mass extinction affect the biodiversity of the planet?
a. increase
b. decrease
c. biodiversity would not change
CP Environmental Science
Name: ________________________________________
7. What are two differences between developed and developing countries?
1. Developed countries are wealthier, developing countries are poorer.
2. Developed countries are industrial, while developing countries are agricultural.
8. Pollutants that are not broken down by natural processes are
a. nonrenewable.
b. nondegradable.
c. biodegradable.
d. both (a) and (c)
9. In his essay, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” one factor that Garrett Hardin failed to consider
a. the destruction of natural resources.
b. human self- interest.
c. the social nature of humans.
d. none of the above.
10. Who would have a larger ecological footprint, a citizen of a developed or a developing
country? Explain your choice.
A citizen of a developed country would have a higher ecological footprint because they
would have more access to resources (fossil fuels, food, water, consumer goods) due to their
wealth. The more resources you consume, the higher your impact on the environment.
11. Provide an example of how environmental science might involve geology and chemistry.
Geology- ex: mapping an aquifer to see where to drill a well (groundwater).
Chemistry- ex: how do pesticides interact in the ecosystem.
12. Which natural resource is more sustainable, trees or coal? Explain.
Trees are more sustainable because they can be replanted again and again. A forest
can potentially last forever if it is managed sustainably. Coal, on the other hand, can only be
used once. It takes millions of years to form, so it is essentially a one-use resource.
CP Environmental Science
Name: ________________________________________
13. Math Practice- Tony works in a 100-acre forest as a lumberjack. If the forest has about 70
trees per acre on average and he can chop down 8 trees per day, how many days will it take
him to clear the entire forest? (Show your work).
Total trees in forest: 70 trees/acre * 100 acres = 7000 trees
7000 trees / 8 trees per day = 875 days