Tissues Quiz

Tissues Quiz
1. List the 4 major types of tissue.
2. What are the 4 types of epithelial tissue? (Shapes)
3. How many layers thick is simple epithelial tissue?
4. How many layers thick is stratified epithelial tissue?
5. True or False, epithelial tissue cannot easily regenerate.
6.Where can we find simple squamous tissue?
7. Where can we find simple cuboidal tissue?
8. Where can we find simple columnar tissue?
9. True or False, pseudo-stratified tissue is actually 2 cell
layers thick.
10. What structure on the apical surface increases surface
area for absorption?
11. What apical surface structure is used for moving
substances along the surface?
12. What apical surface structure can propel sperm cells?
13. What does the basement membrane attach to?
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