Hydrogen City Project Team 3 Submitted To: Professor Chiu, Ming-Chuan Date: April 27, 2011 Group Members (left to right): Hao Sun hvs5123@psu.edu http://www.personal.psu.edu/hvs5123 Kelvin Nguyen kyn5050@psu.edu http://www.personal.psu.edu/kyn5050 Kapil Inamdar kri5009@psu.edu http://www.personal.psu.edu/kri5009 Manan Gill mvg5179@psu.edu http://www.personal.psu.edu/mvg5179 Abstract: In today’s world of constantly increasing gas prices and issues of running out of oil altogether, the need to find alternate sources of energy is greater than ever. Some of the alternate energy sources that exist today are wind, solar, geothermal, and nuclear. However to fuel our cars, many of these sources are irrelevant. That is why the topic of hydrogen is so important these days. It can theoretically cover all of our transportation needs. To see if something like this is implementable, we were told by Air Products to pick a city anywhere in the world and convert it to a H2 city. As you will see further in our report, this is what we came up with. Below are pictures of our physical model and SolidWorks model: Mission Statement: Objective: The objective of this project was to provide Air Products with an implementable idea which would help convert a regular city relying on fossil fuels into one that relies completely on hydrogen. The focus was placed on coming up with a method that would supply a city with enough hydrogen to fulfill its transportation needs. Figure 1: Gantt Chart W1(Mar) 28 2 4 % Accomplished M W F 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Tasks 1. Analysis of Customer Needs • 1.a AirProduct Requirement • 1.b Selecting City/Location • 1.c Background Information on City/Area • 1.d Renewable Energy Source Survey • 1.e H2 /HCNG Survey • 1.f Research of Fuel Station • 1.g Needs Statements • 1.i Product Spec Metrics Owner(s) Manan Kapil Kapil Kapil Kelvin Kelvin Manan Everyone Everyone 2. Patents and Literature Search • 2.a Literature Review • 2.b Patent Search Hao Kelvin Hao 100 100 100 3. Benchmarking • 3.a Existing H2/HCNG Fuel Sources • 3.b Existing Fuel Station • 3.c Existing Fuel Transportation Source Kapil Manan Everyone Kapil 100 100 100 0 4. Internal Work for Concept Generation • 4.a Brainstorming • 4.b Concept Selection • 4.c Examination of materials • 4.e 4.d Examination Maintenanceof Reqiurements • Manufacturing Kelvin Everyone Kelvin Manan Kapil 100 100 100 100 100 Hao Everyone Kelvin 100 100 100 Kapil, Manan Manan Manan Hao Kelvin Kelvin, Kapil Kelvin, Manan Kapil 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Processes 4.f Detail Design • 4.g Prototype Construction (Solidworks/ physical) 5. Report Reparation • 5.a Slides • 5.b Report (Design Statement) • 5.c Report (External Search) • 5.d Report (Concept Generation) • 5.e Report (Concept Selection) • 5.f Report (Final Design and Conclusion) • 5.g Report (Website) W2(Mar) W3(Mar) W4(March) 7 9 11 14 16 18 21 23 25 M W F M W F M W F W5 (Apr) 28 30 1 M W F W6 (Apr) 4 6 8 M W F W7 (Apr) 11 13 15 M W F W8 (Apr) 18 20 22 M W F W9 (Apr) 25 27 29 M W F Customer Needs Assessment: Most of the customer needs for this project were supplied by Air Products. They demanded that we manufacture our hydrogen from completely renewable resources. They also demanded that we come up with a new gas-station design which will supply hydrogen to the public at both 350 and 700 BAR. In addition to this, we were also required to provide a H2/HCNG mix at 250 BAR. Below are some assessments of customer needs that our group did. Table 1: Initial Customer Needs Obtained from Background Search User Friendliness Intuitive Pump Design Touch screen/automatic car link up Easy payment methods Prominent traffic lanes/directions Quality Durable pumps Ergonomic handle design Low-maintenance pumping/compressing/production methods Lightweight pumps Aesthetics Small size Non-intrusiveness Green/Branding Below are the initial customer needs sorted in a hierarchically. According to the customer needs, user-friendliness came in as most important. Intuitive pump design and east payment methods came tied for first in user-friendliness. Durable pumps came in first for quality, and non-intrusiveness came in first for aesthetics. Table 2: Hierarchical Customer Needs List 1. User Friendliness 1.1 Prominent traffic lanes/directions 1.2 Intuitive Pump Design 1.3 Easy payment methods 1.4 Touch screen/automatic car link up 2. Quality 2.1 Low-maintenance pumping/compressing/production methods 2.2 Durable pumps 2.3 Lightweight pumps 2.4 Ergonomic handle design 3. Aesthetics 3.1 Non-intrusiveness 3.2 Green/Branding 3.3 Small size Table 3: AHP: Sub-categories weighing table User Friendly Quality Aesthetics Total Weight User Friendly 1 5 10 16 0.769 Quality 0.2 1 2 3.2 0.154 Aesthetics 0.1 0.5 1 1.6 0.077 Total 20.8 Table 4: AHP: User Friendliness attributes weighing table Prominent Traffic Lanes Intuitive Pump Design Easy Payment Methods Touch Screen Total Weight Prominent Traffic Lanes 1 0.5 0.5 1.25 3.25 0.17426 Intuitive 2 1 1 2 6 0.32171 Pump Design East Payment Methods 2 1 1 2 6 0.32171 Touch Screen 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 3.4 0.18230 Total 18.6 Table 5: AHP: Quality attributes weighing table Low Maintenance Durable Pumps Lightweight Pumps Ergonomic Handle Total Weight Low Maintenance 1.00 0.66 0.83 1.25 3.74 0.22 Durable Pumps 1.50 1.00 1.25 2.00 5.75 0.34 Lightweight Pumps 1.20 0.80 1.00 1.43 4.43 0.26 Ergonomic Handle 0.80 0.50 0.70 1.00 3.00 0.18 Total 16.92 Table 6: AHP: Aesthetics attributes weighing table Non - intrusiveness Green Small Size Total Weight Non-intrusiveness 1.00 2.00 1.43 4.43 0.44 Green 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.50 0.35 Small Size 0.70 0.50 1.00 2.20 0.22 Total 10.13 In addition to these customer needs, we also had to focus on our product specs, many of which were specified by Air Products. Below is a table describing them. Table 7: Product (system) specs: Capacity of vehicles refueling: 4-7 Kg # of max vehicles refueling: 8 Capacity of fuel per station: 120 kg Capacity HCNG: 40 kg Number of H stations : 3 Power for electrolysis - 65.87 KWh / 1.040911 Kg Hydrogen produced/hr - 10 kg Power needed for production - ~660 KW Power needed for stations - 200 KW Overall power needed - 860 KW Number of wave buoys - 4 Power output/buoy - 150 KW Number of underwater turbines - 4 (clean current 1.0) Power output/turbine - 100 KW External Search: Literature Search: When it comes to the topic of hydrogen transportation, there are 2 main options to choose from. The hydrogen can either be piped to the site or it can be delivered using tanker trucks. If the trucking option is chosen, it has to be decided whether the hydrogen will be transported in liquid or gas form. Lastly, the hydrogen can be produced on site, in which case the topic of transportation is essentially nonexistent. However, there are pros and cons to each of these choices. Let us begin with the piping option. Hydrogen pipelines have been demonstrated to work as a form of transportation, and many already exist in the world. For example, the Rhine-Ruhr pipeline is used to transport compressed hydrogen at a pressure of 10-20 bar. The pipeline spans a length of 240km, and this shows that pipelines can truly be used to transport hydrogen for long distances. However, downsides do exist to this method of transportation. First of all, hydrogen is an active element, which means that it has a free electron. Thus, the pipes have to be built so that they will not react with the hydrogen. This means they have to withstand hydrogen embodiment and corrosion, so expensive materials such as stainless steel have to be used in the pipe construction. In addition to all this, there exists a danger to hydrogen transportation. Because hydrogen pipelines transport usually massive amounts of hydrogen, the threat of explosion is always present. Special precautions have to be taken to ensure that the area surrounding the pipeline is inert and does not contain flammable material. In another words, these pipelines have to be in relatively remote areas 1. Next, let us look at hydrogen transportation using tanker trucks. As previously stated, the hydrogen can be transported in trucks in liquid or gas forms. If transporting is to be done in gas form, a 40 ton truck will be able to deliver 400 kilograms of hydrogen. Usually, the same 40 ton truck is capable of transporting 26 tons of gasoline, so the amount when transporting hydrogen is far less. This is due to the fact that the hydrogen has to be highly pressurized, which adds a lot of weight to the tank. Ultimately, an empty tank of hydrogen ends up weighing almost as much as a full one. Due to these factors and the additional fact that around 15 deliveries will have to be made daily, transporting hydrogen in this form is very inefficient 2. If the hydrogen is liquefied and then transported using tanker trucks to the fueling facilities, the process of transporting would be far more efficient. This is due to the fact that the liquid hydrogen will be a lot denser, and thus the same tanker would be able to carry ten times the hydrogen amount. Additionally, liquefying the hydrogen does mean that the hydrogen itself becomes more pure. But still, there are downsides to liquid hydrogen transportation. The costs involved to cool down the hydrogen to a liquid are significant. Also once the hydrogen is delivered to the fueling stations, it has to be converted to 350 bar and 700 bar. While this may not be a costly process, it would still be an inconvenience (especially during certain times of the day such as rush-hour) 3. Thus, we are essentially left with the case of production on site. Currently, a majority of the hydrogen that is used for industrial purposes is produced using some type of fossil fuels 4. However, hydrogen can be produced using water, something that is readily available in our coastal town of Peniche. This method has a name, and it is called electrolysis. The process of electrolysis consists of passing a current through the water. This parts the hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can then be collected and used as fuel. Currently electrolysis is an expensive process only because it needs a lot of electricity 5. In our case however, we will be getting all of our electricity from renewable sources such as underwater turbines. Thus, our costs will be a lot lower than the industry predicted. Also with production on site, the problem of transporting the hydrogen to the fueling station will be virtually nonexistent. Patent Search: Function Hydrogen tanks, liquid storage Hydrogen Storage 2007/0179325 6991770 2007/0175903 Hydrogen Production Hydrogen Dispensing Hydrogen Separation from compound, electrolysis Gas Pumps 2011/0044861 3340011 2009/0000956 2008/0185068 2011/0041949 7287558 Hydrogen Storage 1. 2007/0179325: Patents for the methods for storing hydrogen in a clathrate hydrate 2. 6991770: patents for the model hydrogen storage tanks introducing how a certain tank works to storage hydrogen. 3. 2007/0175903: patents for liquid hydrogen storage system. Unlike the previous patent, this one also introduce the strategy for reducing tanking losses Hydrogen Production 1. 2011/0044861: patents for a system producing and separating hydrogen and carbon dioxide from a hydrocarbon and steam. 2. 3340011: patents for the production of hydrogen by decomposition of hydrocarbons in contact with a Group VIII metal catalyst. 3. 2009/0000956: patents for producing hydrogen through an electrochemical cell. Hydrogen Dispensing 1. 2008/0185068: patents for a hydrogen dispensing station and method of operating a hydrogen dispensing station for dispensing to multiple receiving vessels 2. 2011/0041949: patent for an invention provides a hydrogen dispensing system. 3. 7287558 : patent for systems for handling and/or dispensing hydrogen or a mixture of fuels containing hydrogen gas including refueling stations for hydrogen-powered vehicles Current Generator Specs: Patent: (European) EP 1 430 220 B1 diameter: 17 m operating speeds: up to 4.7 m/s Storage tank capacity: 60 kg H 20 kg HCNG Background of Location: Peniche, Portugal is a small fishing harbor and municipality in the middle of the Portuguese coast: The population is approximately 28,164 inhabitants in the municipality and about 15,600 in the city of Peniche, which is the location chosen for our hydrogen city project. Peniche is home to some of the best waves in Europe, often called the European pipeline, and the Berlingas nature reserve is located on an archipelago west of the coast. The ocean and atmospheric environment is crucial to keeping the tourism and fishing industries, the heart of the city, alive. Peniche’s waves provide a great opportunity for harvesting energy, and its proximity to the ocean means water will always be available for hydrogen production. Additionally, the continental shelf juts inwards a couple miles north of the town, which is an opportune place to harvest current energy; the undersea valley provides many locations away from the coast to place current generators. Finally, the comparatively small population of the city is ideal for Air Product’s first foray into making a hydrogen city, as the materials and power for supplying hydrogen to the population will almost assuredly be up to par with or greater than the demand. Renewable Energy Source: To run our hydrogen production plant, we chose to look at the sea for renewable sources of energy. There are a few different sources of renewable energy available when it comes to the ocean, and the main ones are tidal, wave, and current. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and in a lesser extent, by the gravitational pull of the sun. Oceanic waves are caused by the above water winds, and these winds are exactly what cause the crests and troughs in the ocean waves1. Lastly, oceanic currents refer to the continuous movement of ocean water. There are many such currents present around the world, and together they combine to form what is called the “global conveyor belt”. Below is a global map of this conveyor belt. These ocean waves are caused by a few different factors, one of them being above water winds. The winds contribute to causing currents in both coastal and deep ocean areas. Another factor that affects ocean waves is something called thermohaline circulation. This term refers to the interaction of waters of different temperatures. Since water’s density changes due to temperature, this temperature difference helps to cause water current. Lastly, ocean currents are also affected by tides, although tides affect currents in a very predictable pattern2. All of these energies, tidal, wave, and current, can be harvested, and that is why for this project we believe the energy from the ocean should be used to power the hydrogen-plant. Because our location is Peniche, Portugal, a town known for its waves and long, windy beaches, the initial thought was the energy source should be waves, or even wind. However, extracting energy from waves requires the use of wave energy converters (WECs) 3. These include off shore buoys such as point absorbers. Because Peniche is a major surf spot, placing off shore buoys everywhere to harness the energy of the waves would have a negative impact on the surfing industry. Thus, it would have a negative impact on Peniche’s economy. Still, the buoys could be placed further off the coast where they would not interfere with surfing and other recreation. As per tides, harnessing the energy of ocean tides requires construction of a dam. The only problem with this is that building a dam would have a big impact on not only Peniche’s ecosystems, but also on its beautiful shoreline. Also, building a dam to produce enough power to meet demands is expensive4. The last option is ocean current power. This seems as the best solution because putting underwater turbines off the coast would not negatively impact the surfing industry. It would also not affect any land ecosystems and wildlife. However, it could affect underwater ecosystems. But the main problem with ocean current power is that this type of technology is still in its development stage. Commercial grid connected underwater systems do not exist yet, but lots of research is being done in this field. Thus, such technology can be available relatively soon. That is why at this point, the best way to power a hydrogen-producing plant would be to have a combination of ocean current power and wave power. The buoys for the WECs will be placed sufficiently off shore to avoid surfers, and the turbines will be placed in the way of underwater currents. Together, these two systems should produce enough energy to power the hydrogen production plants. Different Ways to Produce Hydrogen: Steam Reformation: 95% of hydrogen in the U.S. is produced by taking natural gas (CH4) and reforming it, by taking high temperature steam and using it to produce hydrogen. It is an endothermic reaction, heat and energy must be put into the system for hydrogen to be produced. CH4 + H2O → CO + 3 H2; + 191.7 kJ/mol According to this reaction, it takes an input of 191.7 kJ of energy to produce 3 mols of H2 gas. The carbon monoxide (CO) in the above reaction can be burned with water in presence of a catalyst to obtain an additional mol of H2, and in an exothermic reaction, that releases energy. CO + H2O → CO2 + H2; - 40.4 kJ/mol In the end, using both of these reactions, it would take 41.25 kJs of energy per mol of H2. Electrolysis: Electrolysis is a method of using a high voltage to separate the elements of hydrogen and oxygen in materials, including water. 2 H2O(l) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g); E0 = +1.229 V According to this chemical equation it would take 1.229 Volts to separate every part of liquid water into one part of gaseous hydrogen. The efficiency of this process is estimated to range between 50% and 75%. It would take 40 kWh to produce one kg of hydrogen, it would take 2.4 kilograms of water to produce that 1kg of hydrogen, based on the atomic properties of water. A plus side to electrolysis is that only water and energy, both of which are more available at any location compared to a biogas source or natural gas source. It is also possible to use salt-water but the process is 50% less efficient compared to the use of pure water. An alkaline electrolyzer would be the preferred version as it does not require a precious metal (platinum) as a catalyst in the process. Photo-biological Water Splitting Photobiological water splitting is the use of plants such as green algae or cyanobacteria that decompose water into H2 gas. It is a green process as the mechanism behind this is natural and organic. Currently the drawback to this method is that it is very inefficient, at only 1-2% efficiency. High-Temperature Water Splitting Use of reactions that occur at a high temperature, from 500 – 200 degrees Celsius, to produce Hydrogen. Chemicals other than water in the process are reused with each cycle, so it is an ‘environmentally’ clean process. 2ZnO + heat → 2Zn + O2 2Zn + 2H2O → 2ZnO + 2H2 In this example reaction, heat is used to dissociate zinc oxide into zinc and oxygen. When water is introduced, another reaction undergoes to remove the oxygen from water and have H2 as a product. As one can see, ZnO is regained during the process. A possible method of supplying the heat into the system is through the use of solar concentrators. After considering all of these options, we chose to go with electrolysis since our location gives us open access to the sea. Thus, we will have a readily avaliable source of water. Also, our underwater turbines and buoys will supply us with enough power, and thus using seawater in electrolysis will not be an issue. Concept Generation: Black Box Model Following is a black box for our entire project. Given energy from the generators in the form of electricity, we will electrolyze ocean water to produce hydrogen, compress it, and -- upon the input from the user -- dispense it from the pump. The outputs will be some excess hydrogen in our storage tanks. Concepts Generated: The following are the concepts we generated for pump designs and station layouts Pump Design Station Layouts Concept Classification Trees: Below are the concept classification trees that we came up with. This first one is of the different ways to produce hydrogen. We considered all of these method but in the end went with hydrolysis due to us have an abundant supply of water due to our location. This next tree focuses on the different energy sources for production. Because of ocen currents near our location, we chose to go with buoys and underwater turbines. The third tree is about the different ways to produce hydrogen. In the end, we chose pipelines because in our case, the distance from production site to dispensing site is very small. The fourth tree is about hydrogen storage, and we had to go with of the options here because that is what Air Products specified. Same is the case with the last tree. Concept Combination Table: Benchmarking: Below is a benchmarking table, which gives a value of 5 being the most and 1 being the least. The table clearly demonstrated that production on site is the best choice. Table 8: Transportation Benchmarking Table Cost Saftey Maintainance Required Practicality Efficiency Electricity Required Piping to Site Trucking in Gas Form Trucking in Liquid Form Production on Site 5 4 4 2 2 3 4 4 5 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 5 2 4 4 2 2 3 5 According to the table, production on site and piping to site are least costly and most practical. Thus, we went with the two of these options. This table shows using numbers, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, of how the different ways to produce hydrogen rank in different categories. Table 9: Ways to Produce Hydrogen Benchmarking Green Energy Costs Efficiency Research Required Steam Reformation Electrolysis Photo-biological Water Splitting High-Temperature Water Splitting 1 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 1 4 5 5 2 1 By looking at this and the Renewable Energy Source Report seen in the rest of our report, we went with hydrogen production via electrolysis. Concept Selection: Revision/ Combination of Concepts After coming up with a variety of concepts, we trimmed some of the concepts down and combined the rest of them into a fuel pump-station design combination. Here are the main four designs that were combined. A: This pump design and station design are very familiar to consumers and intuitive to use, and additionally have the aesthetics of a European gas station pump design. The layout here does not make efficient use of space however; the area between the “pump area” and the store is good for traffic, but is not compact enough for a small area like Peniche. Additionally, the gas tanks would have to be underground which is a hazard since hydrogen explodes upwards. B: This pump design was chosen over the circular pump design for this layout because it is, again, easier to use. However, using a rectangular pump design with multiple circular overhangs necessitates large circles. Also, while this is a novel layout, the layout is not intuitive for drivers and would cause many potential traffic jams and hazards. We also again run into the hazard of subterranean gas tanks. C: This layout is one of the least aesthetically pleasing, but it is the most practical. Traffic lanes are clearly defined, the gas tanks -- though not pleasing to the eye -- are above ground and thus not a hazard, and the layout could be made on a smaller plot of land since it more efficiently uses space. The only real fault here is that the pump design has to be a smaller rectangular design, so the more European design and circular design cannot be incorporated here. In this case, the pump design is the more American pump, and is quite intuitive. It is also conducive to having recycling bins in the filling area. D: Again, the layout chosen here was the most practical of any design. The difference between C and D is the pump design; the pumps here are of a more retro design, but have two flaws. First, the nozzles on the sides mean that the pump cannot be made to be mirrored on the other side, so station capacity is essentially halved from eight cars to four. Secondly, the nozzles on the side mean that bins cannot be placed in the filling area between the pumps, as this would block the nozzles. Concept Screening/Selection Tables After the grouping of concepts, we were left with 4 main choices. To decide which one was the best of the 4, a concept screening matrix was made. Here is the matrix. The Concepts A, B, C, and D correspond to the ones shown previously in the Revision/ Combination of Concepts section. As you can clearly see, Concept C scored the highest. It was the most practical, easy to use, and the most cost efficient. Thus we decided to go with this particular design. Layout Diagram: After considering the positives and negatives of each of our layouts, we decided to go with the station layout below. It was our simplest design, and each of the other three final concepts had flaws that this one does not posess. Concept A is extremely space inefficient; it works with large gas stations in large plots of land, but Peniche is a small peninsula. Concept B is unique but not an intuitive design, and also fails to provide clear traffic lanes. Finally, concept D shares this station layout but has a different pump design. That pump design, due to the nozzels being on the sides, would make the pumps one sided, and thus halve our station’s capacity – something we cannot afford with our space constraints. Criteria of Company/Social Impacts The following table shows the criteria of company. Included are the specifications that we were required to have according to Air Products. Table 10: Criteria of Comany Criteria of Company: Environmentally Friendly Renewable Energy Source Green Transportation Method Non-polluting Production Method 3 Different Pressures Convenience Store Window Wash Air Pump Intuitive Pump Design The company criteria were satisfied by every design, so we did not have to worry about out final design meeting the criteria of the company.However, social impacts had to be considered. The following is a table of social impacts of our design on Peniche. Table 11: Social Impacts Social Impacts Job opportunities Increased tourism (green resort town) Negative Impact on Gasoline Industry Having hydrogen fueling stations in Peniche is bound to increase job opportunities as people will be needed to operate the fueling stations, stores, and the production facilities. People will also be needed for regular maintainence of all of those things. Thus, this will contribute positively to Peniche’s economy. Another positive impact will be increased tourism. Because of our hydrogen fueling stations, Peniche will be qualified as a green city. Thus, it will be marketed as one when it comes to the tourism industry. And since the trend these days is towards eco-friendly products such as hydrogen cars and renewable energy, an eco friendly tourism destination will attract a lot of vacationers. This will add to Peniche’s tourism even more. There will be however, a negative impact on Peniche’s gasoline fueling stations and the gasoline industry in general. But this is only a minor downside. This will not affect the economy overall as the economical and social benefits of our stations will make up for this small negative aspect. Embodiment of Design/Feasibility Analysis: After agreeing that electrolysis would be the choice of production method, we came up with the following specs for our fueling station. These numbers were based on the max input of hydrogen the electrolysis plant could supply us with and the demand of hydrogen in Peniche (the demand was based on the population and the number of cars that would be present at our gas station at any given time period) Component Sizes and Operating Speeds Name 350 compressor 350 storage 350 dispensing 700 compressor 700 cooling 700 dispensing CNG compressor CNG storage CNG blending CNG dispensing Other costs of plant Land Buildings Production Value Units 0.055556 kg/min 120 kg 50000 20 kg/min 20 kg/min 60000 0.055556 kg/min 40 kg 0.055556 kg/min 50000 210000 351.1735 meter^2 66.89019 meter^2 240 kg/day The 350 and CNG compressors will take from the input supply and will feed into their respective storage tanks; as a result, the operating speeds are based on the total production of hydrogen per day over the three stations. If no unit is listed for a component, the value is in US dollars. Optimization As discussed above, the 350 and CNG compressors are using operating speeds that allow them to fully compress all of the hydrogen being pumped to the station for the lowest cost and speed. From the storage tanks, the hydrogen goes to the 700 BAR compressor if needed. Using the facts that there are eight stations, each car has approximately 5 kg of fuel to refuel, and each car should take no more than 2 minutes to fuel, we determined that our 700 BAR compressor should output 20 kg/min to again maximize cost efficiency while providing speedy service. These are the methods we used to ensure that all of our pumps and compressors will make full use of all of the hydrogen at their disposal for optimal cost. NPV Model To figure out how much this entire project will cost to implement, we made a cash flow model. By figuring out how much each component would cost, including land, buildings, and hydrogen production, we came with an overall estimate. Name 350 compressor 350 storage 350 dispensing 700 compressor 700 cooling 700 dispensing CNG compressor CNG storage CNG blending CNG dispensing Other costs of plant Land Buildings Production Units Value 0.055556 kg/min 120 kg 50000 20 kg/min 20 kg/min 60000 0.055556 kg/min 40 kg 0.055556 kg/min 50000 210000 351.1735 meter^2 66.89019 meter^2 240 kg/day Total: Cost 31776.72 671881 50000 1568886 543075.9 60000 14122.98 256090.8 5296.119 50000 210000 17558.67 200670.6 254595.3 3933954 Each station would cost $4 million. With this in mind, the following graphs were made using the NPV excel spreadsheet given to us in class. Period 4 is where most of the money will be spent since this is when the land will be bought, production plant built, and completion of the fueling stations. After operations begin, the hydrogen will be produced at $7/kg and will be sold to the public at $9/kg. According to these prices, we will start making a profit starting period 19. Cumulative Discounted Cash Flow 500000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Cumulative $ -500000 -1000000 -1500000 -2000000 -2500000 Period Period Cash Flow 1000000 500000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -500000 $ in Period -1000000 -1500000 -2000000 -2500000 -3000000 -3500000 -4000000 Periods Period Cash Flow H2 City We believe that by implementing our design, the city of Peniche will be converted into an H2 City. All of the transportation will run on the hydrogen coming out of our fueling stations. Additionally, because this hydrogen will be produced offshore using renewable energy sources such as the underwater turbine and the buoys mentioned earlier, everything about the project will be green. We believe that by implementing our design, the city of Peniche will be converted into an H2 City. All of the transportation will run on the hydrogen coming out of our fueling stations. Additionally, because this hydrogen will be produced offshore using renewable energy sources such as the underwater turbine and the buoys mentioned earlier, everything about the project will be green. We plan on having 3 fueling stations in this town. They will be spread out evenly, and underground pipes will be supplying the hydrogen to these plants. Thus, Peniche will be sufficiently supplied with enough hydrogen to cover all of its transportation needs. In addition to this, we will have recycling bins present in all of our gas stations, and these will be designed to reward people who recycle. How this works is that by recycling, customers will get discounts on their fueling bill. The more a customer recycles, the higher the amount of the discount will be. This will encourage customers to bring all their recyclables to the gas station, ultimately making the city greener. Thus, Peniche will truly be converted into an H2 city, which was the ultimate goal of this project. Prototype Solidworks Model Physical Model References: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/power.htm http://www.zero-pointrecovery.com/hydrogen-from-water/how-much-electricity-is-required-tocreate-the-electrolysis-necessary-to-extract-hydrogen-from-water http://www.cleancurrent.com/powerroducers/index.htm http://planetforlife.com/h2/h2swiss.html http://www.ika.rwth-aachen.de/r2h/index.php/Liquid_Hydrogen_Transport_by_Truck http://www.ika.rwth-aachen.de/r2h/index.php/Liquid_Hydrogen_Transport_by_Truck#cite_note0 http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Na8jRpkPffkC&oi=fnd&pg=PA15&dq=hydroge n+production+methods&ots=g-Ml_0DIl&sig=zJU6p0rq3EtuTTwkXEi7qzspfxQ#v=onepage&q=hydrogen%20production%20methods &f=false http://www.need.org/needpdf/infobook_activities/SecInfo/HydrogenS.pdf http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-tech/energy-production/oceanpower.htm http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/tutorial_currents/ http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/oceanography/wave-energy2.htm http://www.oceanenergycouncil.com/index.php/Tidal-Energy/Tidal-Energy.html http://ocsenergy.anl.gov/guide/current/index.cfm http://entropyproduction.blogspot.com/2005/09/hydrogenation-through-steam-reforming.html http://www1.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/production/photobiological.html http://www.qsinano.com/apps_hgen.php http://www.physorg.com/news111926048.html