Chapter 26 - Reproductive

Chapter 26
Female reproductive system
Primary sex organ
Ovaries suspended in the retroperitoneal
abdominal cavity, superior and lateral to the
uterus. They contain the ova for reproduction of
the species.
They are somewhat almond shaped and are ~3
cm ↑, 1.5 cm → and 1 cm thick.
Each ovar contains 6 – 7 million ova and only a
single ova is released at the time of ovulation.
Female reproductive system
Primary and secondary female sex
Ovaries are the primary female sex organs that
manufacture and release a single ova for
fertilization with each ovarian cycle.
Secondary accessory sex organs include:
– The mons pubis, labia minora and majora, clitoris,
vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, fimbria and
mammary glands.
tunica albuginea – fibrous outer covering on ovary.
cortex – outer layer of ovary where the oocytes reside
in follicles “little bags” before maturation.
follicles – tiny scale-like structures that contain the
(Graafian or vesicular follicle) – a mature follicle that
bulges out onto the surface of the ovary just prior to
ovulation (release of the ova). Only 1 ova is released.
corpus luteum – luteal body left after ovulation.
medulla – inner connective tissue core of the ovary,
contains blood vessels and nerves.
Ligaments – ovarian ligament anchors ovary to
uterus; suspensory ligament anchors ovary to pelvic
wall; mesovarium ligament suspends ovary in
between uterus and fallopian tubes.
Both suspensory and mesovarium form broad
ligament which tents over the uterus and supports
the uterine tubes, uterus and vagina.
It receives its vascular supply from the ovarian artery
and the ovarian branch of the uterine artery.
Function of ovary:
– a. To produce ova for fertilization
– b. Produce estrogen and progesterone
Internal female reproductive
Uterine or Fallopian tubes
Consist of fimbriae, infindibulum, ampullae, and
Fimbriae are finger like ciliated projections at
proximal end of infindibulum. They have a
wave-like motion to sweep the ova toward the
The infindibulum is lined with cilia. At the time of
ovulation the cilia beat toward the opening into
the fallopian tube pulling the free ova inward,
moving it along by peristaltic contractions into
Uterine or Fallopian tubes
Fertilization of the ova occurs in the ampullae
near the infindibulum.
The fallopian tubes are made of smooth muscle
and are lined with ciliated columnar epithelium
and are supported by a short mesentery called
the mesosalpinx, a part of the broad ligament.
Ovaries, fallopian tubes and
Is a thick muscular organ where implantation of
the fertilized ovum occurs for development of
the embryo into a fetus.
Location – within retroperitoneal pelvic cavity,
covered by visceral peritoneum.
Structure –looks like an inverted pear
Is a thick muscular organ with a fundus, body
and cervix.
– Fundus is the dome of the uterus
– Body is the main portion
– Cervix is a thick circular muscular ring the opens into the
Uterine wall layers and vascular
Layers of the uterine wall include:
– endometrium – mucosal layer of simple columnar
epithelium with secretory cells and ciliated cells
underlain by a thick lamina propria.
– Two stratum makeup the lamina propria:
Functionalis is highly vascular and under ovarian
hormonal control. It is shed at menstruation if an ovum is
not implanted.
Basalis forms a new functionalis layer after menstruation.
– myometrium – thick muscular layer of interlacing
bands of smooth muscle.
– perimetrium – outer most serous layer = visceral
Uterine wall layers and vascular
Hollow thin tube that receives the penis during sexual
intercourse and serves as the birth canal at the time of
Inferior to the uterus and is where cervix opens into.
Area of the vagina that encircles the cervix is called
the fornix.
Consists of three layers: Outer fibrous CT adventitia;
middle muscularis of smooth muscle and inner
mucosa with transverse rugae.
Lined with stratified squamous epithelium
Vaginal orifice opens to the exterior and in virginal
women is covered by an incomplete diaphragm called
Sagittal view of female
reproductive tract
External genitalia or Vulva =
mons pubis – fatty area anterior to the pubic
symphysis; covered with pubic hair.
labia majora – large fatty skin fold running
posteriorly to the mons; the female homologue of the
male scrotum.
labia minora – smaller fatty skin fold; medial to the
labia majora.
vestibule – area surrounded by the labia minora;
contains the vaginal and urethral openings; also
contains the vestibular glands which are responsible
for secreting mucous
clitoris – small protruding structure of erectile tissue
(corpus cavernosa) located anterior to the vestibule.
the female homologue of the male penis and is highly
External genitalia
Mammary Glands
Present in both sexes, but are functional in females
after birth.
They function only during lactation in response to
hormonal stimulation to nourish the infant.
Structure – modified sweat glands; at puberty the
female duct system partially develops, but the
increase in breast size is largely due to fat deposition.
It does not become fully secretory until pregnancy
occurs. In non-prenanat females breast size is
determined by presence of fatty tissue within the
Vascular supply is from lateral and internal thoracic
artery as well as the posterior intercostal artery. They
Mammary glands anatomical
Consist of:
lobes/interlobar connective tissue – 15 to 25 lobes
formed by strips of the suspensory ligament and
radiate around and open at the nipple.
lobules with alveoli – smaller units that contain alveoli
that produce milk when the female is lactating.
lactiferous duct – tubes that receive milk from alveolar
glands and empty into lactiferous sinus.
lactiferous sinus – dilated region at end of lactiferous
ducts and stores milk prior to release during suckling
by infant.
nipple in the center of the areola; site for milk
Mammary glands anatomical