English 10600 (Spring 2013) Literary Analysis: 150pts For this unit we have discussed the idea of gender in its current iteration contemporarily. To broaden our understanding and discussion we read the essay "Night to His Day: The Social Construction of Gender” by Judith Lorber, as well as “A Wall of Fire Rising” by Edwidge Danticat. We read the literary analysis “Doing the Right Thing in Edwidge Danticat’s ‘A Wall of Fire Rising’” by Nick Baca who posed an interpretive question and sought to provide an in-depth answer to it. This assignment now asks you to use the genre of literary analysis to write a 2-3 FULL page paper in which you pose an interpretive question concerning gender, answer it and support your answer with quotes from the text. Your task is to write a literary analysis based on assignment ONE (1) in the “Write This” section on page 142 of WT. Preferably, you should use "A Wall of Fire Rising" by Edwidge Danticat, however, you may instead choose a short story or poem that you read outside of the class readings. Please see me if you choose this option to ascertain whether the story/poem highlights clear gender issues. Ultimately for this assignment, you need to read the text once to get the overall meaning and once or twice more making notes about what different aspects of the text mean. From there you will create an interpretive question based on connections that you may have noticed. Your paper should focus on answering your interpretive question with the strong supporting details/quotes from the text. To complete this assignment you should: Carefully follow the instructions for writing a literary analysis on p. 113-21 of WT Use one of the two basic organizations for a literary analysis on p. 109 of WT Conform to the specifications indicated in the assignment Clearly state which text and author you are writing about Provide a targeted summary of the text (about one paragraph) Clearly state your interpretive question Ensure you have a clear thesis which answers the interpretive question Support your analysis with quotes from the text Conform to MLA formatting throughout paper Include a Works Cited page (see class syllabus/class handout online) Please ensure that you: Bring in a printed draft or detailed outline of your paper to conferences Bring in an electronic draft to class on Wednesday Thursday 21st September, 2013 Complete an outline of the paper Please hand in: A printed copy of your polished assignment A printed copy of the peer reviewed draft A hard copy of your paper outline Your peer review worksheet A copy of your assignment emailed to egoddard@purdue.edu The final, polished paper, worth is due on Monday 25th March, 2013. Signing up for a visit to the Writing Lab (HEAV 226) may help with the polishing of your paper. Please make your appointment with them at least a day in advance so that you will have time to implement their suggestions and bring in a copy of the assignment sheet. Spring 2013 Course: Engl 10600 Instructor: E. Goddard-Scovel