day 14 anatomy

Review of core
Muscles of the core
External, internal obliques, psoas, diaphragm, TA
Psoas muscle primary action is that it is a hip flexor and also internal rotator of the hip. Psoas is
continuous with diaphragm.
Diaphragm is primary muscle of respiration. Primary function breathing in breathing the dome
flats and expands ribcage by contracting. Attaches to lower ribs. Hiccups are spasms of
Check scalene muscles
Pelvic muscles
Major muscles of back: deltoid abducts
Lats internal adduct rotator
Pectoralis major and minor- adducts internally rotate the shoulder
3 bones of shoulder clavicle, scapula and humors.
Pect major, lats and Terres major- internal rotate the shoulder
Supraspinatus above scapula
Infraspinatus terres
Subscapularis internal rotate
Elbow joint
Hinge joint, humorus connect radius and ulna
Radius spins over ulna via joint called radio ulna joint which is a pivot joint. Band of fibre
between radius and ulna called fibre joint.
8 carpal bones in body
Flexors inside of elbow and back of legs and Extensors of the forearm is the outside
In a downward dog stretching flexors of arms
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Metacarpals, phalanges all digits have 3 thumb has 2.
Yoga and band inside of wrist- flexor retinaculum is stretched a lot in yoga.
Dorsum of the hand on top on the hand extensor retinaculum
The pelvic girdle and the leg
Hip joint is like shoulder synovial and ball and socket
Hip can do joint internal rotation more freedom for external rotation. In inner spiral you
internally rotate the hips tuck in sacrum. illia creates space in the pelvis.
Ligaments of the hip joint flexion and extension, adduction, abduction, internal external rotation.
Muscles if the hip
Flexors and adductors of the hip. Touches last 5 lumbars.
Psoas muscle is also couple with piriformis.
Muscle that contract angonist
Muscle that relaxes is antagonaist
When psoas flexing it is an angonist the antagonist is the piriformis.
Piriformis is constantly stretched in yoga. When stretched you internally rotate the hips and
nerves from lumbars to leg go under the piriformis. Influences balance. Piriformis externally
rotates of the hip.
Sciatica is caused by imbalance in piriformis
Adductor group of muscles on inner thigh
Flexors of the hip and extensors of the knee
Sartorius muscle down thigh Italian for tailor- who cross their legs
Sartorius - Primary action is external rotation and flexion of the hip. In pigeon you can feel
outside of hip down the side of thigh as well as piriformis!!!
Tensor fascia latae abducts hip turns to white , the ITB is a continuation of the tensor fascia latae.
ITB is a white band of fibre which goes to the knee. These 2 blend at the back with all the glutes!
Supine Spinal twist. Uses the rubber rolls.
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Quadriceps share a tendon and connects to patella which is a sesamoid bone as embedded in
tendon . Main function is for tracking.
Tight glutes cause patella to go out which will cause knee pain medial quads should be
strengthened, glutes and ITB should be stretched.
Extensors and abductors of the hips and flexors of the knee
Glutes blend with ITB ( fascia on side of thigh) and attached lateral medial of knee.
Back of leg
Hamstring group- 3 muscles refer to diagram. Hamstrings flexes the knee
Tiny muscle at back of knee which unlocks and locks the knee call “Popliteus” stabilizer of the
Glutes extends hip- agonist psoas is your antagonist. – relaxing the hip flexors which is psoas
Quad extend the knee
TFl abduct
ITb abduct via TFL and stabilizes the patella
Piriformis externally rotates the hip
Deltoid abducts shoulder
Lat dorsi internally rotates
Levator scapulae lifts the scapula
Ligaments of the knee
Easy to injure meniscus which acts as shock absorber
On each side of knee there are ligaments prevent knee from going sideways. Medial side
ligament attaches to medial meniscus.
Tibfib joint- doesn’t have much movement- it’s a fibrous joint. How to decompress? stretch
2 other ligaments anterior and posterior cruciate as they cross ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)!!
Anterior for anterior stability similarly for posterior.
Ankle joint
Joint between tibia and talus (tarsal bone) talocrural joint
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Ankle is stabilized by medial and lateral collateral ligaments that mechanically work with
sacroiliac joint (sacrum) for propioception. All propioception links with ligaments and tendons to
tell where you are in space. This can lead to spine problems.
Most people injure lateral collaterals and deltoids ligaments of the ankle.
Movment of ankle
Posterior muscles of the leg flexes and intrernally rotates the ankle plantaflexion and inversion
Anterior muscles of leg extend and laterally rotate the ankle dorsiflex- ankle up and
plantaflexion- foot points down.
Muscles of the ankle
Quiz questions
All rotator cuffs and action
What type of joint is elbow?
What movement in forearm pronate and supine what happens between radius and ulna when
you internally and externally rotate.
Muscles which flex the wrist - the flexors of the wrist attach to medial part of humorus and
extensors of the wrist attach to lateral epicondile part of humorous to the arm. Epicondile is
bony part of elbow. Tennis elbow is lateral TT
Extending the wrist can cause carpal bones. When standing on one arm you may injure one of
the carpal bones. Subluxed (shifts) carpal bones (8 all together)
Flexor retacualum in anterior part of wrist (check spelling) can cause pain. Inside of wrist is
Joint lax in pregnancy is pubic synthesis – cartiliginous joint.
Action of muscles of hip are; psoas TFL Tailors muscle- Sartorius – flexion and external
What primary function adductor group
What kind of tissue is ITB? Continuation of latae which is white
What muscles of thigh stretch the most in dogs pose. Hamstrings
4 main ligaments of knee joint where they attach and what movement they prevent. Medial
and lateral, anterior and posterior how they cross and what they do. Medial stops knee from
Jennifer Wathall Yoga TT 2009
hifting mediall and anterior stops knee shifting foward. In relation to the femur. Tibia moving
forwards and backwards.
Name muscles of the calves: gastrocnemius, soleus and tibialis posterior check p44 main
muscles of the calves are;
40 questions
Twists help movements in your digestive systems. Movement of the organs
Look at digestive system and lymph system when going upside down
Medial collateral attaches to distal medial aspect of the femur and medial tibia
Lateral attaches to head of fibula and lateral distal aspect of femur.
Thoracic outlet where whole body is drains left side drains 80% on thoracic outlet on the left.
Drains thru sweat and digestive system.
Jennifer Wathall Yoga TT 2009