Presented by Dr. Steve & Dr. Holly Jonas, Race Directors of
Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for The LI Marathon and Festival of Races
Runner’s Knee
Shin Splints
Runner’s knee has many possible causes, poor
tracking of the patella, it can occur from overuse,
muscle and tendons are overstretched and can not
relax. Scar tissue and adhesions develop and result
in pain and discomfort. Some of the symptoms
typical of runner’s knee are:
• Pain behind or around the kneecap, especially
where the thighbone and the kneecap meet.
• Pain when you bend the knee – when walking,
squatting, kneeling, running, or even sitting.
• Pain that’s worse when walking downstairs or
• Swelling.
• Popping or grinding sensations in the knee.
The general recommendation is rest, ice and some
type of therapy. Active Release Technique is a
very effective type of therapy as it addresses the
muscles, ligaments and tendons directly
Shin splints are very common in runners. It is
irritated and swollen muscles, often from overuse.
These are the muscles and fascia in the front of the
leg below the knee. The result is the shins throb
and ache after or during the run. They can results
from many factors including poor running form,
worn out running shoes, overuse, over pronation,
flat feet or high arches. Additionally, a sudden
increase in weekly run mileage or an increase in
intensity can be a factor. The treatment is rest, ice,
Cold Laser, soft tissue mobilization such as Active
Release Technique and Graston Technique. Often
compression sleeves and socks are helpful.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a tightening of the tissue on
the bottom of the foot that connects the heel to
the toes. The pain is usually in the heel region.
Symptoms include pain upon waking and pain while
walking and climbing stairs. Treatment includes
resting the feet, doing calf stretches and towel
stretches several times daily, and wearing shoes with
good arch support and a cushioned sole. Proper foot
wear is important. Cold Laser treatments along with
Radial Shock Wave therapy is helpful in correction.
Back Pain
Back pain can manifest itself from many different
causes in runners. Tight hip flexors such as the psoas
muscle can result in lower back stiffness especially
after sitting for a while. Hip extensors such as the
piriformis and glut muscles can tighten and trap
nerves causing pain even Sciatica. The spinal erector
muscles can tighten and spasm from overuse.
Rest, ice and proper therapy such as traction,
decompression, Active Release Technique for tight
muscles and ligaments can correct the problem.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
The iliotibial band is a band of fibrous tissue that
runs down the outside of the thigh. The band of
tissue elongates and contracts every time a runner
take a stride, providing stability to the knee and
hip. Adhesions and scar tissue can build up from
overuse. This can result in pain in the leg, hip and
knee. Many times Runner’s Knee can result from
ITB Syndrome. Treatment consists of rest, ice and
soft tissue mobilization either in the form of Active
Release Technique or Graston Technique.
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About Dr. Holly & Dr. Steve Jonas
At Jonas Chiropractic, Drs. Holly & Steven Jonas combine over 30 years of experience as chiropractors and athletes. A
combination of intensive postgraduate education combined with their own years involved in athletics enables them to
be unique and specific in their approach to athletic and traumatic injuries.
Our Philosophy: Correct the cause of your pain. If you are a runner, we take into account your gait, an ice skater, your core
and ankle stability, a volleyball player, your ability to absorb the pressure of high velocity jumping, a horseback rider, the
strength in your adductors and how they balance with their opposing muscles. We begin by understanding what you do.
33 Queens St., Syosset NY | 516-921-1295 |