What is Geography? is the study of place and space. Study of

What is Geography?
 ________________________ is the study of place and space.
 Study of human activity, the natural environment, and the
relationship between the two(____________________________________).
 ____________________________ look at where things are and why they
are there.
5 Themes
Geographers study the world by looking at
 Location
 Place
 Region
 Movement
 Human-Environment Interaction
How to remember the 5 themes!
M - _________________________________
R - __________________________________
H – _________________________________
E – __________________________________
L - __________________________________
P - __________________________________
 How and why people, plants, animals, and ideas move through
time and place?
 How are places _____________________ or __________________________.
 Describes an area of the earth’s surface with similar
characteristics, usually more than one.
Human–Environment Interaction
 People learn to use what the environment offers them and to
___________________that environment to meet ______________________.
Location-Where is it?
 ____________________________________
o The exact place on the earth where a geographic
feature is found.
3407 Northwest Blvd., Georgetown, TX 78628
Latitude = 30 degrees North
Long = 97 degrees West
 _______________________________________
o Describes a place in comparison to other places
around it.
Ex. Next door to the Wendy’s
Place – What is it like?
 Describes the physical features and cultural characteristics of a
 Run parallel to Equator
 Measures ___________________ and ______________________.
 90 degrees North latitude
 90 degrees South latitude
Important lines of Latitude:
o Equator
o Tropic of Cancer
o Tropic of Capricorn
o Arctic Circle
o Antarctic Circle
 Run parallel to the ___________________________
 Measures East and West
 180 degrees of East longitude
 180 degrees of West longitude
 Total = 360 degree circle
 All lines meet at North Pole and stretch to South Pole
Parts of A Map
 _________________________________- explains the subject of the map
 ________________________________ – shows the “Cardinal Directions”,
meaning North, South, East, and West
 ________________________________ - shows and explains the symbols
used on the map
 Scale – shows the true size of the objects shown on the map
_________________________________-Show natural features such as landforms
and physical borders; lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, and things that
were around before humans
_________________________________-Show features on the earth’s surface that
humans created.
 Examples of things on a political map
o Political Borders – borders created by governments
o National and State Borders,City Limits, capitals
_________________________________-These maps can be tricky, there are many
different kinds.
 They all do the same thing… they show information
o Some common thematic maps:
 Population maps
 Weather maps
 Resource maps
 Topographic maps
__________________________-Part of a large body of water that extends ino a
shorline, generally smaller than a gulf
 Chesapeake Bay
__________________________-Deep and narrow valley with steep walls
 Grand Canyon
__________________________-Part of a large body of water that extends into a
shoreline, generally larger and more deeply indented than a bay.
 Gulf of Mexico
__________________________-A sheltered place along a shoreline where ships
can anchor safely
 Boston Harbor
__________________________-A sizable inland body of water
 The Great Lakes
__________________________-Land with steep sides that rises sharply (1000
feet or more) from surrounding land; generally larger and more rugged
than a hill.
 Appalachian Mountains
 Rocky Mountains
___________________________-One of the four major bodies of salt water that
surround the continents
 Atlantic Ocean
 Pacific Ocean
___________________________-An area of level land, usually a low elevation
and often covered with grasses.
 Great Plains
___________________________-Large natural stream of water that runs
through the land.
 Mississippi River
 Missouri River
 Ohio River
 Hudson River
 Rio Grande River