Map Skills Notes

Notes #2(U1)
Introduction to Map Skills
Important parts of A Map & Globe – thing to look for first 6 Things
that should be on EVERY map
1. ____________- should be pertaining to the subject of the
2. ____________ - Compass Rose should indicate North.
3. ____________- What the date is.
4. ____________ - Who created the map.
5. ____________- What symbols mean on the map. (key)
6. ____________- The size of space on the map
 What types of maps are there? Physical, ____________,
Thematic (Chloropleth and Cartogram)
 What Are ______________ Maps?
o Show features on the earth’s surface that
_____________ created
o Political Borders – borders decided by _____________
(latitude & longitude)
o Examples?
 National and State Borders, City Limits, capitals
 What Are _____________ Maps?
o show types of _____________ and bodies of water
o Physical Borders – countries
o Separated by a physical feature
 Ex. Rio Grande River, _____________ Mountains
 What Are _____________?
o Thematic map that uses graded differences in
_____________ or color or the placing of symbols inside
defined areas on the map in order to indicate the average
values of some property or quantity in those areas
 Many different kinds.
o Examples???
 _____________, Vegetation, Natural Resources,
 What are _____________?
o A cartogram is a map in which some _____________
mapping variable is substituted for land area or distance.
o The geometry or space of the map is _____________in
order to convey the information of this alternate variable.
 The Geographer’s Grid & Latitude/Longitude
o important lines on “Geographer’s Grid”
o _____________ -
Runs East and West. Divides Earth
into Northern and Southern Hemispheres
o _____________- Runs North and South. Divides Earth into
Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
 What is a _____________?
o One half of the Earth.
 The Tropics
o Tropic of _____________ –
 23.5° North of Equator
 Sun’s most northern location occurring on June 21st
o Tropic of _____________–
 23.5° South of Equator
 Sun’s most southern location occurring on December
 The Polar Circles
o _____________ Circle –
 66.5° North of the Equator
 begins the North polar region
o _____________ Circle –
 66.5° South of the Equator
 begins South polar regions
 What is “Latitude and Longitude”?
o It is a _____________for finding your location on the
o Like “X and Y” from the grid in math class, like a football
field, or like the game “Battleship”
 Latitude “_____________”
o Run East/ West
o parallel to _____________
o Measures North and South
o Furthest North = 90 degrees North latitude
o Furthest South = 90 degrees South latitude
o Important lines of Latitude:
 _____________
 Tropic of Cancer
 Tropic of _____________
 Arctic Circle
 _____________Circle
 Longitude
o Run north/ south
o _____________ East and West
o There are 180 degrees of East longitude and 180 degrees
of West longitude
o Total = 360 degree circle
o All lines meet at _____________ Pole and
_____________ Pole