87th PERF Meeting Agenda - Biodiversity Challenges March 13, 2013 Time Subject Speaker 8:00 Registration 8:30 Welcome Viviana Coelho (Petrobras’ Gas, Energy and Sustainable Development General Manager) 8:45 Introductions & PERF Overview Veronica Blackwell, (Chevron, PERF Chair) 9:15 Meeting Introduction & Stage Setting Paulo Negrais Seabra (Petrobras) 9:30 Biodiversity: the principal challenges facing the oil and gas Jane Mauro (Petrobras) industry 10:15 Break SESSION 1: Relevance, challenges and tools to assess the ecosystem services dependencies and impacts of the oil and gas industry 10:30 Overview of biodiversity and ecosystem service concepts James Spurgeon and tools in relation to managing oil and gas industry (Sustain Value, UK) impacts and dependencies 11:15 Prioritizing Environmental Sensitivities Through Application Heidi Mairs of Ecosystem Services: From Concept to Practice (ExxonMobil) 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Panel Discussion: What are the major knowledge gaps? Panelists: James What are the criteria used for selecting tools? What are the Spurgeon; Anne boundary conditions for the assessment of impacts and Wagner (Chevron); dependence on biodiversity ecosystem services (project Sarah Terry timeline, scope, motivation etc.)? (ConocoPhillips) Moderator: Daniela Lerda (PADMA, Brazil) 14:00 PERF Program Brainstorm SESSION 2: Operations in sensitive marine areas 14:15 Management of dredging in tropical waters Michael Marnane (Chevron) 14:45 Establishing an alternate pipeline route to prevent impacts Renata Arantes in rhodolith and deepwater corals communities (Independent consultant, Brazil) 15:15 Break 15:30 Protection of Natural Habitats and Biodiversity at Saudi Yasser Kattan (Saudi Aramco Aramco) 16:00 Panel Discussion: How to identify and map sensitive Panelists: Renata marine areas? What are the operational and design Arantes¸ Heidi Mairs solutions to prevent / mitigate impacts on sensitive areas? (ExxonMobil), Yasser Kattan, Michael Marnane Moderator: Frederico Brandini (USP) 17:00 PERF Program Brainstorm 17:15 Adjourn/Reception March 14, 2013 Time 8:00 Subject Welcome 8:15 PERF Business Review: Updates on current projects & proposals & Day 1 Review SESSION 3: Strategies to prevent bioinvasion 8:45 Managing bioufouling at international level: Challenges and opportunities 9:30 10:00 10:15 Quarantine Management System for the Gorgon Project Break Challenges in implementing international recommendations for bioinvasion – Petrobras experience 10:45 Panel Discussion: What are the main difficulties in implementing international recommendations for bioinvasion through biofouling prevention? What is the perception about other sectors involvement (e.g. fishing and Navy) in this subject? 11:45 PERF Program Brainstorm 12:00 Lunch FINAL SESSION 13:00 Restoration Planning and Implementation: Challenges and Solutions 13:45 IPIECA-OGP Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Working Group 14:30 Break 14:45 PERF Breakouts & Program Brainstorming: Based on the previous panel discussions, how do we now rate the urgency and importance of programs proposed over the past 2 days? 16:00 17:00 Report-Out: 5-10 min by work group + Post sign-up sheets for new programs Adjourn Speaker Viviana Coelho (Petrobras’ Gas, Energy and Sustainable Development General Manager) Veronica Blackwell, (Chevron, PERF Chair) Naomi Parker (Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand) Anne Wagner (Chevron) Anna Scofano (Petrobras) Panelists: Naomi Parker, Ana Scofano, TBD Moderator: Ricardo Coutinho (IEAPM, Brazil) Jonathon Weier (CH2M Hill) Sarah Terry (ConocoPhillips) Focus Areas: - Assess the ecosystem services dependencies and impacts - Operations in sensitive marine areas - Strategies to prevent bioinvasion