Chapter 5: Diffusion in Solids ISSUES TO ADDRESS... • How does diffusion occur? • Why is it an important part of processing? • How can the rate of diffusion be predicted for some simple cases? • How does diffusion depend on structure and temperature? Chapter 5 - 1 Diffusion Diffusion - Mass transport by atomic motion Migration of atoms from lattice site to lattice site. Two conditions must be met: 1. There must be an empty adjacent site. 2. Atoms must have sufficient energy to break bonds with its neighbor atoms. Mechanisms • Gases & Liquids – random (Brownian) motion • Solids – vacancy diffusion or interstitial diffusion Chapter 5 - 2 Diffusion • Interdiffusion: In an alloy, atoms tend to migrate from regions of high conc. to regions of low conc. Initially After some time Adapted from Figs. 5.1 and 5.2, Callister 7e. Chapter 5 - 3 Inter diffusion A process whereby atoms of one metal difuse into another. f01_05_pg110 f02_05_pg111 Chapter 5 - 4 Diffusion • Self-diffusion: In an elemental solid, atoms also migrate. Label some atoms C A D B After some time C D A B Chapter 5 - 5 Diffusion Mechanisms Vacancy Diffusion: • atoms exchange with vacancies • applies to substitutional impurities atoms • rate depends on: --number of vacancies (vacancy diffusion is a function of the number of these defects that are present) --activation energy to exchange. increasing elapsed time Chapter 5 - 6 Diffusion Mechanisms • Interstitial diffusion – smaller atoms can diffuse between atoms. Adapted from Fig. 5.3 (b), Callister 7e. More rapid than vacancy diffusion Chapter 5 - 7 Processing Using Diffusion • Case Hardening: --Diffuse carbon atoms into the host iron atoms at the surface. --Example of interstitial diffusion is a case hardened gear. Adapted from chapter-opening photograph, Chapter 5, Callister 7e. (Courtesy of Surface Division, Midland-Ross.) • Result: The presence of C atoms makes iron (steel) harder. Chapter 5 - 8 Diffusion • How do we quantify the amount or rate of diffusion? • Diffusion flux (J): mass or equivalently number of atoms M diffusing through and perpendicular a unit cross sectional area per unit of time moles (or mass) diffusing atoms kg J Flux or 2 2 surface area time ms ms • Measured empirically – Make thin film (membrane) of known surface area – Impose concentration gradient – Measure how fast atoms or molecules diffuse through the membrane M l dM J At A dt Chapter 5 - 9 Steady-State Diffusion Rate of diffusion independent of time dC Flux proportional to concentration gradient = dx Fick’s first law of diffusion C1 C1 C2 x1 x C2 dC J D dx x2 dC C C2 C1 if linear dx x x2 x1 D diffusion coefficient Chapter 5 - 10 CONCENTRATION PROFILES & FLUX • Concentration Profile, C(x): [kg/m3] Cu flux Ni flux Concentration of Cu [kg/m3] • Fick's First Law: Concentration of Ni [kg/m3] Adapted from Fig. 5.2(c), Callister 6e. Position, x • The steeper the concentration profile, the greater the flux! Chapter 5 - 11 11 Example: Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) • Methylene chloride is a common ingredient of paint removers. Besides being an irritant, it also may be absorbed through skin. When using this paint remover, protective gloves should be worn. • If butyl rubber gloves (0.04 cm thick) are used, what is the diffusive flux of methylene chloride through the glove? • Data: – diffusion coefficient in butyl rubber: D = 110 x10-8 cm2/s – surface concentrations: C1 = 0.44 g/cm3 C2 = 0.02 g/cm3 Chapter 5 - 12 Example (cont). • Solution – assuming linear conc. gradient glove C1 2 tb 6D paint remover skin Data: D = 110 x 10-8 cm2/s C1 = 0.44 g/cm3 C2 = 0.02 g/cm3 x2 – x1 = 0.04 cm C2 x1 x2 J (110 x 10 -8 dC C2 C1 J -D D dx x2 x1 (0.02 g/cm 3 0.44 g/cm 3 ) g cm /s) 1.16 x 10-5 (0.04 cm) cm2s 2 Chapter 5 - 13 Diffusion and Temperature • Diffusion coefficient increases with increasing T. Qd D Do exp RT D = diffusion coefficient [m2/s] Do = pre-exponential [m2/s] Qd = activation energy [J/mol or eV/atom] R = gas constant [8.314 J/mol-K] T = absolute temperature [K] Chapter 5 - 14 Diffusion and Temperature 300 600 1000 10-8 1500 D has exponential dependence on T D (m2/s) T(C) Dinterstitial >> Dsubstitutional C in a-Fe C in g-Fe 10-14 10-20 0.5 1.0 1.5 Al in Al Fe in a-Fe Fe in g-Fe 1000 K/T Adapted from Fig. 5.7, Callister 7e. (Date for Fig. 5.7 taken from E.A. Brandes and G.B. Brook (Ed.) Smithells Metals Reference Book, 7th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1992.) Chapter 5 - 15 t02_05_pg119 Chapter 5 - 16 Example: At 300ºC the diffusion coefficient and activation energy for Cu in Si are D(300ºC) = 7.8 x 10-11 m2/s Qd = 41.5 kJ/mol What is the diffusion coefficient at 350ºC? transform data D Temp = T 1 and T2 Q D lnD2 lnD1 ln 2 d D1 R Qd lnD2 lnD0 R ln D 1/T Qd lnD1 lnD0 R 1 1 T2 T1 1 T1 Chapter 5 - 17 Example (cont.) Qd D2 D1 exp R 1 1 T2 T1 T1 = 273 + 300 = 573 K T2 = 273 + 350 = 623 K D2 (7.8 x 10 11 41,500 J/mol 1 1 m /s) exp 8.314 J/mol - K 623 K 573 K 2 D2 = 15.7 x 10-11 m2/s Chapter 5 - 18