
The skin has two distinct regions, the superficial __epidermis_____________ and the deeper
______dermis________. Friction may cause them to separate resulting in a ___blister______________.
Immediately deep to the dermis is the ___hypodermis__________________ or subcutaneous layer.
The epidermis is __avascular________________ meaning that it does not have any blood vessels. It is made up of
the tissue called _____stratified __________________ ___squamous____________________
___epithelium__________________. Most of the cells in this layer are ______keratinocytes________________,
which produce ______keratin__________, a tough fibrous protein that makes the epidermis tough and waterproof.
The _____stratum _________ _____basal_________ is a single layer of cells that is immediately superficial to the
dermis. The cells here are constantly dividing. Also, in this layer_________melanocytes__________________
(type of cell) produce the pigment ____melanin_____________, which protects the skin from UV rays. The layer
immediately superficial is called the _____stratum spinosum________ ____(11)______________. They can still
get some nutrients that come from the dermis via ________diffusion___________, but as they get pushed up to the
surface of the skin they begin to die. Above this layer is the ____stratum___________
______granulosum___________ named for the many granules containing ____keratin____________ (also some
have glycolipids) in their cells. These cells are starting to die. We are talking about thin skin here, so the next layer
up would actually be the most superficial layer of the skin known as the _____stratum__________________
_____corneum_____________. The cells here are definitely dead. They make up most of the thickness of the
epidermis and their cells are flat, packed, and filled with _______keratin__________.
The dermis has two layers – the more superficial ______papillary ___________ layer and the deeper
____reticular_________ layer. The ____papillary___________ layer has finger-like projections called
____dermal____________ _______papilla___________, which connect it to the epidermis and are responsible for
making ______fingerprints________________ in the hands and feet. This layer also has
_____capillaries_____________, which provide the ________dermis_____________ with nutrients through
diffusion and dilate or widen to allow heat to radiate off the skin surface. Finally, it has pain and touch receptors.
The lower reticular layer contains ______sweat_____ glands and _______sebaceous____________ glands (that
produce sebum), as well as pressure receptors. The dermis contains ______collagen________ and
_____elastic____________ fibers.
Hair, nails, and glands are known as skin _______appendanges_____________. They are derived from the
____epithelium/epidermis_______________, but are found in the _____dermis_______________.
____sebaceous________________ glands are associated with hair follicles and produce
______sebum____________, an oily substance that keeps the skin moist. There are two types of sweat glands
____eccrine_____________ and ____apocrine__________. ______eccrine__________ glands produce clear
sweat that is made of salts, water, and urea. These are found all over the body. The
_____apocrine________________ glands are found in _____axillary____________ and
______genital_____________ areas where they secrete milky sweat filled with fats and proteins. The
__hair________ ___follicle______________ is the epithelial structure that holds a hair. The hair that is above the
surface of the skin is the __hair shaft___ ___________, while the part below the skin surface is the _______hair
_______ ______root___________. The hair itself also has three parts, from outer to inner they are the
__cuticle___________, _____cortex___________, and _____medulla_____________. In the __hair
matrix________ ____________ germinal epithelial cells undergo mitosis to form the hair. The hair follicle has two
sheaths the inner ____epidermal________________ sheath and the outer _______dermal_____________ sheath.
The ______connective______________ _____tissue_____________ ______papilla_____________ is the small
portion of connective tissue that indents into the hair bulb and has capillaries that provide the growing hair with
nutrients. Of course, we can’t forget the ____arrector__________ __pili________ muscle that connects the hair
follicle to the _____dermis___________, is made of __smooth___________ muscle, and contracts to give you
“goose bumps”.