The Value of Undergraduate Research

Council on Undergraduate Research
“Learning Through Research”
CUR Mission:
To support and promote high-quality
student-faculty collaborative
research and scholarship
Council on Undergraduate Research
Council on Undergraduate Research
• National faculty development organization founded in 1978
Council on Undergraduate Research
• National faculty development organization founded in 1978
• > 3000 Individual Members & > 500 Institutional Members
Council on Undergraduate Research
• National faculty development organization founded in 1978
• > 3000 Individual Members & > 500 Institutional Members
• Seven disciplinary divisions: Biology, Chemistry,
Geosciences, Mathematics and Computer Science,
Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Sciences
Council on Undergraduate Research
• National faculty development organization founded in 1978
• > 3000 Individual Members & > 500 Institutional Members
• Seven disciplinary divisions: Biology, Chemistry,
Geosciences, Mathematics and Computer Science,
Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Sciences
• Two multidisciplinary divisions: Undergraduate Research
Program Directors & At-Large Division
Council on Undergraduate Research
• National faculty development organization founded in 1978
• > 3000 Individual Members & > 500 Institutional Members
• Seven disciplinary divisions: Biology, Chemistry,
Geosciences, Mathematics and Computer Science,
Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Sciences
• Two multidisciplinary divisions: Undergraduate Research
Program Directors & At-Large Division
• Councilors: Up to 24 per division elected by members
Committees: Councilors serve on standing committees
Executive Board: Governing officers & Division chairs
Council on Undergraduate Research
• National faculty development organization founded in 1978
• > 3000 Individual Members & > 500 Institutional Members
• Seven disciplinary divisions: Biology, Chemistry,
Geosciences, Mathematics and Computer Science,
Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Sciences
• Two multidisciplinary divisions: Undergraduate Research
Program Directors & At-Large Division
• Councilors: Up to 24 per division elected by members
Committees: Councilors serve on standing committees
Executive Board: Governing officers & Division chairs
• National office in Washington, D.C. headed by the
Executive Officer: Dr. Nancy Hensel
Undergraduate research:
An inquiry or investigation
conducted by an undergraduate
student that makes an original
intellectual or creative
contribution to their discipline
Undergraduate research:
An inquiry or investigation
conducted by an undergraduate
student that makes an original
intellectual or creative
contribution to their discipline
What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research?
What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research?
• Engages and empowers students in hands-on learning
What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research?
• Engages and empowers students in hands-on learning
• Enhances the student learning experience through
mentoring relationships with faculty
What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research?
• Engages and empowers students in hands-on learning
• Enhances the student learning experience through
mentoring relationships with faculty
• Increases retention in the STEM disciplines & other fields
What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research?
• Engages and empowers students in hands-on learning
• Enhances the student learning experience through
mentoring relationships with faculty
• Increases retention in the STEM disciplines & other fields
• Provides effective career preparation & promotes interest
in graduate education
What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research?
• Engages and empowers students in hands-on learning
• Enhances the student learning experience through
mentoring relationships with faculty
• Increases retention in the STEM disciplines & other fields
• Provides effective career preparation & promotes interest
in graduate education
• Develops critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, self
confidence, and intellectual independence
What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research?
• Engages and empowers students in hands-on learning
• Enhances the student learning experience through
mentoring relationships with faculty
• Increases retention in the STEM disciplines & other fields
• Provides effective career preparation & promotes interest
in graduate education
• Develops critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, self
confidence, and intellectual independence
• Promotes an innovation-oriented culture
Faculty Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Invigorates intellect and increases enthusiasm
• Enhances teaching effectiveness and job satisfaction
• Promotes advancements in research program
• Increases access to grant funding
• Encourages faculty to remain current in their field
• Promotes greater engagement with students, colleagues,
and the community
Faculty Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Invigorates intellect and increases enthusiasm
Faculty Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Invigorates intellect and increases enthusiasm
• Enhances teaching effectiveness and job satisfaction
Faculty Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Invigorates intellect and increases enthusiasm
• Enhances teaching effectiveness and job satisfaction
• Promotes advancements in research program
Faculty Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Invigorates intellect and increases enthusiasm
• Enhances teaching effectiveness and job satisfaction
• Promotes advancements in research program
• Increases access to grant funding
Faculty Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Invigorates intellect and increases enthusiasm
• Enhances teaching effectiveness and job satisfaction
• Promotes advancements in research program
• Increases access to grant funding
• Encourages faculty to remain current in their field
Faculty Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Invigorates intellect and increases enthusiasm
• Enhances teaching effectiveness and job satisfaction
• Promotes advancements in research program
• Increases access to grant funding
• Encourages faculty to remain current in their field
• Promotes greater engagement with students, colleagues,
and the community
Institutional Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Enhances intellectual vitality of the institution
• Attracts talented faculty and builds research programs
• Attracts engaged students and community interest
• External funding brings new equipment and facilities
• Encourages innovative and collaborative curricula
• Promotes engagement with national trends in higher
education and new research directions
Institutional Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Enhances intellectual vitality of the institution
Institutional Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Enhances intellectual vitality of the institution
• Attracts talented faculty and builds research programs
Institutional Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Enhances intellectual vitality of the institution
• Attracts talented faculty and builds research programs
• Attracts engaged students and community interest
Institutional Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Enhances intellectual vitality of the institution
• Attracts talented faculty and builds research programs
• Attracts engaged students and community interest
• External funding brings new equipment and facilities
Institutional Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Enhances intellectual vitality of the institution
• Attracts talented faculty and builds research programs
• Attracts engaged students and community interest
• External funding brings new equipment and facilities
• Encourages innovative and collaborative curricula
Institutional Benefits of Undergraduate Research:
• Enhances intellectual vitality of the institution
• Attracts talented faculty and builds research programs
• Attracts engaged students and community interest
• External funding brings new equipment and facilities
• Encourages innovative and collaborative curricula
• Promotes engagement with national trends in higher
education and new research directions
Focus on Faculty Development
National Conference
Consulting Service
CUR Dialogues
Mentor Network
CUR Fellows Awards
Posters on the Hill
CUR List-serve
Regional Workshops on
Institutional Undergraduate
Researchers’ Graduate
School Registry
CUR Quarterly
“How To” Series
Specialized Volumes
New Publication
Developing and Sustaining a
Research - Supportive Curriculum:
A Compendium of Successful Practices
National Press Club February 21, 2007
on the Hill
April 2009
13th CUR
Weber State University
Ogden, Utah - June 2010
• National undergraduate research gathering
for faculty, administrators, policy makers,
funding agency representatives, and other
• Workshops, presentations, roundtables,
and keynote symposia
• Abundant opportunities for networking,
discussion, and interaction
PowerPoint presentation created September 2008
by Dr. Jeff Marshall, CUR Councilor, Geosciences Division
(based on earlier version by Dr. Kerry Karukstis, CUR President)
Cal Poly Pomona
Saturday November 22
Abstract Deadline:
Friday October 3
Registration Deadline:
Friday October 24
Photo Credits:
All copyrights are maintained by the original owners.
Note: Many of the photos used in this presentation were acquired from the internet
without expressed permission of the owners. They are used here only to depict and
promote undergraduate research as a beneficial academic endeavor for all.
Sources of these photos include the public web sites of:
The Council for Undergraduate Research
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
Appalachian State University
Butler University
Cal Poly Pomona University
Cornell University
Georgia Tech University
Harvey Mudd College
Judson University
Lincoln University
Michigan Tech University
Newpark Music Center
Notre Dame University
Trinity University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Minnesota