TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGE [Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications] Ahmed Habib Bashir 202332129 4/13/2014 Teacher: Hubert Koehl AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 Table of Contents 1 Learning conditions:..............................................................................................................................................2 1.1 General information:....................................................................................................................................2 1.2 Students: ......................................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Table of Class Characteristics: ......................................................................................................................2 1.4 Performance of the class:.............................................................................................................................2 1.5 College:.........................................................................................................................................................3 1.6 Classroom: ....................................................................................................................................................3 2 Didactical Planning: ...............................................................................................................................................4 3 Curriculum Analysis: .............................................................................................................................................4 4 Content Analysis: ..................................................................................................................................................4 5 6 7 4.1 Outdoor Cables: ...........................................................................................................................................4 4.2 Conditions to be met in outdoor cables to function correctly: ....................................................................4 4.3 Loose Tube Cable: ........................................................................................................................................5 4.4 Experiment: ..................................................................................................................................................5 4.5 Figure 8 Cable:..............................................................................................................................................5 4.6 Armored Cable: ............................................................................................................................................6 4.7 Ribbon Fiber Cable: ......................................................................................................................................6 4.8 The problems facing fiber optic cables: .......................................................................................................7 Didactic Analysis: ..................................................................................................................................................8 5.1 Presentation ,Interactive whiteboards and Classroom conversation: .........................................................8 5.2 Presentation and Classroom conversation: .................................................................................................8 5.3 Experiment, Group work and Classroom conversation: ..............................................................................8 5.4 Presentation and Classroom conversation: .................................................................................................8 5.5 Individual work: ...........................................................................................................................................8 Objectives: ............................................................................................................................................................9 6.1 General objectives: ......................................................................................................................................9 6.2 Specific objectives: .......................................................................................................................................9 Lesson Plan: ........................................................................................................................................................10 7.1 Overview of the intended process (50 Minutes) .......................................................................................10 8 Classroom Worksheet (Quiz): (Individual work) .................................................................................................13 9 Handout ..............................................................................................................................................................14 10 whiteboard: ....................................................................................................................................................21 11 Reference: ......................................................................................................................................................21 D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 1 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 1 Learning conditions: 1.1 General information: College: technical trainers college / TTC, Riyadh Class: ICT-TE-7 Classroom: 8.245 1.2 Students: 1.3 Table of Class Characteristics: RCT, Riyadh Coll. of Tech Home City Al-Ahsa Last Certificate Diploma last Grading 88 CoT, Telecommunication Jeddah Diploma 90 23 CoT, Telecommunication Al-Taif Diploma 95 118 27 CoT, Telecommunication Qassem Diploma 89 Zeyad Mohammed 120 25 CoT, Telecommunication Riyadh Diploma 87 6 Bader Awad 128 25 CoT, Telecommunication Hail Diploma 93 7 Ahmed Habib 129 22 RCT, Riyadh Coll. of Tech Tabuk Diploma 89 No ID Age Former School Khader Rashed 148 24 2 Yasser Abdullatef 153 24 3 Moaath Hassan 113 4 Abdullah Mansor 5 1 Name 1.4 Performance of the class: They are 7 student in this class each student has at least diploma in the Telecommunication or Network. The learning level of the students has major different. Performances are Moaath Hassan , Bader Awad and Yasser Abdullatef. They participate very actively in class. There contribution to teaching are good to very good. The work order and homework get quickly accepted. Also the presentation of results should be assessed positively. And we can see that in the right of score of students in general very good and Ages of students converged and this good. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 2 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 last Grading last Grading 95 88 1 90 2 93 89 3 4 89 87 5 6 7 Age of students Age 24 24 23 1 2 3 27 25 25 4 5 6 22 7 1.5 College: I will teach class ICT-TE7 and my subject will be theory lesson and will have many uses to make the lesson interesting. Also I will use motivation in class. It will be at the beginning of the lesson and this will make the lesson more interaction and also I will use PowerPoint slides and some exercises . It will help to transfer the knowledge to the trainee easily and I will use whiteboard to make the lesson understandable. Also I will give the trainee handout has a specific information about Types of Fiber Optic couplers and their Applications. 1.6 Classroom: I will 8.245 classroom in the VP building and the lesson will be at 7.30 AM. And I will check my lesson and my preparing material before 2 days in advance to make sure all thing are right. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 3 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 2 Didactical Planning: 3 Curriculum Analysis: Department Course Title Prerequisites Communication Techniques Types of Fiber Optic couplers and their Applications COM136 Code Contact COM240 CH 5 Hours L 4 W 2 This course cover the principle of operating and types of transmission lines and optical fibers and their technical specification. Also covered are methods of connecting optical fibers, transmission characteristics of optical fiber , light source and photo detectors ,fiber optic measurements and testing. 4 Content Analysis: 4.1 Outdoor Cables: 4.2 Conditions to be met in outdoor cables to function correctly: Work in a wide range of temperature. Not to enter the water to it so as to ensure the non-arrival the water to the fiber, which cause an increase in loss. Resist effect the sun's rays. Stability and not damage when exposed to strong winds. Must be robust and outer jacket thick and strong, where the metal layer is often under the cover called (Metal Armor). D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 4 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 4.3 Loose Tube Cable: A set of vacuum tubes and to put the fiber inside it. Each tube diameter of 2mm to 3mm included a number of fiber up to 12 fiber. 4.4 Experiment: I show the students The internal configuration of the fiber cable and make every student do the experience. 4.5 Figure 8 Cable: Cable is considered normal for the same type former Loose Tube Cable Installed with him steel holder where it is used in the suspension, so it is appropriate in Installation Aerial. Usually the holder made of metal or carrier insulator and be covered with a layer of outer jacket. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 5 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 4.6 Armored Cable: Characterized the Armored Cables existence the steel armor under outer jacket of the cable, Cover giving more power. Helps in improving the protection of fiber from the external influences and prevents water from reaching the fiber. Use these cables underground or in industrial areas with difficult conditions. 4.7 Ribbon Fiber Cable: Number of fiber in one ribbon from (12)to (24) as each ribbon is placed inside Buffer Tube. The number of fiber in the Ribbons cables 800 fiber, but in the normal cables the number of fiber jest 200 the highest capacity of the normal cables. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 6 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 4.8 The problems facing fiber optic cables: Rodents Water Ingress Temperature Change D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 7 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 5 Didactic Analysis: 5.1 Presentation ,Interactive whiteboards and Classroom conversation: I will use presentation because the trainees will see my question on the power point. After that, I will do interactive whiteboards to make the trainees motivate and think. Next, I will use classroom conversation because I want the trainees discuss with each other and with me and I will show the trainees video about this and I will use these methods on first 11 min. 5.2 Presentation and Classroom conversation: I will explain for the trainees the conditions to be met in outdoor cables to function correctly and the loose tube cable and show them some example. I will use These method to makes the trainees fully attention and motivates them to understand and to discuss. I will use these methods about 8 min. 5.3 Experiment, Group work and Classroom conversation: I will use the experiment to makes the trainees fully attention and motivates them to understand the installation of the fiber optic cables, and I will do group work and classroom conversation to make the trainees help each other and discuss to understand very well and I will work with the trainees and help them and we will take 14 min for this part. 5.4 Presentation and Classroom conversation: I will use these methods for explain four parts figure 8 cable, armored cable, ribbon fiber cable and the problems facing fiber optic cables. I will use presentation to show the trainees my subject and make the trainees attention and understands. The second method classroom conversation to make the trainees discuss with me and with each other and these four parts take 11 min. 5.5 Individual work: I will use worksheet (Quiz).This method to summarization the lesson and motivate the trainees and to make sure the trainees understand the subject very well. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 8 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 6 Objectives: 6.1 General objectives: The Trainees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ask Question about the topic. ( Affective ) Interact with trainer. ( Affective ) Finish their task on time. ( Cognitive-Affective ) Clean the classroom. (Affective ) Follow the trainee's advice.(Psychomotor) 6.2 Specific objectives: The Trainees are able to: 1. The student knows the types of outdoor cables. (Reproduction, cognitive) 2. Defines the terms and conditions that must be met in cables. (Reproduction, cognitive) 3. Defines the composition of the different types of optical cables. ( Reproduction, cognitive) 4. Defines the problems facing the optical cables. (Reproduction, cognitive) 5. The trainees complete the empty clouds of loose tube cable. ( Reproduction, cognitive) D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 9 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 7 Lesson Plan: 7.1 Overview of the intended process (50 Minutes) Opening / Entrance / Motivation Expected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action - The trainer starts the lesson by greeting the trainees and introducing himself. - The trainees will respond the greeting. - The trainer ask the students question “ what are the different between outdoor cables and indoor cables?” - The trainees will try to give the different and try to explain it on the whiteboard. - The trainer will explain indoor cable. - The trainees will listen to the explanations. - The trainers will show the students video. - The trainee will focus in video to know the different between outdoor cables and indoor cables. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS Time Methodology Media Presentation Power Point Slide 2 interactive Slide 3 whiteboards Classroom Whiteboard conversation video TE7 10 Minutes 11 min AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 Body (Information / Elaboration) Expected Trainer-action - The trainer will give trainees handout and explain the Conditions to be met in outdoor cables to function correctly. - The trainer will explain the loose tube cable and show them some example. - The trainer will ask the trainee to everyone do an experiment with the trainer. - The trainer will explain Figure 8 Cable . D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS Expected Traineeaction - The trainee listens to the explanations and makes some notes in handout. - The trainee listens to the explanations and some trainee help me. Time Methodology Presentation Minutes Power Point Slide 4 Slide 5 Classroom conversation 8 min Slide 6 Slide 7 - The trainee will Experiment do the experiment and Classroom ask the trainer conversation some Group work questions. - The trainee listens to the explanations and ask questions. Media Classroom conversation Power Point 14 min Slide 8 Power Point Slide 9 Slide 10 Presentation TE7 11 3 min AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications - The trainer will explain the armored cable. - The trainer will ask the trainees to complete the empty clouds to loose tube cable. 13/4/2014 - The trainees listens to the explanations , try to Presentation understand and ask Classroom question. - The trainees conversation give me the answer and use handout to the help. - The trainee listens to the explanations and makes some notes. Presentation - The trainer will explain the ribbon fiber cable. - The trainer will explain The problems facing fiber optic cables. Power Point Slide 11 Slide 12 Power Point Slide 13 6 min Classroom - The trainees try conversation to understand and listens to the explanations Slide14 Slide 15 Close (Reflection, Exercises, Homework, Feedback) Expected Traineraction Expected Trainee-action - The trainers will give the trainees Worksheet. (Quiz) D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS - The trainee will using the handout for help them to answer the questions and focus with the questions. 2 min Time Methodology Media Individual work worksheet TE7 Minutes 12 6 min AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 8 Classroom Worksheet (Quiz): (Individual work) Name: ID Class: Date: Q1: Outdoor Cables: (4 min) A) Give me three types of outdoor fiber optic cables? ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------B) What are the three basic problem facing the fiber optic cables? --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Q2: The relation between the outdoor cables. (2 min) What are the relation between the outdoor cables? (Choose the correct answer) A. Number of fiber inside the tube. B. Strength member. C. The exterior design. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 13 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 Department: Information and communication technology. Unit: Telecommunication. Topic: Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 9 Handout 13-4-2014 D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 14 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS 13/4/2014 TE7 15 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS 13/4/2014 TE7 16 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS 13/4/2014 TE7 17 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS 13/4/2014 TE7 18 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS 13/4/2014 TE7 19 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS 13/4/2014 TE7 20 AVP3 / Fiber Optic Cables and their Applications 13/4/2014 10 whiteboard: Right board Fiber Optic Cables and Application 13/4/2014 Outdoor Indoor 11 Reference: Fiber optic cables book for ICT. D:\ TTC \AVP3-TRTS TE7 21