US HISTORY Midterm Review 2013 II

Midterm Review
Africans primarily came to early
European settlements in America
a. looking for trading partners
b. Voluntarily
c. as slaves
d. to find employment
From where did the earliest humans
to visit North America probably
a. The Middle East
b. Siberia
c. Mesopotamia
d. Greece
The histories of most early American
people have been preserved in
a. written documents
b. Artwork
c. European records
d. oral traditions
Most African immigrants to the
Americas came from
a. North Africa
b. South Africa
c. the continent's eastern regions
d. the continent's western regions
Slave status in Africa was
a. generally permanent
b. Voluntary
c. transferred from parent to child
d. not necessarily permanent
Which disease was NOT exported
from Europe to America?
a. Syphilis
b. Smallpox
c. Plague
d. Typhus
In their search for a marketable
product, colonial settlers began
growing this after 1610.
a. Tobacco
b. Lettuce
c. Corn
d. Wheat
This group was among the most
successful in adapting to the Native
American understanding of trade, for they
knew that good relations were essential
to maintaining and increasing their
a. The English
b. The Spanish
c. The French
d. The Italians
People of mixed Indian and Spanish
descent were called
a. mulattos
b. marzipans
c. mestizos
d. makos
Merchants brought sugar byproducts back to New England to be
distilled into
a. schnapps
b. rum
c. gin
d. vodka
What caused Britons to decide Americans
should carry more of England's financial
a. Colonial demands for greater political
b. Expenses occurred during the French and
Indian War
c. The growth of the colonial economy
d. none of the above
Who composed the first draft of the
Declaration of Independence?
a. Thomas Paine
b. John Adams
c. George Washington
d. Thomas Jefferson
France's main goal in aiding the
Americans was to
a. protect their fur trade
b. weaken the British
c. establish trading partners
d. regain Canada
A particularly cruel aspect of the internal
slave trade was that it
a.required minimum sale prices
b.only sold slaves from the Upper South
c.resulted in the passing of slave codes
d.separated slaves from their families
Which statement would most likely have been
said by a believer in manifest destiny?
a. "God can never rest easy with our nation
until we challenge and defeat slavery“
b. "It is only through Christian kindness that we
can achieve peace with the Indians"
c. "It is our God-given right to spread our
democracy and culture across the continent"
d. "The ways of the factory represent America's
greatest hope for a better future"
Proponents of popular sovereignty believed that
a.residents of a territory should decide the
issue of slavery
b.presidential elections should not be decided
by the electoral college
c.all slaves should be declared free
d.Southerners were too unreasonable for a fair
debate on slavery
The Compromise of 1850 established all of the
following statutes EXCEPT
a. popular sovereignty in Utah
b. admission of California as a free state
c. the Fugitive Slave Act
d. admission of New Mexico as a slave state
The influential novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin,
was written by
a. Frederick Douglass
b. Angelina Grimke
c. Hinton Rowan Helper
d. Harriet Beecher Stowe
As a novel with social power, Uncle Tom's
Cabin succeeded because it
a. never directly addressed the moral issues
of slavery
b. portrayed Southerners as virtuous
defenders of freedom
c. presented real characters and not just
abstract arguments
d. included symbolism which was difficult to
Who was an antislavery agitator in the middle
of the violent confrontation in Kansas?
a.John Brown
b.Hinton Rowan Helper
c.Frederick Douglass
d.Charles Sumner
Which statement would most likely have been said
by creators of the Republican Party?
a. "State's rights were the foundation of this great
republic and they must remain so“
b. "We welcome ex-southern Democrats as the
foundation and backbone of this party“
c. "The extension of slavery must be stopped, for it
is the largest issue facing our nation“
d. "If the people would follow the wise counsel of
President Pierce, we would be at peace"
In the controversial Dred Scott decision, the
Supreme Court declared that
a.only the national government could end
slavery in new territories
b.blacks were not citizens of the United
c.Dred Scott had the right to sue, but not the
right to freedom
d.blacks were only free when they entered
free territory
John Brown hoped that his raid on Harper's
Ferry, Virginia, would
a. cause the government to support the
Lecompton Constitution
b. cause the resignation of James Buchanan
c. force governments of the South to
voluntarily emancipate slaves
d. start a slave rebellion in the state of
Copperheads were
a.Southerners who worked to sabotage the
Confederate cause
b.Northern Democrats suspected of having
Confederate sympathies
c.members of the Confederate Congress who
wished to negotiate peace
d.slaves who escaped to freedom and joined
the Union army
Which statement about the Fourteenth
Amendment is NOT true?
a.It guaranteed all males the right to vote
b.It strengthened the Civil Rights Act of 1866
c.It guaranteed all citizens equality before
the law
d.It was opposed by President Johnson
The Fifteenth Amendment
a.officially ended slavery in the United States
b.guaranteed the right of American men to vote
c.established new rules for readmission of
southern states
d.gave Congress the power to remove
presidential cabinet members
The decision in the Plessy v. Ferguson case
a.had little actual effect on legislative actions in
the South
b.was issued with the unanimous support of the
c.led to enactment of institutional segregation
in the South
d.placed segregation in the forefront of national
political debate
Grandfather clauses and poll taxes were used to
a.exclude women from joining the Populist Party
b.deny blacks the right to vote
c.equalize wealth between poor and wealthy
d.stop blacks from migrating to the North
The immigrants known as new immigrants
included all of the following groups EXCEPT
a.Irish Protestants
c.Russian Jews
Which statement best describes the cultures of the
tribes that lived throughout the West?
a. A wide spectrum of tribes had successfully adapted
their lives to a variety of environments
b. Village Indians were having a difficult time living
within the balance of nature
c. Most tribes had a difficult time surviving without the
benefits of technology
d. The tribes shared the same rituals in regions from the
Mississippi to the Pacific
Rationales for imperialism in the era 1890-1910
included all of the following ideas EXCEPT
a.the United States needed a vast buffer zone to
offset communist expansionism
b.American prosperity now depended on larger
access to foreign markets and resources
c.the spread of Christianity would help lesser
nations develop morally
d.American ideas and institutions were superior
to those of inferior nations
During the fighting of the Spanish-American War,
a. American troops had experienced commanders
b. more American fighting men died of disease than
were killed in action
c. regular army units did more of the fighting than
did National Guard units
d. the U.S. Army conducted a competent and efficient
The group of crusading journalists of the late
1800s and early 1900s who attacked corruption
in business and government were called
a.yellow journalists
The progressive measure that gave
voters the right to remove a public official
from office through special election was
b.referendum primary