Warm Up (Write down the question and your answer) What is the difference between atomic number and mass number? Card Sort Directions Place the cards under the name of the correct scientist. Don’t use your notes! Dalton Thomson 1) All matter made of tiny particles called atoms 2) All atoms of the same element are identical 3) Atoms are indivisible (can’t be broken into smaller parts) 4) Different atoms combine to make compounds 5) Atoms are rearranged during chemical changes Discovered Electrons Plum Pudding Model Rutherford Bohr Had the idea that electrons are in orbits around the nucleus Discovered that atoms have a nucleus 1 Is the mass of the water intensive or extensive? Extensive 2 Is the color of the water intensive or extensive? Intensive 3 Is the odor of the water intensive or extensive? Intensive 4 Is the volume of the water intensive or extensive? Extensive 5 Is the conductivity of the water intensive or extensive? (conductivity is ability to conduct electricity) Intensive 6 What is the difference in these isotopes of hydrogen? Isotope Hydrogen–1 (protium) Hydrogen-2 (deuterium) Hydrogen-3 (tritium) Nucleus They have different numbers of nuetrons. 7 Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different masses because they have different numbers of _____________. Neutrons 8 Mass Number is _________ + _________ Protons + Neutrons 9 Which two subatomic particles are found in the nucleus? Protons and Neutrons 10 Atomic Number is the number of ______ in an atom. Protons 11 How many protons does neon (Ne) have? 10 12 Write the nuclear notation of Neon – 22. 22 10 Ne 13 How many neutrons would Neon-22 have? 12 14 Tell how many protons, neutrons and electrons this atom would have: Neutrons = 7 F Electrons = 9 16 9 Protons = 9 15 2 of Dalton’s theories were wrong. which two are they? Dalton’s Theory (Postulates) 1) All matter made of tiny particles called atoms 2) All atoms of the same element are identical 3) Atoms are indivisible (can’t be broken down into smaller parts) 4) Different atoms combine to make compounds 5) Atoms are rearranged during chemical changes 16 Whose model of the atom is this? Rutherford 17 Whose model of the atom is this? Thomson 18 19 Whose model of the atom is this? What experiment does this picture go with? Gold Bohr Foil Experiment 20 Draw a Bohr Model of Helium-3 (use the correct numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons, and put them all in the right place!) Isotope Atomic Mass Percentage of Abundance Boron - 10 10.01 19.9% Boron - 11 11.01 80.1% Silicon - 28 Silicon - 29 Silicon - 30 27.97 28.97 29.97 92.2% 4.6% 3% Put the following into nuclear notation, and tell how many protons, neutrons, electrons each has. 1. Atomic Number 39, mass number 89 2. Xenon – 135 (symbol is Xe) 3. An atom that has 18 protons and 22 neutrons 4. Platinum-198 (symbol is Pt)