2nd 9 Weeks Exam Review

9 Weeks Test Review
Transition to Modern America
The Great Depression and New Deal
America Reacts to World at War
Characteristics of the Transition to Modern America
• Speculation
• Economic Boom
• The Great Migration
• Harlem Renaissance
The Great Migration
• The Great Migration was
when a large number of
African Americans
traveled from the South
to the North for better
economic opportunities.
Harlem Renaissance
• The Harlem Renaissance was a time period
where African American culture spread, which
included literature and music.
Social Darwinism
• Social Darwinism is the idea
that only the best suited
people will survive.
• This idea was applied to
business people, where
only the fittest would
survive in free marketplace.
Characteristics of the Great Depression
•Overproduction of industrial goods
•High tariffs on imported goods
•Monetary policy
•Buying Stocks on the margin
Great Depression
• 1930-1939
• Causes:
Prior overproduction of goods
High tariffs on imported goods
The decline of agriculture prices
Buying stocks on the margin (economic factor)
High tariffs assisted in the Great Depression because, it cut off U.S. exports
• Effect:
• Unemployment increased
• U.S. citizens of Mexican descent were deported
Emergency Banking Relief Act
• Emergency Banking Relief Act:
allowed banks that were in
good financial shape stay open
for business.
Banks in Texas
•In the 1930’s there
were fewer banks in
Texas that shut
down each year.
• FDR wanted to add more
supreme court judges, because
the supreme court declared
New Deal programs
• If Roosevelt was able to add
more judges then most likely he
would have appointed people
who supports his New Deal
America Reacts to
World at War
Munich Conference
•Great Britain and France hoped to
achieve peace through appeasement.
•In doing so they caved into Hitler’s
Lend Lease Act
• The US provided arms and
ships to friendly European
nations fighting Germany
• The Lend Lease Act helped
prepare the US to convert
to military production.
Economic Effect of WWII
• WWII helped end the
Great Depression
because the US
moved to war time
production which
created more jobs.
Pearl Harbor
•The Japanese
attack on Pearl
Harbor caused the
immediate US
entry into WWII.
A day that will live in infamy
•December 7th, 1941
is referred to as “A
day that will live in
infamy” because of
the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor.
Executive Order 9066
• Roosevelt to passed
the Executive Order
9066, which created
internment camps for
Japanese Americans
Presidential Powers
• During the time of war,
President Roosevelt’s
powers were expanded
because the nation was
in a state of emergency
American Patriotism
• Civilians helped the government pay for the war by
purchasing war bonds.
• Civilians were encouraged to plant Victory Gardens to help
conserve food for the soldiers overseas.
• The government also enforced civilian rationing in order to
increase the availability of supplies and products for the
war effort.
War Bonds
Victory Gardens
Rosie the Riveter
•Rosie the Riveter was
created in order to
encourage women to
work in factories.