Unit 5 – Prosperity and Depression - Vocabulary List Dates next to each section are assigned section reading dates. You are responsible for completing notes over these sections on the assigned nights. It is a good idea to complete the vocabulary for that section at the same time. You could potentially see quizzes over the reading/ vocabulary any time after the assigned reading. All vocabulary should be completed as you go through the reading. Make sure you use the assigned format and that all terms are numbered. Vocabulary should include all the important facts (who, what, where, when, how, and significance). The basic book definition may not always be enough information. Chapter 13.1 – A Booming Economy – H.W. 11/19 1. Henry Ford 2. Mass Production 3. Model T 4. Scientific management 5. Assembly line 6. Consumer Revolution 7. Installment buying 8. Bull Market 9. Buying on Margin Chapter 13.2 – The Business of Government – H.W. 11/20 10. Andrew Mellon 11. Herbert Hoover 12. Teapot Dome Scandal 13. Calvin Coolidge 14. Washington naval Disarmament Conference 15. Kellogg-Braind Pact 16. Dawes Plan Chapter 13.3 – Social and Cultural Tensions – H.W. 11/26 17. Modernism 18. Fundamentalism 19. Scopes Trial 20. Clarence Darrow 21. Quota System 22. Ku Klux Klan 23. Prohibition 24. Eighteenth Amendment 25. Volstead Act 26. Bootlegger Chapter 13.4 – A New Mass Culture – H.W. 11/27 27. Charlie Chaplin 28. The Jazz Singer 29. Babe Ruth 30. Charles Lindbergh 31. Flapper 32. Sigmund Freud 33. “Lost Generation” 34. F. Scott Fitzgerald 35. Ernest Hemingway Chapter 13.5 – The Harlem Renaissance – H.W. 11/28 36. Marcus Garvey 37. Jazz 38. Louis Armstrong 39. Bessie Smith 40. Harlem Renaissance 41. Claude McKay 42. Langston Hughes 43. Zora Neale Hurston Chapter 14.1 – Causes of the Depression – H.W. 11/30 1. Herbert Hoover 2. Speculation 3. Black Tuesday 4. Business cycle 5. Great Depression 6. Hawley-Smoot Tariff Chapter 14.2 – American’s Face Hard Times – H.W. 12/3 7. Bread Line 8. Hooverville 9. Tenant Farmer 10. Dust bowl 11. Okies 12. Repatriation Chapter 14.3 – Hoover’s Response Fails – H.W. 12/4 13. Localism 14. Reconstruction Finance Corporation 15. Hoover Dam 16. Bonus Army 17. Douglas MacArthur Chapter 15.1 – FDR Offers Relief and Recovery – H.W. 12/6 1. Franklin D. Roosevelt 2. Eleanor Roosevelt 3. New Deal 4. Fireside Chat 5. FDIC 6. TVA 7. CCC 8. NRA 9. PWA 10. Charles Coughlin 11. Huey Long Chapter 15.2 – The Second New Deal – H.W. 12/7 12. Second New Deal 13. WPA 14. John Maynard Keynes 15. Pump priming 16. Social Security Act 17. Wagner Act 18. Collective Bargaining 19. Fair Labor Standards Act 20. CIO 21. Sit-Down Strikes 22. Court Packing Chapter 15.3 - Effects of the New Deal – H.W. 12/10 23. Black Cabinet 24. Mary McLeod Bethune 25. Indian New Deal 26. New Deal coalition 27. Welfare State Chapter 15.4 – Culture of the 1930’s – H.W. 12/11 28. The Wizzard of Oz 29. Frank Capra 30. War of the Worlds 31. Federal Art Project 32. Mural 33. Dorthea Lange 34. John Steinbeck 35. Lillian Hellman