File - Wilkins' Geography

Unit 1: Geography- Nature and Its Perspective
Study Guide
Five themes of Geography
o definition and examples of each
Two Type of Geography (know different aspects of each)
o Physical Geography
o Human Geography
o Cartography
o Types of Maps
 Mental, choropleth, cartogram, dot, flow, isoline, proportional symbol
 Know what they look like
o Distortion
 Four types of Distortion
o Projections
 Mercator, Gall-Peters, Homosline, Robinson
 Know problems with each
o Scale (ratio, graphic, graphic, fraction)
 Small scale map (examples)
 Large scale map (examples)
o Latitude
 Parallels
 Equator
o Longitude
 Meridians
 Prime Meridian/International Date Line
o Location (absolute and relative)
US Land Ordinance of 1785
Contemporary Geography Tools
o Remote Sensing
o Toponym
o Site
o Situation
o Formal, functional, vernacular
o Know examples of each
o Cultural Landscape
o Cultural Barriers
o Globalization
Spatial Distribution
o Density
o Concentration
 Dispersed & clustered
o Pattern
 Linear, random, centralized, rectilinear
Unit 1: Geography- Nature and Its Perspective
Study Guide
 Examples
Diffusion (contagious, stimulus, relocation, hierarchical)
o Relocation
o Expansion
 Contagious, stimulus, hierarchical
o examples and pictures
o Hearth
o Distance Decay
Environmental Determinism
This is just a summary of what we have discussed during Unit 1.
Please be sure to read your SQ3R notes. Anything we have read
or discussed in class is testable material. Happy studying 