AP Psychology: “Confusing Pairs” The below sheet contains a number of terms and concepts from AP Psychology that are frequently confused with each other All of the below terms can be found in the textbook, in your notes, or both. My recommendation would be in the space below each term/concept: o Define it o Give an example o Write which unit the term/concept comes from Basically, make sure that you: o Completely and utterly understand each of the below terms/concepts. o Are able to apply each term/concept in a real world setting o Understand how the two terms/concepts in each pair are different from each other. I will not be collecting or checking this assignment. Independent Variable vs. Dependent Variable Experimental Group vs. Control Group Sympathetic Nervous System vs. Parasympathetic Nervous System Neurotransmitters vs. Hormones Lateral Hypothalamus vs. Ventromedial Hypothalamus Broca’s Area vs. Wernicke’s Area Identical twins vs. Fraternal twins Afferent Neurons vs. Efferent Neurons Assimilation vs. Accommodation Concrete Operational vs. Formal Operational Sensation vs. Perception Rods vs. Cones Classical Conditioning vs. Operant Conditioning Primacy Effect vs. Recency Effect Proactive Interference vs. Retroactive Interference Implicit Memory vs. Explicit Memory Recall vs. Recognition Algorithms vs. Heuristics Representative Heuristics vs. Availability Heuristics Phonemes vs. Morphemes Fluid Intelligence vs. Crystallized Intelligence Validity vs. Reliability Achievement Test vs. Aptitude test Intrinsic Motivation vs. Extrinsic Motivation Internal Locus vs. External Locus Type A vs. Type B Antagonist vs. Agonist Schizophrenia vs. Dissociative Identity Disorder Positive correlation vs. Negative correlation Random selection vs. Random sampling Random selection vs. Random assignment Measures of Central Tendency vs. Measures of Variation Mean vs. Median Effector cells vs. Sensory receptor Additive color theory vs. Subtractive color theory Hyperopia vs. Myopia Frequency theory vs. Place theory Vision: Long wavelengths vs. Vision: Short wavelengths Vision: High amplitudes vs. Vision: Low amplitudes Hearing: Long wavelengths vs. Hearing: Short wavelengths 42 Hearing: High amplitudes vs. Hearing: Low amplitudes Top-down processing vs. Bottom-up processing Ratio schedule vs. Interval schedule Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia vs. Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia Semantics vs. Syntax James-Lange theory vs. Cannon-Bard theory What are the differences amongst the four lobes in terms of sensory processing Frontal lobe vs. Parietal lobe vs. vs. Occipital lobe Schachter two-factor theory vs. Temporal lobe