This area has the largest bundle of nerve fibers in the brain

Corpus Callosum
It connects the two sides
of the brain. It carries
messages between the
left and right
hemispheres of the
brain. This area has the
largest group of nerve
cells in the brain.
it the sound that you
Broca’s Area
Limbic system
It is named for a doctor
who found this area of
the brain. It is located in
the left hemisphere of
the brain and allows you
to speak.
Frontal Lobe
The front of the brain
(just behind the
forehead). It necessary
for making decisions
and plans, especially in
safe, smart ways.
Parietal Lobe
It has a major role in
touch, pressure and
temperature. It tells you
how hot a hard-boiled
egg is, and how you
could pick it up without
breaking it.
Occipital Lobe
Located at the rear of
the head. It takes
information from the
eyes and makes it a
picture that you “see.”
Temporal Lobe
Located on the side of
the head, above the ears.
Interestingly, each lobe
takes sound from the
opposite ear and makes
The "little brain." It
helps with body
movement and balance.
It contains the
hippocampus and
amygdala. It controls
emotions, memories,
and bodily desires like
hunger, sex, and thirst.
The oldest area of the
brain. It is located just
above the backbone, and
it includes the medulla
and the reticular
formation. It controls
simple functions that are
needed to stay alive.
It is responsible for
behaviors like eating,
drinking, and body
It receives sensory
information from eyes,
ears, mouth, and skin.
Then, it sends the
information to other
parts of the brain. It also
gives directions about
the senses.
The two halves of the
brain. The left plans and
thinks, and the right
makes ideas and art. The
two pieces communicate
and work together.
It controls basic,
unconscious functions
like breathing, heartbeat,
and coughing.
A part of the brain that
forms memories.
Without it, you would
not be able to remember
It creates emotions,
especially anger and
fear. It also creates
happy feelings.
Motor Cortex
It plans and directs the
actions of muscles. For
example, a person lifting
weights sends orders to
the arm muscles,
resulting in movement
(lifting the weights).
Cerebral Cortex
The outer part of the
brain. It is the main
control center and
information processing
center. It is not required
for simple actions, but is
needed for deep
Reticular formation
It controls sleep and
Refers to physical
movements like walking
or running.
Consists of all the senses
including pain.
Encompasses breathing,
heart rate and blood
Refers to alertness,
sleeping, and various
conscious states.