
Mastery Learning and Grading:
Grading so that Everyone Can Learn
Ryan Gantner
Eileen Lynd-Balta
14 November 2008
History and Literature
Bloom (1966) introduced “Learning
for Mastery” (LFM)
Keller (1966) introduced
“Personalized System of
Instruction” (PSI)
History and Literature
Lee Shulman:
“…the greatest barrier to student
learning is the insane way in which
we use time.”
“Our fundamental error…is that we
treat time as a constant and permit
achievement to vary.”
History and Literature
“I'm not suggesting we revive the
somewhat dormant methods of
mastery learning.”
Abundance of literature in 1970s
and 1980s
Adapting to a college setting
Reality: time is fixed!
Time is scarce
Benefits of Mastery Learning
Explicit set of expectations for
student learning
Link between performance and
grading is very clear
Students cannot ignore unwanted
Students are not penalized for
learning at a slower pace
Drawbacks of Mastery Learning
“Checklist” attitude allows students
to seek path of least resistance
Too much work for instructor
Ryan: Math 120 (Calculus 1)
7 topics
 Topic mastery is minimum required to
 Extra “bonus” activities allow student
to better his/her grade
Contrast with previous semesters
Eileen: Human Anatomy (BIOL 105)
“My grades accurately reflect my
performance in this class.”
“Your active participation in the course is
an important key to your success.”
How should it be factored into grade?
Assessment Profile
6 exams
90 pts content + 10 pts engagement
 Learning objectives provided in advance
 lowest exam dropped
Cumulative lab exam (100 pts)
Cumulative course exam (150 pts)
If you participate in class discussions,
AND collaborate with your peers,
AND contribute positively to the
class/lab, AND complete
assignments, AND have an
organized binder, AND have no
unexcused absences, then you can
earn up to 10 points on each of the
first six exams.
However, any of the following will
result in a loss of up to 10 points
on each of the first six exams:
unexcused absence(s), OR
missing/poor quality assignment(s),
OR unorganized/incomplete binder,
OR tardiness, OR an unwillingness
to work collaboratively with your
peers, OR being disruptive in
class/lab, OR using cell phone
during class/lab.
Mandatory Meetings
Anyone scoring below 60/90 pts
At meeting, review:
current level of participation
discuss strategies to improve
No meeting, no participation points
Informative discussion
Cumulative Final Exams
Essential knowledge
student’s help decide content
If combined average on cumulative lab
exam and cumulative final course exam is
<60%, then that student will earn no
higher than a D+ for the final course
Grading so that Everyone Can Learn
Clear expectations
Formative assessment
Activity: how can you use this?
Maximize Benefits (clear
expectations, minimal “one-shot”
grading, motivation)
Minimize drawbacks (checklist
attitude, instructor time, learnthen-forget)