EEX 3942 – Internship I – Exceptional Education
EXED Internship Coordinator:
Spring 2007
Course Description:
This internship experience includes student teaching in both an elementary and a secondary Exceptional
Education setting under the direction of certified exceptional education teachers. Interns are in the schools all day Monday and Tuesday unless there has been prior approval for different days/times from the
Exceptional Education Program coordinator. Students should keep teacher hours and make up any absences. Remember to check the text for other information.
Three (3) semester hours.
Required Texts:
No text is required
Supplemental Texts:
Online course packet is available at the Clinical Experiences website.
Your College Coordinator will provide you with a syllabus, copies of forms and lists of assignments
Course Objectives:
Contacting the Professor
Office Hrs:
Key : ESE= Florida Subject Area Competencies
CEC = Council of Exceptional Education Competencies
FEAP/PEC = Florida Educators Accomplished Practices
PEC = Professional Educators Competencies
ESOL = English for Speakers of Other Languages
ISTE = International Society for Technology in Education
Objectives Standards and
Demonstrate knowledge of subject matter. FEAP/PEC 8; ESE 3.4; 3.5;
Demonstrate knowledge/understanding of students
Plan and prepare effective lessons to include objectives, procedures, materials, and evaluation.
FEAP/PEC-7; ESOL 2, 12,
PEC 14; CEC-GC2K4;
IC2K1, K2, K3, K4
FEAP/PEC-10; ESE 3.3, 3.5;
14; IC7S2,S3,S4
Students’ Outcomes/ Evidence
Lesson plans
Organization and Management papers
Lesson plans, Critical Thinking lesson plans, and Lesson plans with adaptations for ELL students
Use effective presentation skills:
Employ proper questioning techniques.
Give specific feedback.
Provide clear, explicit directions.
Cue choral response.
Repeat concepts
Provide adequate wait time.
Use teacher modeling, peer modeling and positive repetition.
Work effectively with individuals and small groups
Evaluate, select, and employ appropriate instructional materials, media, and technology for ESOL at elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Employ effective classroom management techniques
Assess and monitor student performance
Use strategies that address academic diversity.
Create and maintain student records
Prepare appropriate lesson plans
Use instructional time properly.
Incorporate technology into teaching strategies
Demonstrate a variety of effective behavior management techniques
Relate well to students, faculty, staff, and administrators
Show an awareness of and a sensitivity to cultural differences and promote an acceptance and appreciation for cultural diversity.
Demonstrate positive regard for the cultures, religion, gender, and sexuality of students
FEAP/PEC-2, 10; ESE 3.6,
5.3; CEC-GC1K9, GC5S4;
FEAP/PEC 7, 9;
FEAP/PEC 7; ESE 3.7, 3.5;
CEC-GC4S3; ESOL 6, 15;
ISTE 2, 5; PEC 14; IC4K1,
K3, K4;
FEAP/PEC 9; ESE 6.2, 4.3,
4.5; CEC GC4S9; CEC
IC4S3; IC8S7
FEAP/PEC-1; ESE 2.4, 2.5,
3.1, 3.2; ESOL 14, 20; CEC
IC8K1, K2;
FEAP/PEC-5; ESOL 4, 6;
14; IC3S1; IC5S4,S6
FEAP/PEC-1; ESE 2.4, 2.5,
PEC 14
FEAP/PEC-12; ESE 5.4,
ESOL 15; ISTE 3; PEC 14
FEAP/PEC-9; ESE 4.4;
GC7S1, GC8S1;
5.3; PEC 14
Audio taped lessons;
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Precision Teaching Project
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Lesson Plans with adaptations
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback
Behavior Management Project
Coordinator/Teacher Observation
and Feedback
Coordinator/Teacher Observation and Feedback;
Log, Lesson Plan with adaptations
for ELL students
Audiotape; Coordinator/Teacher
Observation and Feedback
Demonstrate dependability and
Show initiative and extra effort.
Standards and Competencies
Show interest and enthusiasm when working with students
Maintain confidentiality at all times.
Students’ Outcomes/
Observation and Feedback
Observation and Feedback
Observation and Feedback
Observation and Feedback
Log; Coordinator/Teacher
Observation and Feedback
Log; Coordinator/Teacher
Observation and Feedback
Log; Coordinator/Teacher
Observation and Feedback
Learns from peers and colleagues and develops professional relationships.
FEAP/PEC 3 growth by participating in training and other
Professional development experiences
Works as a reflective practitioner and FEAP/PEC 3, 4 develops the skills to recognize problems, research solutions, and evaluate outcomes.
Shows evidence of reflection and improvement in her/his performance in
FEAP/PEC 3 teaching and learning activities
Use effective communication skills
Use effective verbal and nonverbal communication
FEAP/PEC 2; ESE 5.1, 5.2, 5.3;
ESOL 7, 8; PEC 14
Observation and Feedback
Observation and Feedback
Observation and Feedback;
Management Paper
Audiotape Check for understanding
Print/write legibly and accurately
Record reflective self-evaluation comments in a Log
Use copyrighted educational materials in an ethical manner
Observation and Feedback
Create instructional materials
Practice within the CEC Code of Ethics and other standards and policies of the
FEAP/PEC 6; ESE 1.2 Coordinator/Teacher
Observation and Feedback profession
ESOL Competencies
Artifacts for the ESOL portfolio
Submission of classroom evaluation report
15 Development and evaluation of a student’s IEP and LEP
Course Requirements:
All students are expected to exhibit the Personal Attributes set forth by the College of Education Code of
Professional Conduct and UCF’s Golden Rule.
It is important for you to project a positive and professional image at all times. This should be reflected in your dress, attitude, communication skills, and in your interpersonal relationships.
Complete your First-Day Report during your first day of school and fax or bring it to your College
Attend school at your internship placement. No absences are allowed. All absences must be made up. If you must be absent, contact your Supervising Teacher and College Coordinator.
Arrive on time and keep teacher hours. KEEP SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
Dress appropriately.
Observe all school rules.
Conduct yourself in a professional manner.
Learn your students' names as soon as possible.
Maintain confidentiality regarding all matters pertaining to students and school personnel.
Attend two meetings during the semester -meeting dates and tunes will be shared with you during the preliminary internship meeting.
Turn in materials on time. If assignments turned past the assigned time without prior approval from your faculty Mentor, you will receive a grade of Incomplete on Internship I.
Schedule a meeting with your University Mentor after each audio tape to go over the audio evaluations.
Change in Internship Placement
Student interns may be removed from a site for the following reasons:
1. The student cannot complete assigned activities due to the supervising teacher's schedule, etc.
2. The supervising teacher becomes ill or for some reason must leave the class.
3. The teacher does not give the student at least weekly feedback.
4. The teacher or principal has requested that the student intern be removed.
5. The site does not provide opportunities for multicultural experiences or parent experiences.
Procedures for Changing Site Placements
1. Once a problem is identified with the site placement, the college coordinator is to meet with the supervising teacher to share concerns.
2. If the problem cannot be rectified, the college coordinator makes arrangements for a different placement for the student intern.
3. The student intern must complete the required amount of time in the new placement or the internship will be extended.
Withdrawal from Internship
Students may be withdrawn from Internship for the following reasons:
1. The student intern is not attempting to remediate identified problem areas.
2. The student intern has excessive absences (6 or more) and/or continued tardiness after two warnings for reasons other than documented illnesses.
3. The student intern demonstrates unethical behavior in conflict with the Code of Ethics of either the
University, College or school district.
4. The principal or supervising teacher asks that the student be removed.
5. The college coordinator may use her/his discretion to add hours to the internship experience instead of withdrawing the intern for the previously stated reasons.
Early Release from Internship I
Student teachers are not released early from the Internship I experience under any circumstances except as noted above.
Evaluation of Student Interns
College coordinators evaluate student interns in their school placement. Exceptional education faculty will serve as Faculty Mentors and will be responsible for the grading of certain requirements (see Requirements page) and for giving feedback on the audio tapes.
Evaluation of College Coordinators
Forms are available for student interns and supervising teachers to evaluate college coordinators concerning their supervisory performance and the student teaching experience.
Work Required In Each Placement
1 st
2 nd
Due date 1 Due date 2
1. Submission of classroom evaluation report (2): A description and evaluation of organization structure in all observed classrooms, center, etc (2 nd week of each
placement) Turn into Dr. Blanes
2. Submission of classroom management report (2): A description and evaluation of management structure in all observed classrooms, center, etc (2 nd week of each
placement) * Turn into Dr. Blanes
3. Log of experience including pictures of bulletin board, activities, etc. (end of each placement). Be sure to use a narrative format and not just a list of events. Turn into Dr.
4. Audiotape sample of teaching with a complete written evaluation of your lesson. (4 th week of each placement) *
Turn into Dr. Blanes
End of 2 nd
Placement I
End of 2 nd
Placement I
Last Day of
Placement I
Last Day of
Placement I
End of 2 nd
Placement II
End of 2 nd
Placement II
Last Day of
Placement II
Last Day of
Placement II
5. Written lesson plans when you are directly responsible for instruction (4 th week of each placement) * Turn into Dr.
6. Examination and report of students’ IEPs (including samples from LEP students)
Last Day of
Placement I
Last Day of
Placement II
7. Write a lesson plan with adaptations for English
Language Learners when you are directly responsible for instruction (4 th or 5 th week of one placement) * Turn into
Dr. Blanes
8. Direct teaching of a skill with a small group
9. Observation of students in other settings such as Art, Music, or mainstreamed classes.
Work Required In Either Placement
10. A precision teaching monitoring project. * Turn into Dr. Blanes
11. A behavior management project. * Turn into your EEX 4601 Professor
12. Plan and teach a creative/critical thinking lesson with a small group of students.
Write up lesson. * Turn into Dr. Blanes
13. Preview and write a description of two pieces of software that you used with a student. Get
Evaluation form from Student Internship Manual. Turn into Dr. Blanes
14. Follow lesson plan of teacher.
15. One teacher made material to leave with supervising teacher.
16. Use the following technology if available: Overhead VCR, CD Rom, E-mail, Laser Disk,
Language Master, Internet, and Film Projector
Recommended Optional Activities
17. Observe in classrooms that have students with different exceptionalities
18. Observe a parent-teacher conference
19. Observe an IEP meeting
20. Observe and eligibility staffing
21. Teach Reading Mastery, Corrective Teaching, or another type of structured program
22. Other Student’s Choice
Course Evaluation Procedures
Grades for Internship I are Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U), or Incomplete (1). You will also receive an evaluation (Student Teacher Growth Profile) of your performance of the Internship I competencies, in both elementary and secondary settings, by your College Coordinator and your Supervising Teacher.
NOTE : Attached Please find Florida’s Educators Accomplished Practices Course Rubrics. Please use the following rubrics for completion of assigned course requirement.
Evidence of Professional
FEAP1: Assess
FEAP1: Assess
FEAP 10: Planning
Target (Advanced)
3 pts
Identifies an inappropriate behavior that is academic and socially valid.
Provides a detailed description of the behavior as it is currently happening using observable and measurable terms.
Includes a rationale for the selection of the behavior.
Operationally defines the replacement behavior using observable and measurable terms.
4 elements present
Conduct a functional assessment and develop a hypothesis to answer the following questions:
Under what circumstances is the problem behavior most likely or least likely to be observed (When?
Where? Who? What? Why?)
What consequences or results predictably follow the problem behavior? (What do they get? What do they avoid?)
What other issues are important influences on the behavior?
Answers all questions
Writes a complete behavioral objective for the replacement behavior.
Collect baseline
Design a behavioral intervention strategy suitable for the behavior and the student’s characteristics
(use your readings, class lectures, and ideas).
Identify a system of data collection appropriate for the selected behavior
4 elements present
2 points
Identifies an inappropriate behavior that is academic and socially valid.
Provides a detailed description of the behavior as it is currently happening using observable and measurable terms.
Includes a rationale for the selection of the behavior.
Operationally defines the replacement behavior using observable and measurable terms.
3 elements present
Conduct a functional assessment and develop a hypothesis to answer the following questions:
Under what circumstances is the problem behavior most likely or least likely to be observed (When?
Where? Who? What? Why?)
What consequences or results predictably follow the problem behavior? (What do they get? What do they avoid?)
What other issues are important influences on the behavior?
Answers 2 out of 3 questions
Writes a complete behavioral objective for the replacement behavior.
Collect baseline
Design a behavioral intervention strategy suitable for the behavior and the student’s characteristics
(use your readings, class lectures, and ideas).
Identify a system of data collection appropriate for the selected behavior
3 elements present
1 point
Identifies an inappropriate behavior that is academic and socially valid.
Provides a detailed description of the behavior as it is currently happening using observable and measurable terms.
Includes a rationale for the selection of the behavior.
Operationally defines the replacement behavior using observable and measurable terms.
2 elements present
Conduct a functional assessment and develop a hypothesis to answer the following questions:
Under what circumstances is the problem behavior most likely or least likely to be observed (When?
Where? Who? What? Why?)
What consequences or results predictably follow the problem behavior? (What do they get? What do they avoid?)
What other issues are important influences on the behavior?
Answers 1 out of 3 questions
Writes a complete behavioral objective for the replacement behavior.
Collect baseline
Design a behavioral intervention strategy suitable for the behavior and the student’s characteristics
(use your readings, class lectures, and ideas).
Identify a system of data collection appropriate for the selected behavior
2 elements present
0 points
Identifies an inappropriate behavior that is academic and socially valid.
Provides a detailed description of the behavior as it is currently happening using observable and measurable terms.
Includes a rationale for the selection of the behavior.
Operationally defines the replacement behavior using observable and measurable terms.
1-0 elements present
Conduct a functional assessment and develop a hypothesis to answer the following questions:
Under what circumstances is the problem behavior most likely or least likely to be observed (When?
Where? Who? What? Why?)
What consequences or results predictably follow the problem behavior? (What do they get? What do they avoid?)
What other issues are important influences on the behavior?
Does not answers questions
Writes a complete behavioral objective for the replacement behavior.
Collect baseline
Design a behavioral intervention strategy suitable for the behavior and the student’s characteristics
(use your readings, class lectures, and ideas).
Identify a system of data collection appropriate for the selected behavior
1-0 elements present
Performance Task: Observe and Assess classroom organization and management strategies at your internship placement. Be sure to address each component listed in this rubric
Target Acceptable Developing Unacceptable
#9 Learning
9-1; Evaluate the appropriateness of the physical environment for facilitating student learning and promoting safety.
9-2; Identify a repertoire of techniques for establishing rules and standards for behavior
Describes in details how students turn in and pick up their papers
Provides great detail of the teacher’s schedule including planning and lunch time
Describes in details the physical arrangements of the classroom.
Describes in details the multicultural materials that are in used in the classroom
Provides a general description of how students turn in and pick up their papers
Provides a general description of the teacher’s schedule including planning and lunch time
Provides a general description of the physical arrangements of the classroom.
Provides a general description of materials that are in used in the classroom
Mentions without explaining how students turn in and pick up their papers
Provides some information in regards to the teacher’s schedule
Mentions without explaining the physical arrangements of the classroom.
Mentions without explaining the multicultural materials that are in used in the classroom
Does not mentions or explains how students turn in and pick up their papers
Provides no information in regards to the teacher’s schedule
Does not mentions or explains the physical arrangements of the classroom.
Does not mentions or explains the multicultural materials that are in used in the classroom
Describes in details the multicultural materials that are in used in the classroom
Provides a general description of materials that are in used in the classroom
Describes in details the filing system and organization of materials used by the teacher
Provides a general description of the filing system and organization of materials used by the teacher
Mentions without explaining the multicultural materials that are in used in the classroom
Does not mentions or explains the multicultural materials that are in used in the classroom
Mentions without explaining the filing system and organization of materials used by the teacher
Does not mentions or explains the filing system and organization of materials used by the teacher
Describes in details the curriculum materials in use
Provides a general description of the curriculum materials in use
Describes in details how the teacher has
Provides a general description of how
Mentions without explaining the curriculum materials in use
Mentions without explaining how the
Does not mentions or explains the curriculum materials in use
Does not mentions or explains how the
students begin and end the session the teacher has students begin and end the session teacher has students begin and end the session teacher has students begin and end the session
Describes in details one or more
Provides a general description of an
Mentions without explaining an
Does not mentions or explains an effective teaching strategies effective teaching strategy effective teaching strategy effective teaching strategy
Performance Task: Observe and Assess classroom organization and management strategies at your internship placement. Be sure to address each component listed in this rubric.
Target Acceptable Developing Unacceptable
#9 Learning
9-2; Identify a repertoire of techniques for establishing rules and standards for behavior.
9-3; Identify strategies to involve students in establishing rules and standards for behavior
Lists and describes in detail the classroom rules.
Lists and describes in detail the teacher’s consequences for displaying inappropriate behaviors.
Lists and describes in detail the teacher’s consequences for displaying appropriate behaviors.
Provides a general description of the classroom rules.
Provides a general description of the teacher’s consequences for displaying inappropriate behaviors.
Provides a general description of the teacher’s consequences for displaying appropriate behaviors.
Mentions without explaining the classroom rules.
Provides some information in regards to the teacher’s consequences for displaying inappropriate behaviors.
Provides some information in regards to the teacher’s consequences for displaying appropriate behaviors.
Does not mentions or explains the classroom rules.
Provides no information in regards to the teacher’s consequences for displaying inappropriate behaviors.
Provides no information in regards to the teacher’s consequences for displaying appropriate behaviors.
Describes in details the transitional activities that the teacher uses.
Provides a general description of the transitional activities that the teacher uses.
Mentions without explaining the transitional activities that the teacher uses.
Does not mentions or explains the transitional activities that the teacher uses.
Describes in details the strategies the teacher uses with students that need more than the group management plan.
Provides a general description of the strategies the teacher uses with students that need more than the group management plan.
Mentions without explaining the strategies the teacher uses with students that need more than the group management plan.
Does not mentions or explains the strategies the teacher uses with students that need more than the group management plan.
Describes in details one or more motivational strategies the teacher uses to promote appropriate student behavior.
Provides a general description of the motivational strategies the teacher uses to promote appropriate student behavior.
Mentions without explaining the motivational strategies the teacher uses to promote appropriate student behavior.
Does not mentions or explains the motivational strategies the teacher uses to promote appropriate student behavior.
Describes in details any considerations that the teacher gives for students from diverse cultural
Provides a general description of the considerations that the teacher gives for students from diverse cultural
Mentions without explaining the considerations that the teacher gives for students from diverse cultural
Does not mentions or explains the considerations that the teacher gives for students from diverse cultural backgrounds. backgrounds. backgrounds. backgrounds.
10 Planning
Knowledge of how to plan and conduct lessons in a variety of learning environments that lead to student outcomes consistent with state and district standards.
Lesson includes a clear and appropriate overview aligned with the lesson. The teacher and the students both interact during the overview.
Lesson includes a clear and appropriate overview aligned with the lesson. The teacher states the information but the students do not interact.
Lesson includes an overview but is not clearly aligned with the lesson. The teacher states the information but the students do not interact.
There is no overview in the lesson plan.
10 Planning
Knowledge of how to plan and conduct lessons in a variety of learning environments that lead to student outcomes consistent with state and district standards.
2 Communication
2-3 Choose effective communication techniques for conveying high expectations for student learning.
7 Human
Developing and
7-1 Identify patterns of physical, social,
Lesson includes a clear rationale for the lesson The teacher and the students both interact while sharing the rationale.
The teacher sets clear and appropriate expectations. The teacher and the students both interact during the discussion of the expectations.
The teacher sets clear and appropriate objective. The teacher and the students both interact
Lesson includes a clear rationale for the lesson The teacher states the rationale, but there is no student interaction.
The teacher sets clear and appropriate expectations. The teacher states the expectations, but there is no student interaction
The teacher sets clear and appropriate objective. The teacher states the
Lesson includes a rationale but is not clear. The teacher states the information, but there is no student interaction.
The teacher vaguely describes the expectations.
The teacher vaguely describes the objective.
No rationale is provided in the lesson plan.
No expectations are provided in the lesson.
No objective is provided in the lesson.
and academic development of students
2 Communication
2-1 Identify appropriate techniques for leading class discussions
(e.g., listening, probing, and redirecting).
4 Critical Thinking:
4-1 Poses problems, dilemmas, and questions in lessons to develop critical thinking
2 Communication
2-3 Choose effective communication techniques for conveying high expectations for student learning.
2 Communication
2-1 Identify appropriate techniques for leading class discussions
(e.g., listening, probing, and redirecting).
2 Communication
2-2 Identify ways to correct student errors
(eg., modeling, providing and explanation or additional information, or asking additional questions.
during the discussion of the expectations.
Teacher pauses between questions giving the student a reasonable opportunity to respond. Teacher provides some scaffolding if necessary.
The lesson includes frequent questioning and a variety of activities to check for student comprehension
The teacher provided clear and appropriate directions. The teacher and the students rehearse and clarify the directions.
The teacher controls for the sophistication of vocabulary. Uses terms appropriate for the instructional level and uses multiple terms to ensure comprehension.
The teacher provides frequent and appropriate feedback to students.
Reinforces appropriate behaviors and answers and redirects and assist students that were not on target. objective, but there is no student interaction
Teacher briefly pauses between questions giving the student a short time to respond. Teacher provides some scaffolding if necessary
The lesson includes some questioning and a few activities to check for student comprehension
The teacher provided clear and appropriate directions. Teacher asks or verifies for comprehension of directions.
The teacher controls for the sophistication of vocabulary. Uses terms appropriate for the instructional level.
The teacher provides some feedback to students. Reinforces appropriate behaviors and answers and redirects and assist students that were not on target.
Teacher pauses between questions is very short and hardly allows students the opportunity to respond.
The lesson includes seldom questioning and no activities to check for student comprehension
The teacher provided general directions. The teacher does not verify comprehension of directions.
The teacher shows some control for the sophistication of vocabulary, but uses some terminology that may be considered higher than the instructional level.
The teacher provides some appropriate feedback to students.
Reinforces appropriate behaviors and answers, but does not redirects and assist students that were not on target.
Teacher does not pauses between questions.
The lesson includes no questions or activities to check for comprehension.
The teacher provides no clear directions.
The teacher does not control for the sophistication of vocabulary.
The teacher does not provides student feedback.
Human Development and Learning : Uses previously acquired knowledge to link new knowledge and ideas to already familiar ideas
Human Development and Learning: Uses alternative instructional strategies to develop concepts and principles and is aware of the rationale for choosing different methods
Critical Thinking:
Poses problems, dilemmas, and questions in lessons to develop critical thinking
Knowledge of
Subject Matter :
Communicates knowledge of subject matter in a manner that enables students to learn.
Knowledge of
Subject Matter : Uses the materials and technologies of the subject field in developing learning activities for students.
Lesson includes an appropriate review aligned with behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson. The teacher and the students both interact during the review.
The lesson plan includes different adaptations for students with disabilities as well as ELLs that are aligned with the objectives.
Lesson includes an appropriate review aligned with behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson. The teacher states the information but the students do not interact.
The lesson plan includes different adaptations for
ELLs that are aligned with the objectives but not for students with disabilities.
Lesson includes a review but it is not aligned with the behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson
The lesson plan includes one general adaptation (peer tutoring) for ELLs but not for students with disabilities and are not necessarily aligned with the objective.
The lesson includes two high level questions to develop critical thinking
There is no review in the lesson plan.
There are no adaptations included.
The lesson includes high level questions and at least one problem or dilemma to develop critical thinking.
The lesson plan presents the content being taught accurately and appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes hands on materials and technologies in the presentation of the content being taught.
The lesson includes more than two high level questions to develop critical thinking
The lesson plan presents the content being taught with some inaccuracies but in the appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes hands on materials and materials other than the textbook but no technologies in the presentation of the content being taught.
The lesson plan presents the content being taught inaccurately but in the appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes only the text book in presenting the content being taught.
The lesson includes no high level questions.
* EEX 3942 Critical/Creative Thinking Lesson Plan Rubric
The lesson plan presents the content being taught inaccurately but and not in the appropriate sequence.
There are no materials not even a text book included in the presentation of the content
Development and
Learning : Uses previously acquired knowledge to link new knowledge and ideas to already familiar ideas
Development and
Learning: Uses alternative instructional strategies to develop concepts and principles and is aware of the rationale for choosing different methods
Critical Thinking:
Poses problems, dilemmas, and questions in lessons to develop critical thinking
Knowledge of
Subject Matter :
Communicates knowledge of subject matter in a manner that enables students to learn.
Knowledge of
Subject Matter :
Uses the materials and technologies of the subject field in developing learning activities for students.
Lesson includes an appropriate review aligned with behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson. The teacher and the students both interact during the review.
The lesson plan includes different adaptations for students with disabilities as well as
ELLs that are aligned with the objectives.
Lesson includes an appropriate review aligned with behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson. The teacher states the information but the students do not interact.
The lesson plan includes different adaptations for
ELLs that are aligned with the objectives but not for students with disabilities.
The lesson includes high level questions and at least one problem or dilemma to develop critical thinking.
The lesson plan presents the content being taught accurately and appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes hands on materials and technologies in the presentation of the content being taught.
The lesson includes more than two high level questions to develop critical thinking
The lesson plan presents the content being taught with some inaccuracies but in the appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes hands on materials and materials other than the textbook but no technologies in the presentation of the content being taught.
Lesson includes a review but it is not aligned with the behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson
There is no review in the lesson plan.
The lesson plan includes one general adaptation (peer tutoring) for ELLs but not for students with disabilities and are not necessarily aligned with the objective.
There are no adaptations included.
The lesson includes two high level questions to develop critical thinking
The lesson plan presents the content being taught inaccurately but in the appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes only the text book in presenting the content being taught.
* EEX 3942 Academic Lesson Planning Rubric
The lesson includes no high level questions.
The lesson plan presents the content being taught inaccurately but and not in the appropriate sequence.
There are no materials not even a text book included in the presentation of the content
Development and
Learning : Uses previously acquired knowledge to link new knowledge and ideas to already familiar ideas
Development and
Learning: Uses alternative instructional strategies to develop concepts and principles and is aware of the rationale for choosing different methods
Critical Thinking:
Poses problems, dilemmas, and questions in lessons to develop critical thinking
Knowledge of
Subject Matter :
Communicates knowledge of subject matter in a manner that enables students to learn.
Knowledge of
Subject Matter :
Uses the materials and technologies of the subject field in developing learning activities for students.
Lesson includes an appropriate review aligned with behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson. The teacher and the students both interact during the review.
The lesson plan includes different adaptations for students with disabilities as well as ELLs that are aligned with the objectives.
Lesson includes an appropriate review aligned with behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson. The teacher states the information but the students do not interact.
The lesson plan includes different adaptations for
ELLs that are aligned with the objectives but not for students with disabilities.
Lesson includes a review but it is not aligned with the behavioral objective in the opening of the lesson
The lesson plan includes one general adaptation (peer tutoring) for ELLs but not for students with disabilities and are not necessarily aligned with the objective.
There is no review in the lesson plan.
There are no adaptations included.
Environments: and activities
Uses techniques to align student needs, instructional settings,
Monitors learning activities by providing feedback and reinforcement to students
The lesson includes high level questions and at least one problem or dilemma to develop critical thinking.
The lesson plan presents the content being taught accurately and appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes hands on materials and technologies in the presentation of the content being taught.
The lesson objective is aligned with the body, the guided and independent practice, the closing and the evaluation.
The lesson includes specific feedback as well as correction procedures.
The lesson includes more than two high level questions to develop critical thinking
The lesson plan presents the content being taught with some inaccuracies but in the appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes hands on materials and materials other than the textbook but no technologies in the presentation of the content being taught.
The lesson objective is aligned with the 4 out of the 5 major components (body, the guided and independent practice, the closing and the evaluation.)
The lesson includes feedback (but not specific)as well as correction procedures
The lesson includes two high level questions to develop critical thinking
The lesson plan presents the content being taught inaccurately but in the appropriate sequence.
The lesson includes only the text book in presenting the content being taught.
The lesson objective is aligned with the 3 out of the 5 major components (body, the guided and independent practice, the closing and the evaluation.)
The lesson includes feedback (but not specific) but no correction procedures
The lesson includes no high level questions.
The lesson plan presents the content being taught inaccurately but and not in the appropriate sequence.
There are no materials not even a text book included in the presentation of the content
The lesson objective is aligned with the 2 out of the 5 major components (body, the guided and independent practice, the closing and the evaluation.)
The lesson contains no feedback or correction procedures.
Planning: Plans and conducts lessons with identified student performance and learning outcomes based on standards required of students in
Florida Public
The lesson plan contains a well written behavioral objective, the IEP objective and the appropriate
Sunshine State
The lesson plan contains a partially written behavioral objective, the IEP objective and the appropriate
Sunshine State
The lesson plan contains an objective not written behaviorally, the
IEP objective and the appropriate
Sunshine State
The lesson plan contains an objective not written behaviorally, with no mention of the IEP objective and the appropriate Sunshine
State Standards
Performance Task: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of Precision Teaching to monitor student performance. You will turn in a narrative and a graph to document your work and the effectiveness of the instructional strategy you used.
A complete sample of probe is included
The probe is missing one element.
The probe is missing more than one element
No probe included appropriate methods, strategies, and evaluation instruments for assessing student levels, needs, performance, and learning.
A complete sample of the scoring data sheet is included
The data is charted without errors
The objective is written in behavioral terms.
The skill is clearly described.
Proper methodology is implemented (at least three sections of baseline and 6 sessions of intervention/strategies).
The results of intervention/strategies were described along with the recommendations. The student was involved in the data collection process.
The sample of scoring is missing one element
The data is charted with one error
The objective is stated in measurable terms but lacks criteria for meeting goal.
Proper methodology is implemented (at least three sections of baseline and 6 sessions of intervention/strategies).
The results of intervention/strategies n were not described along with the recommendations. The student was involved in the data collection process.
The sample of scoring is missing more than one element
The data was charted with more than one error
The objective is not written in measurable terms.
Proper methodology is not implemented (less than three sections of baseline and 6 sessions of intervention/strategies).
The results of intervention/strategies were not described along with the recommendations. The student was involved in the data collection process.
The sample of scoring is not completed
The data was charted with many errors
No objective is written
Proper methodology is not implemented
(less than three sections of baseline and 6 sessions of intervention/strateg ies). The results of intervention/strateg ies were not described along with the recommendations.
The student was not involved in the data collection process.
The paper contained all elements and was neatly done. Provides specific evaluation of
The paper was missing one element and contained a few grammatical and
The paper was missing more than one element and contained more than a few grammatical
The paper was not completed. Did not complete precision teaching
learning and standard interaction.
Presentation to class was precise and informative. spelling errors.
Provides general evaluation of learning and standard interaction.
Presentation to class and spelling errors.
Provides vague evaluation of learning and standard interaction.
Presentation to class assignment and did not present to class. was general and informative. was vague and informative.
Work Required In Each Placement
1. Submission of classroom evaluation report (2): A description and evaluation of organization structure in all observed classrooms, center, etc (2 nd week of each placement) *
2. Submission of classroom management report (2): A description and evaluation of management structure in all observed classrooms, center, etc (2 nd week of each placement) *
2, 3, 6 3. Log of experience including pictures of bulletin board, activities, etc. (end of each placement). Be sure to use a narrative format and not just a list of events.
2, 4, 7,
4, 7, 8,
9, 10
1, 11
4. Audiotape sample of teaching with a complete written evaluation of your lesson. (4 th week of each placement) *
5. Written lesson plans when you are directly responsible for instruction (4 th week of each placement) *
4, 5, 7,
6. Examination and report of students’ IEPs (including samples from LEP students)
7. Write a lesson plan with adaptations for English
Language Learners when you are directly responsible for instruction (4 th or 5 th week of one placement) *
10, 11 8. Direct teaching of a skill with a small group
1, 8 9. Observation of students in other settings such as Art, Music, or mainstreamed classes
Work Required In Either Placement
10. A precision teaching monitoring project. *
1, 10 11. A behavior management project. *
4, 7, 8 12. Plan and teach a creative/critical thinking lesson with a small group of students. Write up lesson. *
12 13. Preview and write a description of two pieces of software that you used with a student.
10, 11 14. Follow lesson plan of teacher.
15. One teacher made material to leave with supervising teacher.
16. Use the following technology if available: Overhead VCR, CD Rom, E-mail,
Laser Disk, Language Master, Internet, and Film Projector
Recommended Optional Activities
5, 7, 8,
2, 11 18. Observe a parent-teacher conference
11 19. Observe an IEP meeting
11 20. Observe and eligibility staffing
17. Observe in classrooms that have students with different exceptionalities
10, 11 21. Teach Reading Mastery, Corrective Teaching, or another type of structured program
22. Other Student’s Choice