THE UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE Faculty of Management Mgt 3815N – Women and Entrepreneurship in India Summer Session – 2012 Instructor: Indira Sharma, MBA Phone: 403 329 2167 E- Mail Office Hours: Thursdays / 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm by appointment on mail Course Times: Mon/Wed 1800-2050 Class Room: M 1060 Office: M4092 COURSE MATERIALS: Text: Vasanthagopal, R. & Santha, S. (2008). Women Entrepreneurship in India. New Century Publications, 4800/24, Bharat Ram Road, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110 002(India). Required readings: Material will be posted as and when required. DESCRIPTION The course is designed with the aim of providing holistic view about India with special reference to status of women and entrepreneurship. It highlights constitutional provisions, laws and schemes adopted in favour of women for their development. The concept of entrepreneurship will be discussed in the context of Indian women. Students will be guided to set up a venture in India with special reference to micro, small, medium enterprise. Case studies will be introduced to provide real life examples to understand women entrepreneurship in India. 1 COURSE OBJECTIVES To provide an overview of social, cultural, political, and economic environment of India To provide insight on the status of Indian women To highlight the role of government to encourage women’s development through constitutional provisions and special schemes To discuss entrepreneurship in the context of women in India. To provide guidance in profile development to start a new venture in India. Literature review on women entrepreneurship in India To make a real life learning with inclusion of cases and success stories from both rural and urban background from India. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Evaluation Scheme Components Weightage Pop quizzes Assign Date Due Dates On going 10% Attendance On going 10% Daily 10% Daily Active Participation Assignment 1: Poster making and 20% May14, 2012 May 16, 2012 20% May 23, 2012 June 11, 2012 30% June 4, 2012 June 20, 2012 presentation Assignment 2: Paper Review Presentation Assignment 3: Development and 2 presentation of Project Profile Grading Scale (Faculty Management Guidelines) Grade Percentage Grade Percentage Grade Percentage Grade Percentage Range Range Range Range A+ 95-100 B+ 82-85 C+ 70-73 D+ 58-61 A 90-94 B 78-81 C 66-69 D 50-57 A- 86-89 B- 74-77 C- 62-65 D- 00-49 Assignment Descriptions Copies of all assignments must be submitted in electronic format and in hard copy on the due date mentioned for each assignment. Presentation slides are to be submitted a day prior to the presentations. Grading will be done as per the rubric provided in the class. Assignment 1: Class will be divided into groups of three. Each group will create a poster reflecting the status of women in one of the eras – ancient period(Vedic) – (2000BCE – 500 BCE), later vedic period 600 BCE-1700 CE) and modern period (Post 1947). Poster must be tabloid size (in word – 11 inches X 17 inches); font used should be Times New Roman. The poster is to be presented in the class in not more than 15 minutes. Link for format: Due Date: May 16, 2012 3 Assignment 2: Literature review on Women and Entrepreneurship in India Themes: i. Reasons for Entrepreneurship ii. Characteristics and Status of Women Entrepreneurs in India iii. Problems of Women Entrepreneurship Students have to locate research articles on women and entrepreneurship in India and write a 4 – 5 page summary. A reference page, list of references should be included at the end. Reference pages will be counted outside the main content. APA format is to be followed to develop the paper.The paper is to be presented in the class in 25-30 minutes Due Date: June 11, 2012 Assignment 3: Proposal Writing and Presentation The entire process of development and presenting the Proposal for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) is itself a great learning about establishing a venture in India. Students will experience a real life situation and gain knowledge about the business and its process. Outline: APA cover page Table of contents References Margins: APA Margin Font: APA Line Spacing: Double space 4 This is a group work. Groups will be decided in class. Your proposal for Micro Small and Medium Enterprise should be on manufacturing enterprise based in any part of India. This proposal is presented by the group to class in 45 minutes. Due Date: June 20, 2012 Note: Link for APA Format Attendance & Participation I expect students to attend every class. Attendance is important because it is difficult to meet our objectives and to do well in the course when attendance is irregular. Arriving late and leaving early will not be entertained. The instructor must be notified prior to class if a student will be late or must leave early for legitimate reasons. Students will lose grade for attendance and quiz on the day of absence without a substantial reason. 10% weightage is assigned for each pop quiz, attendance and active participation in the class. Attendance and active participation will be graded regularly and there will be five short Surprise pop Quizzes held at random during class time. Case study Case studies provide an opportunity for the development of communication, group working, and problem solving skills. In addition to success stories common women entrepreneurial activities will be discussed. Such problem based learning encourages students enjoyment of the topic, and their desire to learn in a real life scenario. 5 Group work Different groups will be formed for different assignments. Students are advised to set specific targets and identify the roles of each individual. Group members name with responsibilities must be notified to the instructor during any group activity. Students are encouraged to share equal work load in the assigned group work and encourage sound learning environment. POLICIES Plagiarism Students cheating on a test or submitting plagiarized, copied, or duplicated work will automatically result an “F” in the course (ref: Student Discipline Policy--Academic Offenses and Discipline Procedures section of the University Calendar). The circumstances of any applied penalties will be thoroughly documented in your personal academic files. Ethical Conduct Ethical Conduct is expected from all students, in accordance with University policies as described in the University Calendar. Electronic courtesy All cell phones must be inactivated/switched-off during class. Laptops can be used in class to take class notes. Any student found to use laptops or any other hand held devices inappropriately will be considered to have violated the policy of academic honesty. 6 Weekly schedule Tentative Course Calendar and Contents Day Date Monday May 7, 2012 Introduction , discussion on course outline, course expectations, video clippings, introduction about India class activity: ice breaker May 9, 2012 Early civilizations of India Satus of women in different period: Ancient, Later Vedic and Modern. Wednesday Monday May 14, 2012 Topics to be covered Government, women friendly constitutional provisions, women development in India’s Five year Plans; discussions on schemes May 16, 2012 Poster presentation by students. Discussion on concepts/ characteristics of entrepreneurship in India Monday May 21, 2012 Statutory Holiday Wednesday May 23, 2012 Setting up a venture in India: Guidelines for prospective entrepreneurs in Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) May 28, 2012 Setting up a venture in India: Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) set up procedure Wednesday Monday 7 Required readings and activities Part 2 from the book: M. Mishra(2009).The Britanica Guide To India A comprehensive introduction to the world’s fastest growing country. Chapter 3 –Schemes Chapter 6 –Women Development in India’s Five year Plans Due Date Assignment 1 Chapter 1 – women Entrepreneurship: An Introduction /howtosetup/guidenewssi.h tm Chapter 4 – Government agencies promoting women entrepreneurship in India /howtosetup/getstart.htm Wednesday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday May 30, Social entrepreneurship and social marketing 2012 with examples in an Indian social change. June 4, 2012 Literature review on: i. Reasons for Entrepreneurship ii. Characteristics and status of women wntrepreneurs iii. Problems of Women Entrepreneurship iv. Role of Government Agencies and Financial Institutions June 6, 2012 Women & Agriculture ( Guest lecture) June 11, Individual presentation of literature review to 2012 the class and discussion on it. Material will be posted Chapter 2 - Women Entrepreneurship: studies in India and abroad Subjective to change Due date for Assignment 2 June 13, 2012 June 18, 2012 Women & Agriculture ( Guest lecture)/ Case discussion on successful women entrepreneurs from rural & urban India. Subjective to change Reading material will be posted June 20, 2012 Project profile presentation and discussion; final review of the course Due date Assignment3. 8