Electronic Learning and Assessment: Intranet and Internet


Electronic Learning and


Intranet and Internet

Leon Litvack




 Examine the context for use of C&IT in

English studies

 Demonstrate model from intranet VLE, for undergraduates

 Demonstrate model using internet at postgraduate level, in constructing research resource in the public domain

 Consider how C&IT can be used for summative assessment, in context of degree in English studies


Benchmark statement: defining principles for English degree

 Develop critical thinking & judgement

 Engage students imaginatively in reading & analysing literary & non-literary texts

 Develop range of subject specific and transferable skills, including high-order conceptual, literacy & communication skills

 Provide intellectually stimulating & satisfying experience of learning & studying

 Encourage enthusiasm for subject, & appreciation of continuing social & cultural importance

Source: 3 http://www.qaa.ac.uk/crntwork/benchmark/english.pdf


Transferable outside the discipline:

 oral & written communication skills

 interpersonal skills (work in a group context)

 time-management skills

 collate & process information from a variety of sources

 respond positively and productively to feedback

 think creatively and flexibly in diverse situations

 basic word-processing & other IT skills

Source: QUB English programme specification


Dearing Report (1997)

‘We believe that the innovative application of...

C&IT holds out much promise for improving the quality, flexibility and effectiveness of higher education. The potential benefits will extend to, and affect the practice of, learning and teaching and research’

Does achieving Dearing’s vision of a ‘learning society’, aided by developments in internet / intranet based software systems

NECESSARILY apply to all teachers and learners?

Consider your objectives carefully 5

Incorporation of IT into curriculum -- considerations

 For staff

 Worth time spent?

 Training

 Applications for other areas of activity?

 Relation to career advancement

 For students

 Worth time spent?

 Training

 Skills


Other considerations

 Pedagogic criteria

 Teaching Facilities

 Appropriate environment

 Features, specifications & cost of software

 Access to terminals outside class time

 Support

 Department

 Central IT services


Intranet or internet?

 Intranet

 Private network

 Admission across firewall

 Requires authorisation

 Useful for delivering & sharing information on selective basis


 Internet

 Public network

 No authorisation required

 Useful for delivering & sharing information on global basis

 Consider usefulness of information to outside users

 What level of scrutiny to ensure accuracy of content?


Intranet model – Virtual

Learning Environment (VLE)

 Creates micro-world – allows teacher to construct learning activities enriched by multimedia resources

 Curriculum divided into assessable/ recordable elements

 Student activity & achievement can be tracked

 Online learning supported by staff & peers

 Offers central & remote access


Features of prototypical VLE


Demonstration of Queen’s Online VLE http://www.qnet.qub.ac.uk/


Features of VLE

 University-wide (only one system to learn)

 Linked to student records database

 Single sign-on for all university systems

 Time to learn system – 1 hour

 Easily navigable

 Satisfies demand for acquisition of specific skills


Flexibility of time and place of access

Copes with increased student numbers – esp. undergraduates

 Sharing and re-use of resources

 Facilitates Student-centred learning

 Enhances variety of teaching and learning strategies

 Supports constructivist conversational approaches to learning (see Laurillard,

Rethinking University Teaching:A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational

Technology [London: Routledge, 1993])

 Can reduce administrative burden


 Information can be disseminated quickly

 Photocopying bill for course packs eliminated for department

– cost transferred to students!

 Information remains in-house: not published to wider world


Caveats re: particular VLE

 Rigid & hierarchical

 Designed for delivery rather than interaction -flow of information is largely one-way (tutor to student)

 Only recognises official (QUB) email addresses for students

 Students cannot email each other through VLE

 One person controls information (implications for team-taught modules)

 Favours IE browser (not Netscape)


General considerations for


 Planning of teaching sessions requires more staff time & care

 Proactive attitude demanded from staff, to ensure that students are coping – esp. in early stages


Particular Use of Queen’s


 A wrap-around (50/50) system (see

Mason, ‘Models of Online Courses’ [1998])

 course materials wrapped by activities

 online interactions and discussions occupy roughly half the students' time


Summatively Assessed elements

 Student presentations (delivered via

PowerPoint) – 10%

 Individual effort (collaborative work harder to assess in terms of individual input)

 Approach to topic discussed with student beforehand, and among students working in same area


 Contribution to asynchronous, threaded online discussion – 10%

 Requires careful planning & structuring

 provide specific tasks (e.g. developing answers to set questions in readings)

 Set deadline by which contributions must be made

 Other elements:

 Assessed essay (students design own questions)

 Exam


Criteria for assessment

 Consistent across the English curriculum

 Relevance – also considers implications, assumptions, & nuances of the issue/question

 Knowledge – demonstrates breadth and range of reading

 Analysis – analytical treatment of evidence, resulting in clear synthesis

 Argument & Structure – coherent response to issue/question

 Originality – distinctive response, showing independence of thought and approach

 Presentation – includes spelling & syntax, readable style, use of particular medium, appropriate documentation

Source: http://www.qub.ac.uk/en/ug/Marking-criteria.doc


Pedagogic Issues for VLEs

Particular Models

Lee & Thompson (QUB), ‘Teaching at a Distance:

Building a Virtual Learning Environment’ (MSc in computer-based learning)

 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/jtap/htm/jtap-033.html

 Stiles, COSE (Staffordshire)

 http://www.staffs.ac.uk/COSE/cose10/welcome10.html


Comparative Studies

Landon (Douglas College, BC), ‘Online Delivery

Applications: A Web Tool for Comparative Analysis’

 http://www.ctt.bc.ca/landonline/

Britain and Liber (Univ. of Wales, Bangor), ‘A

Framework for Pedagogical Evaluation of Virtual

Learning Environments’ (assesses various VLEs, including COSE)

 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/jtap/htm/jtap-041.html


General Principles

Mason (Open Univ.), ‘Models of Online Courses’

 http://www.aln.org/alnweb/magazine/vol2_issue2/Masonfinal.htm

 JISC, Requirements for a VLE

 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/pub00/req-vle.html

 JISC, Managed Learning Environments

 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/jtap/theme-L.html


Internet Model – The

Imperial Archive

Used in conjunction with Queen’s Online


 Aim: dissemination of student-generated material to the wider world as a research resource


Demonstration of Imperial Archive http://www.qub.ac.uk/en/imperial/imperial.htm


Project’s origins relate to Laurillard’s

‘conversational framework’


Student-centred learning at the heart of project development

Smaller numbers – allows more time with each student

VLE used in ‘wrap-around’ (50/50) manner

 Material assessed according to standard

English curriculum criteria:

 Relevance

 Knowledge

 Analysis

 Argument & Structure

 Originality

 Presentation


 Material for Imperial Archive generated in HTML

 Scrutinised online by internal & external examiners

 Project worth 15% of overall mark

 PowerPoint presentation – 10%

 5000-word assessed essay – 75%


Recognition of project’s success

‘footfall’ through archive -http://www.qub.ac.uk/en/logs/

External examiners’ reports

 Feedback from students

 Dissemination of methodology through http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/publish/comtxt/ct16-17/litvack.html



 Many ways to use C&IT systems

Importance of staff-student and studentstudent interaction in the class

Focus on educational needs – not technology

 Time spent must justify learning goals achieved

 Consider how you currently teach, and how this might be improved

 Consider the strengths & weaknesses of the technology when planning/ modifying courses 31

 Do not necessarily abandon what you already do well

 Make sure adequate support is offered to staff

& students

 Prerequisites:


 Other in-house IT training?

Plan for disasters – network failure, power failure

 Assessment methods:

 Comparable to those used in ENGLISH learning environments not employing C&IT?

 Use of marking criteria?


 Bear in mind contribution made to

 Subject knowledge & understanding

 Intellectual skills

 Subject-specific skills

 Key skills



Presentation may be viewed online at


