PLANS, TRANS, & FANS COURSE TITLE CRN SECTION NUMBER SEMESTER CLASS MEETING DAYS, TIMES, & LOCATION INSTRUCTOR’S NAME EMAIL OFFICE HOURS & LOCATION G(W) Introduction to Rhetoric & Narrative Section Fall 2014 K. Lauridsen University and department PLANS COURSE DESCRIPTION ENC 1143: Introduction to Rhetoric and Narrative is part of UNF’s General Education Program, which is based on a model of reflective judgment. In this model, each General Education course addresses discipline-specific versions of meta-level questions—that is, questions about questions—concerning some topic or issue. What one asks about global warming, for example, depends on what perspective one adopts. The knowledge about global warming that is available in different disciplines—biology, meteorology, economics, political science, and ethics, among others—is the result of posing and answering different kinds of questions. The General Education Program asks you to examine the differences among the kinds of questions that it is possible to ask, to pay attention to what constitutes an important and well-formed question in any particular field of study, and to understand how the way a question is formulated limits the answers it is possible to arrive at. The General Education Program at UNF, then, asks you to ask yourself, “How, when, and with what consequences do different disciplines ask different kinds of questions? Why do they ask certain questions rather than others? Are there questions that are off limits? What kind of information is necessary in order to answer the question at hand?” In sum, the General Education Program asks you to reflect on the very way you yourself formulate questions. After completing the General Education writing courses at UNF, student will: 1. Demonstrate skills that prepare them to ask meta-level questions of texts and tasks that they may encounter in their disciplinary coursework but also ask these types of questions of all texts. 2. Demonstrate skills that prepare them for discipline-specific writing and research tasks. 3. Demonstrate skills that prepare them to cooperate on writing and presentations tasks that they may encounter in their coursework, careers, and community lives. Florida State Mandated Student Learning Outcomes for General Education This course works to achieve the goals outlined in the Student Outcomes for General Education. General Education goals include (i) thinking critically, (ii) solving problems, and (iii) expressing oneself. ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative Student Learning Outcomes of ENC at UNF Following the model of reflective judgment, ENC 1143 seeks to achieve the general educational aims by introducing students to the practice of reading and writing in the academy. To this end, ENC1143 asks students to achieve a benchmark level of success in each of four areas, and does so by asking various questions: 1. What are concepts related to rhetoric and writing? Specifically, what is the rhetorical situation? What is rhetorical analysis? What questions can you ask in order to discover the extent of intellectual mastery of any concept? 2. What is meant by “style” related in composition? What are the markers of syntactical fluency, diction, and tone? How can you talk to yourself in order to improve your fluency, diction, and tone? 3. What is meant by “mechanics” of composition? How can you talk to yourself in order to recognize and then correct such “mechanical” errors? 4. What is revision? How can you talk to yourself in order to improve your ability to revise your work and the work of others? These questions are important to be able to answer in order to write certain kinds of college papers—but not all kinds. Thus, ENC 1143 will ask you to begin to understand how different kinds of writing involve mastery of different ways of writing. Why? Because different kinds of writing have different communicative purposes, different criteria for success, and often require different ways of organizing and sequencing the presentation of information, different vocabularies, different decisions about what to include and what to exclude, and different degrees of freedom to be creative. In other words, different kinds of writing involve posing and answering different kinds of questions, and this fact has implications for what it means to write well. The meta-question—”What are those implications?”—will be a guiding theme in this course. ENC 1143 is a required prerequisite for all General Education writing courses at 2000-level or above. After completing ENC1143, students will 1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic writing and rhetorical terms and concepts. 2. Demonstrate practices and techniques that produce stylistically clear prose. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of self- and peer-editing and revision skills. COURSE PLANS COURSE DESIGN ENC1143: Introduction to Rhetoric and Narrative is divided into three content modules. Within each module, you will read several scholarly texts that focus on narrative and storytelling; these articles form the basis for each module’s final project. Writing assignments in each module include rhetorical reading notes (RRN), summaries, and the module’s final project itself. Each writing assignment will be assessed with UNF Writes Self-Talk Rubrics. Students will also take a grammar diagnostic, leading to a personalized learning plan for the semester, and a final exam on writing terms and concepts covered in the course. Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 2 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative Required Course Materials (available at the UNF bookstore) 1. Plans, Trans, Fans. Southlake, Texas: Fountainhead Press, 2014. 2. McGraw-Hill Connect Composition Plus. Composition handbook, Writing Matters, and Connect software program.1 3. The UNF Guide to Writing Suggested Course Materials 1. Dropbox account for documents storage 2. USB/flash drive for local documents storage 3. Pocket stapler McGraw-Hill Connect Registration Options 1. Use the Access Code included with your Writing Matters handbook. 2. Purchase online from McGraw-Hill (click Blackboard Orientation Quiz and you are directed to Connect Registration). 3. Free-trial: Limited but you will be able to submit first assignments until you can purchase (free-trial option on Connect Registration page—see above). The free-trial option will not cover the entire course (only 21 days). NB: If you have already completed Connect for a previous ENC course, you must nonetheless complete this component again to earn the corresponding 10% of your course grade. You must complete your Connect PLP by the end of Module 2 (10 October 2014 at 11:59pm). Be sure to plan your time accordingly. You will earn whatever percentage you complete: e.g. if you complete 100%, you will earn 100/100 points; if you complete 78%, you will earn 78/100 points. 1 If you have already purchased a Connect subscription for a previous course, your license should still be valid/current, so you do not need to purchase a new subscription. Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 3 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative TRANS-FERENCE OF OWNERSHIP STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES During the course of this semester, you must: 1. Buy all required textbooks and course materials. 2. Read and understand the entire syllabus during the first week of class. 3. Complete ALL three assigned modules: a. Character: 3 reading notes, 2 summaries, 1 project b. Narrative/Plagiarism: 3 reading notes, 2 summaries, 1 project c. Plagiarism/Narrative: 3 reading notes, 2 summaries, 1 project 4. Complete Connect Diagnostic (program that comes with Writing Matters) in first week. 5. Follow and complete Connect Personalized Learning Plan for style and grammar by 10 October 2014. 6. Complete final exam. 7. Read and review all course and university policies, including the UNF Student Handbook, the UNF Academic Integrity Code, and the UNF explanation on cheating. Violations of the code or instances of cheating will result in automatic failure of assignment and possibly the course. All instances of plagiarism are recorded and reported to the Department of English chair. COURSE SUGGESTIONS 1. Input my name and contact information into your address book. a. Email: Send emails to b. Phone: email me your phone number and a day and time you would like me to call you; I do not have a personal phone number to offer you. c. Campus Office: attend my posted hours (see page 1). Do NOT leave a message on the Department of English office phone, as I cannot receive messages in this way. 2. Input ITS (technology services) information into your address book ( or 904-6204357). I cannot answer technical issue questions or inquiries. 3. Set reminders for due dates on your smart device (e.g. iPhone, Droid), email calendar, etc. 4. Communicate with respect and courtesy to both your instructor and peers in emails and online posts. See email policy in Course Policies section below. Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 4 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative TRANS-LATION: Grade Distribution You will complete the following list of assignments for the specified possible points. Web Survey 20 points Connect PLP 100 points Homework Assignments (varied) 10 points each 50 points In-class Participation (deduction only) 100 Rhetorical Reading Notes Two Summaries Project 1 Module 1 20 points each 50 points each 3 for 60 points 2 for 100 points 1 for 100 points Module 2 Rhetorical Reading Notes Two Summaries Project 2 20 points each 50 points each 3 for 60 points 2 for 100 points 1 for 100 points Module 3 Rhetorical Reading Notes Two Summaries Project 3 20 points each 50 points each Final 3 for 60 points 2 for 120 points 1 for 100 points 100 points Total Points Possible: 1150 points Your final grade is cumulative: A 940-1000 B+ 870-899.9 A- 900-929.9 B 840-869.9 B- 800-839.9 C+ 770-799.9 C 700-769.9 D 600-699.9 59% and below, cheating, or plagiarism on any assignment, F for the assignment and a possible F for the course. The Writing Program Director and the Chair of the Department of English will be informed of all cases of plagiarism. NB: You must earn a C in this course if it is to fulfill the Gordon Rule. Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 5 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative You must also complete and submit all work to pass this course. If you fail to submit any written work (RRN, summary, project paper), your final course grade will be a D regardless of final score ASSESSMENT Assessment in ENC1143 consists of three elements: 1. Diagnostics: An initial diagnostic test: administered through Connect, which results in an Individualized Learning Plan for each student. 2. Individualized Learning Plan: generated by the initial diagnostic test in Connect. a. Each learning plan consists of exercises, videos and quizzes to help students improve in the areas identified in their initial diagnostic. b. Evaluation of Individualized Learning Plan Completion: Completion of the Individualized Learning Plan is worth 100 points or 10% of the course grade. Each student will earn a point score out of 100 points, equal to the percentage of the individual Learning Plan he or she has completed by the final exam date. 3. Final Exam: An objective final exam on the writing terms and concepts for ENC1143 (listed below) is worth 100 points or 10% of course grade. (Grade) TRANS-PARENCY Writing Terms and Concepts for Sections of ENC1143 Spring 2014 At the end of the semester, all students in ENC 1143 complete an objective final exam covering the terms below. The final exam is worth 100 points or 10% of the course grade. Writing Terms and Concepts Active voice Apostrophe Clarity Coherence/cohesion Comma splice/run-on Grammatical object Grammatical subject Independent clause/dependent clause Nominalization Parallel structure Passive voice Sentence fragment Verb Course-Specific Terms and Concepts Freytag’s Structure Genre/Medium Metaphor/metonym(y) Participatory Culture Plagiarism/Imitation Plot/Story Reflective Judgment Rhetoric Storytelling Text Writing Assessment: UNF Self-Talk Rubrics The writing that you produce as a student in the General Education writing courses at the University of North Florida will be assessed using trait-specific rubrics. These rubrics operationally define the features or “traits” of academic writing in levels of increasing sophistication. They allow you, with practice, to evaluate drafts of your own writing or drafts your peers have produced and identify what level of sophistication the work has achieved with respect to the traits. I will explain the language of the rubrics Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 6 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative and how the assessment of your writing using the rubrics relates to the grade you earn. The Self-Talk Rubrics are available in Appendix D. COURSE POLICIES First-Day Attendance Students are required to attend the first class meeting of courses for which they registered. Registered students not attending the first day of the term may be dropped from the course at the discretion of the instructor. Attendance Students are expected to attend every class meeting, scheduled conference, and online activity to satisfy all academic objectives outlined by the instructor. Any absence will negatively affect a student’s performance in class. In addition, absences of 20% of class meetings (9 class meetings) or more will result in a grade of F. Absences by students who are affiliated with university-authorized activities will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For our course, absences will affect you in the following ways: Every student has 3 absences that may be used at their discretion. You can, but are not required, to notify me as to the reason for these absences. No documentation will be required and no penalty will result from these absences. o HOWEVER – NO absence can alter a deadline for coursework or projects. Students are responsible for turning in assignments on time, whether they are in class or not. o Also, students MAY NOT make up any graded assignments given in class when they are absent – specifically, they will not receive credit for participation in peer review of writing or for quizzes given in class. After the 3rd absence, each subsequent absence will result in the deduction of ½ Letter Grade from the student’s Final Course Grade. For example, a student with 4 absences whose Final Course Grade calculation is a B+ would instead receive a B. If the same student accumulated 5 absences, they would receive a C+. Students who plan to make use of university-authorized absences must notify me in advance and agree upon specific terms for assignments and/or course content. Failure to do so may adversely affect your grades on individual assignments and/or on your final course grade. Turning In Assignments (1) All Notes and Summary Assignments MUST be Typed. Hand-written Assignments will NOT be accepted and will automatically be assigned an F Submitted in class on the day they are due. Formatted according to the instructions on the Assignment Sheet. (2) All Projects should be submitted via Blackboard. Visual components of Projects should be submitted in .jpg document. Alternately, you may submit a valid http link to your image. Late Work Assignments are due when they are due. Late work NOT BE ACCEPTED. Likewise, work based on inclass participation cannot be made up. The Department of English supports this policy. Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 7 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative Email In the event that you need to contact me outside of class, email is preferable. I will respond to email messages within 1 business day (M-F excluding recognized University Holidays). I may check email over the weekend or in the evening, but you should not count on it. In the event of a dire HEALTH emergency (i.e. one that involves hospitalization) that may require you to miss multiple classes, you may call the English department. Do NOT contact the department about assignment deadlines. TRANS-LATING (SELF INTEREST INTO CIVILITY) UNIVERSITY POLICIES Civility and Tolerance The Department of English affirms the UNF Student Conduct Code: “The Student Conduct Code is designed to promote responsible behavior for all students consistent with the welfare of the UNF community.” 1. Because writing courses rely heavily on the interaction of individual in both small and large groups, students and faculty must act in a manner respectful of different positions and perspectives. Civility and tolerance in this situation are clearly vital. To foster productive classroom and learning environments, instructors will act to reduce behaviors that may compromise such environments. These actions may range from informal conversations, to formal communications, to requested action by the Division of Student Affairs, or in the case of extreme classroom disruption, to contact with the University Police for assistance. 2. By definition, all of education depends on encountering new ideas and information. Some of these may conflict with individual’s existing knowledge or perspectives. The Department of English expects students to engage such materials thoughtfully, in ways that reflect the values and mission of the University of North Florida. 3. Students must respect the classroom environment. In class, all cell phones and personal electronic devices shall be turned off. Students shall refrain from any activity that disrespects the classroom environment and learning conditions for others. 4. Students should use professional email etiquette in communications with faculty and peers. [See Purdue OWL for more information.] Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities who seek reasonable accommodations in the classroom or other aspects of performing their coursework must first register with the UNF Disability Resource Center (DRC) located in Building 57, Room 1500. DRC staff members work with students to obtain required documentation of disability and to identify appropriate accommodations as required by applicable disability laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). After receiving all necessary documentation, the DRC staff determines whether a student qualifies for services with the DRC and if so, the accommodations the student will be provided. DRC staff then prepares a letter for the student to provide faculty advising them of approved accommodations. For further information, contact the DRC by phone (904) 620-2769, email (, or visit the DRC website. Violation of Academic Integrity: Cheating, Fabrication, Multiple Submissions, and Plagiarism Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 8 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative The University of North Florida’s Academic Integrity Code “expects all members of the academic community to respect the principle of academic freedom and to behave with academic integrity” (Biology Graduate Program Student Handbook). It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand this policy. Violations of the Academic Integrity include among others: Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials in any academic exercise. Fabrication: Intentional alteration of invention of any information, including citations, in an academic exercise. Multiple submissions: submitting substantial portions of the same academic work (including oral reports) more than once without authorization. Plagiarism: Intentionally presenting someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers. [See Student Handbook for the complete listing of academic integrity violations.] Students who have violated academic integrity will receive an F on the specific assignment and may receive an F for the course. The instructor will inform the Chair of the English Department of violations of academic integrity. TRANS-LATING SELF-AWARENESS TO ACTION Useful Student Resources Many students experience stress while adjusting to college. The services below are available free to students. Contacts for each office follows—their staffs include trained, caring professionals who have experience helping students deal with specific academic, security, psychological, and emotional issues. ACE (Academic Center for Excellence) Academic Advising and (non-writing) Tutoring Founder’s Hall, 2/1200, (904) 620-1012 The UNF Counseling Center Founder’s Hall, 2/2300, (904) 620-2602 Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 9 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative UNF Campus Police Building 41, on UNF Drive across the street from the Information Booth Non-Emergency Number: (904) 620-2800 Note: Police officers are available 24 hours a day to provide safety escorts to any member of the University Community. To request an escort, contact the UPD at 620-2800. The Women’s Center (and Victim Advocacy Program) Founder’s Hall, 2/2100, (904) 620-2528, Military and Veterans Resource Center Building 57, Suite 270, (904) 620-5131, Please Note: FERPA Policies: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act FERPA guarantees students and their parents certain rights. In relation to those rights, our course policies include the following: 1. I cannot discuss your grades with you via email. 2. I cannot discuss your grades and/or progress with your parents or any third party unless you have signed a waiver of your FERPA rights with One Stop. I will require proof that the waiver has been signed before I discuss your grades or standing in the class with your parents. 3. If you fail the course and you are on financial aid, I am legally required to report your attendance record to the financial aid department. Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 10 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative PLANNING TO BE A GREAT WRITER THE WRITING CENTER Location: Telephone: URL: Building 3 / Room 1201 (904) 620–5394 ABOUT The Writing Center helps students develop their writing skills and supports faculty to integrate writing instruction into their courses and course planning. Our Writing Center staff works with students one-onone to craft individualized strategies to strengthen their writing and encourage (better/stronger) writing practices. Our writing staff also works with university faculty, academic programs, and colleges to offer tailored writing instruction and workshops. To ensure that we are able to offer these kinds of services at the highest levels, the Writing Center staff also conducts research and produces scholarship. FOR STUDENTS Comprised of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students, our Writing Center staff offers a variety of services and expertise. Whether you’re putting together a research paper, drafting a lab report, building a presentation, or compiling your résumé, our Writing Center staff will meet with you to walk through your drafts and ideas. Beyond one-on-one tutoring, the Writing Center also offers periodic writing workshops on topics ranging from mechanical accuracy to coherence and cohesion. What Our Writing Center Staff Won’t Do Edit your paper for you Proofread your entire document Tell you what to write Estimate your writing’s prospective score FOR FACULTY The Department of English Writing Center supports faculty instruction in several ways. Our staff can visit classes to offer a specific writing workshop or series of writing workshops. They can also work directly with faculty to add writing instruction or writing instruction support for any assignment. More broadly, our Writing Center staff are able to meet with academic program representatives or groups of faculty to draft and workshop assessment procedures. Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 11 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative HOW TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT AT THE WRITING CENTER The Writing Center uses an online calendar service that students, faculty, and staff can access through their MyWings. You can find directions for how to use this service by visiting the Writing Center’s website. WE ARE HUGE FANS OF THE WRITING CENTER! Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 12 ENC 1143 – Rhetoric & Narrative “how to annoy any fandom” What makes us “fans”? What constitutes “fandom”? … is it maniacal, obsessive behavior related to media (TV, music, books … or only a deep engagement with the story or characters in a narrative? Course Description/Syllabus Disclaimer: While the course syllabus is as accurate as possible, information in the course description and syllabus may be changed as necessary by the instructor to suit the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. 13 APPENDIX A Project Descriptions Project 1 : [Creating a Reader Avatar] Value Length Objective: 100 points (10% of final course grade) 1000-1500 words To create a reader avatar representative of yourself as a reader and compose a written justification for each aspect of your visual choices. For your first project, you will characterize yourself as a reader in both language (essay) and image (avatar). As you consider your prior experiences with reading, our course readings, and our discussions in class, you will determine the most specific, detailed way you can describe yourself as a reader. This description should include the ways you approach reading, the multiple ways you negotiate the reading process, and the ways you participate in various reading communities. Avatar: On the website you will create an avatar that best represents you as a reader. Your avatar should be a visual metaphor that corresponds with the attributes described in your writing. Writing: In 1000-1500 words (Typed, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman) you will explain the choices you have made for your avatar. Make sure your choices reflect your key attributes as a reader, focusing on three key areas: 1) approach to reading; 2) process of reading; and 3) participation in reading communities. Remember to use descriptive language and give examples of each claim. Note: This assignment requires you to be self-reflective. However, as a member of various reading communities, you naturally create representations of yourself as a reader. Therefore, through your essay and your avatar, you will project a version of yourself as a reader to an audience of your peers. Assessment Rubrics: Document Coherence, Evidence, Mechanics, Style A1 Project 2: [Storybombing an Existing Narrative] (a.k.a. Playing with Plagiarism) Value Length Texts: Objectives: 100 points (10% of final course grade) 1000-1500 words Will vary Insert you Avatar into an existing narrative of your choice (TV, movie, comic book, novel, etc.), thereby “rewriting” the narrative. Explain your choices and consider their potential ramifications to the narrative. In order to consider further the varying perspectives we have considered on plagiarism, point of view, and the manipulation of narrative, this project gives you the opportunity to both “play” with plagiarism and create a form of fan fiction. Visual: Using your avatar from the previous project, you should create a comic strip (also on that represents a scene from one of your favorite texts, which can include television shows, movies, comic books, novels, short stories, or any other form of narrative you can imagine. (This comic strip must be a minimum of 4 panes in length.) You must insert your avatar into this narrative and alter the scene accordingly. Essentially, how might this scene be different if you suddenly appeared in it? You can appear and behave in whatever manner you choose. Writing: Next, write a brief summary of the scene, including the way your insertion into it changes the narrative arc. Next, explain the choices you made. Your discussion of these narrative choices should reveal your own reading of the characters, action, and themes of the text. Additionally, you should reflect the potential ramifications (costs) of your choices. Have you changed the genre? Assessment: Summary, Document Coherence, Evidence, Mechanics, Style, Rhetorical Awareness A2 Project 3 [Marketing a New TV Series] Value Length Texts Objectives: 100 points (10% of final course grade) 1000-1500 words Will vary Create a pitch and marketing strategy for a new television show. For your final project, you will consider the question of how television producers design the kind of programing that viewers find addicting. How are fans created? In this project, you will compose a “pitch package” for a new television show along with a series of marketing considerations that demonstrate the writers’ and producer’s expectations of the audience of the show. Every aspect of this project should demonstrate your understanding of discourse communities, narrative style, genre, character, etc. Pitch Packet: This portion of the project follows a preset format (included below) that focuses on the narrative aspects of the show. What current shows can you compare it to? You will follow the format available here: Marketing Considerations: Answer the following questions, and then write (roughly) a page that explains how and why the specific elements of your show will appeal to your target demographic. Visual representation of the show? What day of the week and time slot should it be in? What network should it be on? What types of products could be advertised around the show? What is your demographic? (Age range, sex/orientation, education level, income level) Assessment: Thesis, Document Coherence, Evidence, Mechanics, Style A2 APPENDIX B Rhetorical Reading Notes Article Title: _______________________________ PART I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rhetorical Situation (Number your answers and answer each question.) MAIN IDEA a. State the main idea in one sentence (for example, James Porter argues . . .). b. State the object of study (what is the text “about”). AUTHOR a. Who is the author and what is her profession or background? b. Where was the text published? (Chapter of print book? Article in journal? Online text?) c. What is the date of publication? STRUCTURE a. Identify the main sections of the text’s argument or structure. b. Identify the citation style format, if present. (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) c. Identify any narratives (stories) and state their purpose. 2 d. Identify any metaphors (not similes) and state their purpose. ARGUMENT a. What kind of argument is presented by the main idea? (Conjecture? Definition? Cause and Effect? Quality? Procedure?) b. Specify the conjecture, the definition, the cause and effect, the quality, OR the procedure c. What evidence is presented? Be specific. Cite major references given for the major claim(s). d. Identify the audience and the purpose, as stated (or implied) by the author. e. Say why the evidence is appropriate for the audience and purpose. INVESTIGATION a. Identify three words whose definition you didn’t know and provide the definitions you found for each word PART II 1. 2. 3. (You must write 300 or more words here, excluding quotes.) CENTER OF ARGUMENT Quote one or two lines of text that you feel is the center of the argument (punctuate and cite as direct quotation in MLA Style, with a signal phrase) and say why those lines are the center. YOUR REACTION TO THE TEXT With what do you associate the text? What is your emotional reaction to the text? Why do you think you react as you do? QUESTION Ask one “good” question related to the text. (A “good” question is one that is not obvious, one that involves some “cost and benefit.”) Part I - Rhetorical Situation Answers to Part I are 70% or more correct Answers to Part I are less than 70% correct and/or Rubric: Reading Notes Part II - Reader Response Writer completes all sections and writes a minimum of 300 words (excluding quotes) in Part II responses. Writer fails to complete all sections and/or writes less than 300 words. 2 Rating Pass Fail You must answer both the narratives and metaphors question in the affirmative; no text is without either feature. If you submit a set of RRN that suggests that “this text does not have any metaphors” or “I could not find any narratives,” your RRN will receive a score of 0 and you will be tasked to revise the notes if time permits. B1 APPENDIX C Summaries Write a summary of the assigned text in no more than 250 words. 1. In one separate paragraph, summarize the text. a. Use at least 6 sentences. b. Do not exceed 250 words. 2. Proofread your writing to eliminate grammatical and mechanical errors. 3. Use MLA citation format. Your summary will be evaluated using four UNF Writes Rubrics (Appendix D): 1. Paragraph Coherence 2. Grammar/Mechanics 3. Style 4. Measurable Demonstration of a Summary Evaluation Summary: Each Summary is worth 50 points 45-50.0 pts. A 40-44.9 pts. B 35-39.9 pts. C 30-34.9 pts. D 25-29.9 pts. F NB: If your summary exceeds 250 words, it will receive a 0. If your summary is briefer than 6 sentences, it will receive a 0. If your summary exceeds one paragraph in length, it will receive a 0. C1 APPENDIX D UNF Writes Rubrics Writing Assessment: UNF Self-Talk Rubrics The writing that you produce as a student in the General Education writing courses at the University of North Florida will be assessed using trait-specific rubrics. These rubrics operationally define the features or “traits” of academic writing in levels of increasing sophistication. They allow you, with practice, to evaluate drafts of your own writing or drafts your peers have produced and identify what level of sophistication the work has achieved with respect to the traits. I will explain the language of the rubrics and how the assessment of your writing using the rubrics relates to the grade you earn. Note: I will assess each of your papers using rubrics specific to an assignment. If you would like more feedback, you are responsible for contacting me for additional commentary. Self-Talk Rubric 1: Thesis (or Central Idea) Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating Essay fulfills all the requirements of Rating 5 and achieves a Artist/ level of artistic mastery that may be marked by an innovative, 6 Professional authentic, and provocative thesis. Essay contains an analytic statement that is clear; that elaborates on multiple implications; that identifies non-obvious Expert 5 (surprising, counter-intuitive) complexities of meaning and implications; and that does so at a sophisticated level. Essay contains an analytic statement that is clear and that Skilled 4 elaborates on two or more implications. Craftsperson Essay contains an analytic statement that is clear and that only Craftsperson 3 elaborates on one implication. Essay contains an analytic statement that is clear but that does Apprentice 2 not elaborate on implications. Craftsperson Essay contains a minimal statement that summarizes rather than Novice 1 analyzes or interprets. Material is Essay does not provide a clear thesis. incomplete or 0 unacceptable D1 Self-Talk Rubric 2: Document Coherence Trait Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating All the requirements of Rating 5 for all ideas are fulfilled and further the writing achieves a level of artistic mastery that Artist/ 6 may be marked by innovative, authentic, and provocative Professional structure. Almost all ideas are logically developed and directly linked to an analytical thesis that identifies non-obvious (surprising, counter-intuitive) complexities of meaning and implications. Almost all ideas are connected at the sentence and paragraph Expert 5 levels with appropriate use of transitional words and phrases. Almost all paragraphs are clearly focused on the development of the thesis. Almost all ideas are logically developed and directly linked to an analytical thesis. Almost all ideas are connected at the sentence and paragraph Skilled 4 levels with appropriate use of transitional words and phrases. Craftsperson Almost all paragraphs are clearly focused on the development of the thesis. Most ideas are logically developed and directly linked to an analytical thesis. Most ideas are connected at the sentence and paragraph levels Craftsperson 3 with appropriate use of transitional words and phrases. Most paragraphs are clearly focused on the development of the thesis. Some ideas are logically connected and linked to an analytical thesis. Transitional words and phrases at the sentence and paragraph Apprentice 2 levels are used inconsistently. Craftsperson Some paragraphs are clearly focused on development of the thesis. A few ideas are logically connected, but they are not linked to a thesis. Novice 1 Paragraphs lack focus, organization, and transitions. Material is The ideas are not logically connected; lack of transitions Unacceptable or 0 hinders understanding. Incomplete D2 Self-Talk Rubric 3: Evidence Trait Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating Student fulfills all the requirements of Rating 5 and further Artist/ achieves a level of artistic mastery that may be marked by 6 Professional innovative, authentic, and provocative use of evidence. Student incorporates and analyzes a range of evidence that is significant, sufficient, and appropriate for the rhetorical situation; student also incorporates and analyzes some Expert 5 evidence that seems to contradict the overall purpose, claim, argument or rhetorical situation and components. Student incorporates and analyzes much evidence that is Skilled significant, sufficient, and appropriate for the rhetorical 4 Craftsperson situation. Student incorporates and analyzes some evidence that is significant, sufficient, and appropriate for the rhetorical Craftsperson 3 situation. Student incorporates evidence, but evidence is limited (significant, sufficient, appropriate) for the rhetorical Apprentice 2 situation or limited in analysis. Student incorporates a single source of evidence and/or Novice 1 evidence lacks analysis. Material is Student incorporates no evidence. Unacceptable or 0 Incomplete Self-Talk Rubric 4: Mechanics (Grammar, Syntax, Punctuation, Spelling) Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating Writing is error free and further achieves a level of artistic Artist/ mastery that may be marked by innovative, authentic, and 6 Professional provocative style. Writing contains 0 errors and entails masterful syntax, diction, Expert 5 and tone. Writing contains 0-1 errors (i.e. deviations from Edited Skilled 4 Standard Written English [see below]) on any one page. Craftsperson Writing contains 2 errors on any one page. Craftsperson 3 Apprentice Writing contains 3 errors on any one page. 2 Craftsperson Writing contains 4 errors on any one page. Novice 1 Material is Writing contains 5 or more errors on any one page. Unacceptable or 0 Incomplete D3 Edited Standard Written English (ESWE): List of Departures3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Each sentence fragment Each run-on sentence or comma splice Each misuse of semicolon Each error in verb form or tense (shifts in verb tenses) Each error in subject/verb agreement Each error in pronoun agreement or pronoun form Each mistake in spelling (a typo counts as a misspelling) Each mistake in capitalization Each mistake using homophones (e.g., their, they’re) Each sentence lacking proper sentence sense (words omitted, scrambled, or incomprehensible) Self-Talk Rubric 5: Measurable Demonstration of the Ability to Summarize Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating Student fulfills all the requirements for Level 5 plus the following additional one: (12) Achieves a level of artistic mastery marked by innovative, authentic, and provocative thinking. Student fulfills all the requirements for Level 4 plus the following additional one: (11) Demonstrates complex understanding of central idea Student fulfills all the requirements for Level 3 plus the following additional ones: (9) Connects key/main points to the source text’s central idea (10) Includes important examples Student fulfills all the requirements for Level 2 plus the following additional ones: (7) Includes and differentiates between major and minor points (8) Uses third-person point of view and present tense Student fulfills all the requirements for Level 1 plus the following additional ones: (4) Identifies at least one major point that supports the central idea (5) Discusses and/or inventories rhetorical elements (6) Uses primarily his/her own words; quotes sparingly and appropriately Student fulfills all of the following requirements: (1) Offers a restatement of the source text’s central idea (2) Identifies a context for the reading: (i) author and title (ii) intended audience or occasion (3) Excludes his/her opinions and conclusions Student misunderstands the concept of summary, has submitted incomplete work, or has substantively failed to respond to the assignment. 3 Adapted from Woolverd, B E. & Anderson, V.J. (1998). D4 Artist/ Professional 6 Expert 5 Skilled Craftsperson 4 Craftsperson 3 Apprentice Craftsperson 2 Novice 1 Material is Unacceptable or Incomplete 0 Rubric: Plain English Style: Sentences, Diction, Tone Trait Writing achieves level 5 but reaches a level of artistic mastery that may be marked by innovative, authentic, and provocative style that is appropriate for the topic and audience. Writing exhibits masterful syntax, diction, tone that are appropriate for the topic and audience. Plain language for employees/colleagues. Sentences are clear, varied, complex language, employed for effect. Diction is precise and appropriate to the rhetorical situation. Tone is mature, consistent, appropriate for topic and audience. Language consistently adheres to standards of Plain Language such as using active verbs, avoiding nominalizations, avoiding expletives and/or empty modifiers, and avoiding jargon. Sentences are clear and show some variety & complexity. Diction is appropriate to the rhetorical situation. Tone is appropriate for topic and audience. Language minimally adheres to standards of Plain Language such as using active verbs, avoiding nominalizations, avoiding expletives and/or empty modifiers, and avoiding jargon. Writing exhibits minor problems in sentences, diction, or tone. For example: Sentences may lack variety and/or are simplistic. Diction may be immature; relies on clichés. Tone may show inconsistencies and/or lack appropriateness for audience and topic. Language does not adhere to standards of Plain Language such as using active verbs, avoiding nominalizations, avoiding expletives and/or empty modifiers, and avoiding jargon. Writing exhibits one major problem in syntax, diction, or tone. For example, oral rather than written language patterns predominate and/or superficial and stereotypical language Writing exhibits more than one major problem in syntax, diction, and tone. Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating Artist/Professional 6 Expert 5 Skilled Craftsperson 4 Craftsperson 3 Apprentice Craftsperson 2 Novice Material is Unacceptable or Incomplete 1 0 Some Plain Language Style Tips: Use: active verbs; clear Subjects; pronouns like I, you, and we; present tense verbs; transitional words and phrases Avoid: nominalizations; hidden verbs; verb doubling; unnecessary language D5 Rhetorical Awareness Descriptive Rating Numerical Rating Essay fulfills all the requirements of Rating 5 and achieves a level of artistic mastery that may be marked by an innovative, authentic, and provocative approach to the rhetorical situation. Author demonstrates a complex awareness of the rhetorical situation by: (i) identifying a context that reveals non-obvious (surprising, counter-intuitive) complexities of meaning at a sophisticated level; (ii) providing a clear statement of purpose that elaborates on multiple implications; (iii) identifying multiple rhetorical choices; (iv) identifying transformations (Project 2) or inventions (Project 3) of rhetorical situation; (v) justifying multiple rhetorical choices by employing multiple course-specific terms relevant to rhetorical situation; and (vi) identifying appropriate text-specific evidence Author demonstrates a complex awareness of the rhetorical situation by: (i) identifying an appropriate context; (ii) providing a clear statement of purpose that elaborates on several implications; (iii) identifying several key rhetorical choices; (iv) identifying transformations (Project 2) or inventions (Project 3) of rhetorical situation; (v) justifying several rhetorical choices by employing at least two or more course-specific terms relevant to rhetorical situation; and (vi) identifying sufficient text specific evidence. Author demonstrates an awareness of the rhetorical situation by: (i) identifying an appropriate context; (ii) providing a clear statement of purpose; (iii) identifying key rhetorical choices; (iv) identifying transformations (Project 2) or inventions (Project 3) of rhetorical situation; (v) justifying rhetorical choices by employing at least one or more course-specific terms relevant to rhetorical situation; identifies adequate textspecific evidence. Author demonstrates a basic awareness of the rhetorical situation by: (i) identifying an appropriate context; (ii) providing a clear statement of purpose; (iii) identifying key rhetorical choices; (iv) identifying transformations (Project 2) or inventions (Project 3) of rhetorical situation, But may not: justify rhetorical choices by employing course-specific terms relevant to rhetorical situation; correctly identify coursespecific terms; identify adequate text-specific evidence. Author demonstrates a basic awareness of the rhetorical situation by: (i) identifying an appropriate context and (ii) providing a clear statement of purpose; But may not: identify key rhetorical choices; identify transformations (Project 2) or inventions (Project 3) of rhetorical situation; justify rhetorical choices by employing course-specific terms relevant to rhetorical situation; correctly identify coursespecific terms; identify adequate text-specific evidence Artist/ Professional 6 Expert 5 Skilled Craftsperson 4 Craftsperson 3 Apprentice Craftsperson 2 Novice 1 Essay does not demonstrate any awareness of rhetorical situation. Material is incomplete or unacceptable 0