Health Science 1


Health Science Technology-T.Thompson

Hello, my name is Tammy Thompson and I would like to welcome you to the Health Science program at Goose Creek High School. Health Science is a wonderful program that is dedicated to nurturing students through classroom and clinical (hands-on) activities. The program focuses on healthcare careers, knowledge and skills. However, Health Science Technology teaches students skills that can be used in any career setting. For example, students will learn about effective communication concepts along with basic computer skills. Students who progress through the program may receive the opportunity to participate in job-shadowing activities, off-campus clinicals and internships.

My dedication to and enthusiasm for healthcare began at an early age. I have always known I wanted to be a nurse. Therefore, in high school, I became a hospital volunteer (candy striper) and a member of the Medical Explorers club at Lexington Medical Center. Through extended activities, I learned about the different careers/roles of healthcare professionals. Later, I studied nursing at Clemson University and earned the Bachelor of Science in nursing degree (BSN). In 2014, I earned the Master of Science degree

(MSN) in nursing education from Walden University. I have a wide variety of clinical experiences that include high-risk maternity, mother/baby, medical/surgical, gerontology, and public health, the developmentally disabled and nursing education. I have been married for over 20 years and we have 17 and 12-year old sons. Thus, I understand the importance of parental involvement in education to ensure student success.

I am dedicated to the success of your child and the Health Science program. I believe that education is a partnership that includes three main components: the student, the parent (s) and the teacher/school. We all must actively participate in the education process through regular communication, classroom participation and classroom preparedness. I will send grade reports with students, which show their current grades, any missing assignments/tests and comments. I will include my contact information at the end of this letter so that you can reach by email, phone and/or face-toface conference (parent/teacher conferences are scheduled through the guidance department.

Health Science Technology-T.Thompson

Health Science I

Goose Creek High School


Instructor Information

Tammy Thompson, RN, MSN

Room: Trailer #3

School Email:

Course Syllabus

School Telephone: 843-553-5300

Health Science 1


Health Science 1 focuses on therapeutic, diagnostic, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development pathways of the health science career cluster. The course is designed to develop healthcare specific knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, necessary for transition to work-based learning experiences in healthcare. The foundational standards incorporate anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, communication, healthcare systems and teams, health science career research, legal and ethical practice, safety, health and wellness, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and first aid.


This course is recommended for students in grades 10-12. The recommended prerequisites for this course may include Introduction to Health Science and Biology (either as a prerequisite or concurrent enrollment course).


Simmers, Louise. Diversified Health Occupations. Albany, New York: Delmar, latest edition.

Course Purpose:

This course is designed so that students master work-based learning skills within the healthcare setting.

Health Science Technology-T.Thompson

Course Text and Materials:

Loose Leaf/Notebook Paper


Course Learning Objectives:

Health Science standards will be covered throughout the semester and reflect the required skills and knowledge that health science students need to safely and competently function in the healthcare profession. A full list of the course learning standards can be found at:


Course Requirements:

Students will be required to answer questions throughout the instructional block and actively participate in individual and team activities.

Attendance Requirement:

Attendance will be taken each class period on a daily basis. This class is a semester class and students can only miss up to five unexcused absences. Anytime a student is absent, he/she must return to school with a written parent, medical or legal note.

Make-Up Work:

Students have 10 days (from the day they return to school) to make up any missed work/assignment, including tests. Teacher reserves the right to change the test and/or test format. Make up tests may be given during the student’s class time. Any student in ISS (In-School Suspension) or OSS (out of school suspension) are responsible for all missed assignments and tests.

Grading Weights/Percentages:

Classwork/Homework: 45%

Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 45%

Final Exam: 10%

Grading Scale:

100-93= A

92-85= B

Health Science Technology-T.Thompson

84-77= C

76-70= D

69 and Below= F

Requirements for a successful semester: In addition to the school’s and the district’s policies and rules, students in the Health Science Technology program must adhere to classroom rules and procedures.


1. Students will arrive to class on time and with materials.

2. Students will turn in any assignments to the designated area (as needed).

3. Students will enter the classroom quietly and sit in assigned seats.

4. Students will complete bell work assignment at the beginning of class.

5. Students will actively participate in the classroom assignment (s).

6. Students will respect themselves and others.


1. Verbal Praise

2. Prizes from the grab bag.

3. Homework Passes


1. Verbal Warning

2. Parent notification

3. Office referral & parent notification

*Extreme offenses/behavior will result in the immediate removal of student from the classroom.

Additionally, students must remain in the classroom during the first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes of class time, unless a specific emergency arises.

Please feel free to contact me. If you have internet access, email may be a quicker way to get a response because I may not be available for phone calls unless it is during my planning period, before or

Health Science Technology-T.Thompson after school. In addition, Power School is a great tool to check your child’s attendance and grades. My contact information:

Tammy Thompson, RN, MSN (Health Science Technology I/II)


Phone Number: 843-553-5300
