ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AUTISM Natural as well as environmental factors can be considered equally affecting human growth and development. Many developmental disorders (diseases) evolved as a result of both genetic (natural) cause as well as the environmental (nurture). Nurture means the environment where human interacts with the other components. The components may be (nature) living as well as other non-living components. Cultural aspects shape a growing child’s growth and development, a child born in a society, interacts within the social settings and gradually learns the values of life. A growing child depends upon its environment in order to grow and develop into a full flagged human is more precise process aspects of human development. Natural (gene) or nurture (environment) or the both nature and nurture can affect human growth and development. In the sense that they play key role in control development process and potentially cause adverse effect in the overall process of growth and development. The neurological disorders or diseases like -autism, ADD, and ADHD resulted due to genetic mal-function as well as other environmental effects in young brain cells and tissues. Any agents (microorganism) or substance like drug, radiation, smoke, alcohol which primarily affect the growth and development at genetic level is simply called as teratogen. The teratogens are mainly work as inhibitors, and disturb or retard the normal growth and development process. Similarly, malfunctioning of growth hormone (proteins) due to drugs, radiations, smoke, alcohol and so on in the tender developing brains. Source: Shute, Nancy. Scientific American, Oct2010, Vol. 303 Issue 4, p80-85, 6p, 3 Color Photographs, 1 Diagram, 1 Graph Summary: Autism is one surprising neurological disorder which is caused by improper development of prefrontal cortex. Prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that mature at slower rate than the other parts. The development of prefrontal cortex continues from early infancy up to childhood and adolescence. Therefore, prefrontal cortex is the most vulnerable part of the brain. Any causes can lead to brain damage such as shaking baby, teratogens, impersonal situation. Developmental Researchers have found that therapies could be the effective means as for autistic children, and referred them as alternatives therapies. “Alternative therapies by parents of autistic children as valid treatments become rarer. It is obvious that therapies could be the best measure to deal with the children with such developmental problem. According to the author, the percentage of autistic children in the U.S. that are receiving alternative treatments is high.” Drugs may be harmful in respect to little child and for their safety, chemicals may have severe side effects brain cells. Analysis: I agree that drugs may not be the clear cut remedy for neurological disorders cases. We know very well that each and every drug may have some sort of side effects. Truly, speaking use of the drugs in the treatment of neurological disorder may unsafe for young child. Use of drugs may affects or hinder the activities of young and developing brains and its most sensitive parts like-prefrontal cortex, cerebral hemisphere, medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Evaluation: The source is found accurate as well as useful to give enough information to parents as well as other authorities concern with developmental diseases. It stated out the ways and means to incorporate to deal autistic children. Hence, it is creditable Source: Jacobsen, Kurt. History of Psychiatry, Dec 2010, Vol. 21 Issue 4, p436-454, 19p; Historical Period: 1938 to 2010; DOI: 10.1177/0957154X09341438, p1387-1434, 48p, 14 Charts, 4 Graphs; Historical Period: 2000. Summary: Secondly, autism is a social problem, and the way how the autistic children get social treatment determine its complexity. In the general sense, the way how our kids grow up is the way how they are treated. Maltreatment and other influences can make the problem very critical. In such situation social treatment, I mean socialization of the problem is beneficial. “Our general understanding about how one’s social network influences one’s own attitudes and behavior. “Is applies very well in this context. Analysis: Human beings are social creature, and live in a society, and hence the social settings determine (influence) the overall progress of human development. Society primarily affects mental health and other psychological aspects of development. There is direct relationship psychology with the social relationship. Hence social networking is one of the essential aspects of human development. Developmentalists, and Developmental Psychologists always emphasized parents not to leave child in such an environment the frightened a child, because infants in frightening homes or impersonal institutions are more likely at risk for lifelong brain damage. Evaluation: The source is helpful in generating new idea to deal autistic children in the social setting. It is more effective in local level as well as it has advised significantly the authority, and plays role to formulate new plans and policies at the national levels to address the issue correctly. Source: Settle, Jaime E.; Bond, Robert; Levitt, Justin. American Politics Research, 03/01/2011, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p239-263, 25p; Historical Period: 2001 to 2002; Summary: Human life is influenced by nature and nurture. Growth and development has both natural and the environmental aspects. Hence, environment (nurture) affects everyone’s gene (nature) and determines human characters. “A specific geneenvironment interaction that contributes to ideological self-identification and it highlights the importance of incorporating both nature and nurture into the study of political.” The way how gene gets interacted with the components in the environment may shape human and its ideology. Self -perception is more likely to be the result of both nature and nurture. Analysis: Human life begins with gene (gamete), and is followed by prenatal development. The substances, the teratogens and environment inside the mother’s affect child development, hence overall growth and development in prenatal stages. Alcoholism, smoking, bacteria, virus radiation may serve as the environmental factors. These have direct affect in prenatal development, whose effects hinders the overall growth and developmental of human being. Evaluation: The information found in the source is more reliable, contextual, concrete and trustworthy. It has been used in correct sense and can has given clear and enough sense to describe the topic and become one of the reliable evidence, that nature and nurture shape the human being. Source: Herzog, Dagmar. Women's Studies Quarterly, Spring/Summer2011, Vol. 39 Issue 1/2, p300-314, 15p; Historical Period: 1939 to 2011 Summary: Early diagnosis means early treatment. Development is a continuous process, and hence early finding of any disorder can be checked along with the developmental stages. “Early diagnosis and its interventions are valuable for monitoring autism and the developmental disorder.” Absolutely correct, early diagnosis means half way to cure disease. As we talk for developmental diseases like autism, early diagnosis plays the most effective role in ministering the process of development and to take necessary steps if necessary to cope up with the issue. Analysis: “A preplan is half done.” Similarly, an early diagnosis means half way cure disease. Early diagnosis can prevent the condition from being (critical) complicated and become more worsen. Even a cancer can be treated perfectly, if it is diagnose at the correct time, at an early stage. Evaluation: The source is more beneficial in the context, because any disease if diagnosed early can get better treatment and could be cured easily. It is useful, it emphasizes -time and importance of time in our daily lives. Source: Anderson, Lynell; Findlay, Ammy. Canadian Public Administration, Sep2010, Vol. 53 Issue 3, p417-438, 22p, 1 Chart; Historical Period: 2000 to 2010; DOI: 10.1111/j.1754-7121.2010.00136. Summary: Human being is a social animal. A child born in a society, society is the first place of interaction of a child. Similarly general public has much more influence on child development. A child interacts within his/her family and the society as well. In this way he/she learns more. “Public reporting has become the preferred mechanism in a range of policy areas, including early learning and child care, ant its accountability as and accountable measure.” Here the good thing to know is publication of the issue. Any unusual or undesirable behavior of a child seen in public, means the behavior noticed by members of child care units. They have to report to parents. Analysis: Any problem or information can be made general through public report. Hence public reporting has much importance to relay information to general mass. In any society the preferred method to deliver any information is public reporting, or in the other words it is also called as publication of the source. New papers, magazines, and TV programs are some other of the public sources. Evaluation: We relay information through public presorting. Publication of any topic is to make known to all. The source is as much as credible as it is reliable in addressing the issue. Source: Bennett, Katherine; Reichow, Brian; Wolery, Mark. Focus on Autism & Other Developmental Disabilities, Sep2011, Vol. 26 Issue 3, p143-152, 10p; DOI: 10.1177/1088357611405040. Summary: Teaching is also an interaction. Teaching involves interactions. A child learns through interactions by making the use of its young brain. Hence teaching involves exercising of the brain. “Structured teaching, and its’ effects in the behavior of young children with developmental disabilities.” Structured teaching is one of the means that helps child development. As a child learns new thing through teaching methods, he/she may set up new structures (impressions) in his/her young brain. Developmental disabilities like autism is more likely to be cared better with repeated teaching of things for a child, repetition can have positive role in planting in long term memory. Analysis: We know one of the way how we relay the information is general mass is through reporting. Teaching is also the way to publicize any sort of information. Among many methods, teaching also caters in providing information to general mass. Here structured teaching is emphasized because it is important and helpful to deal with behavioral issue. Repeated teaching one same concept may have positive impressions in the brain and the information can be set up in long term memories. Evaluation: One of the way how we generate information in the mass is through teaching. Teaching and learning process can exercise our brains and teaching may contribute positive effects to behavioral disabilities too. Systematic teaching called structured teaching many be found useful in curing certain behavioral problems like autism. Hence the source is very much useful